Premier's Greeliid Prince Rupert Today umbia Cellulose Co. to this ftriMM A area and confidently expects f IV ML Ul that the company's decision to rrru locate here will prove of great M N Nil rrH benefit to the town and dist-jl II Mill V JLLM 16 INTERNATIONAL EDITION Mine IVwat Diiilp rScUis (Continued from Page 9) riot, 'as well as to Columbia Cel The figures quoted show what an important factor Prince Rupert halibut is in the food production of Canada. But halibut is tins Province nee ,,f df nl rl vs S '- . A " ' y. m , . a .. 4 i , 1 3 T - ' t U only one of the species of fish dealt with in quantity in this - ' Tg-r' 1 tt ) V. 1 , j lulose itself. Prince Rupert also welcomes the news that Ketchikan Pulp and Paper Co. ,a subsidiary of American Viscose Co., is to establish a plant at Ward's Cove, ust outside Ketchikan, Alaska. Prince Rupert and Ketchikan might almost be described as twin cities, they have so much in common. A bare ninety miles apart, each is situated on an island on the Inside Passage, surrounded by a country district. Harvesting the tasty salmon provides many men Portland Canal Area Still In The Picture By W. S. ORR STEWART The ups and downs of the mining business are exemplified in the Stweart District of the Portland Canal. Just when it appeared Uiii, there would be a resurgence of the Industry, owing to the high price of base metals, the vote to strike, at the Silbak-Premier Mine, threw a monkey wrench into the machinery and the mine was forced to close down, throwing about 300 men out of employment and almost bring the level of a "ghost town'' to the with an occupation and good Columbia, Canada, eA' very cordial Grmirj the cities of Kete Alaska, and Pnncfcf pert, B.C. It is inspiring to ! at this stage in woiM fairs, that two J returns. Last year 902 trolling 000 wholesaic automotive supply, two office buildings at $50,-000 each and three modern garages with total value of $250,-000. Retail additions in 1948 Included two groceterias. Going into operation this summer will be a reconditioned abattoir to handle 100 beef carcasses in cooler, 150 head in pens. . A new 250-pupil high school built since the war has been given an annex to take care of the current 413-pupil enrolment as population continued to 1 rich in timber, minerals and B. I. JOHNSON HON. ......1. ... ,i s United States of America and the people of the 1 ish Commonwealth have been able to dwell to J in harmony and peace working together for tfl Prince George Coal Mining and P.G.E. Extension New Major Developments (By Harry Bowman I President, Prince George Board of Trade Distributing centre for a population of 30,000, Prince George has seen major expansion in the timber business, and is looking forward to two major developments: development of a nearby coal field by Bowron Coal Co.. and completion of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway, promised by Premier Byron Johnson. There are 12 planing mills in Prince George (expansion program of just one of them last year reached $300,000; along the CNR right of way. are 235 mills; 15 have been added since January 1, 1919. The wholesale houses have district headquarters there; recent construction includes $50,- scenic beauty, for which each cts as a distrbuting and commercial centre. We of Prince Rupert rejoice that Ketchikan's good news has followed so closely on the heels of our own good fortune. And of course this city knows that the additional major activities at Ketchikan must result in a vastly increased use of the port and trans- fare of mankind. - "im mull i i it S -"imtn"1 t town of Stewart. The proverbial optimism of those associated with, the mining industry still prevails and the residents of the area cling to the belief that Stewart will stage a come-back In the not too distant future. lesson to the v licenses, 1843 gillnet licenses and 185 seining licenses were issued for this area. Herring, cod, flatfish, clams, crabs and shrimps all add in various degrees to the total production of the area and the iver ot the lowly and once despised dogfish now furnishes a harvest of real value to the fishermen, since science discovered its medicinal value. In 1948, largely through the activities of the Dominion Department of Fisheries, a major run of tuna was located in waters off Prince Rupert and these contributed a very substantial addition to the earnings of the fishermen and of the port. Less than forty years ago Prince Rupert could be approached by one mode of travel only, coastwise vessels. Today coastal vessels still provide a: Between us, we offer an object BYRON E. T. ArrLEWIIAlTE Secretary,, Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce. I. JOHNXnV Pi vmier. Victoria, April 1), I'M!). portation