i 113 ; 1 i onr.iES DRUGS. Daiy Delivery PHONE 81 fAR CABS NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER lublished at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" AAXVIII, No. 150. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS jberalVjet Is Greatest Ii History of 0 minion . V NATIONAL RESULTS Liberals 193 Progressive Conservatives .. 42 C.C.F. 12 10 4 I Social Credit Independents Independent Liberal sun , j- TV ' ; 1945 Results In the 1945 election the party result were: Liberal .... H8 Prog Conservatives 4 66 C. C. F ....'...'...!.... 28 Social Credit ,. 13 Independent : 8 Ind. Liberal ....r 7 Others .. 5 PARTY STANDINGS BY PROVINCES Parly T.t Nfd Mil NS NB ii Out Man Hask Alta BC Y Liberal 193 5 3 9 8 68 56 12 15 5 11 1 Prog. Cons 42 2 1 3 2 2 25 1 1 2 3 0 CC.P .12 0010 0 1 3 40 36 Soc. Credit 10 0000 0 0 0 0 10 00 Independents 4.0.0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 10 Ind.-Liberal 10000 o'l 0 00 00 Totals 2(52 7 4 13 10 73 83 16 20 17 18 1 SKEENA 130 OF 135 POLLS Applewhaite , 5826 Archibald 4106 Applewhaite Majority.! 1718 Latest B. C. Results 1 ... y fO-: ''V-'- f. t ' ; ' ' ' ' $ , jlj'a - ' - . tfm I.,, iriin! 1 i 1 I f .' t . v..- '-' . ..-J MwpiHwrMWMMniiiffiWili'rti'olWiililiiilMliirfflMliiaiMiiiW imiwi imimi mf niimiiim Mm ifnif iTiiinT li iniiii w 'r" I LOUIS ST. LAURENT, Prima Minister of Canada fr!IER LOUIS ST. LAURENT His government accorded smashing victory at polls yesterday. EDWARD T.' APPLEWHAITE Elected for Skeena as government supporter with decisive majority. , - .. Fraser Valley 128 of 137 roH- Cruickshank (L) 10728 Flowerdew iCCF) 4350 . Davidson (PC) 3846 Coast Capilano 132 of 164 Sinclair (L) 12453 McKenzie (CCD 5341 Mahon (PC) 3583 Vancouver Centre 173 complete Campney (L) 10102 Young (CCF) 6364 Stevens (PC) 5933 Rush (Lab-P) 984 H. M. Young (Ind) .... 584 Victoria 190 of 192 May hew (L) 19740 Cameron (PC) 9107 Caird (CCF) 4948 jiprecedented Ballot Tide veeps Government Back In The New M.P. Skeena Elects Ted ewhaite With Appl lever Before Has Electorate Been So pecisive Progressive Conservatives Substantial Margin HTtd JXJFw.:.-w-;-970a- : Corner (PC) , 8265 Yale 140 of 198 Adams (PC) '. 7851 Jones (CCF) : 10151 McDowell (L) 3987 Reid (SO 844 Vancouver Burrard complete McDougall (L) 10868 ' Merritt (PC) 10630 , Webster (CCF) 8689 Nanaimo 93 of 109 Pearkes .(PC) 15825 Poupore (L) 9249 Strachah (CCF) 8369 Kamloops 171 of 189 Fulton (PC) 7027 ' O'Neill (L) 6003 Larson (CCF-J 4885 Vancouver South 198 of 202 Laing (L) 12895 Mrs. Maclnnis (CCF) .. 10041 Cornett (PQ) 9274 Skecna 130 of 135 Applewhaite (L) 5826 Archibald (CCF) 4108 Comox-Alberni 108 of 131 Gibson (Ind) 10240 Canieron (CCF) 6724 Cariboo 78 of 132 Irvine (CCF) 4229 Murray (L) 5573 Burnaby-Richmond 199 of 223 Goode (L) 12043 Mrs. Steeves (CCF) .... 11907 Ferguson (PC) 5731 McEwcn (LabP) 1502 t hattered C.C.F. Nearly Eliminated Applewhaite Is Modest Liberal government of Prime Minister Louis n St. Laurent rode back into oifice in yestcr- federal election in an unprecedented Atlantic Ted Applewhailc's First Love is Fublic Work and ' Service Veteran of World War I, a duly qualified barrister who chose the Insurance business in preference to practise of the law but an enthusiast above all, for community and public work and service, E. T. (Ted) Applewhaite, ' the Member of Parliament-elect for Skecna, is a native British Columbian. He was born in Nelson, November, 23, 1898, and went from High School there to enlist in the Canadian Forestry Corps with which he went overseas. On his return to Canada, Mr. Applewhaite completed law fific election sweep which all but eliminated the IraUve Commonwealth Federation as a national With Five Polls Yet to Hear From, His Lead Is 1718 Eleven Thousand Voted Skeena Riding gave Liberal Candidate E. T. Applewhaite a majority of 1718 votes over C. C. F. contender H. G. Archibald in yesterday's federal election on the basis of returns from 130 of the 135 polling stations in the riding. From these polling stations, Mr. Applewhaite re Vancouver