LATEST IN ARMY RADIO IJtmtt tliipftl Datlf nt mo. Tuesday, April 6, WiB ju i lfttJLmLl hi .in,, jSABDEN NOTEbOQB supply brings the price down. It is southern B. C. lettuce, grown in the Vancouver area, as are the cucumbers that are "You're so beautiful outside TRY SOMETHING NEW la few of them a trial each year. THE MARKET-LEAF LETTUCE APPEARS IN It's a good plan, say those with He may well find that the fam- lly really likes- them and he has green, but really ought to be gold plated. They are selling for 59 cents each. evil inside!" i ttyt ci vi ffvi: Us H " m made a discovery that will add interest and variety to his veg Another sign of spring is the etable plot. green onions In crisp bunches. THE GARDEN TOOLS If necessary all the tools They are selling at around two bunches for 17 cents and, like daffodils and lilies, they carry a experience, to try something entirely new each year. By adding a flower or vegetable each season one will make new and pleasing discoveries, widen the range of interest and also value. It should be remembered that the job of the plant breeder has been continuous. Each year he discovers new types and varieties, turning out better or hardier plants that will do well in a needed in a small garden will WOMAN' real aroma of the vernal season. Australian onions have been on the market for several days and be a rake, a hoe and a spade or digging fork. These are mini ,f "v LOCAL STORES The lettuce famine is over ,at least for those who aren't aware of a money famine. For those who feel themselves unable to pay 30 cents a uunch for the leaf variety the only type available the famine is still on. Lettuce began to appear in local prad-began to appear in local prod-ably will be some time before arm Jr mum requirements, with a little more equipment much labor can be saved. Digging forks, cultivators, special weed- M -"W y z wider range of climate In ers, dutch hoes, etc., will make BAH fJ ADULT ? I Af? intiktainmintJN f "U , have been marketing for about 10 cents a pound. Grocers anticipate that American cabbage which has been available during the winter, will soon be a thing of the past as the dollar Embargo goes back on in expectancy of the Canadian crop coming up. More than likely there will be a lag of several weeks before the Canadian the work easier and more interesting. They are designed for special jobs. ill 11. W. Mah, a civilian employed at the Signal Research and Development Establishment near Ottawa, exhibits a radio set in the "cold room" at the centre. He is explaining to two members of the College, the development of a Canadian C-29 set which operates at temperatures as low as CO degrees below zero. The students shown above are, left to right: Major D. W. Blyth and Capt. R. A. Bell, both of Winnipeg. In addition to brand new flowers and vegetables, new shades have been added to old standbys among the flowers, and earlier, more tender varieties to standard vegetables. Some of the old favorites of our father's and grandfather's days would hardly be recognized today. Flowers have been greatly improved in size and color and vegetables are better too. It Don't Mean a Thing S If it ain't got that Swing For larger gardens a small garden tractor that will cultivate, plow, cut the grass and do other Jobs might well be considered. These are now coming on the market freely. They are not expensive and are very cheaply operated. A quart of gas stuff reaches a marketable stage. American carrots, too, are being halted at the border. Canned milk took another slap at the family budget with an increase of a couple of cents a can recently, a raise that amounted to about 35 cents1 a ease. Canned milk is now selling at just below $7 a case. If ItrM" 1 It is a good plan to go over the new seed catalogues carefully and note some of these Improve SOON! "HENRY V" ments. Very early maturing types ' -re . . should be considered In making ! WOMEN WRITE up the list of purchases. And at it is also well to add something Fresh -Milk Quart -2C Pint 11 will operate them for several hours. A wide selection Is also available. It should also be remembered that a sharp tool will speed the work. A CUTTING GARDEN Often a corner of the vegetable garden or some place at the back of the lawn Is set aside to grow flowers especially for Indoor bouquets. Sometimes