18 Prince Rupert Daily New Thursday, November 17, IS49 LETTERBOX j Mrs. Duncan Kerr ls returning! j to her home at Terrae by tomur- I ! row evening's train after spend-i ;ing a couple of days m the city! ;for medical attention. I nOCKEY SCORES Pacific Coast I Seattle 6. Victoria 2 ( fresno 4. Los Angeles 2 San Diego 4. San Francisco 3 motorist and pedestrians. May I say that I spent five yran in Vancouver driving commercially, and have driven in this city since 19-12. Mr. Ferguson I and speed are two separate I lines of thought. As for speed, i Tdiat would some' cf our pedcJ-j uians cio in Los Angeles, where i the speed limit Is fortv miles f iHOSE ST0? 5IGN3 Prince Rr.p?rr Da:v sw Ltd . 3rd Avtup Pr'nrt Fupri Br.ttsh Columbia. 1 C A VViTTEl'. V.fs!'-2 E'iJtsr. E Q FEF.ST ivlana.tir.e Direct-. ! HEMEEK OF CANADIAN PfitSS AUDIT BUREAU OF" CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION Xmas ( Editor, Daily News: . . ... i .. i r Constable J H Medley of the Port Edward detachment of the per hour? Mr. Ferguson v.wown does a not SUBSCRIPTION RATES Uttj Carrier, Per Work. c: Tr Mvnui. 76c: Per Year, 18.00. By Mall. Per lann lb. 60c. Per Tear, 15 00 I nave read me lepiy in uxic, . Ferguson, reiernng w xounesy realize me courtesy of most tlnv-by Drivers." but he still does not , ers jn ,his city, otherwise there Real Sri provincial police, ls sailing tonight on a holiday trp to Ocean did not state his driving qualifications, .consequently I state mine, and reasonably figure, that I am qufiliiied to comment on this issue. E. LINNEY, co 65 Taxi. iX'XL'Ht STEAMIER PRINCE GEORGE Falls. would be considerable pedestrians elsewhere. Pedestrians have the right of way at intersections not wherever they choose. answer the one main question: 'Who has the right of way at I Third and McBride?" It is quite obvious that he doesn't know, or el.se he would , Our New Building THIS is an ausoicious day in the affairs of The .dterus; :r. tne u-lly Nws' MK'S Socks Pri,,,d ftm. Wr. i Again to quote Mr. Ferguson I Daily News and it is a timely coincidence that : ToVoeZT ZlToZ' Ze u""?e V""" . also goes on to say, and J quote .their minds as to who should Oil the same day as the issuance Of a Special editorial ; ' If some of the drivers in this city I move first, I would suggest the effort in the way of an international edition record- ; would shuw a mUe mor co,lrU's' j gentlemen pun their cars to the 5 -s BAILS FOH VANCOUVER nd Intermedial. Porta Each Thursday t 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN tVl.D.NESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservation! fr'"',,t ,v: 1949 NOVEMBER 1949 '0-"' Man. To. W.d. Tan. M. Ut. j KCl- 6 7 9 10 11 12 p-Xj00 13 14 liSl7 18 19 jls S IWJ' " " ft and a little less speed, such signs curb and let someone else drive.' Dlttvi c - would be unnecessary. Courtesy QUHe so, but there are drivers latekt ....I - .. 1 "ft. Priced from I who will stay behind the wheel regardless, consequently making Third and McBride a guessing game. It is a known fact that too many stop signs, at one intersec I'lVtDt Itepartmut of Agrleulture Prairie I arm Krhahllltulliui Ai t IKNOtKS Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until 2.00 o'clock p. m. Regius Time, December 5, spout SHIRTS a in from j.,. "KN S Sl'ITS-Pa,, Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE VI ts), for the construction of pipe- Uon md , ccmflise the motor. lines, pumphouse. and other works . on in irrigation project located ist,. This contemplates Uie fact about three miles east and two miles that Thtid and McBride is over- ,tl'W..&A PR.NCE RUPKB, ;t-i. uuubi. krtl. v, A i.' - La rw su w m m s.isT i u i s-r w burdened with stop signs. The materials and labor, undoubtedly, cost the ratepayers the equival I MEN'S KIIOWKUpJ 9outQ oi iveremeos. a. i;. The Diluting are the main Item ol work and the approximate quan titles of each: I Steel Pipe. 4 Inch up to 2i Inch 35.055 ft 2. 4 Inch lot outlets telbow and ent of a mechanical stop and go Three Colur,. raJ 1 electrical signal1 which would 3. io inch Gate' valves b'r clalify tne situation for both the 4. Pumphouse 1 at Boys' Dress and PAKTS-AII wot,. ing some of the recent progress of the city and district that we should be making the announcement of our own new building project something definitely in line with community progress and the new era of local development which is becoming day after day more apparent. For some time the Daily News has realized the need for new, letter ajid more commodious business and working premises. The management has, indeed, been working on the consideration of plans for some time. Now it has been decided that it is time to go ahead and, accordingly, announcement of the let-tng of the contract for the building is made in our news columns today. While we thus demonstrate our confidence in the future of this city and the need of our own expansion to keep pace, we also hope that the provision of more commodious, up-to-date and congenial working surroundings will enable us to consummate our plans for a larger and more complete service which growth of the city will involve. And apart from all that we are glad to be able to