Lor is brought here i.,0c in the forthcoming con- Prince Uupcrt Daflg JQctos JUD. Monday, August 16, 1948 Local News It ems . . . tf- vention at Victoria, adding that ftuiKil ..oniy by the vigilance of organ- ..,rt!.,H labor can we offset labr vnK K"l"" l ....... ADAM MclNTOSH LAID AT REST ,nfa to! legislation in Canada such as Earl Batt arrived In the city by air at the end of the week from the Queen Charlotte Island logging camps. ' ll'u' !.. fff-W-irtlpv lnhrir Kill In tnicii Hie " " popaf pa i" i me Darrell Wall nrrlvprt from1 Many Id friends of deceased , succe-fa Mrs. S. Klrkaldy of Terrace was an air passenger for Vancouver on this afternoon's plane. Miss Olga Zabuflny returned home on the Camosun last evening from a trip to Vancuover. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hill returned to the city on the Camosun last evening from a brief A national labor code will be brought down In the and his family gathered Satur. Smithers to Sunday by car itSiy meet Terrace Club Sport Jackets . I . DnllnM 4 t ned late ncxi ses.uu" m iwiwiunn aim spend a brief visit In Prince Ru- labor musi see mat it js oi sucn day afternoon at the Grenville Court Chapel of B.C. Und-r-j takers to attend final. rites for pert. ' T, dp-i are taking place against organ- Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Montador, the late Adam Mcintosh, for wno nave Deen on a two weeKs manyTtars until his lgng and inuector ized labor In the lake seamen's jj m-i crii,A cannot haDDen aealn " hp final illness a well known mem- returned home by car on Sun nf1 said. costing trip to Vancouver. Regular Meeting of Waitress's Union. Local 331, Tuesday 2:00 p.m. Carpenters' Hlal. (It) Mrs. J. W. Moorehouse return day. ber of the Canadian National Railways staff here. Rev. A. J. Lawson of First United Church officiated and Mrs. E. J. Smith President August wainn, who was chairman, thanked Mr. Archibald for his address. temporal considera- Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Little of Terrace, after a brief trip to Vancouver, arrived in the city presided at the organ to accom-on ' Saturday afternoon's plane pany the hymns which were ed to the city on the Camosun last night from a trip to Van is sta- Announcements GLEN PLAID CHECKS SOLID COLOR COVERTS HARRIS TWEEDS irily, 1 "'i All dvertwemett i thU column and proceeded to their home in couver. "Nearer My God to Thee" and o,, duties will M enargea iot iuh monta nu . , J t 2S ctiti s word of hours and other ; orange Tea. Proceeds Pro- M. O. Kullander of the Forest Branch staff left on this afternoon's train for a trip to the "Abide With Me." Interment followed in Fair-view Cemetery with A. E. Wood, A. R. Nichols, L. M. Gordon, D. A. Morrison, J. G. Anderson and irubltm5- testant Home, uaaieiiows Hall, the interior by car. Mr. and Mrs. William Noble, who In company with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Montador, spent three weeks motoring in the Okana-gan Valley and the state of Washington, arrived home Queen Charlotte Islands. Tht Ctory MiiiIhtt Ad.m. SrW. H Brett M. September 1. ae regula- Barbecue Feed and Logging Mrs. Harold Helland and three D. R. Creed acting as pallbearers. I children returned to the city on "His name is Sklppy what's yours?' There were numerous floral tributes. Saturday night's train from a siration of sports, Grand Home Site Draw-ciions to ingi auspices Terrace Civic Centers had j tre Association, Terrace, Labor holiday trip to Smithers. WEEK-END EXCURSIONS to CONVENTION 'Continued irom Page One) A. D. Fletcher of Saskatoon wters ui- Day, septemDer o. