touches of lace -created- the crepe drer;. zrty coat. Her cor- 24 Prince Rupert Daily New Thursday, November 17, 1949 Nvit Quffn Nn. i. QutMi No. 2, Silver (Jurrn No. a, SlUrr ijuwii No, 4. hi her Klrund, KlUer Strand j se was oi u.wmu. bride's gown which was misW, Hie onae, a Biauuutc ui i,ji,jr by a veil cascading from a coronet FORMER CITY: GIRL MARRIED IN VANCOUVER ! of orange blossoms. She carried were sornj 'TOD rc t.. 'a shower bouquet of red roses, No. 2, Juiiikii No. 5, Hand Ni 1. Rand Nit. 1, Hoy, Ulatk Daniulill ku. 3. and t. M. I mil loll Mlnrral ( lulilin. Situate In the Atlin Mining Division. Whrre located: On the West side of the Tulsequah, Hiver. Law J white carnations and stephan oils. schools, was formerly on the staff ' of Birks in Vancouver. Mrs. Norman liaker returned to the ity on Tuesday night's train after a three weeks' absence during which she visited her mother at Richard. Saskatchewan, as RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Fall onowsuits w I HE Mnn... Of interest in this city, where ful holder: Polaris-T.ku Miilng Com Matron of honor, was Mrs. K. G pany Limited. Number ot holders the bride formerly resided, was Ennis. who. wore pink net end ill : 3 i free miner's certdcate: 28103. .Will Not Arrive US PLAYING TODAY OSLY the wedding Saturday evening in M I TA WXf Mnrim tht. .InmpA T For Girls Of All Ages well as with relatives in Edmon laee. while the bride's young sister, Phyllis Lorraine Overer.d. as junior bridesmaid was in blui UnderhUi. p. m. c. 34204 F. as Agent Holy Trinity Church, Vancouver, 'for Poiaris-Taku Minimi Compuny when Lillian Mavis Overend ex- ton and elsewhere. She was accompanied by her little niece, P-m.. 9:(K Limited. Free Miners certtllcate no. i I'D 10:). intends, at the end of sixty $5.95 up from changed vows with Elvin Stewart Clarke of Vancouver. , organdy and lace. They carried ! colonial bouquets. fj i days but not later thun one year Lana Young, and also arriving . from the date hereof, to apply to the an excellent musical o here with her was her nephew, Mining Recorder for Certflcates of Kaf hrvn f!nw Arnold Kokesch, who expects to locate here. Sizos 1 year through 15 years Chinchilla, wools and gabardines. Two piece and three piece styles. Priced right naturally. Rev. Gordon E. Bratt officiated at the double-ring ceremony for the daughter of Walter Raymond Overend. formerly a customs Robert N. Handy was groomsman and ushers were John L. Hayward and Ronald G. Ennis. Impovements for the purpose of obtaining Crown grants of the above claims. And further take notice that ac- ajnuu . Jiinfl tii ! I.uril7. MclrlMir-. i:lUn?fl eral Act." must be commenced before! omcer nere, ana me son ol Mrs. The reception was held at the Issuance of such Certificates oX.Elvm J. Clarke and the late Ml. iTnrmnnv Hall hefnre thp rmmle ana many others in IWL I rLUrLLO OIUKC Improvements 1 Dated this 27th day of September, Clarke. left for Victoria and Seattle. For Gleaming satin, highlighted by travelling, the bride wore a wine 1949 (H) TWO SISTERS FROM gM&W Thur,day (KXS 1 M I 1 I - j j 0 Ii M j DRV (I m m. i PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS SiOKE HOU-WEEK DAYS, t AM. TO p SUNDAYS AND HOUDAY3--12 NOON TO lV li HI feif Mi no ratw nirwi n i J " W i n -I & hi c ' n i mm & 1 kmmmmvev-me, LmJ mM LiAm Lw ni I """-ji -,... r""" " - V'tomt!imMiemMxl.:.! '- , t -. ..J.,'.1..,J .,, " , ' ' . -fa . : V - . ' J . ...nif...... ), Kiimiil.iii.,.i aja-atjaat-jiia. j 111 RobifuHoodRour 7 P.M. TO P M Dally car delivery service (rom Sam till fi p m EnierKnn:y blcjc from 7 pm. til! , and Sund.f GG0.MEI7E DLUE BLADES (20 SHAVING EDGES) III DISPENSER FOR Janitors1 SuppE Sr-C tftt : r 1 1 "2 ; , , PRINCE RUPE1 SUPPLY HOUSE "WiS'liidive. Agents or: f THERE'S A NEW iH GILLETTE BLUE HADE UNWRAPPED X I AND READY FOR ffcf' YOUR GILLETTE fM DUSTIJANK CO. OF B.C. S.