J? 10 East And West Coal Two Epoch -Making Events On INTERNATIONAL EDITION Prinrc iluprtt Daily Hctus ders visioned, it must be the outlet for the resources of Alaska as well as the outlet for the resources of Northern British Columbia as a whole. State Of Alaska And Newfoundland Province Linked With Progress EVENTS MORE Your Headquarters for . SEEPS AND 11- COMPELLING fc fh FERTILIZERS V? JK v GARDEN NEEDS Event; themselves will compel ! the use of the facilities and the i building up of more installations i ..i ho nuin nntlpt nf Prince Ru- By H. G. ARCHIBALD, M.P. and EQUIPMENT "V if6 We Deliver "M Two events are taking place on the North Amei i- perl even inore than the prrs-can Continent at the same time. These two events are sure' exerted by individuals and at two extremes of the Continent, yet they are identi-1 organizations. The hist wur cal to the extent that both are taking on powers of re- taught us that when Prince Ru-sponsible inJ pert overnight blossomed into one government. Newfoundland has been 1 of the Pacif c the ports of .j ii.u en i lAii major corporated as a tenth province of Canada and Alaska i EvenU sillL.e tne war have 4 'A ij... A. - - V..- is being Incorporated as a forty- 1 proven that, in spile of sectional interests bringing pressure to bear on government, government has to overlook them for the 0 KEN'S RAD!P Clinic RADIO AND ELECTRICAL REPAIRS For Satisfactory Service t "' i A. . -v. - Gall 53 ("IS Second Avenue West Prince Rupert PRINCE RUPERT ATTRACTIVE Buildings in business section. Court House at ri ground. Civic Centre left centre. Thirrt Avenue i.i foreground. Looking north towards Morse. . Photo bv wr . :. i ; good of the whole. This is true of such major issues as European Aid which had to overlook the natural suspicions of the mld-wcstcrn voter. This has been true of government guidance up. , finance and trade. As I have pointed out previously, the demand for the resources of our' great country and those of Alaska, and one could say the iron resources of Newfoundland, are forcing such developments as the beginning of a road from White-horse to Hazelton. and the building of railroads into the great iron ore deposits of Ungava. , With, of course, the development of the resources and large nliith State of the United States. Alaska being given statehood is of as much importance to us on the West Coast, even if it is under the Jurisdiction of another country, as is Newfoundland to the East Coast. Both have huge undeveloped natural resources and both are strategic points in air transportation. People, looking back from future generations, will measure the progress of events from such a point as the granting of statehood to Alaska or Newfoundland becoming the tenth province of Canada. It is the end of an era and the beginning of a new one It is the beginning of a new era in the sense that just as Alaska is receiving her statehood, greater importance is also give:, to her, both from a strategi.: standpoint and from the standpoint that never before was such interest taken in the natural re- i such Institutions as our local Boards of Trade forget their sectional interests and work with their fellow Boards of Trade of Alaska. It shows a developing consciousness of the oneness of our alms and interests, both In the economic and in the social field. Mechanic's Tools Stoves and Ran: Bapco Paints and Oils j Builders' Hardware Household Supjt!" THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. 11 II. G. ARCHIBALD GROWING WITH 1 NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA 1. WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE I RUPERT PEOPLES STORE 3. RUPERT MEN'S & BOYS' STORE PRINCE RUPERTS 3 SHOPPING CENTRES our industrial machine becomes settlements of people increasing more dependent on he resources the amenities of life, I am sure of the north and, as one in- that the Alaskan towns will want dustrv is established, the ten- to be hooked up by lateral hi?n- Prince Rupert, B.C. Fur Telephone 101 P. 0. I)ra ' t sources of Alaska and the North-i denfy s not for development to ways to main highways running land in general. As the resources j take Dlace steD bv stec bat down through the Groundhog of the south become depleted, '' "Gifts that are Different" j THE TOTEM POLE GIFT SHC? I SOUVENIRS : HANDICRAFTS REAL ESTATE GENERAL INSIRANCE TOTRIST INFORMATION MARINE CARGO INSI RANCE TO ALASKAN PORTS SEE ARMSTRONG AGENCIES Phone S42 P. O. Box 927 307 3rd Ave. West PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. rather by geometric progression, region. They will want tourists Alaska and Northern Britisn to expose the great beauties of Columbia, even though they are our mountains and lakes. They under different flags, are driven will wish tourists to see the nu-by necessity to solve the irritat-; tural wild life and the vast vistas ing conflicts of national juris- of unexplored regions where the dictions because one cannot de- onrush of civilization has yet velop without the other. If the to change them from frontiers Alaska panhandle, for example, into great highways of trade ard wants to be connected with the commerce. rest of the continent by an over- We in Prince Rupert, therefore, land route, it must of nevesiity have a great stake in the develop go through Northern British Co.