f MEN'S ".V FIVE-PINS THIS AND THAT Prinrr Clupett Daily ileitis CtB. Tuesday, April 6, 1948 - Apr. 5 Mansons vs McS in 'Sports ln.s. Hiownwood.s vs. Amtms dors. Malkins vs. Home Oil MlAtD BOW Burns vs. Kilowatts. Revellers vs. North Star. Morgans vs. Con tinentals, i A . Anr. 12 -Revellers vs. Ambus- Mnnd-M--. GENTLE PYTHONS ARE THEIR PETS - , rMPLAINJ$ fel "cA vs-. North St:ir, Brownwootls vs. Bi'iWinv, rJ UHtHGUP FIGHT CARD Burns vs. McMeekin.s, Morgans 1 April ir Yn Continentals, Malkins vs. Man- j win Be. SYDNEY, Australia Eric Worrell, a 23-year old zoolo Aur. 19 Burns vs. Home Oil.!"- ikIiuhim. m Morgans vs. McMeekins. - Kilo- ! April m-mw watts vs. Continentals. Mansons i Piw-kern, cmia-vs. m Ambassadors, Malkins vs. ' isiamiir .. ' CYO. Revellers, Brownwooil.s vs. North. xxx Star. ; - gist and crocodile hunter of Lilyfleld, near- Sydney, is j teaching his 22-year old fiancee ! how to catch snakes. The airl. Miss Carol Hawkins, says: "I find snakes and lizards : Shorty Contreros of Ketchikan and Len Hibchin oi Rupert HrarftBiiei1 Tlie Canadian Lepion Athletic Club's international' ring tourna -ment this Saturday nifrht will of Anr. 2B Kilowatts vs. Ambus- 1 AIL-MCTAL Favourite Shaving RAZOR tutors. Mansons vs. North iitur, SEVFft- '-Ia i,t.. PpvpIIpi-s vs MfMeckins M,il-' . otM , kins vs. Continentals. Burns vs. ""Jin l KtAL, . 1 Brownwoods, Moiuans vs. Home Ko'and F.iquette h more fascinating than horses or j dogs." , Oil. 1 motori.-t lor stvwrii. Mav 3 -Morgans vs. Brown-i ..rr.,. speetllr' When they spend an after woods. Malkins vs. McMeekins. : ; L''U1 r ne slywid v noon at home, Worrell and Miss Home Oil vs. Ambassadors. Kilo-1 nospual to see "all wats vs. North Star, Mansons vs. 1 limbs and fraotnr.H Hawkins play with a couple of pet pythons which they turn fer for feature consideration Shorty Contreros. Kctehlka.n headliner, and ten Hitehin, who is no stranger In the Prince Rupert ring. Contreros and Hitehin will enter the squared circle In the Civic Centre gym for the middleweight main event after the far.s Ws. I1 caused bpop! Combination the.World Over Men, for the best-looking shaves, the quickest and easiest money can buy, use the Gillette Tech Razor and today's Gillette Blue Blades. They fit exactly, and protect you from the discomfort caused by misfit blades. Gillette double edge means double economy, too. look.-""" feel..""' te,"!'r "-Gillette BLUE BLADES loose in the living room. Mr. Worrell's other playmates in Ca'nfisci). Stones vs. Thorn Sheet BANANAS ARE F clude four death adders, a six- ! have warmed up to nine prelimi Metal. Armv vs. tirotto. Co-on I WINNIPEG VS. Fish Dock. l.plr! tnn nnlui Mav r- Co-op vs. Grotto. : npld, tol' Psltlnn Stones vs. Canfiseo. Fish Dork market Because of foct black snake and a hundred lizards. The snakes are kcpl in a bo in the back yard. The lizard are in a pit. naries, which will featur Prinse Rupert, Ketchikan and Terrace fighters.. vs.- Scotians. Mutts vs. Moose, 1 governn.jnt I restricts r.TVl T an fa ..a TU., C U a, ..lt i ILllO Armv vi Thome ' i f f es . Importation Into Ca Correspondence- from Harold IStlpp, local fruit buv Blanton, trainer of the Ketchi Wilh fh .oif edges ever honed! Classified Auvertisin? iaysr week. This job is fine! I don't mind my wife's nastgine any more!" JUNIOR STARS kan stable, labels Contreros as an 'experienced amaleur. 