.ISSSSSSSIIIIIIIIiaiSIIIISSSSSSHISSSSSSSSSSSSSISSSSSSSSSSSS ft 19 Prince Rupert Daily New Thursday, November 17, 1949 HOTEL ARRI VALS Steamship Movement! ' Mr C V B3v.--.-n r,: Hazel-ton is saihng tonight on the Prince George on a trip to the For Vancouver Prince Rupert C. F. Dawson, Victoria; F. Welsh, Vancouver; S Burchell, Sunday ss. Camosun, 9 p.m south. Tuesday ss. Cata'.a, 1:30 p.n Don't forget the Whist and Lutheran Church Lutefish Bridge Tournament, Moose' and Fishcake Dinner. Nov. 19 Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. R. Temple, Nov. (270) Thar ltd ay ss. Prince George Nov. 19 Princess Norah, 5 p.m Nov. 30 Prlncess Norah, 5 p.m Campbell, Vancouver; John Den- 17, All Welcome (268) Mdeod COAL River IT'S HARD, HOT AND CLEAN-BURNING ,r Now bert & McCaffery LIMITED ' There will be a general nlson, Vancouver; H. V. Jones, Personalized match books, napkins, towels, coasters, pen meeting of the Prince Rpert Victoria; O Eade, Victoria; D. R. ; Trom vancoi.rrr Local U.F.A.W.U. Thurs, Nov. 17 MeKerrlcher. Vancouver; Mini M. Sunday ss. Catala, p.m. 7:30 p.m. All members requested I Orr, Victoria; J. Gahan, Port Wednesday ss. Prince George (268) to attend. Mellon; C. A. Whittet, Vancou-i Friday ss. Camosun, 2 p.m. ver; E. Work, Vancouver; S. Odd- Nov. 25 ss. Princess Norah on, Onland; H. P. Gale, Prince a.m. Don't forget Presbyterian London, Eng. Famous Manufacturers of Ladies and Men's RAINCOATS Church Fall Bazaar, Thursday, November 17, 2:30 p.m. H) Canadian Legion Ladle PHONE 116 ((1.11 M'MBER Bl'II.DINO SI' Auxiliary Bridge, Cribbage and 1'I.IES Whist postponed till Wednesday cils,-wedding ensembles. Peter Pan Gift Bhoppe. (269) S.O.N. Wfilst & Dance Friday Nov. 18 Whist 8 o'clock Music by Mike Colussi. Refreshments. Everybody welcome. (269) Don't forget Women of the Moose Dance. Oddfellows Hall Friday Nov. 18. Music by Four Dukes. Dancing 9:30 to 1:30 , (2091 If you are interested In seeing the Womens Institute continue In Terrace come to the next meeting at the home ol Mrs. Lloyd Jonnsione on Thursday, November 17 at 8 p. m. (2C8) Nov. 10th. (1U W Lutheran Church Lutefish u . J k.. McLeod and daughters, Carol and Judv. are Rupert; R. Hunstone, City; J. A. Legree. Vancouver; J. Kempster, Oceanic; W. Brownlee, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. P. Dimitor. Miller Bay; E. Hankey, Vancouver; Mrs. H. Helln, Bkldegate. H. B. Thompson, Prince Oeorge; C. W Nash, Vancouver; P. H. Brown, Vancouver; F. C. Hillands, Terrace; J. C. Howes, Vancouver; A. C. Skipper, Queen Charlotte City; J. Hitchcock, Queen Charlotte City; A. Bruce. Terrace; 8. F. H Lane, Montreal; O. Warren, S.ndyU, J. H. Wnks, c4 mm vz0t ffr Mmmfmmmw- 1 IMMiUi and Fishcake Dinner Saturday the lth from 5 to 7. Adult $1.00 awl Jack Hitches inspectors on the --lot tc Wands, arrived 1( Tucs'liiy afternoon clurlot ! City on r Children 50c. Everybody wel come. . (270) sailing on the Prince George tonight for Vancouver where they plan to take up residence. Mr. McLeod will follow within a few weeks. tmmmmsiim' r i in irsgrgsi - Hi I, n!r clist' i-.t offlre nnmrrn m ANNOUNCEMENTS Pnsbyterian t;i Haratr, Nov 17. Men's Pure Wool Navy Blue Trench Coats $42.50 Men's Pure Wool Fawn Gabardine Raincoats with closed Balmacan Collar $42.50 Men's Pure Wool Fawn OCT OF TOWNERS Folks at Prince Oeorge; W. B. Hardy,: Prince Oeorge; L. D. Hollands, Terrace; J. W. Fox, Lebanon, Oregon; R. O Finley, Vancouver; W. O. T. M. Card Tournament, Terrace, Hazelton, Smlthers, Burns Lake and in the Queen VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday 1:30 p.m., Catala ( Sunday. 