R. G. Van der Sluys returned 23, 11:00 Weather and Sign Off FRIDAY A.M. ESTATE Prince Rupert Daily News ' Thursday, November 17, 1949 CFPR ' Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles irance ; by air Tuesday afternoon from a trip to Vancouver and Victoria. (Subject to Change) p TAX r'g PREPARED ... Interlude 4:30 Forest Rangers 4: 45--Personality Piano 4:55 CBC News 5:00 Yesterday's Band 5:30 Musical Program 6:00 Canada at Work 6:15 Dinner Music 8:30 Musical Varieties 6:4S Smoke Rlngi ' i--4" 7:00 CBC News 7:10 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Eventide . 8:00 Citizens' Forum 8:40 Citizens Forum News. 8:45 Here and There 9:00 Winnipeg Drama 8.30 Vancouver Concert Orch. 10:00 CBC Bewa 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Open Hearing 7:0O Musical CxK 8:oo-cbc Kews 8:10 Here's BUI Good 4:15Morning Song 8:30 -Musle ler MoxJeru :45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC Hews and Com't'y 15 Morning Oevotion 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal THXR3UAT -rji 4:00 Berate iJraclen Tells a Story :lS-8toclc Quotations and a4i kcr Ua& Near w 10:30 Dance With CBS lQ:0O Eilen Harris 10:15 "Singing Sam" 10:30 Melody Time In Thr Hiipreme Court ( British Columbia In Probate In the matter of th ".4(1mlnitra-tlim Art" And In The matter of 111 Estate of Matt Alfred Anderson, Otherwise Known Aa Alfred Anilrrsun, lis eased, Intestate. TAKE NOTICK that by Order of His Honour Judge W Q. Pulton. Local Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia. I waa on the 8th day of November. A D. 1949. appointed Administrator of the Estate of Matt Alfred Anderson, otherwise known a Alfred Anderson, deceased late of Bella Bella. British Columbia, who died on or about the 6th day of August. 1949. at Bella Bella. British Columbia. All persons Indebted to the said estate are required to pay the amount of their indebted ciul in Rubber Foolivcar WOMEN'S ZIPPER OVERSHOES REG. 4.25 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 Kindeigarten of the Air 11:15 Roundup Time , NOW ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS FOR llSt RK8ULTS - , ness to me forthwith and all persons having claims against the said eatate are required to file them with me properly verified on or before the 15th day of pecember. 1949. falling 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recording Interlude 11:45 Personal Album 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies 12:15 -CBC News 12:25 Prog. Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast :5b Recorded Interlude 1:00 Afternoon Concert 1 :45 Commentary Needle-pointers 2-00 -National School Broadcast 2:30 Records at Random Which distribution will h made having regard only to such claims GUM ECOIS Women's $2.50 Childa $1.95 8, 0 &..d 10 Misses $2.25 11, 12 and 13 of which I shall have been notified. Dated at Prince Rupert. B.C., this 8th day nf November, 1949. Oordon Fraser Forbes Official Administrator Prune ttuueit, tJ. U. (273) 654 2:45 T.B.A. 3:00 The Music Box 3:15 Don Messer and i His Islanders 3:3Q-r U.N. Commentary -' At the- 1 1: ainily Shoe Store Limited M- F- Stuai-t by air this afternoon on a brief bu.sinc;a trip i - Ikx 638 I'lione 357 Tail dtrtiimtsl li tt puMuhtd at tpUd by Iks UqaiM Control loard at by Govtmaaat ei B'llilk Columbia Ave. to Vancouver. r GOOD! GOO0I Ktllogg'l new, quick way I nak f BRAN MUFFINS WITH RAISINS No creaming, no egg-beating just one easy stirring! Make some to-day ! f CANNED FOODS J cup Kellogg'a H teaspoon salt AU Bran i cup sugar or cup milk 1 cup aiitttd y flour r Thai extra touch that means so gulden syrup Kg ialiLeapoorui aoft Mhorleniiig teaspoons baking powder H cup rauijia 1, Combine AU-Bran and milk in mixing bowl. J. Sift together flour, baking powder and salt into same mixing IhiwI. Add sugar or golden syrup, egg, shorten much when you cook . . . Kaien Co-op 'hardware ing, biiu i auMim. .JUI Will combined. 