iS LEADING 21 Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, November 17, 1949 'atest play Brownwoods, Gordon St Anderson and Rupert Radio ire tied for second place. Results of latest games: Lyons 3, Savoy 0 Stars 3. Wallace Pharmacy 0 Rupert Radio 3, Plnheads 0 Seen IVIC At . . . (L entre i$ lEAWJt In Tht Supreme fonrt of BrltUh Columbia In Probate In Tilt Matter of the "Administration Act" And In the Matter of the Estate of David Nilfton. Ieeeaied, Intestate TAKE NOTICE that by Order Brownwoods 3, Uniteers 0 Black Cats 2, Boosters, 1 Tollers 2, Annette's 1 , Commercial 2, Oordon & Anderson 1 Big Sisters 2, Lucky Strikes 1 Plungers 2, Seal Cove 1 Wrathalls 2, Belmont 1 Rosa Lees 2, Noble & Wick 1 Scuby's 2, Variety 1 ' AIR PASSENGERS illlcaclingthe Lad as a result of . Leap"6 To Vancover J. S. H. Wertele, H. K. Small, R. A. Kay To Sandspit R. Hammond, J. Good news for the junior mem- . the boys 10 and 11 years old ill bers of the Civic Centre Crafts meet at 4 n.m. Thursday aftpr- of is Honour Judge W. O. Fulton, Local Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, I was on the 7th day of November, A D. 1949. appoint 1 Administrator of the estate of David Wilson, deceared. late of Shames. British Columbia, who died on the 5th day of September. 1949, at Shames. British Columbia. All A. Pierce of Lyons was high in- Club is the fact that there are a noons. As the, supply of plywooi McDonnell, H Gold. amauai scorer with 316 for a dozen bead looms on their wav is runnine short, it. is hpini? sm. single game and 687 for three here from Victoria and will be'gested that members of those From Vancouver C. A. Mr. Heathcliff, Mr. Hamilton. From Sandspit Mrs. H. Helin. persons Indebted to the said estate r . nere ior me Wednesday session classes would bring any pieces are required to pay the amount of I ....... i. :t . 1 . . . i . . . . A a wrciw. una wm jjciihii Miry nave ai nome 10 neip con 1 make a gilt or two before tinue these sessions.- Tools, pat- Christmas. Classified Ads. Get Results. terns and some materials are available but' volunteer hrlners I ine wooaworitiiig ciass nasw are fitm 80rely needed, panded to nearly fifty members 8ocia, Leatnercrat class so has been divided intrt two ses- ( meetlng Thursdays a ha)I sions. The boys who are 7, 8 and holir parn-r tHll .k,i.,i,i t.. their Indebtedness to me forthwith, and all persons having claims against the snld estate are required to file them "with me properly verified on or before the 15th day of December, 1949. failing which distribution wUl be made having regard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified. Dated at Prince Rupert. B. C. this 8th day of November, 1949. Oordon Fraser Forbes Official Administrator ' Prince Rupert, B. C. (273) I. 9 years of age meet on Tuesday allow more before the time of Insti union new Thursday Jr. UlTUCOST afternoons for their session while Woodwork class NOTUK TO '0TKTtKH Cuiitriln or HnildliiRH Nu. TO l.LKMKMWRY h IIOOI.S Tmacr, II V. SEALED TENDERS til duplicate for General Contract including hot water heating system. complete Six-Month Jail Term Upheld f serves six L. ; i A police court . sentence of CANNED ft I electrical work and other trades. six months in Jail on a charge SHIMON PUFFS endorsed "Tender for Conversion of Buildings Nos. 14 & 19 to Elemen of keeping liquor for sale, im tary 8chool3", situated at former 1 lb Canned Salmon Army camp site at Terrace. B. C. will be received by Secretary. School f tap ult District No S3, Terrace. B. C. on or V, tsp peppw ) (TIP olV orraa nunt 1 tljup Innonjuit before 5:00 P. M., Wednesday, NOV' ember 30. 