9 p m., Camotun ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT S'MPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SO u Til QIEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun November 18 ,ov. 17, All welcome. Women of the Moose dance Charlottes are invited to take advantage of our special Christ 140 II B. D. Howitz, Montreal, L. O. Dione, Prince George; Mrs. W. Yehoff, Ketchikan; F Barclay, mas Budget Plan. Just drop a line to Manson's Jeweller Box Mi Smlthers; Mrs. C. W. Dawson, Hazelton; O. A. Raymond. Smlthers. . , Oddfellows' Hall, November 18. Prince Rupert Symphony Orchestra Concert, Nov. 18. Civic Centre Bridge, November 18. IO.D.E. Chapter's Fall Bazaar, Nov. 24 Third card party Catholic Til if iMMtont tjvcrtiflng is payable In advance. Please refrain from Ciussilieds, 2c per word per insertion, minimum I Uiilli Notices 50c, Card ol Thanks, Death Notices, Gabardine Raincoats with full belt, Double Breasted, Military Styling $49.50 D00KERQ1 1 998 Prince Rupert. Special attention to all mail orders, (tf) Mrs. G. Cogswell, of La Crosse Wisconsin, who has been visiting her brother, Sam Simpson, at Masset, leaves tonight on the j.Kfs, Marriage ana engagement Announcements: $2. 10 p.m. FOR NORTH QCEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s s. Camosun, Nov. 25, 10 p.m. FRANK i. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone Pfi8 Mrs. F. M. Good returned to the city at the first of the week from Sl'tClAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE ' Port Clements where she has been with Mr. Good who is on Hall Thursday, Nov. 24, 6 p.m. .Old time Dance, Conrad Uni KA1I II KH SALE SM.Z Prince George to return to her home. Miss Mary Dyson, who has survey work there. yCOAt BURNER t W", " U'I !' I'M an v up M Ihto mi" kt ' "' In i !!'" "' rurnaro nxrttll lu bt bow" '" r'n- f-WJf.HH'h'El burns the cheapest ! i nt tars 19401 In the matter of the Canadian ted Hall Nov. 25 Admission 50c St. Andrew's Cathearal Fall (uiiiie; 1011 Olds-' Laundry, landlord, and William Men's Fine Egyptian Cotton Raincoats, Raglan Sleeves with closed been paying a visit to her home ; Bazaar. Nov 26. Saturday. -ANNOYING MISERIES OF at Port Clements after a trip Co-op Public Meeting, Dr. to England, passed through the I Cody, November '30. Balmacan Collar .nun: i942 Pontiac , Mulvy. tenant. liK ( hevrolet l oupe Unoer anu oy virtue of a Dls- imilct Sedan; .All tress Warrant, bcanng date, the niHy owned: in ex- "Iln duy ot Octooer, 1949, issu- miilitmn with Kd ed bv H Heteerson Ltd. 'iiNd .MOTORS LTD. aenii for the Canadian Laun- (171 1 dry, and to me directed. I have citv at the first of the week on Prince Rupert Fishermen's. B wt Pi mm WBiatV mmmw -r mmm sr ttr $26.50 small Lignite Coals with 93ri efficiency- Cut your fuel bills in half! 6VER 22,000 SATISFIED ler way to Vancouver. J Co-operative Annual Banquet . December 1. , seized the goods and chattels United Church Xmas Bazaar, NOTICE OF MEETING i era -wniie ana oiacs oi me lenani. wuiiam, Muivy, .it Burner, McLary at 519-521 Sixth Avenue. Weu, tntral Electric Ta-' Prince Rupert, said Etods con- USERS IN A semi-annual General Meet- Dec. 1. ing ol the Pacific Coast Fisher- Crange Ladies Sale, Dec. 7. ivory finish Green' suiting of Second Hand dealers It'll?