1, Fill greased muffin pans full. Bak in pre-beated m.deratHly hot , ovtfn (40U" K.) about 25 minutes. Makes 8 iu&ciuuji muttirw. PLAN YOUR XMAS GIFT BUYING NOW Pi 1 1 Canada's mt fsmtei natural Uiatlvt caraal lr 4its at In-sulttcKnt bulk try a bowlful Uaarl mm Mother Knows (SBest! THERMIC General RAY Electric -STAINLESS . VACUUM STEEL CLEANERS PRESSURE Real Gift COOKERS for Christmas POTS, PANS, 94.5 0 IRONS BALAGNO Florists Phune Green 781 Box 1193 v?tj '?..:'S 'J jJ;ssjMg3Cii ....:: YREXWARE, ELECTRIC .1 - Complete Stock J 251 THIRD AVENUE NOW AVAILABLE BOX 1127 i' PHONE 179 LOOK FOB THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEl Tajve a tip from the Libhy chef. Libby's Prepared Mustard is more than a condiment for your table. It can be a valuable help in your kitchen, too. See how this butter-smooth seasoning adds delicious zest and sparkle to sauces and gravies, how it wakes up sandwiches, gives a lift to many a dish. Try the recipes below and see for yourself. Add a dash to your own favourite recipes. You'll never want -to be without Libby's Prepared Mustard on your pantry shelf. PHncTuupert Florists Flowers for All Occasions EVERYTHING IN TOYS To Please the Boys and Girls CAIX IN TODAY WHILE STOCK IS COMPIJETE MANSON'S : China Store Across From Gov't Liquor Store 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel 77 ' ........ 1 1 0EVILE0 SOW EGGS WITH WITH ZT DEVILED DRESSING DRESSING MVILE0 DEVILED KM HAM .OUi ROLLS I MUSTARD MUSTARD SAIAD SALAD DEVILED HAM C hard ro iked eess . I 2 tablespooni Libby's Prepared Musiaril 1 lablesiiixins vineaar r'l h,"g powder hiscuilt - CALL BLUE 992 For Satisfactory Service KEN'S RADIO CLINIC 718 2nd Ave. W. 1 tablespoon vinegar iv nel Ham XatslMNini m. .... 1 tablespoon mayonnaise or cooaru 'pooo horseradish l teaspoon salt 4 teaspoon pepper teaspoon paprika wpoonlil,:,,', Prepared . taajwiswK ,iF If"' 1 jiiMui ju.iuniiwWDH'l!'""1'' .$. salad dressing 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon Libby's Prepared Mustard l ran Deviled Ham s cup Linny s r.apoiai-u ..... biscuit il,,,,,!, ; . ,,. Jar Combine all ingredients and mix l' i"tli id,, k. Conihine remain Cut eggs in half lengthwise. Remove "rt''"1"' ""t spread on dough. Mill roll fi.l,;.,-. Cm into MEW ROYAL J ihorouhly. t.nm. .,r-of areeiu-lettuce, endue, estarole, cabbane, etc. Makes 1 cup dressing. Variation: Aim i bhioi" - n hr ... i..' . .i..ii tablsspoons tinny "'i"- - HOTEL THE BAKING TWINS 'J' U-n. l,ke in hot on f"r l'Prximately 20 '" !;.e hnr . i. -..-.i ... .. . yolks and main. Agu naiancc oi ingredients and mix until smooth. Kelill white, tiarnish with a sprig of parsley. Serves 6. MUSTARD CATCHUP SAUCE cap Libhy's Prepared Mustard a cup Libby's Catchup Combine mustard and catchup. Serve cold with meat or tish. Makes fi cup sauce. " ;so with crcimut Stringlesa 6. '" A Home Away From Home MUSTARD MAYONNAISE, mayonnaise or cooked salad 1 cup dressing . U cup Libby's Prepared Mustard Combine ingredients and mix thoroughly, thill. Serve with vegetable salads. Makes 1 ' i"P- FOR BEST RESULTS IN BAKING CAKES QR PASTRIFS-Be K1TCHF.NWISE Be PENNYWISE - : USE DOMESTIC TENDERFLAKE SHORTENING & PURE LARD ' rrodart of Canada Packers Limited ' ' 50 Rooms Hot and Cold water HT MUSTARD SAUCl PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. '""IXKins Hour ' ' ' Phoae281 P.O. Box lao IJSjong Llbhy-g lrep..d HARP COOKED EGG AND SWEET RELISH 2 dicd hard cooked eggs . 1.4 cup Sweet Pickle Relish J teaspoon Libby's Prepared Mustard U cup chopped cucumber cup mayonnaise or cooked salad dressing 8 slices bread Combine ingredients. &8lrorr.hirMuc "Poon,,!, TARTAR SAUCE or cooked salad mayonnaise yt cup dressing , . 2 tahltt!.H.ns Libby's Prepared Mustard Rebs h Piskle li Sweet cup Siufted Olives 1 cup chopid 14 ttPMU sa,t and mix Combine .11 ingredients thoroughly. Serve wuh meat or tub. Makes 1 C"P aute' OF TASTY MEALS AT THE RexCaie Chinese Dishes Specialty. CHOP SUEY Spread between slices of buttered bread. Makes 4 whole sandwiches. CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Hughes, O.C, Ph.C 21-22 Besner Block Fhon BLUR 442 for ' Appointment HOIRS 10:30 .m. to 12:30 p m. and 3 to 6 p.m. IM.MM.H Monday and Friday. 7:30 p m. 'or tnoat unable to coma during the day. RECEPTIONIST In attendance afternoons. ';It in,.; . . M'rring con- ck and smooth. Add ! ' 1 cupj tauce. CHOW MEIN-.K Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel delicious way. . ! UM V of .,onrfnr, . ,n,ds Uolurino twen.y more 7:00 am. to 1.10 a.m. r&one is tor uuw.o . , 'Mutford In w-u. .::iT.: T.:.i .-d cur ncme and oddr ?o My .". .-;. lnamiii L..B 49 "ni(,u "'Hi. i'