1 MEN'S FIVE r;X "K ' LEAGUE PLAY MORGAN'S TRY MIXED 'A' FIVE PIN SCHEDULE Hltchln's proclivities ad a fighter are well enough, known and he should In? p. wcrthy - Apr 9 Lear vs. Canflsco. Groiw vs. Scotians. Stones vs Kish Dock. Army vs. Mutts. Coaches Don Hartwig and j Boyo Gurvich have been putting I April 7 Atomics vs. Pioneers Rex Cat rhornc lines vs Moose, co-op vs In the semi-final, Fat- John hhe Junior All-Stars through ' ners vs. Gold Seals. Midsiets Thorn A faiieet 11. TI-wli-tkmI mcuu t V.4. AI'O- VS- t: o Piuh Il.vlf ArtV son, rueeed Terrace blacksmith, k their Dlaces this week for thei: lvs. Dodgers. Kinaoinners may be the opponent for Jimmy all-important game with Mor-' rui"""no s. Canfiseo. C-or vs. Mmwe - ..m Ul-na M,t.nt FOR TASTY MEM Chop Siiey - Chow Zansrg, Ketetusan. i4"pounaer. :gans 01 in incermeaiatc Amil 14-Pushovers vs. Maple Sfnns v T.r.als k OPEN J A.M. TO J All CHINESE DISHES Ol'R SPEtl No details are forthcoming' on League. The juniors are quite 'Leafs. Doduers vs. Gold Seals. Aor 23 -Army vs. Flub. Dork ZangS, but anyone who know convinced that they can taMid co op v. CanHsco Mutu vs Blanton can be ure that he Morgan's in their two-game total Kilowatts, Headuinners vs. Pio- s"0uans. Stones vs. Thorn- u't umrftnf nti-v fiarhter here nolnt series which will be stae- neers. . . ritrtex (Jrntto vs. Moose. SECOND AVENUE. OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT ...... wv......' - - " Ol lUmUp VB rirtlfl . .... ... 18 MONTHS IN JAIL FOR THEFT ed on Wednesday and Thursday -pKn .Apr. . muusvs. jxmw. as a preliminary to the All- McMeekins vs. Manle Leals. M Rt.irs-fiew Mptlakatl.t fea'ture. Headuinners vs. Kilowatts. Dod that really did not have something on the ball. . Another of Trainer Joe Ward's gers vs. nuin-cia. iiiiir- ... local nroteees. Alvin McKay, win 1 morgan ai cquuny - phovers. if rUitKri K.VlIMi 1 . ... mi t j . ant in fhpli. ahilirv tn KVinw t.hp Artt-il McMeekins vs. as LIGHT and AIRY Everett G. Booth, of Vancou-; ciasn wixn iook. nupnui ; "r . ". :. Th tSi 1 HParininners vs. Maple ver. who last Friday morning Ketchikan, both at 132 pounds, -amors now musu l"" 'fers . Kingoinners vs. Pioneers. ROLLER HOTKEY Dust-Proof Floor Mid pleaded m guilty to - a charge of but it is tne Terrace-n.er-cniKa.-i v-j IZJ . " "Zt1 s .Jii." n,X ... . . ...i , m k .v.. ritiht i Mnrcrnn's was the- train irpts vs Atomics, uuutseis va. breamng ana entering ana meib, iwuv.ii.iiiijvii."1.."(,... - - Kilowatts 0 . ll - in hp-jf. In flip lnct. fpu oampii "" of ivuuw atts. -- sKinen nners vs. Goict lis 11 .Tiiiiii" llliv; was sentenced to -lofhteen eighteen meraux. meraux, 125. as, 01 or tne me interior mmw w - Mav M,,v 5 Am . . i . n nf the Intermediate League when 'RBai' Pushovers vs. Kilowatts.. c? J montns in jau Dy Maaistraie thpv rpallv hit tnn nrm nnti Atomics vs. Maole Leafs, Mid- Schwlule: 7-11 Every Ninht Wednesday Night Beginners Only Thursday 1 - 4:30 p.m. Saturday 9-12 a.m.. 1 -4:30. 7-11:30 W. D. Va nee in city police court AJassa,' uiat win Dear ww.u-,- - - , t-svs- Pioneers. McMeekins 'took this mornir, iing. two successive wins over; HeaclDinners vs. . . ' DeKergommeaux, npKerirrimmeaiiv weig weiehins nrng 123 ij, 0Tt Edward and one from thp j Thistles. Booth admitted breaking Into Mav 12 - Headuinners vs ,, nnn,mfnr. pn.fp cut a wide swath at the Terrace Merchants. Sers. Midaets vs. Maple v Genuine Plantation mm; Uoted for Hoop Team Democracy went to work last night at the Civic Centre and came up with the senior basketball team that will do or die- tor Prince Rupert next week af&inst Port Alberni, in the Provincial Senior B playoffs. All players that were at any time during the past season picked for