-' 1 WESTERN Yes, only seconds after you use fast-actinf Vicks Va-tro-nol Moss Drops, you can feel Va-tro-nol's specialized medication working to bring you effective rslief from the misery of tufled-up, cold-clogged nose. Va-tro-nol quickly spreads throughout nasal passages (270) stock, and on Wednesday, Nov- pmher Mrrl 104Q of thp hnnr men's Mutual Marine insurance salvation Armv Home League ' L I flV " CANADA i.l KMt-'J'i,'1- Illutrl TUrr r i f.i'l'i't '1 !. In Mntrlt Pea uravel washed of. i.30 o'clock in the afternoon Company, will be hcU on Sat- Sa)e 0j iancy work and home I- i TV y r I pi v.rday, November ith.- 1049 at cooking at Sons of Norway Hall. (2(B 939 k wMir Id and l antrn ;0 a.m. m the civic cenire uec g 2:30 p.m. mt.b OK KHIIMT Mi-Clary oil ranie ed I will offer for sale at public suction all the right title and Interest of the said William ilulvy in the above Hoods. to sooths irriUUon. it netps shrink swollen membranes and clears away congestion. OH a bottle today. Keep it handy . . . use tt ss needed! prince Kuperi, a. t-. . 8colch Dance Oddfellows Hall cheap lor ca.".aH Aak your dealer or wrtul ISLAND CITY rn 2;)8. (272)' LT-Wvlle' December, 10th. Caprutn rv.Mon Tirol 1 .: Terms of Sale CASH, and this Ohristma Tree, Dec. V I ' ,1 Moose B.irRaln, Ford sta- sale is subject to the Social Security and Municipal Aid Tax. BUILDERS' 81'PPLIER 505 McBride St. Blue 820 1 1(, mwsc irnipic .w l'iione Black 810 (270) GET YOUR INTERIOR PAINTING DONE NOW SPENCK It MATICK Painters Decorators . Phene Blue tlS P.O. Box 1 11 1 Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C, this 15th day of November, 1949. MM. Stephens, Bailiff. (272) McClury Electric coal and wikhI Heater. No. 2 WORK WANTED Somethine to Crow About Bedroom suite and WORK WANTED Will take In S ins ,iurnuuri children for workinir mothers ,27ZM iDay or nit;ht. Phone Red 59. I 071 I PERSONA XMAS CARDS From jfovlirofn Snapshots Come in and 8ei6ur Samples 10c EA. 5 FOR $2.40 WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING YVAMTMl - Walnut finish, lining table-brown rouhitor heater. C. Tic. white enamel S Vi 7 th Ave. East. H I 0711 1 WANTED To rent, housekeeping rooms or small furnished house for couple, one child Phone Red728. (2B9i WANTED To rent small ap IMC Ford 4-door niiint. snap for artment or liirht housekeep It Fays to AQvertlse! )' V-:., y ( BUY WITH CONFIDENCE , (i Bill's Motor 8er- IMcBride St.- (268) ing rooms unfurnished.. Box 619 Daily News. (2'1) WANTED Two neat appearing young ladies for national concern Must be free to travel. H. rali'jr re, specially Saddle Oxfords converted Mark 3 .1 10-snot Sporting If if each onlv $41.00 to. ammunition $3 00 Box f.14. Daily News WANTED First class salesman for Men's clothing store Must The Repair and Building Service GREER & BRIDDEH . " dcllverv Limited Vrlte for j'noto and have references. Phone Jaa between 9 and 6. (27U) i Money refunded I .t;ic!nrv Scooe Sales WANTED To rent furnished Queen St , "Ottawa t-JBUI apt. or small nouse ior yuung i eouule. Apply Box Call the Men Who Know t;20 Dally News. (272 HJR RENT t.Y KNOWN NAMEf-D Speeder Bhovels S Drurlii.es; Adam' ii'is; Littleford Bros. