MEET MISS PRINCE prtiuf gupnt Pafli.Crtoi Lid. Monday, August 16, 1&48 Rail Finances NotSoGood! I s : pri UN 1 HE STAG TUESDAY EVENING I Mfel,e fjcFPR SSt Rest of CNJt. Not as Q Is U necessary lor a host-i (Subject to change ess at a large reception to in-J MONDAI VM. 4:15 Stock Quotations and Int. 4:30 Lyle Evans 4:4o The New Mother Goose 5:00 Spring Time 5:30 Pops. on Parade Healthy as Maritime, Says Yaofhan MONCTON, KB. Railway traffic on the Atlantic region is good, said R. C. Vaughan, chairman and president of the Canadian National Railways, here at the week-end on a Tisit to the Maritlmes. Mr. Vaughan said, however, that the outlook for net earnings for the entire system is not ! 5:4 Pops On Parade 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Martial Airs troauce strangers to at least a lew other guests? ' A. No: this wou.d be too large last. The thing lor the guests at large receptions to do is to btgin conversations with their fellow-guests in an unobstru-Hve and gracious manner, of course. Q Should dry cakes, such as lacy imagers and macaroons, be broken as each bite Is taken? A- Ko. It is beter to take small lites out of them. ' Q. Is it necessary for a girl to thank a man for bringing her home from a party? . A. No; this Is not necesary. mUri. , 5,., good. "The increased payroll as ; a result of the recent 17 per j m w v 'mw c m - tm t u cent wage award will add $41.-000,000 to the Canadian Nation 6 :30 Musical Varieties 6:40 Recorded Interlude 6:45 Plantation House Party j 7:00 C3C News ! 7:15 The Tenth Man I 7:30 Sun-mer Fa 'low j 8:00 Date After Dark 1 8:30 Guy Lombardo Show j 9:00 Piano Recital j 9:30 George Olson's Orch. al payroll and the cost of ma-1 terials has already gone up $25,000,000 over last year, the total for the two items amounting to more than $55,000,000,' he said. -Against this we have r -is k ft I l rAAIILY PORTRAITS ! 1Q-0O CBC News Ancient Romans kept masks jo;io B C. News of their ancestors, prominently i io:i5 Outdoor Fun $35,000,000 from the supposed ; 21 per cent increase in freight ! ' rates which actually represent displayed in their houses. only an overall increase to us of CANADIAN SWIMMERS TAKING PART IN OLYMPICS Four Canadian women swimmers are pictured at Oxbridge Pool. England, where they got into snap for their Olympic events. Left to right. Kay McNamee of Vancouver, Joyce Court of Montrea.. Vivian King of Winnipeg and Irene Strong of Vancouver. commodities. We are. however, doing our best to provide an I adequate railway service as weS realize our responsibilities in this connection." 10:30 Olympic Game Reports 10:45 Let's Dance 11:00 Weather and Sign-Off TCESDAT A 31 7:30 Musical Ciock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Modems 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Transcribed Melodies 9:45 Modern Musicians 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit . . 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30-rRoundup Time WALLACE'S Curtain Department Cottacre Sets Curtains Panels And Yardage Potted Scrim Net Homespun Cretonne, and others trip to the Maritlmes Mr. Vaughan made a three week's tour of western Canada and he said that the recent rains will To Vancouver and Hollywood Long-Tressed Broicnette. Margaret Brain. Most Beautiful Girl Here f AY mm - UEKRY HULL JEAN NEGULESCO probably produce an average j rwo't-H-M"-- j Pretty brunette Margaret Brain. 17-year-old city j telephone operator, is Prince Rupert':? nominee for ! "Miss P.N.E." honors and the chance to win a trip to i Hollywood to hob-nob with the movie stars and pos-jsibly achieve even greater recognition of her charm I fl l?l r Hi 1 ' 'ill' " "Biondie Knnu Brt" I 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B. C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded 1:00 Symphony Orch. 2:00 Sheila Presents 2:30 Commentary and Talk 2:45 Western Five 3:00 Ethel and Albert 3:15 Spotlight on a Star 3:20 Sketches In Melody 3:30 In Golden Valley, Tor. and beauty. J " 110:45 Scandinavian Melodies ! 