THIS AND THAT Seau SnriTY gets Prfnre tlupert Dail lottos Utr. ' Tuesday, April , 198 (towns in a comprehensive way. Ketchikan, for example, is praised. But Juneau, the capital, is HONORED FOR HER SERVICE Members of the Catholic Women's League paid tribute to the - - Classified Advertising - - has nut escap- described as a place with little to. offer industrialists, hard to Supporting Subsidy For Air Club Here Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce is co-operating with the Prince Rupert Aero Club in its endeavours to obtain a federal subsidy. One answer that has been .received from Ottawa points out iMU Wncessions have already WVn mad in the turn from time ,ffSf i0 years, but approach, scant room for ex- FOit SALE FOR SALE , me las' '.t vere to be pansion, and has already reach-juneau ed lu top slze Tne caDltal f 3 .1. FOR SALE 1 chicken incubator, like new, and two broad axes S20. Green 106. (85 There is an country a)most nalf the &l?e Q, ved. as uic vp tjn ipH U t,mx known Ution ing over oT.'bu.iMlngg at the former Air Force base at Seal Cove. Board and "only a big Alaskan town." Jneau is indignant. FOR BALE 11 ft. "Eider." Apply Room 18. trolling boat Knox Hotel, (82) ,11 of tne nu- rtats Historic Warship Now In Boneyard two terms of "untiring, work of retiring president Mrs. Walter Lahti at their annual election of officers last night. Due to illness, Mrs. Lahti was unable to be present at the meeting hi Annunciation School Hall. Giiicers eletei for the current year are: President, Mrs. E. Tetseth. Vine - President. Mrs. N. R. Yomii!. Second Vice-President, Mis. L. Doiron. Third Vice - President, Mrs. liOuis Amadio. - Secretary - Treasurer, Mrs. W. Pierce. Corresponding -Secretary, Mrs. O. R. Brett, FOR 8ALE 6-room house ani bath; excellant condition, fully modern. Price S4000.00. Prince Rupert Realty Co. ftfl FOR SALE Tenders will be ceive iy the mdersigae4 fr the purchase, f the following described properties, togethCj with improvement and effects, etc., located theron, up to noon ' of Monday, May 3rd.' '. Lot 1355, Queen Charlotte District ' containing 42.7 acres N.E. Lot B374, Qweft 7ha-ktlte District Terms: Strictly cash - i Highest or any tender not flee- essariiy accepted. '.? '' ' j?-GORDON, F. FORBES,' Official Administrator, Administrator of the Estate of Kart Matr Severson, deceased, 5Cor-K House, Prince Rupert. V ' j 89i . ) PORTSMOUTH, Eng. H.M.S. Queen Elizabeth, flagship of Admiral Beatty'ln the First World War, is lying battered and forlorn in the dockyard here, her historic fittings removed for mu-aeum pieces in preparation for snapping. Most prized relice is the table at which the surrender of the German High Seas Flest was dictated by Admiral Beatly on November 15, 1918. FOR SALE Wartime house on Piggott Ave. Newly defcorated small four, including all furniture, with electric rang". Immediate possession. $2,006 cash. GARAGE n McBrido St., as going concern, including land, building, all equipment, stock and spare parts. $9,000. Half cash will handle deal. Splendid opportunity. See H. G. HELGERSON LTD. (81) mi FOR SALE Davenport; baby buggy, violin and guitar. 531 8th JVe,;Oreen 43. '84i "If I'm knotting it too tightly, Just say so and don't make gestures! -ft FOR SALE OR RENT Walk-in Refrigerator, 18 ft. by 34 ft., in four compartments. Red 441. (tf) Provinces ToU. LAWS MAKE FOR SALEOn Beaver wood lathe. 3' 60-cycle - . 'electric motor, 3fte set lathe chisels, calipers, etc. Phone Red 66t. . ' - (88 . . ,-. v -.