KETCHIKAN NLP MUX , Th fedora, government h,' Prince Rupert Daily New 'l inn iii.iv. November 17, p-iu LADIES' BOWLING LEAGUE SCHEDULE nil .; Ruby's vs Wallace Pharmacy, Cl. & Anderson vs Unl-tcors; Brownwoods vs Savoy's; Seal Cove vs Annettes; Noble ' & Wick vs Stars. , - j Pharmacy; Siars vs WratnftU's; Bis Sisters vs Comnierclal; Annettes vs Belmontft. Dec --Lucky Strikes vs Seal rove: Boosters vs Tollers: budgeted ta TjdSe. $2(i mllUo: from aurmslon duties this year twice the amount raised by thij l Continued from Page 20) j eastern U. S. processing plants,' or would rely on the Alaska' Steamship company to handle lorrn oi 4ax In IW43. - . Black Cats vs Uniteers; O. St Si licdiile fur the ladle' Howling l eaf tie, pint Quar ! Nov. 24-Toilers vs Lucky IPtrlkes; Variety vs Pin Heads: Anderson vs Savoy's; Plunders TEMPERATURES GOING I this cargo remains u oe seen, i The Alaska line has said it ter U Aiiiuiiiiunl a lullows American Viscose Vc riert Radio vs tvoiut: Plun- vs Rosa Lee; Pin Heads vs Ly on. hopes to quote a low enough rate to cet the traffic. But the I) Nov 17 Ulit Sisters vs Seal I tees vs Belmont; Commercial Cove; Uelmont vs Murk CU: t vs Black Cats; Dig Sisters vs Punters vs Boosters, Rupert i Boosters . Radio v Variety; Scuby's vs I type of cargo and frequency of j in; wisk ami mki: si kk of voi it winti u m i i i v or coal tion. largest In the rayon field In America, Is backing the Ketchikan plant. It Is a competitor of Cellulose Corporation of Am. erica, a backer at the bin Pfcnt moving ahead In Prince Rupm. service may demand a special type of carrier. Either way however, pulp mill officials sav O W N j Nov. SB-Boosters v Annet- Tollers vs I'm Meads. to Lyons; Nov, (tea; Noble & Wh-k va Savoys. .S-lMsn Lee vs Wrath-;siurs vs a & Amlt,rsu Ru. the bulk of the pulp will go jpeit Radio vs Wallace Pharm- MINI NO 11 1' It your subscription la in arrears and you do not receive your paper, p 1 e a e do not olame the publisher, the new boy or the poxi office. 4ut do a little straight talking to yourself. Co-operaWon of subscribers in this regard woulc be appreciated. It would any a lot of trouble and everybody would be happier. Subscriptions are puyuble in ORDER TODAY FROM iary; Uniteers vs Wrathalls: CIGARet Scuby's vs Brownwoods Skinny men, tvemsrt gain 5, 10, 15 lbs. Get Hew ftp, Ym, Ylgtr through Rupert and most of the rest to the orient. Statehood and the end of the restrictive Jones Act, of course, would allow Canadian ship operators to bid on the pulp enr-go If they were Interested. Call (m! (I (l III ) CeriilU-tlr it lniMmtinrtif NOIIl I. N Mil 'II mill Jimilr Mill. T il Claim, allium- in uw sKH;n. Minnie ltiui u 1,'tNwK a, ivt Ml-.trlrl WtlKI.'K lOt'UKII uvll,r Ik- PAPERS i LVo. 1- PhniKers vs Commercial; Blit Sisters vs Belmont; What a fhnai Ban Knta (it mmi vijn . I. in, l m-m Kiul '. miii philpott emit & Co. Lid. . Roan Lee vs Black Cats; Variety !vs Lyons', Tollers vs Seal Cove; Lucky Strikes vs Pin Heads Kurvwl. etty "taaB-tmM mil ixt TKK NKi'h-K llinl J A lil'TH- KHII,'I. r M Vruli-mi N, j lt:i:r iif-viit f,- I'Kt'llKNTtAt H;t'T ixiVII'ANV t tMITKtt. Mllii'l l'rllllrtr N.l SOSMK. Ill- oum. latct. IU tin Mtfci.:; i iVc. S - Noble & Wick vs Sen- i m : by's; Rupert Radio vs Brown- It'll.1 iiv nuii llix ti. rr. i try a Clu&sirinj jia for ResulU ..t i-ic viji.) New M . lu, It or Ka run n he KrB ,4t. ill tint hoi itrt limn iviw vrr, to WikkIs, Variety " vs Wallace ! ply Uip Miiuuii l(nuj,r ti a ; , I t Mill II m il dint, srrii u s irr iKinoul IMlm T0l lBbttt tat M H aw . at ana v - W ) ti i-IOUMLr nt liiii4Avt,ini'iit.t Ut Uir I lr Hip li ul IK y.,. ,il obMlnllK Cimwii Oint .il thi Ihvv. claim Ami Mrihrr tW- h.hit dial at -ihui umicr Mellon as mum r rmc nwilml Ik-f.irr