All-Star competition were given a chance t vote for the team, t travel by writing en separate slips of paper 10 names other than their own. The result was as follows: "Beynoo, MacPhee, Morgan, Pitch, Lindsay, Dominato, Formaa, Joe Davis, Mela, and Rupert Holkestart. This team will also meet the New Metlakatla Vets this Wednesday and Thursday in a very Important warm-up series before boarding the steamer for the long trip south. . .. i -v. 1 -i nis snn 1 n np a rp.n iim . rt.ui..,i fi.Airi kpq s ' Rupert Roller Rink oa tkln onnds val- Wivic uemre meek a moniii ago 1 ;r. , . . kp'8-. : " ' 7 K...... , a- . nerformance "" pieaser as tne junior league Mnspinners vs. n. 1 1 ued at about $10 on the night a.nd vas n t m, ft,,rP baskethall stars Pushover vs. Pioneers. Mc- SOLES, Mcekins vs. Atomic". of April 1. He was taken into - " ..... . w bee the develonimt around. custody in another cafe a short , lu r. 111 l""c during rtn. rh the 1947-48 iod7.d season aw, and nrii Hm later ' , UTI1IU1UIH1 JUUMS. First of the trans-border en- ey elve a account 01 V ou saw it in tne Duilv News JttrZ rr;1 themselves whether they win or counters will see Gerry Benner, mm Yes Sir: Well "fix" .vim 'ft in il truuble. "ZZ. : Z: J.l Ketchikan., and Walter Carl- ! Going Steid ImnnripH for sentence until th:.1 son- 01 nce "uprri, ii.iuS'c iu !m,.i ,the 135-pound class. This, of will follow series a. ; ".run, miv,o, a..n course, Our services inehj Modern l.ubric:ilinJ . -u4 11 11 in 1 ii 1 in 1 yUivv .- 1 ! mf;J and flyW rhm-lntro MnnHs lmraPi- rer-onr. paperweight the ... mr-i 4J;y, ! m-rivprf i th nitv ' mpHori warm-ups that will giv lilies. Tire Vuli Complete Hotly Rdi Lu tn nnavoo nf' mmn,n Icrowd a chance to-see what ... k. ai.- v. c i wctn, will t-c liic annual 1 T ' WT A Of City Vj-f J) - ten-pin singles under way when j? yl t- JSi j 1-ault coming along tn the way and was bound over on . ) hrtvl no- trt Ion f , ItefiniliinK. And a $100 bond to keep the peace 1 v.-the city's top trundlers and other are reasonable. 1 for six months. The complaint lTh-A Vi ,.k u 1 hopefuls will fight it out for the of fiirhters here on Friday In a. was laid by Ciiana Lin Gon, : : . crown with cun and cash urizes. proprietor of the Rex Cafe HnarhlereaA. Among the favorites are Sparky' said that Mulhern had created Gham A1fx!?'! T.k1 Sirth! Jack Paul and Dave' 1 1MdTc a tlistuitbttnce in the restaurant 1 1 11 Ml " Houston. Dark horse of the i tot night. prospect 01 .m - serles l3 0eore Howe Alth0llf,n IN THE StTPREiv.E COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA In Mi MnHor of Mi AiliiilnMnillon Art" Anil In the Mailer I I lie IMalf of Soren lanh Komrr. ltpart, InleMale. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honor Judge W. O. Fulton. Local JudKe of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, I was on the 5th day of Anrll. AD 1948. appointed Ad This Is Just One of Many GRACE LINE Numbers See them at BROWNWOODS L 1 7 " :,,,,,. ,.,, he hasn't played very often thisj later in tne and Terrace fighters . , i Mulhern also pleaded guilty to a charge of Intoxication and was fined $15 and costs. season George has many root summer, possibly July . v SUPREME RUPERT MARINE REA Andrew Cecil was fined $15 ers with more than their hands in their pockets to back him up. Entries close Friday night. Ring officials will be Jack Judge and George Howe, fudges; Art Murray, announcer; Benny ministrator of the estate of 8orn n(j costs when he pleaded K BASOttMB IWindle, referee-and Bob Cam MRh Columbli, who died on or about guilty to a charge of intoxica-tue 33rd day of January. 