( C. JOHNSON WAX CO. fi. II. WOOD AM) CO. imODIE ISKUSII ( O., etc. Prove to yourself how much better Robin Hood Flour Is! Cet a lag and try this recipe. ROBIN HOOD POPOVERS 1 cup sifted Robin Hood Flour A teaspoon salt : 1 cup milk I 2 gat HOLLYWOOD we- I MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE l'i teaspoons molted thortening You win if you like Robin IWl better than any flour you've ever used, because . . . You'll have found the best flour for all your baking the guaranteed all-purpose flour the flour that's used b 4.OUof 5 First Prize Wnners in baking contests! You 'gel your money bock, PLUS 10,' if after two bakings with Robin Hood, you're not completely satisfied that your baking is better. The good-as-gold certificate in every bag guarantees this and any dealer will gladly refund your purchase price, plus 10, if you return the unused portion of your bag of Robin I lood Flour. Of course, Robin Hood has an amazing record of successful baking For all kinds of baking bread, cakes and pastry. That's why, with Robin Hood, you . get this assurance: YOU CAN'T LOSE ! YOU MUST WIN! The actual record is this: 4 out of S women who win j OPEN FROM 3:30 P.M to 3:30 A.M. We Specialize In Chinese Dlsbe What wonderful puffed-up popoveis you make tlie Roliin Hood way crisp and golden outside, light as thistledown I 1. Preheat oven to 475F. (Very hot oven.) Place approximately 9 thick muffin pansor custard cups in oven to heat while making hatter. 2. Measure sifted flour into sifter, add salt. Sift together into mixinp; howl. Add milk gradually, beating until smooth. 3. Beat eggs until thick and liKht. Add to flour and milk mixture, then add melted shortening. Heat fr 2 minuh-s xcilh rotary beater. Batter should he thickness of heavy cream. A 1 1 - CHOP SUEY-CIIOW ME IN For Outside Order PIIONE 133 EXTRA CONVENIENCE AT NO EXTRA COST! Today's luper-keen Gillette Blue Blades give thequickest.most refreshing shaves ever, and with the Gillette Dispenser you change blades quick as a wink save time - save fus3. 'j. rvetnove pans lrom oven and grease thoroughly (1. butter gives iest navor.; t our batter into pans, tilling half-full. Fi.rgo True 5. Rake in a very hot oven 475T. for 20 minutes, then red uce heat ... ... wmc-uuKing use Kouin llood 1' lour! Uetter to jjkj f. (moderate oven) and tiake 20,Auinutes longer, icr some today you'll soon realize why. J AVAILABLE tOll IMMEDIATE DELlj Serve warm. Yield approx. y popoveis. U W T G;, 1 'Wilsf9 2- Ton Chassis and Cab, 152" V with reinforced frame & 2-speed 3- Ton Chassis and Cab, 170" W t: 7i life ,ih - flV Tune in '"TA Al.'IKTIN'S Ml'SICAL KITCHKN Mon.-Wed.-Fri, (Trans 'Trans Canada Canada Nt.iwri Network! l tm W i J hi ( II with l elnforeed frame & 2-spoed i t. 'irilSlf Lt KJ U OIK MOSEY IIACJIS PUTS io- LT. I, am Rupert Motors u nnt.;.. ii i r, FREE HELP WITH YOUR BAKING rTTf Tllr.V;.,i",!..lf 0RNTr.EO TO CIVt WlJ ,ULL ruHOMAfcE PRICE With AN EXTRA 10 j 1 mmmm (Xi corvniSHt cAior ' If you would like any help with your baking any special tips, new reiipes or ideas please write nie and I'll he clad to give you any assistance possible. Just address your enquiry to nie you will be in no way obligated. ((' ooii I Sl I TffSl I l containing our unique B Jp f I A.. ' y Director, Hume Srrvict fi 11 ' 5 Dipanmm, fllinrnHlnit Tl . . f WrtWrtVWWW wvw J Robin Hood Fiuur guarantee. There s I kwn M a..,i--.,- Min. Limits one in J 5 A ; " fc 51 ' M"ral- e 0 ho J. J.M I j : j RUSH SHIPMENT! Sfj j Jj If I I li&P I Eiuiure Speedy Arrival of PeriiiuWe 0"'; llMlfeljljXM j Colore J I'&r'3 .'1 ' wWW MiUsltoUJ I 5 Caf For Information On FiiRhls and Ra'f! - ?jiLrSiAUz ' f: "Det-'r Th"n Ever" ? umitu. j W7VifrW) i Quken charlotte AiiaixES " mAZA , , T.TJ "S, I ? " ' - . 11 i 1' Best Pood and Bervlce In Cltj? . -t- , I , ".Sww Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders? " nFsl : . Thlrrl A. n-j ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS BR1M u Kr ' 1 ''ii iimmk Lii-,,,-,-, , ivmu V'lUW, AlKl.C I ; 1 1 HIM I ' ; .l I ! Mill II IHMH.IHHMim,, 'l Mil M IM