facilities at Prince ; Xnere ls every inuication that Rupert. I there will be considerable actl- The future still offers great vitVi in the way of high-graiiing, thinp": fur this nart of British 1 ti,;.. ...., .,i ada's century, it ls equally true that the decade following World War II, is Prince Rupert's dec- whnn trrmhlp hntwppn thp nmi- i t.r fvr.hU v.... .1.1 . The Canadian National Rail- j way's great dry dock and ship-! yard at Prince Rupert fulfills; a valuable peacetime function in catering to the repair and , servicing needs of coastal ship- j ping and the fishing fleet. Dur- i ins two wars it built, many large merchant vessels as well asj naval craft. It is equipped to lift all but the very largest ves- j sels. Us capac-y is 10,000 tons. 1 ru-iiua ue con iii fine! i)n iminn is n1fitirH minv i o -... I -1. ... 1 fi6'"''!. "5" I Columbia: a great new alum- j Dectors have" staled that they 4 up. Since the close-down last 'year. A. merit cv-imi. -.J Ion which comprises the Fed i mum plant is in me oning, our u,tt.nd to take out ore from theit I fnll li,,fin n t-,,,.!! ! U . la W eral District of Skeena: s 11,4 ; mineral mine.a. resources .uu., are still Mu to w be - clajms claims durlng during the the year. year. It It is is of of-,at -1 at work keeping things in shape i hoped, brin ! son e developed, agricultural poten- tuuv stated that, manv anoli-i , 1 ...... " -Son,e a actl 4 SPECTACULAR tialities are barely touched, the caUons have been made to thei'Vm, ,. J . " . Klv,Tsitle H DEVELOPMENT l atest n,,rt mnd cwinkr visitor industry is still in its in- Provincial Denartment of Mines . ... S! ! u....!,l.u.' . ' WU1 m "I h,f rfnQi,mn,-.f infancy here. But no longer do: frtr assistant in mittinw the'.-.-j ... -,.':J' ' "... ' ' i 1 ' ,UinB a? de. 1"""' uv,uuju.n, - ... r o yfULfU I.O UO COIIhlUei U OIL" year r .. , : up lnnk lonuinElv to the future! popular and very pleasing method of travel to Prince Rupert. But the sea is no longer Prince Rupert's only approach. roads and trails to their pro me loriiiaiion oi oiuniDia " lulose Co Ltd. (a subsidiary nf ! for prosperity, becaOse good . The ovmil picture I seem to Justify the o;. perties in condition for pack velopment work this year. The Gold Drop on Marmot River, the Mountain Boy on American Creek and the L. L. & H. on Bit- Celanese Cornoration nf Amer-' waA permanent industrial de- ing ore out, and for the trans- Canadian National Rail The xiic uaiiauiait n aiiuiiai expressed Mr the future district. wavs of which Prince RuDert ivon- 1 iica. and its establishment at velopment , is an established ; portation of suppiies. Prince Rupert Serves the North and Welcomes Closer Co-operation with our Alaskan Neighbors Howe & McNiilty If It's Hardware You Want, We Have It P.O. liox I PHONES: Office (iO C.N. Wharf G8 is 'the western terminus, pro-j Prince Rupert or to be moreiIact- ncre' 111 "nice Kupertj Xne Morris Summit Mine, at 1 vides rail connection with thejexact. at Watson Island, eight i today. Summit Lake, 4n the upper Sal-' rest of the continent. The'miles from the city. The com-! inon River area, is expected to Skeena Highway (Provincial' Pany is now proceeding at top continue operations in the near Hi"hway No. 16) connects the speed with the construction of i During tne war 022 houses j future. This property, accord-city with all North America. A a cellulose mill with an initial ' were built in Prince Rupert to j lng to reports, has all the ear-daily service by Canadian Pac- capacity of 250 tons a day. ! accommodate the wartime In- marks of becoming a big pro-ific Air Lines to Vancouver, Time was when forests meant dustrial population. Every one ; ducer and, it is confidently as-provides fast, modern trans-! mostly sawlogs, shingles and of these homes has, since thejserted, will amply justiTy the portation to thdie who prefer ! poles; timber which was not war, become privately owned. ; faith of the of ficials and share-air travel, or to whom time is suitable for those purposes was A large percentage of the popu-; holders. important " I regarded as worthless. Modern lation of the city are home j The Silbak - Premier Mine Second Avenue Prince Rupert Congratulations Alaskans should also resume production LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORM Prince Rupert can, with realiSclence "as provea mat almost, owners. COMMERCIAL HOTEL . LIMITED Phone 676 Box 997 General Cartage and Storage Facilities I Furniture and Piano Moving- Pool Cal justification, lay claim to being anything fan now be made of the scenic capital of -Canada. wtd , and thousands of acres of Situated near the mouth of the forests in this area, once re-great Skeena River, on Tuck's! garded as worthless, will