1949. posed by Magistrate W. D. ance on Murray Oliver last August, was upheld in County Court by Judge W.' O. Fulton recently. Oliver's sentence began with the confirmation of the conviction by Judge Fulto. LOWEST " . . ' PRICES . too tiMiu . . , Te rJLJSm Working drawings and BpeciflcB' tlons will be available on and after noon of Friday. November 11th. 1949 at the office of the Board of School Trustees. Terrace. B. C. and at the MO .m- I m :lal Office of the Architects. Sharp & Thompson. Berwick. Pratt, 1553 Robson St., Vancouver, B. C. Hie Fleetwood 21? A certified cheque for five (5) per cent of the tender submitted must 3 Speed accompany each and every tender and shall be forfeited If the party tendering declines to enter Into Con Record Changer Plays all Records Automatically 6 Tube ttadio with RF ' Stage lor Greater , ' Sensitivity tract when called upon to do so. On award and signing of the Contract, the successful tenderer shall furnish to the Board of School Trustees, a surety bond equal to fifty (50) percent of the Contract price. On receipt of this bond the certified cheque submitted with the tender will be returned. The Board of School Trustees, and the Department of Education, reserve the right to reject any. r all. Mother KhousTBesr' BROADWAY CAFE tenders without explanation. No tender having any qualifying clauses will be considered. A deposit of tea dollai-s (10 00 Is required for each set of plans and , specifications and will be returned ; EBY & SONS Contractors REPAIRS - REMODELLING BEST, FOOD; Ci) upon receipt of same In good con dition. SHARP & THOMPSON. BERWICK. PRATT For the Board of School Trustees School District No. 53, IEST ROOKING iiivrv FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home' under the N.II.A. . Phone Green 883 Bos 58 $189.50 FOB tAWE-HOMS' OBDER3 TERRACE, B. C. Dated at Vancouver B. C. this Ninth 19th) day of November; 1949 (270) New Lust- rous Duco - .Finished Cabinet V Phone 100 fhosk m Hours 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. & WICK A SPECIALTY NOBLE 201 3rd Ave W. .T'o vVv -v'-' ''Y 'o. 2.--- Mc:.lLJiirivcffsaIlfs .a . .i I i. L.n fnod frtlllM a tlroiiaPrt Ww,ir r-"'" r -tht lenited" mtul eds Pi :-Xmas v-iearance Clearance Sal oaie jtr. No wtt re-Amas jivct in cvtn DONT MISS THESE VALUES FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY he you want MEN'S SOCKS Heavy Grey Work Socks and Dark Colored Worsted O V 1 AA NYLON HOSE "Substandards Made by a Leading Manufacturer. The Flaws are Hardly ftQf Pr-Noticeable. Sizes 9-11 OK, Sox pair for A w MEN'S WORK GLOVES LADIES SNUGGIES & VESTS All First Quality Pink Only. Sizes S-M-L ea. !fl 1.00 r Cream Cowhide. Wrist and Gauntlet Styles. Sizes only . Ve MEN'S SPORT JACKETS LADIES HOUSE DRESSES Good Quality Prints. Values to O Qf 5.. Sizes 14-20. Priced to Sell . ea. avc 19.95 Assorted Tweed Patterns Values to 35.00. Sizes 36-42 eral UStU UM.fW.W LADIES SLACKS 1 ' V MEN'S WORSTED SUITS Good quality Wool and Wool Mixtures in Plain GOOD USED CARS IN STOCK RICED RIGHT FOR QUICK SALE P in to See These Bargains at ... . . Colors and Check Patterns 3.95 pr Sizes 12-14-16 Only Single and Double Breasted Styles QQ OtJ.tlU CA Sizes 36-44 42.50 m BEDROOM CURTAINS - White Dot Marquisette Size 41" x 21 yds. 2.95 1 MEN'S TIES Good Selection to Choose from O for Values to 1.50 each 1.19 TEA TOWELS Good quality part Linen, gay stripe and Check Patterns 9 ftQf Viiiioiiiiceiiieiil MEN'S TARTAN SPORT SHIRTS-j Size about 30 x 15 ea. All Wool Bright Patterns " 6.98 Values to 9.50. Sizes S-M-L . . ; . The Canadian Liauid Air Co. Ltd., Vancou- M C., take pleasure in announcing that Lind- ParlaRc and Storage Lt.d. are now repre YARDAGE SPECIALS 36" Cotton Print 2 yds. for 8!c 36" White Flannelette ... 2 yds. for 89c 40" Dot Marquisette 2 yds. for 89c 36" Cretonne Floral Pattern 59c yd. ss them as a suddIv depot for Oxygen and SEE OUR MEN'S JACKET SPECIALS DONT MISS THESE VALUES1 Rtaie and as an authorized dealer of C.L.A. Cih and Cutting equipment, Electric Weld- equipment and supplies for both Gas and Friday and Saturday Only Welding. . A complete stock of gases and supplies will Maintained at Lindsav's. warehouses for the AV" rrrn, ir :r,l WJ F'VSriinnnn ti :J il 1IC U 111 V vlsdl ui Liiose requiring same. All enilllirinc nnmliiillii vwuivorl CHRISTIE, BROWN AND COrVlPANY, LIMITED attritf. TORONTO mi WINNIPEO ' CBM9 at 6th Street 3rd Ave. (270)