-v OLYMPIC CHAMPS GIVEN WELCOME NEW YORK A vociferous welcome was given the return in wages to riches of the Royal Canadian Air Force Flyers, the hastily tanned Canadian hockey club, wh"J now bears the Olympic title which was lost by Canada twelve years ago. Royal Canadian Air Force officials and Canadian residents of New York were at the iock to greet the Queen Miry on which they arrived enroute home. "SLY DRINKERS" Delivered Free . CO. ID. Appeal Rates I VICTORIA, O-Premier B. JT. FOR SALE Simplex Engine lVt to 31 H P. air cooled; 30 to 185 II.P. Marine Straight or Reduction Drive; also Stationary-Industrial. Northern B.C. MINES DEPEND UPON SCIENCE VANCOUVER O The future of Canada's mineral industry will depend largely on the use of scientific methods, Charles. Camsell, on Monday told the Canadian Institute ol Mining and Metallurgy in his presidential address at the annual convention. "Our new mineral discoveries, especially base metals, have been woefully small," Dr. Camsell said. "Progress and expansion of the future depend largely upon the nw of. scientific prospecting methods, geophysics and geo FOR SALEeBfftnd new Enterprise pdfcl'-bumer oil range. Phone" Rd 251. 82i 1 . FOB REM i FOR RENT Two room suite furnished or unfurnished. N. 20 Cow Bay. ! S2t 25c per dozen paid for empties Please 4 Agents. BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS. , (t) have them ready when the driver VANCOUVEh, 0i Lora Kir-by, who sold thousands of gallons of liquor to Canadian service men at Tottenham Court Road's famed Horseshoe Inn in England, is critical of British Columbia liquor laws. Her father recently sold Horseshoe Inn calls. Johnson said in the Legislature yesterday that seven provinces opposing the freight rate in- crease for Canadian railways had agreed upon a joint appeal to the federal government. Representatives of all the pro FOR SALE Used Kitchen Ranges for wood and coal. Kitchen Chairs, Electric Sewing Ma FEARS END OF BRITISH EMPIRE vinces but Ontario and Quebec FOR RENTWjicti. comfortablt room, very reasonable. ,803 Fraser Street. 83 LONDON The Daily Express , t , . and Miss Kirbv a teetota er. is Phone 654 chine, Electric Ironer, China j Cabinet, Electric and Battery, Radios, 5-piece Bedroom Suite, I -the wl" nl l" "llawa APru " w " " " ' Und.) forecasts end of the . 4 , , v . prepare a submission to British'mpire" If a plan alleged Frigidaire, New Kitchen Ran- FOR RENT 2 rooms, furnisljed. ges best quality. Other useful 336 9th Ave. West. (82 k j to be under consideration by the cabinet, presumably to 'vary or sibilities. "B.C. liquor laws make rescind" the proposal to In- people sly drinkers," she said articles at real saving prices.' united States Department, goes through for the United States to crease tne treight rates. in An intnrviru "Thf wav t.n Come and look them over. FOR RENT One sleeping room 801 Borden Street. (tf) ZZ?;: matUOX " 0Ple chink less is to let chemistry and the working out of more1" difficult metallurgical processes to recover metals from low-grade materials today re -garded as uneconomic. aawmseent is not published cr displayed by the Liquor in i I.I y frt .i ii. B.C. Furniture Co. Black 324. (tf) ojjwi 1.34 jiii bivo an i Liana, 1 1 1 u i a New Zealand and Egypt. -pro Boird or by the government or British lCMumbis. FOR RENT 3 3-roomed apartments. 960 ' 1st Ave. Went. Apply 221 5th Ave. East. 84) : , , i jFOR SALE ilerap wood, random asked to put the new freight tnen see tin? run bottles and rates into effect Thursday. Tar- now they are available. . When iffs incorporating 21 per cent 'ney become used to the sight, increases, as authorized by the tnpy won't want them." Board, have been filed with the I board, it was learned today. Legal Counsel and technical r.anaral Ri-arllAir lengths. 