Prudhomme I Tuesday, 3 Soccer Schedule! Storage plant. trip to Cold trip juy U-BUS Wednesday. June 24 General Motors lv it -Hike to Co-1 Canadian Legion. to Cellulose Tuesday, Ji op plant. Wednesday Schedule for the North Star July JO-Plcnic to Trophy football series Is as fol lows: S 1 Z Prln Hupcrt Eton? JleKJ "Tr " Tuesday, June 28, 1949 I "FUN CAMP," NEW RECREATIONAL PROGRAM PLANNED FOR JULY Something new in summer recreation is in store for Prince Rupert youngsters between the ages of 10 and 15 during the holidays, according to plans being worked out by the Civic Centre's summer playground staff. " Program Director- Ptowland Miles and his assistant, Joyce Pottle, are working ; on a summer "fun camp" scheme tlements, Y. W. U. A. and Girl based on programs developed by Scouts of America. American recreational groups To cover expenses, mainly which will extend over a three- those of transportation, a $2 week period in July. registration fee will be charged. The fun camp will be in ad- Any money left over from basic dition to the regular playground costs of the program will be activities at the Civic Centre and used to provide a weiner roast June 27IIeavy Battery General Motors. July 4 Heavy Battery Canadian Legion.. July 8 Canadian Legion Cneral Motors. J;iy J J General Motors T vs. 1 y the fin.(f , Salt Lakes. Friday, Jia Ay J2-Rubbei-reck trip to locals Induitrles woodcraft plant, fcttilng works, bakery, dairy. Tuesday, J ilyJJ-Plcnlc to Ski Club camp Wednesday- , July 2?--Bike Jiike to Grassy Br y. Battery Untoateim Heavy bautcr jU!y 15 Canadian Legion vs. Heavy Battery. July 18 Oeneral Mu'cr.i v." Canadian Legion. i I j BUVTHElARQ smoklnSsafia:o, 25 pouch I BASEBALL SCHEDULE cily parks. during one of the expeditions. unbcatpn sssssareai w name - ynnthall com-. petition last. . evening when they trounced thi t General Motors by five goals U j one, June 28--Savo vs. Merchants. July 5 Commercials vs. Merchants. Savoy's Simundson brothers each batted .500 and scored one run each. Commercials .... 003 000 404-11 Starting July 6, the fun camp However, all younths and girls program will be held three days j taking part in the expeditions a week -until July 27. In that will have to provide their own time, youngsters who enrol will food. enjoy picnics at the Salt Lakes,, Any part of the schedule which 'rubberneck" trips to local in- is rained out will be postponed industrial plants, "bike hikes'! until the eii of the program so to Port Edward and Prudhomme as not to upset the rest of the Lake, hikes up Mount Hays and schedule, several other group adventures. THE SCHEDULE Idea for the program is blend-' There is the schedule which ed from recreational programs has been arranged: used in American cities by the' Wednesday, July 6 Picnic to General JG3otori had difficulty! in fielding - a team and started! with ten i player;. Play hadi hardly stai ted when Pavlikis' - P "Art-- " ' - iMiit fir"- -tf-h i i i.ii i mi- i iiiUM f fir i " Savoys 000 240 OUO - C COMMERCIALS AH R II Guthrie, 2b 3 2 0 National Recreational Associa- Salt Lakes. I Hon, National Federation of Set- Friday, July 8 Bike hike to shot and lalverson, in trying to clear, h -elped the ball into the goal to put the Gunners a goal up. crossed and Dunbar cleEssared, Pavlikis -went very close g Dunbar stopped Currle. W1I Ison defended sutb- bornly. Baalackmore made a clever run Va. jut Ferguson cleared. Mazzone n away and from Lien's cross, Currle shot "U'ide. Ward was . nearly througri. Mo- Vanetta, lb 4 DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BRINqJ GOLF TITLE WINNER E. J. (Dutch) Harrison took time out for a refreshing gulp of Ice water after firing his second straight sub-par round to tke a four-stroke lead at the half-way mark In the Canadian Open at the Toronto St. George Golf Club which he won. The Little Rock, Ark., professional shot a 86-67 -133 for the first 38 holes. C. P. Phot) 2 4 5 5 4 2 Boyd, lb Windle, c Cornwell, cf Llnney, If ... Ilowdick, 3b Shier, ss Business and Profession 0 0 2 2 1 0 0 1 1 resslng and Liens tors were Ewart. ss 2 corner was culty. Dan likls went Cembella, rf ... Letourneau, p TmBay in Sports COMMERCIALS CLOUT SAVOYS TO cleared with difli-ow Come? anci . Pav- through in good arrow was just -wide HAXDYMA n n HOME SERvil style but with his fi MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUIDINQ lOlllllg HIV" -.uu i SAVOYS AB . Simundsen, ss 4 ter clearecUa. Dunbar an- -J well. Sunt ' -j Irom vucKovicn. I Ferguson defended erg's free kicic was utNtRAL co.v:r.c: Building and Repairs kinds ROOFS CHIV. OIL BURKE- cf WIN FIRST VICTORY OF SEASON Commercial 11, Savoy 6 Ahpttprl bv Savov relief nitcher Jack Lindsay, Battery cleared t v WITH 10 GILLETTE BLUE BLADES IN DISPENSER M. Simundsen, Arney. 