1MB, at tjon iaj untler the Indian Act. th city of Prince Rupert. British Columbia. All persons Indebted to , I I J. CI-Al'SEN ft SON) j We Take Listings of . . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHAR l BROKKRS IN BOATS, MARINE AM) FISHINO EQ ! TRY ' eron, timekeeper. Jim Nicoll Is promoting the. show. h said ostat are required to pay WOULD CURB Jess Willard won the lieavy-v,eisht championship of the rorld 33 years ago yesterday when he defeated Champion Jack Johnson at Havana in 16 rounds. Wiliuid wore' the crown for four years before ha was defeated in 1919 at Toledo. Ohio by Jack Dempsey. Willard's last the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith and all persons having claims against the said Estate are inquired to fl'e them with me properly verified on or before the ISth dav of May. 1948. falling which distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which RUPERT MARINE REALTY COMMUNISTS ) FOR QUICK SALES OR CHAKTti" I iicf iroct. of t.lriftetfs. Waterfront) MORE INTEREST Hi RADIO HERE : New Appointment Asked Y : V V U 1 V .J"-' . w. mm-r . t shall have been notified. Positive action by the Domin- rnnne 'i Bos S4I important, fight was against1 Luis' Flrpo in 1923 . Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 Flowers For All Occasions MAJMia government to prevent the oordon FRA8ER- Forbes, infiltration of the "Communist ' Offtc.i Admmistra,r.c Fifm Coumn Appretiativ of Hockey Broadcast- , -. (. jir0 Satoh star . th Tnnan. services ana aeniai 01 me oene- dCati fits of federal and provincial labor laws- to Communist-Con- Hollywoo . 1 IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA Prince .Rupert Chamber of ese Davis'cup team en route to Commerce, on recommendation Europe to play in international of its ' radio- committee, decided competition there, committed last night , thai . appreciation suicide by leaping from the liner In (lie Mutter of the "Administration trolled trades unions, as pro .vn MOST Margaret McLeod OPTOMETRIST IN NEW OFFICES nil posed by the Canadian Cham- in the MuMer of tiie Kstaw of iiiim ber of Commerce and the Van- TtllinillH INMWrH. UrCWMNl. i-.r - TlnrtvA nf TrnAn mnataA should be expressed to tne prime Hakone Maru near Singapore, Minister of Canada- and Cana- 13 years ago today. It .was be- PRINCE RITERTS KJ.wtsi UP-TO-BATB RESTAURANT OPEN FROM 4:00 P.M. TO 3:30 A-M. Special Dinner Every Sunday 5 p.m. to ,ii,,nio i mciirc a sf'F,CIAL1 BtoHoL?SL w.'S Fuito Ti.1 the endorsaUon of the Prince jdian Broadcasting Corporation Ueved Ill-health prompted the jud(?e or the supreme eourt 01 Brt- Rupert Chamber of Commerce j "l view . ui pmu o-vear-oia player s suicide. INCOME TAX Tisn toiumnia. x vu 011 wie isi. unj UimriOri mollis ; : , MFiv RETl'UNS PREPARED SF.F. been given to the iocal radio-station to broadcast- the . Stanley Cup hockey finals. At the same time, the proper authorities will be asked to make pro- PHONE 133 FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. .