Quadra 183 of 186 Oreon (PC) 16155 Isherwood L) 10302 Mason (CCF) 5733 Vancouver East 176 of 185 Maclnnis (CCF) 13201 Reid (L) - 9544 Day (PC) 3998 Stewart (Lab-P) 1307 New Westminster 181 of 209 Reid (L) L. 12483 Irvine (CCF) 8271 Christmas (PC) 7521 . McCallum (SO 1136 Kootenay East lllof 117 Byrne (L) , 5394 Matthews (CCF) 4988 Richardson (PC) 2489 Kootenay West 123 of 157 i and shattered trie rrojrresswe i.,onservaimj i ' pnwrr. I 'ing the string of gen- in the last House of Commons. I Hon victoiics which be-. At the sixty percent mark in the vote tabulation, more than ceived 5,826 votes as compared 1 the city those with more than 350 names were split in the in with 4,108 cast for Mr. Archibald. Mr. Archibald received a Victory for Principle, Not Tcrsonaity Promises Impartial Effort E. T. Applewhaite last night accepted the decision of the electors as approval of a principle and not a personality. He modestly asserted that no personal credit was due himself. Speaking after his election as member of Parliament had been conceded, he assured those who had opposed him that he would feel it his duty to represent them as well as those who had supported him. He hoped they would feel free at all times to call o nhim and assured them of his best efforts on their behalf. At the same time, Mr. Applewhaite expressed his appreciation to all those who had assisted in his election. terests of . efficiency while two studies in Nelson with Hamil-more were established in out-! ton & Wragge and for three 1-1335. the Liberals execed- record of 178 members to the 245-member (f 1945. ''-vote, rldlng-by-rid-V-n the Eastern seaboard 4 seven time zones to the si the government built up 4 of seats so Impressive assured Prime Minister one-half of the popular vote was Liberal. Their percentage at that point was 53 against 31 for the Progressive Conservatives. (it i r,i;c ai l out BasicalW the Liberal victory turned on all-out support Irom Quebec. The habitants Yuted fnr Quebec's native son, Louis Ivinc narts : years practised in Kossiana. rauv- ' ing to Stewart in 1928, he went At -request of residents, ' poll Mntn nonnral (nsurancp business ing stations were, authorized at " Willi tllV ACU. . " nwwvw tl'llt. of thn irraatnet P:ir the nrs ' Rtenhcn St." Laurent, !.... -,f French-sDeakine Prime - Mims- British Columbia Joins in Stride of Liberal Victory VICTORIA (CP) A resounding Liberal sweep, majority in 33 of the stations which have gubmitted returns. When final results are in, more than 11,000 of the riding's 15,000 registered voters will have been shown to have cast ballots. Returns so far give a total of $10,909 ballots cast. Prince Rupert's 23 polls gave Mr. Applewhaite a majority of 576 votes, while the advance poll in the city favored Mr. Archibald by a balance of 19 to , 8. Total cit y vote, not counting the advance poll, was" 3,330, of which 1,953 went to Mr. Applewhaite and 1,377 to Mr. Archi ballot flattened the U-r since Sir w, -nf. two main oppon- But the the week-end at Squadaree, a fishing station on the north end of Stephens Island and at Lar-sen's Harbor at. the south end of Porcher Island. A request for a polling station at Wiah Point, five miles from Masset, could not be granted, Mr. MacLeod said, because of insufficient time to ship ballot boxes there. The request was made at the week-end. Election morning, Mr. Mac- " CCF pnrt thn Prnjr- 1 Win was Wiaencu - vuv .-ri , ... . 11.. T ihnpri IC in "I cannot remember ever sec turn w uic - onscrvatlvcs-and re-!PcetRd On- an election where there was complementing the trend across Canada, came last thni. tv.,,1, ,'h storicaiiy uousuivtwv in Parliamentary and for twelve years was village clerk. He was president of the Stewart Board of Trade for four years and thirteen years secretary of the Canadian Legion. In 1945, two years after he came first to Prince Rupert, Mr. Applewhaite received the Liberal nomination to contest Skeena riding : hi the federal election of that year but lost to H. G. Archibald in a four-cornered contest, the majority against him being 