3b Pavlikis, If Morgan, c 1 ; 8i i H 2 2 1 V. l 0 0 0 1 0! 8 and, from ward's got away a sec- centre, Vucs : kovlch added PHONE BLUE m P.O. BOX 1184 who yielded six hits in the ninth inning, Commercial Dunbar, 2b lb ond goal fonr the Gunners. Mot PHONES Blark687 RedSW-P.O. Bui ia ors came r: ght bacK ana jisen Hotel slugged its way to its first win.ol the naseoau season at Roosevelt Park Sunday afternoon, clouting was very prominent. "Veltch Scherk, Foster, rf . Bill, p Lindsay, p a breeze, blade changing Shaving's a cinch with the new Gillette Rocket One-Piece Razor and Gillette Dispenser. Enjoy utmost shaving ease and convenience, plus double-edge economy. Get yours now ! Gillette Rocket One-Piece Razor and broke up dangerous move and . 3 . 1 30 Mazzone cl cared, I the Fraser Street gant? into an 11-6 defeat. Thincs were goinp- nicely for Savoy until the T T Ik Ilicr uhfn when Alex Alv uiu Ted The Mot- or8 now added Montesano, Letour- seventh Inning team, omplete their Arney to WELLS CART LIMITED H. S. Whaien, Vn the to retire from F O R YOUR ROCK U CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New. Modern Equipment AH Work Guaranteed decided to mound- They attac A. Dickens. It was an interesting game Gillette Dispenser - with 10 Gillette Blue 4 y -with two men on base", ed but Dunbar and Pavlikis f ed strongl Comulete Movlnt M watch with both teams giving a but thereafter, the situation oe-. j, B I u u C H ehuiui m mm i 1, r r r vr? m m e tall and 1 ped up t $2.00 Value cood disnlay. Morgan was not tenorated in a handsome way put his team three through Crating Packing -BLl'E 780 for Comercials, that is. up. Morg: the young That final inning, which saw; fnrvim Afi o 1 o vniro ffiiir fllTTS lit ! ifi rial I rrrevi .Trrnrmi XTrrfnrn mtttt. u an saved twice . and Motors team k.ept at- t no one seeme-ci able Sonsteby was. very stop Pavlls. Owens beauty but Fe rguson six hiUs, gave the fans their big- S tacking bu. to shoot, smart to i crossed a severely tested in goal. Dunbar and Ferguson were nearly always in control of the opposing attackers. Mazzone gave a fine display of defending surely and kicking strongly. Veitch and F. Gomz were good defenders too. Pavlikis wa the star of the forwards breaking QUALITY- REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Sole MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. HELEN! BEAUTY S Permanent Hi-Beauty Culture r its branches 204 4th Street P' gest thrill of the season to date Casual statisticians calculated 'i that at least 90 percent of them! mi. Commodore . Cafe ard took two grand cleared, corners, hitting the li ! spent the Inning In a frenzied. standing position. I i upright.' run. Dar long lob fast and shooting well, his "hat trick" being well earned. D. Gomz filled in nicely and Olson made at fine row Qomez dropped a goalwards arcl once -likls picked It up and Commercials shewed that they I were out to establish themselves as a strong factor in the league "BetfxT Th-n Ever GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 vent thro- ugh tor tils third goal. The Motocrs attacked and Wilson, Halv"erson and Cur rie com Parkhouse was always trying. Ward got few chances but was dangerous. Vuckovich did well and scored a goal. B YTOWN MAC: WORKS Agents for SIMPIT and ;in the third inning when they ( J I scored three runs, one off a base j 5 Best Food and Service In City J J bined bu" "t Dunbar drove them, 'on balls, on? oft a fielder s eiror '5 Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders': JJ Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr J duck. vem snot. past. Mur- tjouiter naa no cnance witnand one off a one-base hit, CUMMINS DIESa I gansavenmd twice ana then sun- c -uiui8 wuu ww uui rneir advantage lasted unt Sales Service