contribute to the general improvement of the city which is being demonstrated in the parade of new building projects which has been going on for some time and the program of renovation and modernizing of local premises. from S2. Watch These 4 Teething-Time Troubles Of Baby : Boys' Itrnim f ANT ei tion. Special priit j j BoyV Dress and V Don't let vrror baby fret Digsitlv "PRICES ARE HORN HERE AND RAISED ELSEWHERE" AT 5. Timber 28 5 MFBM 6. Rock Bank Protec tion 4200 cu. yd. Pans, specifications and tender forms for bidding may be obtained from the undersigned at his office In Regtna. Saskatchewan, or from the P F R A Office, Victoria Avenue. Kamioops. B. C. upon the deposit of Ten hollar (Slil.tHi) au or certified cheque for the amount, payable to the Receiver General of Canada, which deposit will be redeemable niKin the return of the plans and specifications In good order within one month after tenders have closed. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. By Order L. B. Thomson, Director of Rehabilitation 910 McCajlum Hill Building REGINA. Saskatchewan. SIIIRTS-(,w,d wJ wputt Fsvsr K Frtthitntts Csnitipotisa needlessly during teething time, (let a bus of Haby's Own Tablets ued so successfully for over 60 years by mothers. They help sweeten 5iur little atomnrhji. and ! from i; 'Boys' Hlaid All SIIIKTS-Real wv, clear out harmful wastes that naat bsl y fretful and restless. Then see how quickly baby's fever usually subsides and your tiny tuie become restful snd contented. Is'a "sleepy" stun no dulling effect. They can lie used with full conliuence. Easily crushed o a powder if desired. He on the safe aide J ask your druicKMt today for baby a : SNACK BAR Own Tablets. 29 cents OPEN 6 a.m. to 1 .m. DAILY Just off Third Avenue f 31S Gth St. Ph. Order Blue 93 J Xmas Girls' ard Kins' SN Sirs up to six. All 8Ml. f or Xmas Sp LADIES, printed lut; with 4 napkins Is i tiful patterns. Ri -v Now, a set German steel output at 11,100,000 STEEL OUTPUT STILL LIMITED BOXED CHRISTMAS CARDS For Your Personal Signature IS Assorted Xmas Cards 75c, 89c & 95c per box 15 Brilliant Pointsettia A.sst. Cards 1.00 per box 15 "The Xmas Birds of Happiness" .. 1 00 per box 18 Ass t "Jolly Old Santa" 1.00 per box 23 Beautiful Assorted Cards 1 00 per box 12 Bronzed and Embossed ass't cards 1.00 per box 16 colorful Snow Scenes 1.00 per box 12 Cards "Coaching Days" 1.50 per box 8 Ass't Canadian Snow Scenes 2.0Q per box AMAZING VALVE tons a year, an official govern- I ment spokesman said here i The spokesman was comment- j mg on suggestions that any re- prieve of the great August Thys- ' sen steel works or similar plans ' would swell German production beyond the permitted level. ; LONDON g instructions to western highcj5mmissioners In Germany for their present negotiations with thT'wesT" German A nnouncing ipn ' j government represent no depart-1 ure from ihe Washington agree-' ment whieh- ixtd the limit of our sou aw it in the News! - CAli 151.1E For Sati.sf.irur 10 OFF OIL STANDS Ordered Before Saturday Noon ALL SIZES Phone Black 881 THOM SHEET METAL LTD. 1 1 i,m ftaiil 1 i if -"!' II riMsimmiai iff -- ''tf Easy Payment Plan PHONE 234 FiESNER BLOCK. 3RD AVE. KEN'S RADIO. 718 2m! Ai '. XMAS -Away" Plan CHANDL PORTRAIT ! Film Finishine -Flash Plinto Tak' Phone Green 385 PRINCE RLTI For the convenience of our customers we have several easy ways of paying. A small deposit holds any article fcClary Refrigerators McClary Electric Ranges Westinghou.se Radios Westinghouse Washers Torrid-Oil Ranges Coleman Oil Heaters C.C.M. Bicycles C.C.M. Tricycles & WaRons Dishes and Fine China Tiilite and Table Lamps Power and Hand Tools Electric Appliances Ski and Skating Equipment Thermic Ray Stainless St-et' Utensils Doll Busies and Kiddie Cars PHONE 79 - - . J Matured PI and y, Bottled hi England HUiUan WE DELIVER , Lay away till Christmas with no down payment. Lay away and make part payments till all paid. : Down payment and weekly instalments. Down payment and monthly instalment. Charge account or all cash as desired. NO INTEREST OR CARRYING CHARGE A good time is now when lots of things are here -J'7at''TI Bride Street Phone 311 sr .",':TXfv HOURS Weekdavs 9 a.m. to 9 p.n Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. ForWedd ines Birthdays or Special Parties CAKES and COOKIES MADE TO ORDER at ' 7 p.m. to ) p.m SIXTH STREET and THIRD AM RUPERT BAKERY LTD. MAKE THIS fl S19 3rd Ave. Phone 643 . ROYAL NAVY X DEMERARA RUM TOP Values at LOW P A si- r;ces Jhis advertisemtnt it not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. , Widest Selection in Town OF FIGIRINES Wall Platjues, Statuetn Book-Ends All Color All Size SALE CONTINUES with SWEATERS CRUISERS - TIES SHIRTS FOR THE CHILDREN New Assortment of in ctip DrrriRDS , HAVE IUST ARR'I Kenucefi to Sell v asBi ns'vvci sr- w s k nn r..i SPORTS JACKETS I P TO SIZE 44 PERFECT GIFT SUGGESTION Priced from 25c to $9.50 MARCHAM) OIL HEATERS VORTEX OIL BURNERS IRON FIREMAN STOKERS Plumbing & Heating Alterations AT CLEARANCE PRICES SONGS MOTHER GOOSE RllVMl Pi-iVrl frnrn 35r to 45c each CME CLOTHIN(Q SMITH & ELKINS LTD. PHONE VA BOX 274 Third Avenue Phone 359 , 518 3rd Ave. VV. Box 1118 Phone Red 400