746. Mr. Applewhaite has been secretary of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce since tario. There tnc uui'ia ufiow wnat ii was . ... . v,,t i. less iii-feiing than in this," de- night in British Columbia where the Liberals col-ciared the member-elect." But. 1 ected eleven of eighteen seats. Liberals gained four U there was any m-Iecllng lgeats from the C.CF who hed Mven seats including House. i noi on.y u.u - p "ie Social Credit party, bald entrenched in Alberta The band together to work! the Independent C.C.F.. at federal dissolution, and all Still to be heard from up to Leod said that he had received appeared to be even so a numDer which nt n Progressive Conservative column in the last House. Saskatchewan turned strongly from C.C.F. to Liberal. So did British Columbia. k'th the Liberal tide. It 1 Muif .it.. and the ' "s- - for the community ped two seats to the Liberals, district. I . Mr Applewhaite reiterated The standing in the last House his unbounded faith in the fu- of Commons, when British Col-ii shi p ad- ! umbia had sixteen members f'berta's seventeen seats. early this afternoon were Kit-; no indication that any of the sumkalum Lake, Osland, Pendlc- ballot boxes had failed to reach ton Bay, Oona River, and Kwin-L destination on time. Remoteness itsa. Dease Lake in the north- of some of the settlements in em part of the riding did not this riding make it necessary vote on account' of the failure for the ballot boxes to be sent (Continued on l'agc i.) Pmanded Nianded thirteen thirteen scats scats against the winning Liberal, Dr. J. L. McDougall, and -Arnold Webster C.C.F. In Burnaby-Richmond Mrs. Dorothy Steeves, president of the provincial CCF party, was close behind Thomas Goode, 4- ivancement Once again he only, was four Liberals, four ' ! cave his pledge that his every Progressive Conservatives, seven CCF and one Independent. effort would be exerted to as 1945, except for a, few months during the election campaign of that year, and has built up an enviable record of service In that capacity. He has also been dynamic as secretary of (Continued on Fage 3) Now the Liberals have eleven Appreciation out far' in advance of voting clay. Here are the results, poll by poll, to date: Applewhaite Archibald Pr. Rupert seats, the Progressive-Conserva-' Liberal, after a see-saw struggle, tives three, CCF three, with one I Fisheries Minister' R. W. May-Independent, hew piled up a landslide maj- of election supplies to reach the village on time. Weather during election morning here was overcast, with rain falling up to 10 o'clock. After that, the sky lightened and sunshine fame in the afternoon. Throughout the riding there were 135 polling stations, actually seven more than had originally been a anticipated by Returning Officer MacLeod. "?u all those who supported me in yesterday's election fiiicere and heartfelt thanks are extended, particularly Tight struggles In the new ority In Victoria while Ralph seat of Burnaby - Richmond, Campney wrested Vancouver ( Kootenay West and Vancouver- Centre from the CCF Rod Young sist the district and all its people In every way possible not only for their advancement in the way of dollars and cents but towards the emcnities of life. LOCAL TIDES Wednesday, June 29, 1949 High 2:53 21.0 feet 15:57 ' 18.7 feet Low - 9:37 1.9 feet 21:43 7.5 feet P"se loyal workers throughout the district who gave F""sly of their time and effort In the campaign. Burrard highlighted the voting In a five-way battle. Baseball Tonight ROOSEVELT PARK 6:30 P.M. SAVOY vs. MERCHANTS ; City 1953 1377 Pr. Rupert Advance 16 19 Atlin 67 35 Lower Post 20 19 Telegraph (Continued on Page 3) u all the electorate of Skeena, I extend my very pt Es and my sincere hone that we may co-operate lor Liberal Tom Reid won early and easily in Hew Westminster which - he bu represented in the province. Vanquished In Vancouver Burrard was Lt. Cot Cecil Mer- Nvancement of our district. Three pf the larger divisions in ritt, V.C., who sought re-electjoa since 1930. TED APPLEWHAITE. J ii jw yj-v fC-"