liwiuiiHif uf aili'll FINE pwntIngJ i WUiHNM' M tllipnafllimii U.uM tlu- 15th 0y m NiimiilKT IMH ,111 TRAIN SCilKDULK Monday, WeuniUv, rruin W p.m. ftm ih Kg Tuesday. lhji,tis, suiun HI it p m t'Al L iw.n: r tn; v ;V; vice KKN"SKDIO CLINK? ''IS Ae w lIllHM r rriiii,ni hi liwiiMirmi-iil llllli; Jrn Minna! I'Uiira, siliuic Uit Mi.fns Mlninc Hinsiii tV yaurfurnitttr H1 I.vm-xl nn it ,,t ..r the ESaptone HAVE VOU ANY BUILDING PROBLEMS? raising urn niN;s. moving KM'AV ATlONS. ADDITIONS Wine . ; Mo&v Excellent Xty Product oi I tnuMl quality . . , rorr t l1e, ati.l long salUring servh-r . . . Hratnutre . . . Best for I he R-t ,f uf life." if I ta k--v" v lP--Tf i iv mi envt i Vci.r lv-Ihm J A Kulli.rt.u-.i j K M iwuiiidu N tST:$P. a x;ns !,w H-nrv r KniWm P M ' tVri:iuatr N tustisK ana rmlerH-k ' Xaiutfiirtlt. r U (Vrliiu-atf No X-. Itbar. intriitt at ih- nut f sixly bin ,u tirr titan otia ri tiu ir ttusr hitsvj . a!lr to Itw ! MuillK KiSNHtli-r Ur a IVrtujoat u liuiWMvvmciiis I, tin- Imrtnw ,i i ttinuvs a Itimn Oram uw. adovr rlAim Ami rursw itutior that t.' It ai. uwilrr xvthw hiu-i tv ,om' IVies Quickly iti ; beautiful flat fuk . Paint today move tomorrovr- Nil JOU IOO I uu.i OU S 1 OR I s MOUITI CONSTRICTION 51.40 ot S4i0 TiTi h j - UU3LLLLLLtiir.' H tl I THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. l Phoue Red 2 US M.l)iw til la.w, nHiu. ii,m utv- unn iki tt n. 'TfVBORE I ' t Tac aritvMaiMrttt it m j im til i J H a t iM (ami a4 ar av taa tmmmmn at baat (mm. Professional ami Bum BL1UJ BC i'iVKitLa.-j MATTSON I ' ' I I INFANTS i Pacific Phone Blae l.l ; J36 SecociJ s:i FINEST . Prfcca Rosens J SIDNEY GONICK OPTOitETR 1ST . Con.pietp VUaal Analyst; " - fc. OFFICE HOURS 9 a m. to 5 p m. Tftrpr.orrf 21 J ' Ivenirgs by AppUnitar.t FOOD r B. & W. TSAS I LRT FI3 KZNZUK . Sac Pr dt . PfaXTE CrJEJ j Tbotsals of ursuiicltnl lestj- taodii tfli how Pscif .c iUit . hsa ba the answer to th-a fw.'ir.? prufakaa. L radUsed ar...1 va -uarn packed, ; Fcv: is IcfeaX fof the biir Sv-.if fw gr.raJ k:-hen f PACIFIC MILK Irrauv-J ar.d Va-auia Parked ROCK ft -M. J. sadt: CATHERISE LAURIE PUBLIC STEXOGRAPHER 31 Tliird Are. West ' t Prince Kupwrt Resit) Col Pt)c.s: - M . Orea WT-tjy. i V Oreen41I Evet. . AJt " xt Cjirvi BYTOW.V MACHINE t 1 foQ0)y Genuine WIAR-EVER, Extra Hard, Thick Sheet ALUMINUM -IT-' ' TASCCrTII- Pajnt, (ntiB. Carta aanj Slant Cupie; Rfijsbit r.d trie ect 9eroe, u if-ats f,.r Cariua A.r Co. Ui Irr Cfcrr'ja, Aj -y.r. raj & Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cjf fej Awwsbm WORKS rr: Ae-'.ts foe PEMFIXX CAS . aod ' 1 '?;' cuiocxs dusjx rsabfrs 4Je SefVA- a4 Para -Boai cvsera tM Bsert ef Lv-imai Es?nes av tasted U cir ibc-rrceca ja iw ti riricaw erjL-e aaj U.t i-eef exycawii pnjfeaeaia. nCOv n t i n MAP.GAF.IT t. ...ST0SI ST- 1 .-iifc -sst,..; ;tifeitti1.1 a a Modernize your kitchen Et rr dr. garnet e H- MOXTCOMERY DESTIT . rtas 13 POL Be OI i i i tTAtl OaVt It Broils : : 1 It akes BT it Fries fim fTTJ W . Aw . r1--: :,xi GEOEGE L 5 -S"Mt4 li a.tnk. .. . ptAa ircHsraciftjf MIKE COLUSSI Ptxr PT ACS T34 F3 lvr! . - 4r . . M a. ckt aan 72d Now Serve AUNT JEMIMAS Oftenl DR. P. CHv !"aj HEiiENS BEAUTY SHOP PrA29t V'AVtSf Bi.cj CSi3Sr Ha au &s iraties 2J4 rs ssrrt ptna e 3ldeni at Very Fas" Ijt taj mm imfpmn PHONE 363 MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. a Cnxrvam i & X:j b AUNT JE?i k'1vX- i V.1--- ea- v4ef a2TJ ? Si-KJ'Atf frf. Al A0T J& Tiat W (vac t VK4 H'tlv a-" - X saw Ma $u RiNrn.. WELLS CARTAGE H. & W3X ML3Aer Ci-s.2ss PieiCE Caruit .t Aval Aaamna KM S k 1 . -...V . " 1 1 1 (3 I seers - - aa.v ma, a ad av aiM aUT-" tIm. al ain,tm.14 jm, io BULGER Jpfraiirun Joins Bcf yer Ltd. titri AfiaB f t I F-r Zt.zaUaa auk MAC SHOE ECSPITAL I I i ' "rs ? r 3a ' . ; ?"4 fcn4 a