when a large supply of blooms are wanted for these flowers suitable for cutting purposes will thrive on the same sort 'of OR D, that, so far as the reader is con -1k. ilF'-V- TWt'. fir? cerned, is entirely new but that Civic Centre WEDNESDAY j DURHAM, Eng.. 9. ; invaded the East Midia I fields when 24 women is recommended for his locality. Sports isia ucacenuea Coul 5. Williamthrope Colliery This may be broad beans, or broccoli, table turnips, white radish, borecole, B r u s s e Is sprouts, Swiss chard, Chinese cabbage, endive or some of the herbs. None of these things p.m. 1:00- -Bo-Me-HI gy,m class. invitation of the Natiu: z.yyj uoraen otreet gym class, tioara. ' Tliev omercp cultivation, etc., that the veg-l Cream, li pint 18 Efts Grade A:' Large, cartoned, doz 58 Medium, doz 55 Fish Halibut, lb 40 Salmon, lb Cod, fresh ling, lb .25 Black Cod, smoked, lb 39 Smoked Kippers, lb 22 Butter First Orade, lb 72 Milk Evaporated Milk. 16-oz. tins, 2 for 31 etables get. Certain flowers, in- deed, like gladioli, sweet peas are entirely new, though certain varieties of them are, but too 2 A radio that plays under water catches the attention of three members of the College on a recent visit to he Canadian few of any of them are to be 2:30 King Edward gym class, with fashionable hats 7:00 Rup-Rcc Intermediate , their nylons dirt-strrak girls. faces tinged with coal i Teen Age Badminton. er they luncr.ed at a 7:30 New Metlakatla series. ' canteen on tomato strap Special Events , chicken salad, peaches , cream. The tour uas Kifmal and Research Establishment. There was no comment f d , ,h vpr.. and others of which the foliage is not very attractive are best grown under these conditions. garden. from the goldfish in the bowl with the set but the students were The beginner is advised to give SHIP'S TAILOR duly impressed, iney are, nui, m hb"' va. . uwum.., don, Ont.; Maj. J. D. MacMillan of Ottawa; Capt. J. R. G. Bennett of Ottawa and Major G. W. Thompson. (Canadian Army Photo). to show the Improve mining conditions. how can 1 ? ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY BUSIEST MAN OTTAWA One of the busiest men in the navy Is C.P.O. John 1:00 Gyro luncheon. 2:00 Ladles' bridge. Kinsmen Little Theatre Symphony rehearsal Rod and Gun Club Liberal Association ex Train icWul 5 for Fashion-wise S Thrify Shoppers k'Jal lace's! Case 6.99 Cheese Canadian Cheese, lb 49 Flour Pastry Flour. 7 lbs . 53 Q. How can I make a small window have the appearance of extra width and height? A Tl 1 nn KA - C.ll.. The Experts Say D. Mclntyre, who is "ship's tail-j or" of H.M.C.S. Nadcn. He comes from Yorkton. Sask.,.and In pe' petually "on his toes." He may be called on any time to app'y his skill to tasks ranging from Flour. 49's. No. 1 hard wheat 'J.05 PIE LIKE MOTHER'S The Tlis tends to and texture of the finished pro- ,,,.' . . . . For the tasi Monday, Wednesday, 8 p.m. From the Knsl Tuesday, Thursday, S. 10:40 p.m of Course! . Flour (24's) 155 new w cook cook should should choose choose a a good goou recipe and stick to the rules for duct. sides, and then usimr material Tea and Coffee It Pays to Advertise! Advertise in tne Dally News. DeLuxe Quality, lb 1.14 pastry-maKing 11 sne wouia . ..,, .... - heay h th t u casement "that crust or she 1 divide the dough Coffee, lb. .09 turn out the kind of pie used to bake." :and roll out just one at. Juices .mother Q- H can 1 make a good 1 Home economists say that all a time. Roll from the centre to- Tomatoes Tomatoes, 20-oz 20 oz 17 u omelet? ....... . ov piM .h..n iward the edges, and handle the letting out the seams of a grow-Iny youth's naval jumper to sewing gold braid on an admiral's new unlforn. I Fish ernwii.. I A. A novel and delectable om- ...... . . . . 1. . , V. . . . ...... M ' ,0 makine "hot water pastry." .rolling-pin lightly. diilUL - vf' I " . . 1c' Trio nhinnf nf 1iavi'lP PVPIV- A hot oven the first 10 or 15 La" uc " t-B Appics, o-of.. un. per un .... . " . of undiluted ,K ; "lh r I, ,s l(s pliSMMn, f(lP nnmpr;can lutea vegetable vegciaDie soup soup over the eggs when A. MacKENZlE FURNITURE Limited A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Inlaid Linoleum with Burlap Back and Printed Fluor Covering Table Oil Cloth, all colors Carpets . Phone 775 327 SrdAve. 4U OZ JO "'"'B w.-r - - - - .