1 cord, $6.00; 3 cords, $16.00. Phone Green 977. t86) DECK STEWARD KILLS WOMAN You saw it n the ):uly New Busmen and Professional suite. (81) FOR RENT Four room Apply Steele Block. FOR SALE 7,000 feet 2x6 fir 1 j WINCHESTER, Eng. A deck flooripg, 4,000 feet corrugated iF0R RENT Two room furhish- NOTICE stru;an1 nnmprt T n mp fitmh Vinfl r .1-. . J XF. L HUGHES - vxptiLS liuin iuc wtfMrrii pro- been sentnced to hang for mur- Vinces and the Maritimes will To Visit Alaska DRESSMAKING Children's Clothing luTrilnrnllu War a SnninHu derlng an actress named Gay mnet in Ottawa" on or about galvantzed roofing, doors, win-J s". wasmngton Biocr. dows and timbers. Apply R. C.l Apply cottage at the rear. (811 , Mutch- .pOR RENT Two room furnish- FOR SALE 1944 Fargo 2,i 'ton er cabin. Phone Black 900. 613 Chiropractor 2 BE5NER BLOCK . M Phone Blue 44? and Premiers of these Be smartly dressed with hidden !lb?n aboard 'DM!"" Du!"ba" April 12 Castle when off the coast of nrovinces will meet in Ottawa expansion features The Datlv News wishes to in attention to the rule that classified and transient nv-rttslng is payable in advance at the lfice at time t !rcwnttng copy for advertising. Those desiring to ad WASHINGTON, D.C. General Omar N. Bradley, chief ot staff, United States Army, expects to visit Alaska this summer. He would have gone earlier, he told the press, but for truck, 160" wheelbase complete) 8th Ave. E. (811 : with Gallon Hydraulic Hoist ' PHONE BLACK 687 West Africa last October. He Khovcd the body through a porthole of the woman's stateroom. "perhaps on April 24" to appeal personally to the federal cabinet against the 21 per cent freight increase. 84 ROOM AND BOARD and 12' x 7' Flat Deck Body Completely overhauled, in first 1 ' lit! n.l .inn: i W ANrrBOARI-$43 eaeii I pressure of the international situation. - An announcement similar vertise in this manner in the . rtu ,es are asked to that of the British Columbia j Premier was made in Regina by ' General Bradley, if and when double; $48 single. "Sleeping rooms for rent. Table meals . Mrs. Lawiey, 622 Fraser Street tf) - uiaaa uuiiuitiuii. nice fiuj.uu. Apply Rupert Motors Ltd. (tfi , FOR SALE White enamel En- terprise range with "Litlle ASTORIA'S .HT DKLIVKUY MKSSKXGKK Prompt Service ' - Freight Express Bine 209 -- 322 Sixth St. ir, Calls.Green 832 assist the office and respect this rule by refraining from telephoning classified Premier T. C. Douelas of Sas- he leaves, will nrst go to tokvo katchewan. U.S. Navy Is Not Carrying Atomics WASHINGTON The Navy has denied a Congrefsman's report that its ships in the Mediterranean are equipped with atomic bombs. "Not one is carrying an atomic bomb," an official Navy statement said. by way of Honolulu, returning to the United States by way.oi Queen" pot burner.. Nearly WANTED (83) new. Black 482. Advert: ;n the C-ailv K-?wv I Alaska. GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled. Besner Bloc k Phone 387 JONES NEWS STAND We handle Eastern and Western Papers Swedish-American Tribune and Western Miner Sixth Street Red 808 JORGE McWIUNNEY WANTED Old copper, brass, aluminum, tin, zinc, babbit; lead and old storage batteries.. Northern Eenterprizes next to Enterprize Grocery, 144 8rde West, one block from McBddei Phone 543. fel' FOR SALE 54' x 12' 6" x 7' tug, hull needs repairing. Can be seen on the beach across from Seal Cove airport, Shawatlans Bay. also 2 300-gal. heavy duty steel fuel tanks. Fuel tanks at dry dock. Phone Black 53. (81) AIXTING AND MR HANGING PO. Box M26 "n St. Phone Green 394 CONFISCATE BEER LONDON. fl Confiscated beer 1,608 bottles of it has been shipped from London Township police offie to the WANTED TO RENT by 4W working girls, three -room furnished apartment, with bath. Phone Blue 37. ; 83) attorney general's department in Toronto. The beer was seized from motorists parked on town PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone RED 738 1361 Overlook Street I'HKN ERICKSON :AN0 TECHNICIAN NG AND REPAIRS 55 411 West 7th Ave. FOR SALE Six horse powr Vivian Gas Engine, clutch, shaft, propellor. A-l condition. $160. Apply 226 5th Ave. West or Phone Black 949 e-"-nings. (85) ship sideroads. WORK WANTF-H MIDDLE-aged woman Will iu arter children evenings. Phon Green 588. . ' 'tff. City Merchants THOM SHEET METAL SITEIMOR DECORATORS MFTAl, WORK LTD. 253 East First Avenue ERIC SPEERS, Mar. 701 East 8th Avenue N'G :: PAPERHANGING 'Blue 952 or Black 245 :ch Bill Thornton FOR SALE Boat 'Iceland I", 42 ft., 11-ft. beam, Chrysler motor. $8,000 or nearest offer. Phone Green 612. (83) FOR SALE Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the purchase of lot 42, block lfi, Section 1, Townsite ' of Prince Rupert, up to noon Thursday April 15, 1948. