J Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, September 8, 1950 Subjects Of Contention Stiil Nursing After 60 Years TORONTO Mrs. Caroline ' ' ' "'v jiiirjfWiM fills High? OTTAWA Parliament is to Customs Revenue Shows Increase Customs collections for August at $44,011.02 showed a gain of nearly $4,000 over July with total David Smith, who accompanied the Job's Daughters party to Longbeach, California, returned to the city on the Coquitlam jown and enjoy the added com- Sewell's immediate ambition is to be engaged now In the discus-keep nursing for just one morejslon of three contentious sub-year to bring her record to 60jjects: years on the job. 1. The new $858,000,000 defence The 79-year-old nurse, now i expenditure plan, doing floor duty at the Toronto 2. The sending of Canadian General Hospital, sees nothing troops overseas, remarkable in her long service. ' 3. Curbing of Inflation. "After all," she says, "I was only Monday evening. them nf an Police reported the Labor Day week-end was the quietest of the summer with only a few minor Achievement In Fine SPORTSWEAR .11 Wool Casual Jacket revenue at this port of $40,080.86 but a decrease from last year's i August figure of $49,398.93 But! total for the year at $434,460.43 stands above last year's $352,-1 093.22. : offenders marring a crime-free week-end. The few arrested iGLAS Roll blankets. EGLAS can easily be installed in your in on evening, and costs .only $6 per A. were charged with Intoxication. doing my job. There are lots of ether nurses like me, if you look for them." Mrs. Sewell was graduated I from Queen Charlotte's Hospital' in London, where she specialized Richard Large, son of Dr. and Mrs. R. O. Large, left at the end o fthe week to take up studit'3 In Vancouver. Ladies' Bowling League meeting at 8 p.m. Wednesday at the Bowling Alleys. All teams must be entered that night. (208c) Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cordon and sons returned to the city on Monday after spendrhg a holiday at Lakelse Lake. Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell and family returned on Sunday from Lake Kathlyn where they spent the season at their summer home. Dr. and Mrs. L. M. Greene and family returned to the city on Sunday after having sp:-nt the summer vacation at Lake Kath-lyn near SuiiUiers. Fire Hits Lake Winnipeg Resort WINNIPEG The Board Walk Gifts that bring happiness are square reci- gilts from your jewellers. For the September weddings be sure to fee Bulger's wide selection and GLAS, complete with vapour barrier, . inictc ii mil i l x s-nllini icr in midwifery. She delivered at' least 3,000 babies there before Support the RED SHIELD APPEAL at Grand Beach, Lake Winnipeg, north of here, was swept by fire on Sunday. Dance hall, lunch t0 III DtMWtti i y jw. -.., .v.. coming to Canada In 1908 withi her husbafid. After coming to BnH har wp rip i dy Craft Sportswear. Full "I had to call Canada, she says, trnwri Raiiuv rar.inn ann in a doctor for delivery.' fGLAS can also be installed by your waterfront ' concessions wert saved from destruction. the present stock was all bought , before the 107o advance In price. (It) Miss Patsy Lemon, Miss Janet Rackow, Miss Margaret Giske and Miss Norma McKay were among local Job's Daughters returning to the city Monday al-ternoon on the Coquitlam after having attended the recent supreme sessions in Longbeach, AL CONTRACTOR, on a time payment She herself has nine children and 22 grandchildren. Ful'iuvtUig bpi-cicti training in home and foreign fevers, Mrs. Sewell served for two years In 2Q't down and 2 months to pay the Announcement Windsor studios are still Weight Zipper, L i Alexandria, where she came Into contact with everything fromi California. Dazaar, October . 4 Catholic and 5. INQUIRE TODAY AT measles to bubonic plague. When the Sewells came to Can ada they settled in the Temiska- Colorful Check Material photographing at the Commercial Hotel until 8 p.m. Thursday. For appointment please phone. (ltc) Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Nickerson and family, who have been spending the past few weeks holidaying at Lakelse Lake, returned to the city on last night's train. Mrs. G. R. S. Blackaby and ifjrf & McCaffery Limited St. John Ambulance brigade meeting at the Fire Hall, at 8 p.m. Friday. Anyone interested please attend. (210c) Miss Ritsu Kameda, Mus. B left on Monday evening's train for the east to continue her studies at Trinity College, Uni Lutheran Ladies' .Aid Fall Sale October the 7th. Rebckah Bazaar, October 13 St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, Oct. 28 Sonja Bazaar, October 27. j - i mlng district of Northern Ontario , She continued her nursing in the district, as her husband's heart condition prevented him from doing heavy work. When Mr. Sewell died in 1928, she went back to nursing, later moving to Sar-nia. Ont., district, where most P.O. BOX 160 1:1-117-58 Designed for Smart Ap versity of Toronto after ine the summer holidays with her mother, Mrs. S. Kameda of lauer pari oi last week alter having spent the season at their summer home at Lake Kathlyn. pearance and Long Wear, R. W. COLLINS Authorized Dealer for ( ELECT ROLUX Contact the above for all Services and Supplies See the new three brush ELECTROLVX FLOOR