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS RED 561 P.O. BOX 121 1 Kv. r 1 exquisite Lfiamona nines ' Wn.im'vi f J From ,1.).0fl &gS3 J 1KK1 Hi . . ' Dresser Sets FOR RENT Llfiht housekeeping room. 221 -5trrE. (273) U- Koad Mtlntenance V ( CsJH "-dfromMI"jp )ZZ it: Owen Clnmshel md Rock Graoples: !i .th Concrete Miners: FOR RENT -Board and P.ooiri f-klitt Trucks: Nelson Black 6tiU. w REAL ESTATE fjiaders for Stockpile ) mm . MX to io.oo u AV0Y Hemcval: Rice Port-ltrifuual Puiiids: Na- FOR SALE House 5 rooms and! fitaidine Scrapers and bath. 529 7th W. (272) National All Steel OTSiI, 30 Pair only Reg. Price $6.95 FOR for $4.95 AT THE , FAMILY SHOE STORE LIMITED j nm.iis, National Sawmills: National 1136 Hays (270) FOR SALE House, Cove Ave. p-teens and Conveyors. Lt jritiation from Na- W. L. WOODS, Trop. aihuicry Co. Ltd., t, h. c. (tl) FOR SALE-5 room house close to schools on 7th Ave., uvo bedrooms large kitchen and hardwood floor in living room 5 , , i-ra.ms Good harden -New & Used Fuxnl- '4-pnONE 37 P.O. BOX 1397 FRASEK STREET PRINCE RUPERT irH Ave. Box 638 Ph. 3 "dware St Office Fix-tric toasters, Cups 'rs, singer Sewing China Cabinets t and additional storage space. with per.eot 7 room house .,!, nn Ambrose. Basement, Gents Nationally Advertised Watches from 21.73 Gents Birthstone Rings From 15.00 Signets from 12.50 "0ns. Prihs Disston Musical Powder Boxes 10.93 ws, Ne-v Longing Heavy 3-t ly Roofing three lots, with furniture. Only $4000 on terms in on filtn 5 room house close East Complete with oil hcat- anl SUS- Havs Cove new Tei. Wagons, 1 Rues, Typewriter, BdoU, Battleship 1. Kliirhtlv ncul Rn. Clrc e Law porches, cement fmmdatUidS mily home j at the lowest nrices. ".mitiit-o r, t3inAir flOA For lniormauou tion see Robert E. MonU'lor Limited. ; u,lJ Uscrl Honrs win WIDer. Phiin fUS rail 'Ure. W. ' (tf) POR SALE-Wartlme house. Close in on Seventh Four rm.ms Ave. East. V IIS. -Several used Cum- SALE 5 rooms ana lfsel and Industrial "Ills tthieh Viaua Hjpn CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTS NOW ON DISPLAY 8 Lt. Strings $1.40 to $2.00 8 Lt. Fairy Tales $2 35 8 Lt, Miro-Star $2.30 7 Lt Indoor Set $2.45 7 Lt. Outdoor Set $3.45 9 Lt. Bubble-Lites $3 60 Noma Wreaths from $1 05 One and Two Lights to $2 35 , Angel-Glo, ea $2.10 FOR bath HOOWl oi.ii"" near '"'V overhauled nnrl uaiviwood floors. bf ea. Bytown Machine PRINCE RUPERT conriitton. (271) Ladies Birthstone Rings From 7.50 (tf) REALTY CO. Handsome Tea Services by Rogers 28.73 and up ;-194 Monarch, new FOR SlE Ronson Lighters G.S3 to 13.00 ' radio, heater etc. 'W PMh 1.,,., l! suite natural SAIE-Dinette FOR finish, red 'eatluntte Extra Lamps Series .08 ea. 110 volt .15 ea. Bird .25 ea Bubble .25 ea". & Elkins or Phone 'venings (269) 'It - chairs. Phone tnue !.!--- MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED USE OUR LAYAWAY PLAN 'One McLarev ranne :?'.?ncl wood heaters. ; " t heater, two double iualr conoltloner and omen "DPiy 221 5th East. n hpnu MI ill i-ui"" (269) Ennnlre atMldway Oro- NORTHERN B.C. POWER CO. LTD. GEORGE COOK- JEWELLER Phc eery or r.ves. ,271) i 'l--l Mooring buoy J t 1 With v.: j hone 2G1 PHONE 210 ." K. In nosltlon Dodse nT rirwdpnt.S Of BESNER BLOCK PRINCWRI PERT. B.C. STEWART, B.C. Diiccesswi i" - room house, inri1'11'"!,?', Sy Prince Rupert Uu. Dr. Large Sec't. I'll'! vi Ambrose trie Ranre. iihqi Avpnne Green 1" (2711 (2ut;i In lh Daily News. You Saw it m The News wMfWwwwniHwiifm?"'