- ment of Alaska and Alaskan umbia. If the railhead and the .statehood; in fact, we have as Port of Prince Rupert are to much at stake as Alaska herself. Wrathall's Photo Finishing Post Cards and Scenic Views JACK WRATH ALL Proprietor WRATHALL'S PHOTO SHOP Prince Rupert, B.C. BLAIN BROS. VEGETABLES, FRUITS, MEATS, GROCERIES "WE AIM TO PLEASE" rhone.54 t- 837-841 2nd Ave. W. Free Delivery ' PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. NOVELTIES VERA A. PARSONS Prince Rupert. 211 Sixth Street, develop to the size that its foun- It is a great step forward to see l!!liii!l!!llWP!!ll:L.!.!,!l!!!l!l!.;U.i J BLESSED IS THE NATION WHOSE GOD IS THE LORI VOICES FROM HEAVEN Voices from the Present HER MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH, Washington. Jt He is despised and rejected of men. 1939: "Some people know about God, some know a Jesus In whom he have remeption thru' His blood. Christ, but the Lord Jesus is the possessor of my heart husband is also a believer." FIELD MARSHAL MONTGOMERY: "Gentlemen, I ri my Bible every day, and I recommend you to do the sa: GENERAL DOBBIE OF MALTA: "I believe that it was this precise purpo.se (to remove the barrier of sin) that Redeemed with the pre-ious blood of Christ as of a Lamb without blemish and -without spot. mum f tmf ...! mm mw m ..wnm,.sii ' 4 . . .V " , ' i 1 ! ! f '. ''J- ' ; ' if s i , . f - ' r'j ' " " 1 f - ' ' - i h fy , , I - " ; !, ( x ' - I Who His own Self bare our sins in His own body on the tree. Voices from the Past GEORGE WASHINGTON: "It is Impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible." ABRAHAM LINCOLN: "I believe that the Bible is the best gift God has ever given to man. All the good from THE SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD is communicated to us thru' this Book." ' WM. EWART GLADSTONE: "I have known ninety-five of t he world's greatest men in my time, and of these eighty-seven were followers of the Bible." QUEEN VICTORIA: "That Book accounts for the supremacy of England." " HORACE GREELEY: "It is Impossible to enslave mentally or socially, a Bible reading people." U. S. GRANT: "The Bible is the sheet anchor of our liberties." DANIEL WEBSTER: "If we abide by the principles we are taught in the Bible, our country will go on prospering, but IF WE AND POSTERITY NEGLECT ITS INSTRUCTIONS AND AUTHORITY, NO MAN CAN TELL HOW SUDDEN A CATASTROPHE MAY OVERWHELM US AND BURY ALL OUR GLORY IN PROFOUND OBSCURITY." Son of Ood whom we know as the Lord Jesus Christ cair,4 enrth and offered Himself as a sacrifice In order to pay penalty for our sins and THUS TO RECONCILE US TO G DR. HOWARD A. KELLY, world famed surgeon and sri tist: "I have never in my whole life met a man who re knew the Bible and rejected it. .The difficulty has alv been an unwillingness to give it an honest trial. As our I Himself says: "Ye will not come unto Me that you may 1 For your sake he became poor that ye thru' His poverty might be rich. The wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God. life." Realizing that fie R. G. LE TOURNEAU, J, Manufai " ' I had d urtau.x juse i uau l. l oariiiui was nunc Him, immediate 1. What a won(lf the joy of salvation burst in upon ful God we have; Why don't we belie., n more?" 1 NOT the fear of foreign invasion should SURE AND TUNE IN TOl BE KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS LIFE Has no joy comparable to the joy of knowing Christ as Saviour, Lord and Friend. EARTH Has no riches comparable to the riches of God's Grace. HEAVEN May not be entered apart from the experience of the new birth. "Except a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God" Jesus. THINK In these times of mutual felicitations, when the horizons of our friendship and industries are bright with the promise of material prosperity, let us remember that all we are and have would be swept away apart from God's loving care and intervention. ACT We preach that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart, that G.od hath raised Him from the dead, THOU SHALT BE SAVED. Romans 10, Verse 9. keep us troubled and tense . . . RUT the decay of Godly living ... the , nation's first line of defence! The Old Fashioned Revival Hl!Jcor Every Sunday, 5 p.m. Station KTKN, Ketchikan, Alaska, 5 p.m. Station C'KPG, Prince George, 10 a.m. (N.B.) Two stations each Sunday KTKN 5 p.m. CKPG 10 a.m. Amazingly Beautiful Kodachrome Slides Some shown at International Salons Featuring Verv Unusual Pictures of Greatf Interest, Gripping Stories of Adventure m II. Q., TORONTO, ONT. OF NORTH AMERICA .. FOR THRILLING STORIES fc of This Great Work READ 5 ltautymau WORLD-WIDE CIRCULATION For FREE Sample Copies write "THE SHANTYMAN" Box 1232 Prince Rupert, R.C. Mission Work. SHOWN WITHOUT C II A RflE in Churches, Camps, Halls, Private Homes An International Missionary Organization with Missionaries from the Atlantic to the Pacific and in the United States of America. MINISTERING TO Loggers, Miners, Settlers, Fishermen, Native Villages MANVILLE BEDFORD and CECIL J. CARTER Missionaries for Central B.C. Schools, Hospitals, etc. Write for Appointment CECIL J. CARTER P.O. Box 1232 Prince Rupert, P mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm fi'JJHfTffTTItf'fMITftrtf !1 r? ' ' 'f ( Iff f Mtfll Mil rif I ff 'Ml f,n MTt ID tTTTf f rT rtniliMIFtlt ij;..,dJii,iiu(i, i.,,J ;itr. un i i'i.hn .nl.nHjif i.iihi J!J J ill,'! ,jli,!!il;r(