(Near CFPR) TARDY PUPILS NOTE TOBERMORY, Ont., CP- 8chool officials of St. F.ri lasl mgnts meeting, April, AD. 1948. appointed Admlnts-,at trator of the Estate of wuiiam j The representatations of the Thomas Ppwe. late of Prince Ru- Cnamber along these lines will pert, British Columbia, who died . . . ., , ... on or about the 6th day of Janu- b forwarded to the Prime Min-ary. 1948, at the city of Prince ru- jster of Canada and the local pert, British Columbia. All persons . f , ana nrnvinrial memoeia. members indebted to the aald asuite are re- -leaerai provincial qiued to pay the amount of their ; ROOM 10 STONE BUILDING NEW PHONE BLUE 593 vision for the emmlsslon frominear this Qeonrian Rnt, tnwn" P:inc Rupert of, other desirable, worrted about senior pupi : nrvwui ytuana. persistentlv arrivine late at. thp GREER & BRIDDE Indebtedness to me lortnwitn ana all persons having claims against the said, Etate are required to file them with me properly verified on or before the 15th day of May. 1948. fulling which distribution will be made having regnrd only to such perial Oil Co. Ltd. will be ln- :puhiic school. The school trus-cluded in the letters of thanks w, h&ve decided to warn the for the hockey broadcast. offenders' parents, and take The Chamber, also on recom-!more drasf.1(. ,w.t.inn if th wm. EERIE CLUB TO GIVE UP GHOST BUILDERS AND CONTRAIL claims of which I shall have been 1 JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd Third Avenue Alter! r , " l .tmn - f-lK. I LONDON, 0 The Ghost Kepairs Lonsiru.u' . notified. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., this filh day of April. A D. 1948. GORDON FRASER FORBES. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B C. 1921 Club, which probably holds more w doesn't work. j mhMBMMMHhm " LINDSAY MOTORS ITD ! mendation or its raair committee, decided to ask for 1tie appointment to the govemlne body of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation some person who wlil take a. more active Interest In the radio problems of northern eerie secrets than the whole Floor Sanding history of supernatural litera ture, is likely to disband because Phone RED 561 of the death this week of Harry and central British Columbia than does Mrs. Sutherland, ths Price, the club's chairman and AVENUE AND FIRST STREET (SECOND ( Service Department Now Open I present British Columbia repre- Britain's No. 1 haunted house investigator. 1 sentatlve. I.AM KKC.1STRY ACT Re: Certificate of Title No. 2;7-I to , l,it Twenty-one (SI). Blmk One (I), of IMslrlct Lot Three Hundred and Mxty-oue t:ll), VilUiee of Terrace, Man WHBREAS satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Title limed in the name of Thomas W. Roes baa been filed in thin office, notice la hereby elven that I shall. Doctors, lawyers and promln- , fmnln,tjl ma,,ft at the COAL FOOTHILLS SOOTLF.SS LIMP EGG NUT STOKER Bl'LKI.EY VALLEY H'MP hot ent business who mem- men, are meeti by j. D. McRjuSi chambers of the 70-year old club, man of the radl0 cottee, and. there ta ne to take agree no on, f Un Sulner. the place of Price. All are under , . . . tniMrBKi ,.. , v,,. 1 ,' " ' 1 Car V for Business l FL AT-R ATE LABOR I QUOTATIONS SUPPLIED ON REQUEST J PHONE 866 oath of secrecy not to divulge m. ansWM corre what goes on at their closely guarded meetings on the latest denc ium along similar news of the physic world and K PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Coal Lumber Building Supplies " PHONES G51 - 67)2 at the expiration of one month Irom the date of the first publication Hereof, iesue a Provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of said lost. Certlfl-cu. unless in the meantime valid objection be made to me in writing BATED at the Land Registry Qt-flce, Prluce Rupert, B.C. thla 16th Jay y v of March. 194H. A D. ANDKEW THOMPSON Deputy RcglFtrnr of Titles. Bur .V sociated. Boards of. Trade of Cen - prim ; ?. tral British Columbia, and the Terrace Board of Trade. Advertise In the Daily News!