---I--(o . llrn riHo- on, 1 from melting and coating the .cooking. This causes the sud-,""" Take. ikIvhiiIukv f our modern K;ili KuKiir 1 '.aiLii'iit. KllHUl'O flood Hwi'ption this seasnti Us) ve your radio repaired now at RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC Free Pick-up and IMivrry DEVELOPING PRINTING ENLARGING Sl'PERPAN PRESS KODACIIROM and KODAK FILMS V nijtv, tju yj . -i - I t ( If iKPfi 1 ' Blended (r.ranire and erane particles of flour,-and 'so pre- den expansion of the cold air' eu-in h venting the water from helm? J which has been enclosed in Uie Q- How can I mend a leak or uit, u w. w absorb(;d pastry during rolling. The oven torn place in the rubber hot r-annpH KriiiV. The fat should be cut in', j temperature then may be low- water bottle? AnriPnU -7n Z 17 the flour until it is the size of ered to allow the filling to cook A. Apply a gasoline patch, such cCrils yr:::. 2 Two knives use, 'completely. is cd for " - ul uuuwic-v.. n.c Loganberries, 20-oz. .41 Peaches choice 29 trytrv blender may be used. upper crust should be rolled out & Cowgill Box 645 Chandler Fourth St. If possible, chill . the dough before putting the filling in the Canned Vegetables Dill Pickles, gal 1.75 thouroughly befor rolling it put. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C Would Send Child Here and Suicide pie. Otherwise the bottom crust may become soaked and soggy. The upper crust should -be a Cut Green Beans, fey. each 20 i' v .20 .19 No. 3 Peas,, fnej' ..y..;.. Mixed Vegetables The Vancouver Sur. of last little larger than Is needed so DLACKHEADS 25 ; that it will not. hnvp t.n hn Wednesdav's Issue tells if d wo Diced- Beets, 8 WHS; ... 99 4icklf by alpl method thai of pTroiin. Wax Beans, ch'oe.v:--.'----. -21 stretched in fitting on to the man. accompanied by her 1-- eltaa uiem. IK two ounes rZ,Jj3?:JF.l'tf.LZ':? Mixed Peas and- Carrots 19 uie. Doueh which is stretched year old dauKhtcr. calling at YOUR BES ter it is rolled tends to shrink the police station, telling detec- rt m w Mta mt an im Pumpkin ...'.: 16 aid EATING PLA' Corn, choice .22 again when heated. tives she planned on taking her Corn Niblets 24 j The upper crust should be own life and requesting that her Baked Beans, 20-oz., per tin .21 pricked with a fork in order daughter be sent to her father, Baked Beans, 15-oz. per tin .17 that steam may escape during living in Prince Rupert. FlXL-t'Ol'RSE Ml U a.m. to 8 pm BANQUET HALL F: IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE In Hie Matter uf tlir Ktjitr nr llul Ming otherHlKT kmiHii as Hoy MIiir and In the Matter of the 'AiliiilnlMriilliin Art" TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honor Judge W. O. Fulton, made the 2nd day of April, A D. 1948, I was appointed administrator of the Estate of Hul Ming, otherwise known as Hoy the cooking. The woman was taken into, ,j PIE CRUST Ingredients: 'custody and charged with at-35 1 three cups flour, one cup lard; tempted suicide, pending such i one teaspoon -salt, three cuds time as a mental examination Fruit Apples, cooking, 3 lb. Fancy Apples, 3 lbs, flrfinpfrnlt Tnvoa furl-tltol Drop in and See THE NEW 1948 WALLPAPERS Now On Display i LUNCHEONS, DINNS AND PARTIES ' f'our' one"half is made. teaspoon baking 96's 4 for 25 powder, one teaspoon salt. CHINESE D'SH (pink), 96's, 3 for 29 Add boiling water slowly into the cold lard and work with a All' parties having claims against Lemons, large doz. 38 Place your order NOW for the New Electric ' GLASTEEL Water Heater It's Glass-Lined It's Economical It's Automatic It's Dependable. Saanich Plumbing and Heating Cor. 4th and McBridc-Blue 841 Van (amp's ,NewnjlandStyle Ol-iinrrpji IMuvrll !", - 1Q uie said estate arc hereby required to furnish same properly verified to Dates, pitted, lb.' Z.Z'.'