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms cash. Prince PLUMBING installations ni repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Furnaces, tanks eavestroughuig and stack work. Letourneau A Sods, 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) City merchants are asked In future to have copy for all display advertisements into the Daily News office by 4 p.m. of the day previous to their publication. This co-operation will greatly assist the mechanical department in keeping to the regular hour for publication. ' P.J. CHKNF.Y HELEN'S DEAUTY SHOP DENTIST :te 5. SMITH BLOCK NEW CP HOME BuiUlinfr on University Street in Toionto houwes head offices of Canadian Press and Canadian Daily Newspapers' Association. Permanent Wav;g Beauty Culture in alTits branches 204 4lh Street Phone 655 P O. Box 1401 Rupert Fishermen's Co-op, Prince Rupert, B.C. (82) By Chic Youno BLONDIE MACHINERY FOR SALE TO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufac tured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. " t You read It in the News1l Classified Aovcrv.s.ns Pays! , 8 & ELKTNR LTD. lm)ing and Heating EnKinoors SECTION n 4-room bungalow, basement, furnace, 2 lots, harbor view; needs some repairs. Bargain for cash. Armstrong Agencies. Phone 342. (83) HANDYMAN ' HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS P O. Box. 274 M0STAD Building and Repairs' of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners CR ANFl FOR SALE Three 80 HP. Vivian Diesel Stationary Engines, 634 bore, 10-lnch stroke, connected with vee belt pulley, fresh water cooled, fitted with Winslow oil filters. One only 80 HP. Vivian diesel engine generator unit with panel board. 50 kw 440 volt A.C. generator, vee belt driven, fresh water PHONES: Green 486 Red 894 PH0N'E RED 752 ,!:, , iiif;if,ii . 1 1 rnTiTT'"TTT1TTTTT) " I fl I . ' 1 W . j "S - f- CiwonoeTJ. QlE2 i' ' U r- IF DOGS LlkE) CEt) 1 9 I ..i " yz I ' iii!i!i!iii,l!Tl i !l"!ilpliniljji!l!'l 1 1 UliiS'l thcpeS no place I j .xpX --- ' 1 i f f i J liJ-LLLiJ Mi' "( in this world for; nowgftup .UaLpdP'L TOl SHAME OM YOU, A LAZV MAN (.AND LET ME ' A WHERE: ( HCSTAk'ING, ( WASTING VOUR TIME ) A VN (.VOU'LL NEVER GET ( L IE DOAN THEPE ALEXANDER?) VA UTTLE SLEEPING WHEN VtANVWHEPE, NAPPING Js3J x .v Stlf V. THERE'S SO MUCH ) O .VOUI? LIFE AWAY r T pyro be done yi xyjs'--M v '5 d cooled, fitted with Winslow oil .11 filter. The above machinef have been operated for twa i OCEAN VIEl'J HOTEL (Formerly Knox) A Quiet, Pleasant' Place to Live COMPLETELY RENOVATED ' Rooms Redecorated QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Bos 774 Second Ave -oeuinr. E 780 ' '! BLUE 980 seasons and are in A-l condition. For further particulars apply Prince Rupert Fisherman's Co-op, Prince Rupert, B.C. Box 264. (82) LING FOR SALE Simmons 3i walnut steel bed, cable spring, spring-filled mattress, excellent conditio. Phone Red 705. (82) Spring-Filled Mattresses F HE TAILOR trolling boat HEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P O. Bo 196 FOR SALE 21 -ft. "Eider." Apply Room 18. Knox Hotel, (86) ,rt Wat fu.... New Management Proprietor, ' . TOM PESUT FUONE 71 and 1 n Mnm pfessint while yon FOR SALE Cheap Beautiful walnut flat top desk lamp, swivel chair & blotter. Phone Red 516. (81) PNE 649 ,