11:00 Bemie Braden Tells a ! Story (CBC) Ul:l5 Songs of Today j 11:30 Weather rorecast 11:31 Message Period ' 11:33 Recorded Interlude 1 11:45 Let's Waltz j YM j 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies 1 12:15 CBC News - r I m "Wreck of the Ilfsprrus" crop but there is little likelihood of a bumper crop this year. The railway expects to have sufficient equipment to handle the traffic. About $5,000,000 worth of equipment, freight and passenger, is now on order for the Canadian National Railways but not all of it will be delivered this year, said Mr. Vaughan. "We have passenger equipment which has been on order for two years, and conversion work in our shops has been delayed owing to our inability to get material. We have plenty of box cars and are meeting current demands for this type as a result of winning pop :: GREAT DAY lar acclaim by a large margin liiiuuu iur tilts oi rrir.ce ku- iii FMIftmT pert Capitol Theatre goers who. IK Mr Liv I voted Thursday. Friday and Sat- : jurday nights in double sessions, Everybody Outdoors in Margaret gets a tnp to thei Sunday Sunshine Connor Thermo To say Prince Rupert wa3 de-serted yesterday would of course be an exaggeration, but never Reminiscences By w.J. Reflections I of equipment. ; Pacific National Exhibition in j Vancouver. There, with beauti-ful girls from other parts of : British Columbia, she will com-j pete for the final honors. ! Has made thouvuulv ,,t i theless it is safe to declare ' a women say: 'I saw iht ' . . few thousand of the population Train Schedule ' others . . . then I bought a The long-tressed and shapely put on holiday dress and, with! CONNOR." it i: Now and then one reads In: The publisher of the Toronto rnnce Kupen-oom girl, who is refreshments in hand, left their:'" lne " the press of someone finding a i Star has passed away, leaving popular as well as 'beautiful, homes and firesides. Thev scat-i Monday. Wednesday, Friday- purse containing papers, ad- ' an estate valued at around eight ; was obviously a favorite with 0 SEE them ..j Rupert Radio ( terod. And sma41 wonder. j i Weather has been grand ever i WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE 8 pm. rnm the East Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10:45 pm. Daily News Claaairied Adsget Quick Results! dress and a few thousands in million. He made his star cash. He returris it to the right- J twinkle exceedingly bright. ful owner, receiving as a re-j ward $150 or possibly as much j Prince Rupert has almost as $5. If we ever found a wallet forgotten the, first and only kicking around Third Avenue hold-up in t he railway sta- the thearte audiences. The fifiai vote for the winners was: Margaret Brain. 4358. Edith Jordan. 2592. Stella Kuruiok. 2334. Lois Thompson and Mona AL JOLSON or Sixth Street, it would be ' tion the one that never hap- pocketed instantly and opened pened, unless it was in the AL JOLSON ; Mutch were close runners-tip. A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. A Good Place to Buy , since early in the summer and j the call from out of doors Sun-! j day could not be resisted, even ; ! had there been ihe slightest ( : wish to do so. And there certain- j ' !y was not. i Those with cars went spinning ' along the Skeena Highway, some to the attractive havens along the shores of Digby Isl-' and, and to the smaller islands , lying off shore, some just went i cruising, and hundreds wer glad to find in Tony Crawley's fern' privately. With $10,000 in it, j over - active imagination of a two conclusions would be arriv- j station emplovee. He might ' MI On Tuesday night Margaret, with Edith and Stella, will be presented on the stage of the Capitol Theatre by Mayor Nora have had some experience on the stage for his act wsa well IN 11IS LATEST DECCA ALBW-VOl put on. He had, he said, in ai ed at without delay, as follows: Hi Anyone carrying $10,000 around is unfit to possess it. 2i Thus, confirmed by the fact he lost the said $10,000, therefore the legitimate and logical course i Arnold. convincing way, been overpowered in mid-afternoon and a sizeable piece of change (not On Thursday she will leave for Vancouver. MAPLE, OLD COLONY DINING SUITE. Refractory Extention Table. Atmosphere of distinction to live with. Phone TJ5 327 Third Aye. of action is to have ownership i his i taken. And it all happened 21337 "I Want a Girl." "Where the