...' '.2o spoon lnto a soft creamy mass Gradually add three cups flour me on or before the 14th day of May, AD. 1948 after which date claims . BEANS Laru BROADW CAFE 608 3id Ave. W. W: Two sailings per week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Coquitlam Friday, 12 midnight, Calala STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 12 midnight QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS April 10 and 30 FOR SOUTH ISLANDS April 18 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Arent Third Ave. Phone 568 filed may be paid without reference D ,, to any claims of which I then had rure. 27 uo knowledge. , Shortening 33 na r rry(r t. All parties indebted to the said , . which have been sifted with the baking powder and salt. This amount makes a two-crust pie and shell for another. RHUBARB SOON With early rhubard coming on the market, bttr totting Want with Estate are hereby reciulred to nav the Dual). lace, i lor l I pork an !!. amount of their indebtedness to mc .08 - .2o -.aunciry, cake .. forthwith. Sunlight, cake 03 DATED at the City of Prince Ru Soap rhubarb pie Is destined to be pert, In the Province of British Columbia, this 2nd day of April, A. D. 1948. Soap Powders, large 34 , the popular dessert. It should A MEAL IN A MINUTE I Glace Fruit be made deep and if a tablespoon of quick tapioca or corn GORDON FRASER FORBES, Official Administrator, Prluce Kupcrt. B.C. U1 starch is mixed with the sugar before adding it to the pie, the SEE US FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS OFFICE SUPPLIES Consult us for your needs in all types "1 l"m"ml ' Everything in high-class staUuiuiy r ... ,.i.!imiiii. FouiiUin I'd'4 Cherries. Vlb. pkt 35 Almond Paste, lb. .42 Coconut, lb. 63 Fruit Cake Mix, lb! 45 Dates (fancy), I -lb. pkt 35 Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs 47 juice will be thickened slightly, and not so likely to run over. IN TUB BOFHEME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA JN r ROB ATE The Popular S.S. In tlie Mailer f the IKMale tif Oscar Berlrund Hansen olHemle known ax McBritlc Street Phone 311 Oeur Bertram Hansen And , .24 .47 .49 .43 In the Mutter ot the "Adiiilnlstrutlun PRINCE RUPERT Sails For ISotv Available! Aet" UH1 MO tutu HHJ V'-"-' - . m DIBB PRINTING COMPAK TAKE NOTICE that bv Order f "0ldat40,50,60?" Man, You're Crazj forget your nirr! TlunifBti'lr? nrc ppv n 7l Try pfppiiig un" wnh Wirt. ) 'iittti iii-. t -HW Ux wctth, rutiflmrn 1rmz 'tut) F'Vlv tu NmI.'b lurk of tnm wtiifh piiiny infii hti'1 wTiicii '"did " 'try (Htnii limit Tnhlcfa for wit, yimimer fecllr.K, tltl vfry fy. New "t ncijiuliited" hIm only &0 lioriftJe t iii drug mores ovr waer. Seeded Raisins, lb Shelled Walnuts, 'a lb Shelled Almonds, V2 lb, Shelled Brazils, i2lb Jams Pure Strawberry, 24 oz. Raspberry, j-i-oz x...... Blackberry, 28-oz. " ...1... Cherry, 24 oz His Honor Judge W. O. Fulton, made THIRD tne iuth day of March. AD. 1 048. I BESNER BLOCK was appointed. Administrator uf the Estate of Oscar Bertrand Hansen, 61 50 .53 . .60 otherwise known as Oscar Bertram Hansen, deceased. All parties having claims against the said Estate are hereby required to furnish same properly verified to SERVM X FOR THE BEST IN AUTOMOTIVE me on or before the 30th day ot Peach, 24 oz 50 Apricot, 24-oz .54 Soups . ' ' Canned Soups, .13 to .13 Vegetables DEALER Bee Your GENERAL MOTORS VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY AT 11:15 P.M. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Fr Information call or write City or Depot Tlclcet OfIlet PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. rhnf. Now is tbe time to get at that shaky Htep, leaky roof or gagging fence. Repair or construction we have the materials to do the lob. Complete line of Building Material supplies. Mitchell & Currie Limited PHONE 363 '' Builders and Contractors Moving, Packing Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 , Phones 60 and 68 " Chevrolet Buitk Pnntlafl Oldsmobile .05 .09 .05 .7i .70 .30 Potatoes, lb. ; J.. Parsnips (unwashed) lb. ..).. Turnips,, lb. .......1.. .., .. MusliroiiiSn.'Jbv,'..:.:.,'.;.'... Garlic, lb ,sVV'X.;i..,:-Leaf Lettuce, per biiivili' April, AD. 1H48 after which dale clalma filed may be paid without reference to any claims of which I then hail no knowledge. All parties Indebted to the said Estate lire hereby require! to pay the amount ot their Indebtedness tn me forthwith. Dated at the City of Prluce Rupert. In the Province of British Columbia, this I9tu day of March, A D 1948. GORDON FRAtSER FORBES. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. - (81) MArHiNff. WORK A SPECIALTY LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL Terrace Machine Shop & Cucumbers, eacfi i.'...".,'... ... .... .59 Green Onions, 2 bunches' ........'.17 Australian Onions, 3 lbs. - .29 TERRACE, B.C.