now Inlet, which provides one of the become eventually fine textiles, world's most perfect harbors, ! curtains, or clothing, or pos-the city is the centre of an area i slb'y even fountain pen cases or providing almost every con- artificial jewelry, or goodness ceivable type of scenery in knows what, combinations hard to find any-! Columbia Cellulose Co.'s ihere else in all North Amer-i Prince Rupert plant will pro- "LICENSED" PRINCE RUPERT'S MOST POPULAR HOTEL Distributors Complete Service: PACKING, CRATING AND SHIPPING BUD'S CIGAR STORE Congratulation Alaskans Upon Their. Statehood If It Pertains to Sport . . . "WE KNOW IT" BUD BARRIE, Proprietor Phone 70 - P.O. oX 1508 THE HOME OF 70 TAXI Cliff Dahl FACILITIES FOR HANDLING SIIIP.MEN ica. The railway and highway i,luc "lc lclw "w"1"" 1U1 many approaches to the city are along I of Celanese Corporation's fac-the shore of the mighty Skeena, tones. And the same mill will where the river cuts, through j provide employment for sev- nosence or mes ana mosaunoes. , n..i n.c .... j'affording vistas of snow-clad ! and about a thousand in the peaks behind the broad sweep iwooas oi tne area. TO ALASKA AND ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD Member of Canadian Warehousemen's Association Corner Second Avenue and Park Avenue Prince Rupert, H.C. of river, which are admittedly unequalled anywhere. The sunsets over the Islands at the Operating their rjrest leases on a sustained yield basis, so that a supply of raw material 32 TAXI Courteous Treatment John (lurykh, Proprietor STAND: EXCHANGE BLOCK, 0TH St. AND 3RD AVE. mouth of Prince Rupert's har- j will always be available, this bor provide another example j project will never exhaust itsj of unexcelled beauty and mag- j resources and literally will be nificence. In fact, artists have ! able to produce in perpetuity. Actual figures are not available, Phone 123 Photic Iteit Womlen, I'rup. Stand: Cow B.i Prince Rupert, 1I.C THE STAR CONFECTIONERY Confections of All Kinds Fireworks Phone Ucd 823 P.O. liox 1153 819 3rd Ave. West Prince Rupert, B.C. UNITED CABS We Specialize In Customs Service but it is the general opinion that Columbia Cellulose's investment in this district will approximate $35 000,000. Prince Rupert welcomes Col- frankly admitted that, if they tried to reproduce these sunsets in the actual colors, no one would believe that they were not grossly exaggerated. Beauty spots readied from Prince Rupert include the fol- ' lowing: The Queen' Charlotte Islands, Congratulations Felicitations ALASKANS INFANTS' COMPLETE OUTFITTERS The Stork Shoppe with Canada's finest beaches,; an equable climate and a total ; the Coast Range of mountains. The Portland Canal, where a short motor trip from the town of Stewart takes the visitor to the very lip of mighty glaciers. Terrace, the Garden City of Central British Columbia, with its marvellous hot springs on j the shore of beautiful Lakelse ; Lake. . I Further inland Is the pictur-! esque Bulkley Valley with the , DOMS' DEPARTMENT STORE HOME OF STYLE AND QUALITY ! famous Bulkley Canyon, al-1 j most blocked by the "Bulkley j j Gate" a natural rock barrier ' 'V . I.AIHKS AM) ('UIIJ)RKN'S VYKAUINO AI'l'Altll, SHOKS SM.I.I,VAI5i:s TOYS Phone Red BIG v 0 Ktli 71 McBride Street at 4th Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. or door almost closing the i Rorge to the raging Bulkley I River. j North, south, east and west, i within easy reach of Prince Ru- pert, are to be found glaciers, mountains, picturesque islands, ; beaches, rivers, waterfalls, i fjords, meadows, valleys and DESIGNERS OF MODERN HIGH SPEED FISHING VESSELS lakes a veritable paradise including every conceivable , type ! of Canadian scenery. Central British Columbia is a land with everything, minerals, fish, forests, agricul-j turc, scenic grandeur and last but by no means least j people. The inhabitants of i this area are nearly all prim-I ary producers, or their des-i cendants. V v. Cillnetters "Mary-Mac" and "Norma O. No. 1" .Speed 18 miles per hour 1 10 Serij?ps Engines DESIGNED AND EQUIPPED HY US WARD ELECTRIC AND MARINE Hardy, clear-eyed fishermen; j optimistic, dauntless prospectors: lithe, self-confident lumbermen; hard-working nature-l loving farmers, these, with a certain number of transportation workers and a proportion ! of business and professional ; men, form the population of i the district served by Prince Rupert, and which, with Prince j Rupert, is now entering its era ; of development. If, as is so ! commonly said, this is Can- SUPPPLY CO. v P.O. Box 7S6 Prince Rupert, B. C. NORTH BEACH OF GRAHAM ISLAND, QUEEN CHARLOTTES Seen as potential watering place of British Columbia coast. Development now being undertaken.