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ronald HOTEL ARRIVALS Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Gow, Vancouver; B. Lamb, city; W. Mac- Vancouver Moose Bazaar, Oct. 14-15. Eve- returned to the city on Satur Terrace and Lakeise by Kaien hsa guest at the home of his Island Stages Ltd. Terrace re- son-in-law and daughter, Mr. turn $3.45. Lakeise return $4.20. j and Mrs. L. Franklin, Lotbmiere Coancil in-jning entertainment. Premier Bvron Johnson and day night's train from a holi been sue-! QUeen Mary i.o.D.E. Bazaar, l2bor rep-lo-Kpr 2n. day trip to Winnipeg. bus leaves Prince Rupert 7:30 ; street. He will visit for a couple Attorney-General Gordon Wis-mer.' An excellent impression W the ;J en nf Nnm'iv nnrl Kmlo foil a.m. each Sunday. For tickets and reservations call 99 or 229. Mrs. Alex Slater returned to was made by Mr. Johnson as Cumniis- the city on the Camosun last of weeks before proceeding to Seattle and California. He arrived in the city on Thursday night's train. key, Vancouver; H. Gould, Vancouver; J. A. Ward, Vancouver; R. W. Denny, Aldergrove; W. E. Walker, Vancouver; T. Bross-well, Nainaimo; H. F. Johnston, Vancouver; Mrs. P. Tomman, Butedale; Mrs. A. Olson, Lad-ner; Mrs. G. Tambaline, Lad-ner; Miss M. Coward, Vancou- evening after a six weeks' holi . (tf) Douglas Frizzell will be leav i a se nd a Bazaar Oct. 22. Canadian Legion W.A. Bazaar, November 10. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. 18. ing soon for Banff to attend a convention of the Federation of he seconded a resolution proposed by Rt. Hon. C. D. Howe, minister of trade and commerce, on the subject of foreign trade development. Resolutions carried to Ottawa by the local delegation on such matters as control of the cost It's smart to look smart in one of these Terrace Club Jackets . . They're comfortable, handsome and economical. Featured in a wide range of Dlaids, plain colors i n d tweeds, we lave all sizes in Doth young men's i n d conservative models. ' day visit in Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McRae, who have been holidaying at Flying U ranch In the Cariboo, returned home on Saturday night's train. -H0T- Automobile Dealers of Canada. Prior to the convention there Salvatlon Army Home League1 ver; Miss B Hemelford, Van-Sale, Nov. 23, 2:30 p.m., Sons of ; couver: J A. Allen, Toronto; A. !P Pnhbrlcnn Tnm . T r will be a meeting of the board j of directors of the Motor Deal- j ers' Association of British Col Norway Hall. FLASH of living, selective immigra city; Mr. and Mrs. F. Swekla, Frank Gow, British Columbia s ana w -eld at Vic-::;jn of a - at the !g of the expressed ; unions d dele-,:a. an ad- .:::.;baid, M. -h he out-,.e business rent session tion, improved transportation, social security and Trans- manager of Famous Players Cambral Chapter, I.OD.E. Sale November 25th. Dance. Every Saturday night Oddfellows' Hall. (197) Are you (toing thru the functional 'middle-age' period peculiar to women (38-52 yro.)? Does thin make you Buffer from hot flashes, feel wo nervout, high-atrunfc, tired? Then Canadian Corporation, and Mrs, umbia of which Mr. Frizzell Is a member. W. J. O'Neill of Smithers are also expected to attend the convention. Canada Highway were incor Edmonton; E. Johnson, Willer-by, Yorkshire, England; P. R. Johnstone, Edmonton; W. T. Johnston, Edmonton; P. Dick, Kwinitsa; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gow arrived In the city on the porated in convention resolu Do try Lydia fc,. iVkhami Vegetable Com Camosun last night from Van pound to rebevesuch symptoms! Pinkham ' Compound also has what Doctors call ft tions which have already been reported upon. couver. Mr. Gow, who was first AVERAGES 12 FEET Brown. Terrace: Mr. and Mrs R m stomachic tome effect! 1 In Prince Rupert as far back as The average length of a sugar M. Clark, Smithers: C. Yorston v LYDIA I. PINKHAM'S SS TRY A CLA5S1IED AD MQn7 nrhon Via a.n. Unt;I..J AIR PASSENGERS :?ed the; can stalk is approximately 12 Vancouver; J. C. Howes, Van-rS '-hem- feet. couver; N. J. Wood, Inverness. with one of the pioneer stores, To Vancouver Miss M. Ho- Is here on official business. BUTTERFLY NYLON HOISERY ban, H. M. Poguem, J. Dlinks, W. Westcott, Mrs. S. Klrkaldy Steamship Movements and two children, Miss Edith Mills, Miss M. Lavigne, G. Nel son, B. H. Gordon, W. P. Mc Daylight saving Time For Vancouver Monday ss. Princess Adelaide 11 p.m. intosh, R. W. Denny, W. D. Pit- Wm) Aon; Available! konen. Tuesday ss. Camosun, 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss. Prince Rupert 12:15 midnight. Friday ss. Catala, p.m. , To Sandspit M. O. Kullander, Mr. and Mrs. M. Severson, Mrs. T. Bunn. From Vancouver R. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. D. Uttle, Miss M. Jonsson, A. C. Wood, L. W Wood, J. Ward, C. Strand, J Strand, J. Oreskoush, L. Bradley, Mr. McLeod. From Sandspit Mr. and Mrs August 18 ss. Prince George, Consult us lor your needs in all types of printing work. Everything in high-class stationery. Fountain Pens Cards for ' every occasion DIBV Printing BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE 12:15 p.m. August 21 ss. Princess Louise p.m. August 25 ss. Princess Norah, M. Sevreson, Mr. Bairn, Mr. and P m August 28 ss. Prince George, Mrs. F. Brown, D. Jack. 12:15 p.m. From Vancouver Sunday ss. Camosun, p.m. Monday ss. Princess Adelaide LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE IfyV K&J --iMfc(--t L5i - ' S-J CLiD I 1 MEMBERS OF Y.P.A., HAZEL-Jy Sb?'-. ""a-i-r?T . -J'Sii I 1 TON We are now collecting $1 EJ3J GOLD SEAL LABEL New Stock of SKIRTS BLOUSES COATS KIDDIES' SNOW SUITS CARDIGANS and PULLOVER SWEATERS on or about August 15 Moore's 206 6th Street Announcement We will be closed from August 16 to September 3 Inclusive. CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM JOHN H. . BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue WRATIIALL'S PnOTO FINISHING Developing, Printing Enlarging QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies IS THE TIME FOR EVERY GOOD MAN TO COME TO THE AID OF HIS FAMILY- SALT LAKES FERRY SCHEDULE Daily except Mon. & Tucs. Leave Cow Bay Floats .Wed., Thurs., Fri. 2, 2:30, 4:30, 6:30, 7:10. Saturday E v e r y hour from 10:30 a.m. Sunday Continuous from 10 a.m. Last boat returns 10 p.m. Adults 50c. Under 16, 25c Return All schedules weather permitting. Inquiries 123 Taxi p.m. Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert 11 a.m. Friday ss. Catala, 5 p.m. August 16 ss. Princess Louise, a.m. August 20 ss. Princess Norah a.m. August 23 ss. Prince George, 10 a.m. August 27 ss. Princess Louise a.m. August 30 ss. Princess Norah. a.m. For Alice Arm, Stewart, Port Simpson Sunday ss. Camosun, mid-light. From Alice Arm, Stewart, Tort Simpson Tuesday ss.' Camosun, a.m. From Ocean Falls Monaay ss. Princess Adelaide Wednesday ss. prince Rupert, 10 a.m.. August 23 ss. Prince George, 10 a.m. For Ocean Falls Monday ss. Princess Adelaide, 11 p.m. Thursday ss. Prince Rupert, 12:15 p.m. August 18 and 28 ss. Prince George, 12:15 midnight. From Alaska Thursday ss. Prince Rupert; p.m. August 18 ss. Prince George, 8 p.m. August 21 ss. Princess Louise p.m. August 25 ss. Princess Norah p.m. August, 28 ss. Prince George, 8 p.m. For Alaska Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert, midnight. August 23 ss. Prince George, 2 p.m. JIV'AKVi iSi?-'1 " V 1 for our new naI1 fund ln care C.SI.'WA "Jy I of Johnny Moore, secretary, or Joe Smltn' Presldent- Box 41 -flLl-' -If at First You Don't Succeed . . . By Chic Young S ' ' V 74 rt?' V jv f . VOU GOING j Sdeart to . m I - if3 IvSm It's Either Too Hot or Too Cold! , ,t J 1 TAKE A -i-vV " ''iNX DAGWOODJ S vERVr Z-A , (mice.cold bath) W : -f a I J in? JZU -She's Got Him There! A I J WURiy . WANT ME TO f j ,7 TO ANSWER "S if A I ' I WE'LL WAVE mJJO TpU GO TO TVIE MOViE ) BACK WEM J T W , f PROVIDE FOR THEIR COMFORT THIS WINTER BY INSTALLING A NEW FURNACE! THOM SHEET METAL LTD. 253 East First Ave. FAWCETT DEALER Black 881 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home ' 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUTERT, B.C. Moving, Packing Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 Phone 21 P.O. Bos 19 August 16 s. Princess Louise It's th e a.m. August 20 ss. Princess Norah a.m. August 27 ss. Princess Louise a.m. Rex Cate A H Two sailings per week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun Friday, 5 p.m., Catala STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 10 p.m. FOR QUEEN CIIARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, Aug. 10, 21 11 p.m. . FRANK S. SKINNER Prince Rupert Acent Third Ave. Phone 568 August 30 ss. Princess Norah ... for Tasty Meals Chop Sucy G Chow Mein a.m. For Queen Charlotte Islands August 21 and 31 ss. Cotfuitlam, 11 p.m. Chinese Dishes a Specially Second Avenue opposite Trince Kupert Hotel ' 7;00 a.m. to 3:30 a m. From Queen Charlotte Islands August 20 and 30 ss. Co qultlam, a.m.