and Combines Instant Blade Changing Superior Shaving Comfort Double Edge Economy Veltch incurred tne uie ueavy score. the fmh jnnln when savoys j berg anc referee's Boat owners and " ire and were sent off, Joftn Wilson did a big job as fe ht ln fouf runs which odu. both ratXTJier surprised and shak- a a bunoerg, bom defending ed to two had made ln tht still in- piucKiiy and heading and kick- KEN'S RADIO CLINIC For Satisfactory Service CALL 53 fl8 Second Avenue West third, gave them a 6-3 lead. The dustrial Engines in to our showroom to ' various engines arid -equipment problems :ing harx -ds. Play was I terestlnggBt and Arney made a'inS wel1- Olson did a very good score remained static until the': the tne ud- up- j-" Job at centre half " and uu is the ui d' ru. n. Owens hit epvpnth .hpn Lin()Kav r(.ni..d kick kick and and strong rong man man of of the the Motors. Motors. th a line free on the Savoy mound flnd right wi Currle . scramDiea xxie oau individually the Motors for- Commercials sparked a hitting througrx lor the first goal lor j wards snowed good football at tors, They tried hardi times but t.heji lacked drive and the M as Boulter, at the other J need someone who can shoot. but It end, w spree that brought in tour runs. The ninth Inning saw Commercials add another four, to bring their total to 11. The game provided practi- n ms t.pstjri Rvprplv hv A. T. GAEDNEi: CHARTERED ACCOI 1118 Melville S VANCOUVER ' PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 756 972 10th East j-.ieu lurnea in a good JOD ana anothe fine shot from Pavlikis. y blocked Pavlikis and Sonste a new player Sonstby was very nesig at times. Bob Currie tried vauy tiling Dujjiiuaic iui1 interest, including plenty of er nard and got the only . goal aiacKinore, another newcomer, Punbai ors att twice t scored broke up another Mot-ick, Morgan had to save ut no further goals were and the whistle found showed ball control and speed x Arney showed glimpses of his schoolday form. "Old-timer' Batter3sr winning five goals to MATTSa UPHOLSTER FLIGHTS TO THE QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS NOW Haiverson was always trying, Dry Kindling Wood 50c Sack Delteved Scrap Wood Random lengths $10 per load PHONE B & W TRANSFER Owens did well, 818 f c Phone Blue in spcond A1' one. Teari mmis: Hea ' . n Battery Morgan; Dunba r, Ferguson, Mazzone, rors on both sides and even oie casualty. The casualty was Lorn? Vanetta, who injured aa anklj making a run to first base 1' the seventh. He was rellcud ty Boyd. Dick Letourneau, who went the course for Commercials faced 30 batters tnd allowed eight hits. Alex Bill faced 24 batters and granted only a single The Motors were short fire of prince prince Rupcfjj RupJ DAILY Green 188 Veltehx.. r, Qomez, Vuclcovich, D. tneir regular players, Mercer, Mcjtay and Robinson being out of town and Pat Wilson nnrl Gomesag, Pavlikis, Farkhouse, Ward. ' Charlie Currie were working p. J. chi: I DR. Oen- ral Motors Boulter; , However, the lads are all out to tea .to,.-"!! DENTIST I beat the Canadian EXCEPT SUNDAY To Masset, Justkatla, Cumshewa, Q.C. City, Aliford Bay For Information or Reservations CALL 476 Queen Charlotte Air Lines Ltd. Legion ln hit in six innings while Und-cup final say allowed seven hits in three the Dominion Day TKA1N SCHEDULE Fr th East-Monday, Wednesday, Triday, 8:00 p.m. front the East-Tuesday, Thursday, Saturda; SUITE 5, SMITH bonny" Dickens Is coaching ,nnings. John Wilson, Sunterg, Lien, Olsen. Sonsteby, Arney, Hlaver- sen, Bob Currle, . Balckmore, Ref eree - S, P. Woodslde. Llasrrien, Foreman. Bond and 1.T1P liPnpmi MntAco n 1 11.1. ,c .P0 I'llOHf w f Tkfc 4vtrtluatt h mo publlititd ex rfitpUytdby LlquM Conhol Board Of young team will undoubtedly be Benny Wlndle. Commercial a force to be reckoned with hP. catcher, made two hits ln four kir ht Cevtmmm a( B'Hti Clybl. season ends. itlmps at. hat scnt-lner three runs. 10:30 p.m. Firee SMirte I it k ORDER A 3-PIECE MAN'S MADE-TO-MEASURE SUIT OF THE 20TH CENTURY BRAND, AND RECEIVE A PAIR OF TROUSERS FREE! ORDER A 2-PIECE LADY'S MADE-TO-MEASURE SUIT QF THE 20TH CENTURY BRAND AND RECEIVE A SKIRT FREE! MSEl amid FOR A SMARTDBLY IAI10RED SUIT ORDER A OTHCENTURV BRAND NOW This Offer Good From June 28 to July 20 Only r MEN'S WEAR , LIMITED