POLISHER Applies th3 wax as well as of her children have settled. She came to Toronto six years ago and was accepted as staff nurse at the Toronto General. "I hope to go on one more Port Edward and brother-in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yamada, Eleventh Ave. East. Moose Bazaar, rlov. 2 and 3. ! Legion Auxiliary Fall Bazaar , November 8. j Presbyterian Fall Sale Nov. 18. j IO.D.E. fall Dazaar November ijal Canadian Air Force Canadian' Legion Auxiliary year, sne says, But one never meeting Thursday night at 8 knows it what is ahead.' Most Useful Jacket for 23. o'clock in the Legion Rooms. , (210c) , W. M. Watts, back in the dis t. i .o-i L.O.B.A. Bazaar Dec. 1. desirous of enlisting or re-enlisting In RMU CANADIAN AIR FORCE . arrange for personal Interview with MR. E. CLAUSEN. . Clausen & Son office, Waterfront, Prince Rupert Between 4 and 8 p.m. Mrs. Koocit ivuuu triCt after a motor trip to the to the city Sunday night from ,,,iHmo. nA Vnta" Late Summer und FalL a b.rle.fut!;llL 10 "flir United States, arr'ived in the city polishes PHONE 451 Phone today for a free demonstration of the 1950 Models of the ELECTROLUX AIR PURIFIER and ELECTROLUX FLOOR POLISHER V Own 973 P.O. Box 548 'the "omineca on Saturday night's train from se publ ,he o returned there Herald, did not suffer serious ,,,!t f a ,:ni-,h of Monday night. He and Mrs. tf h 'tnZ r. iV nneratinz Watts and family will drive from machine last week. Smithers to Vancouver where they will make their future home. his linotype t JUST. HEAR ir-SKAP!-! LCfiACKlE POP.' WHEN ir iiV MEN'S CREPE SOLED BOOTS stJ 'YOU POUR MILK OrJ! fm Will & PuuJ 4 & niture Fashions Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Scott re-! turned to the city Sunday night from a month's trip which took' them to Vancouver, northwestern Washington, the Okan- Vil MUST ADD . L Prices for Prince Rupert Horists I Flowers fur A.! Orrasloiw J 3110 3ro Ave. Box 516 Tel. Till STORE SHOE FAMILY agan and home via fringe George where they attended the convention of the Associated Boards of Trade cf Central British Columh'a. A fishing trip to Bakine Lake was curtailed by their young son getting a fish hook lodged In his head, which necessitated taking him back out to Burns Lake where removal was effected without Ill-effects. AL Furniture PICULES j are easy to make. I , Give your pickles that tangy goodness through the magic of Oilman's mustard. You'll find several, easy-to-make mustard pickle recipes in our book, . "Culinary Art". For your free copy, write to Reckitt & Col-man (Canada) Ltd, Station T, LTD. Charlie Roberts Phone 357 P.O. Pox 033 IN OUR RUPERT m AND Fl :Y HERE IN- NISHED PRINCE THE BEST Priced from $33.95 See them Now tit in J tCMLV HmOUTIM offer you at Reduced Prices this only the Modernistic Furniture cd at the recent Industrial Exhibition Montreal. CO mom rtnacM am nrwi PWMUn WNULI tn. MMMMMI MUKt "ft mMBHUU T M-CASf 1 Continuous qualify CAM tMtUaat that iri TABLES COFFEE TABLES i? rk With iemce PHONE ICO PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & , HEATING BUD SCHUMAts Out Tost OtUce Bid. I I CHESTS OF DRAWERS BEDS DINETTE CHAIRS NIGHT STANDS Continuous VALUABLE MrJRALS AND i pROTEltJS, TOOi McBride Street. Phone 311 price proof that it doesn't take a mint of money to Live Attractively! REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED WmBm ISIIE'S Woodbilt Produas PORTRAITS , Films DovclopeP :mrt Printeit PROMPT SERVICE CIIANDI.F.lfS STl'DIO 218 - 4th Street Box 645 Phone Oreen 333 Prince Rupen pe. & McBride Phone Blue 720 R. E. Mortimer suevEys show cMVD&ti PREFER rr 10 TO I OVER, ANY OTHER. PCE CEREAL 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) l U -It TWO CONVENIENT PACKAGES NOW: HOT DOGS HAMBURGERS- KAIEN CO-OP HARDWARE . 7- .7 it'sLinolcum want drop in and 1 check our stock of u Purchasi I (. Ill v, e your Buns From VANCOl'VER VICTORIA Sunday. 9 p.m.. Caraosun Wednesday, 1:30 p.m. Coquitlam ALIC E ARM. STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Monday, Coquitlam. 11 nm. KOH NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SS? Camosun, Sept. 15 & 29 10 p.m. TOR S6UTII QUEEN CHARLOTTE IbUMtS S3. Cnmnsun, September 8 . ; and 22, 10 n m. IK..MH i. SKINNER t Prince Rupert Agent rhirrt Avenue Phone 568 ERT BAKERY LTD. :iil.i-iikiJ JlaHi 1 I m 1 II' ' v.1 Inlaids -jr British r Hall Runner six Floor Mats IS I s 9 Congolcum nine feet wide Rcxoleum Rugs WRITE Box 11 2 WE DELIVER 4 251 - 3rd Avenue PHONE 179 Ask or it either way . . . ioth trade-marks mean tht tatpe thing. SAFETY SERVICE SEXr. Authorial boltlar ol Coct-Coli ndtf lenlrtel with Cmi-CoI Ltd. NORTH STAR BOTTLING WORKS Prince Rupert Phone 132 BROADWAY CAFE E OPEN EVERY MORNING Safety lubrication means"""" REGULAR lubrication! ! Frequent servicing insures you against burned oui bearings and sudden caT failure far from a repair" shop. We suggest you,;: drive up today! rugs In ' w tlVVE TUU so' woy from Home! the Pioneer Druggists PRESCRIPTION SERVICE food the Best Food ay you like it! USI Eusmess Men's Lunch Daily Delivery Service PHONE 81 3our Famous Steaks and Chops Bob Parker Lid. Ford-Monorch Deolers The Home of Friendly Service Prince Rupert.- B. C. Hour? .7 a m to 1 a.m For Take-Home Orders--Phone 200 , Quaiity Gas St Oil