Black-Eyed Sum Oro 24398 "When the Red Red Robbin Como R Along." "Someone Else May Be Thr rf Whik 1 21399 "For Me and My Gal " "When I Leave the World Behind" transferred to finder for permanent use as he sees fit. right in the station. It was a startling story but did not wash By the time a few cold-eyed investigators got through asking questions, he found himself all tied up in knots. For there was a lot he had not foreseen. Counting of the ballots was opportunity to put in an after- ' carried out yesterday, President noon at the salt lakes across the ; Stuart Furk and other members harbor. There was all the busi-of ' the Prince Rupert Junior nes that could be handled, and Chamber of Commerce assisting it seemed that everyone there ; TheatreManager J. Harry Black, could both swim and dive. The '. . board walk through the woods j is in excellent shape and if one, OF PRE-HISTORIC ORIGIN j arriving at the lake, preferred Rowing goes back so. far in to relax and observe, instead of 21100 "There's a Rainbow Hound My SM ABSOLUTE CONFIDENCE That's what you can have when you ask us to do job. Prince Rupert Plumbing & Heating " lOld Post Office Bldg ) Bud Schuman Phone 108 "About a Quarter to Nine " DECCA ALBUM NO. A -64 3 NOW ON SATIN-GLO Beautifies the home and increases the -value of the things you own. Many attractive pastel tints from which to choose. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO., LTD. nisiory mat there is no possi- taking the plunge, that also r j I ... . . . ! uunv ui iiacmg u lo an par-coii:d De done with reasonaole ticular aborginal source. ' comfort. Speaking of recent blessed events, it may be recorded that a San Francisco cow named "Margo" has an offspring. The new livestock will be called "Margarine." Did you know that the I The recent Liberal conven - ;ww''TW,fi limn on in'njmjjwL L h" " ' III "i IH fl in i ill liUMQi NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION LTD. has a specialized alteration crew trained en FOUNDATION WORK AND GENERAL ALTERATIONS ; tion at Ottawa had its. lighter I ; moments. Arthur Ford, editor : of the London, Ont., Free Press, ' 1 just back from Brussels, told this one. It was narrated at a small but select luncheon by no less a celebrity than Church-i ill himself. Stalin died. It was . a problem to know where - to ; bury him. Various shrines were I examined. Peter the Great for a tuly In THE JEWELLERY STOI 2x42x62x8 Shiplap and Flooring NOW ON SALE UMBRELLA 720 2nd. Ave. W. U92I Phone 563 for Estimate torn. mrurmmvHK Jm 1 IT IS USUALLY JUST A I.TTT1.K fflj j said he di dnot want Old Joe Kaien Co-op beside him. Other Czars and Emperors felt the same way. Finally they found the tomb of, the Empress Catherine. "Sure,1, put him here" said she. "I'm; not fussy who I sleep with." j THAN THE AVI KAM Doesn't this weathrr makf Umbrellas? ' w. i i ,., tn k onb moke JUST ARRIVED . . . ..... . . oho mil"11 inai we can ouy iront maun- any defective umbrellas. A SMALL SHIPMENT OF GOLD SEAL RIGS AND FLOOB MATS. CHECK OUR STOCK OF MOIRE AND JASPE INLAID LINOLEUM, BY THE YARD. See the New Patterns in Table Oilcloth. stl- We have just received nf prices from $3.93 to $7.50. Be it said to the credit of housewives they have often' proved their ability in domestic! financing. Many have plainly a! gift in causing a trifling sum to! go an uncommonly long' wayj along the dusty weary road of, "making it do." They know how to buy. Some learn the hard PHONE Phone 179 WRITE Box 1127 DROP IN 251 3rd West lift! 31 The handles are in a lJf5r Til and shapes. VIRGINIA Also we have several Hollywood Cafe Newest and Most Up-To-Date Cafe in Prince Rupert Open from 3:30 p.m. to 3:30 a.m. which can go in a hand ba- I way. But this performing of j ! miracles, indefinitely, will sure-! ly come to a sudden halt if the ' j women, as they threaten, pull ' "a buyers' strike." Meat, already high, keeps climbing. A cow is , w m- rj - - -3 ' reputed to have once' leaped over the moon. That may be all right in a nursery tale but it's out of place in real life. We specialize in Chinese Dishes FOR outside ' orders Phone 133 CHOW 1CEH CHOP SUEY tr Trnqipjw 'MTitMiiJri - i Watch the Classified aU! msMfirtwwoirinflfwWB"