Mis. Annette Mansell return- j ed today on Up Prince Rupert Prince Hupm Daflp Jftcto Wednesday, July 13, 1949 Ray Reflects . . . ... and Reminisces from a trip to Vancouver. Hon. E. T. Kenney, minister of lands and forests, and Olof Hanson, former M P. for Skeena, 1 1 MEN': S snout.. An Independent dally newspaper QeTotea upbuliaieg of Prince Suptrt Ad nil communities comprising northern and central British Columbia (Authorised aa Second Clnsa Mail. Post Office Department. Ottawa) Published ewry afternoon except Sunday b Ptlnca Rupert Dally New Ltd., 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. British Columbia a. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. a. PERRT. Managing Director. AMBER OF CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES ..agqpj, J7 Carrier. Per Week. 20e; Per Month. 75c; Per Tear, 80o. Vfty is'.'&t?-By Mall, Per Month, 60c; Per Tear, 6.00 stAinf- air WINE INDBREAKERS are arriving in the city by According 'to Ottawa statist- position" and at present conies, Prince Rupert has the low-' fine their winter sports to 1 st' average rental of any city "slides." tomorrow afternoon from Van-couver. They will proceed from here to the interior. I It was even in Canada more : early distant More visitors from in the early, reasonable Special MEN'S ALL-WOOLs, JACKETS All , ' ' at MEN'S and Y(,lNG Sl'ITS Woruu, Sj(, double-breasted; els. Special - - ' ' s 1 days when everybody hoisted his parts of America are likening own tent and built his own the scenic beauty of the Skeena shack Then, there was "no River as something hard to sech animal" lector. the rent col- equal, let alone surpass. Their I praise might be called extrav- i agant. Vet there are scores of MEN'S TROl siiRs.j dines, tweeds, w,,rsttil assortment, la((, Rpeciat 8 persons who have been living In Prince Rupert for a good part of a lifetime and never been a hundred miles east . i MEN'S DRESS ud J SlllHTs Latest , A flagon of water from the Pacific (Cow Bayi will be presented at the Boy Scout jamboree in Ottawa to a scout from 1 Newfoundland who, in turn, wilt present a flagon of water from ' the North Atlantic. There Is going to be a 'cold touch, some-' where. i ,rom $2.35 u BOYS' T SHIRTS 4 4 ERS-I.atest style,, blt. Arthur Turcotte . of Seventh j Avenue West Is only twelve, but : blessed with good head. When ; he noticed a younger compan- , ion playing with an old, rusty rifle picked up In Cow Bay 1 ---,. li sortment. pecial h BOYS' WOOL and Hot Welcome, Yachtsmen! the outstanding nautical event of the MAKING year in Prince Rupert, eleven trim and speedy power yachts will reach port late this aftei noon in the course of the Capital to Capital race from Olympia, Washington, to Juneau, Alaska. Handsome trophies of the Prince Rupert Rowing & Yacht Club for the Nanaimo to Prince Rupert or intermediate stage of the marine sprint await presentation to the winners who will be determined in time for a banquet of welcome which will be the feature of the brief pause of the flotilla at this port. The race gives valuable publicity to Prince Rupert which is becoming more and more closely linked and associated with Alaska. The visitors are welcome here and the Prince Rupert Rowing & Yacht Club will put on a typically hospitable reception. We hope they will enjoy their short stay here and that they will come back again and often. i a nrini-ureu, Someone in the States has In- I debris, he took It straight to the ; vented a chieken without wings Vancouver - Victoria Seattle Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun Friday, 5 p.m., Catala Alice Arm, Stewart and Port Simpson Sunday, 11 p.m. Frank J. Skinner Prljice Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone SS8 sortment. Special $2.;$ BOYS' SCHOOL sill Rive and khaki i, Special police station where it was found well oiled and containing a charge. Many an older lad would never have thought of that. Perhaps the weapon would have been monkeyed with a while longer until some one pulled the trigger. Then, there could have been one less Juvenile and another trying to explain "he didn't know It was loaded " ' Instead of being able to fly, it grows a few extra pounds of tender, luscious meat. In every other way the bird Is normal. Now here's an honest to God blessing. For a chicken ' wing Is always a nuisance to carve, puts gravy on your fingers when trying to eat, and, generally speaking, amounts to dashed little anyway. LEADING THE WAY Five-year-old Billy Gordon, mascot of H.M.C.S. Chippewa's bugle band, put everything he had into a snappy salute as he led his unit in the March-past in Winnipeg's Decoration Day parade. Towering behind the young tar is the band's drum major. - (C. P. Photo) SMITH & ELK! REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED DO NOT ASK ' ' ! COTTAGE CHEESE j New Creamed Fresh Made; VALENTIN DAIRY Vour Dally j ALL-WEATHER SERVICE ; Gleaned from a contempor- ary, the following: Of the known active volcanoes, Europe i used skis for centuries before ; skiing became a sport. -j Our local mountains have noti yet developed that "roving dis-1 T IS ALL RIGHT to ask, "Are they keeping you busy?" People are seldom offended in these days HAVE HAD YEARS OF PLUMBINO AND HEATING EXPERIENCE PHONE 174 R. E. MORTIMER S2 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR BALAGNO Floruta. Phone Green 781 Box 1193 CHANDLER'S PORTRAIT STUDIO Film Finishing Enlarging Flash Photos Taken at Home Phone Oreen 389 218 4th St PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. If ' J i I 'y ' i v ; - 2 , t . ' j , , , j 5- - . " x V ' 4 IS at the implication that they must work for a living. It is even reasonably safe to query: "How are you?" although the hypochondriac may use up twenty minutes of your time in his reply. But few venture to. inquire about a person's emotions. "Your emotions in good shape?" This is not generally asked. Yet most of us spend the bulk of our time wrestling deep in the dust with our emotions. Our spirit, our soul, the far inner recesses of ourselves take up all the time we can get. Making a living, leading through strength, changing the baby these are important matters; but in the midst of such occupations the spirit stirs, and the boss, the bid and even the baby become like dreams. . It is the spirit that is reality. That is man's strength. It is so much his only strength that he carries it sheathed like a sword in a scabbard, lest the breath of idle conversation tarnish and rust it. Never ask a man, "How is your soul?" He and his soul have no time to spare for you. 1 GREER & BRIDDEN 4X)N'TRACTlRS AND ni'U.DERS ANYTIME ,s t,me ra CLEAN YOUR CHIMNEY WAV.W .. Let us Inspect, repair and clean your chimney now lie prepared for Fall. We also specialise In repair of gutters, dawn pipe and roofing. X 4 wr.iL CONSTRUCTION ?' CHIROPRACTOR j INTERCITY CHI MNEY SERII; ALTERATIONS REPAIRS ? Free Estimates Phone Red 211 Reasonable R. p i , Authorized Licensed Chimney Service. All Work Gua NEAR CAMPAIGN'S END-Piped to the platform by kilted high-landers, Prime Minister St. Laurent is shown addressing a' crowd of 13,500-the largest he faced 'on his Dominion tour as the election campaign entered its final week. Mr. St. Laurent said 1949 was a year of significance for Canada and that trade had reached unprecedented levels. (c p photo) unn r. L. nugnes, U.V rn.U 21-22 Besner Block ' Phone BLL'E 442 for Appointment 1101 R 10:80 a.m. to 12 30 p m. and i to 6 pm. E KNIN4i8 Monday and Friday. 7:30 pm. foi those unable to oome during the day. RECEPTIONIST la attend MAKES 1,008-MILE RVN (Continued from Page 1) FLOOR SANDING A SPECIALTY III Types I! 'I! degrees but no tuna. In the vicinity of the Dellwood Hills, water temperature was 55.9 degrees and continued to fall until 25 miles off Cape St. James.' at the southern tip of the Queen Charlottes, it was 52.7 degrees. ' They then moved northward KITPLIES FOR WW Quality I ! cLSar RED 561 P.O. KOX72! .! 110 miles westerly, passing over the Dellwood Hills, a shoal outside Queen Charlotte Sound. Twenty miles southwest of Cape Cook they found water of 58 6 STATIONI RY FOB H(, ance ariernoona. ;o Tasoo 'Harbor wiiere the water before his return, vas 51 degrees. From Tasoo, they At present, the Laurier, sister ran 120 miles due ' west, then ship of the Howay, under com, turned north and came into mand of Capt. Llewellyn Shep- GREETING CAKI Hue k i nrvriU rnnce itupert tnrougn Dixon's pard, is on tuna patrol. How entrance. ( 1 hiDD DnMTiwi rt HOUSEHOLD NEEDS STEP LADDERS CLOTHES LINES CLOTHES DRYERS IRONING BOARDS KITCHEN LTENSILS GALVANIZED WARES ever, she is not following a set course but Is prospecting likeiy spots where the fish might be j uiuu i Ttinunu v. Furthest north point at which Ubacore tuna has been caught BLOCK ro far this year has been west Iu"d- ( ' SATIN-GLO VARNISHES ENAMELS PAINTS WII1TK SEWING Covet Your House jf Columbia River Spit w-here .he American vessel Aleutian vlail caught them on July 7, j Last year tuna started running in August off Tasoo on he west coast of the Queen Jhaiiottes. On July 9 of last year the fish were caught off tfie west coast of Vancouver Island between Estevan and Cape THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. MACHINE! PRICED FROM $189.50 to $204.'j PLUCKING PETALS DOESN'T PROVE A THING . . . ... But if he takes you to his favorite Dining Spot that's progress. NOTE THESE FEATIRES Reautiful Cabinet Backward and Forward Action Tension and Switch Regulators Glare-Proof Sewing Litfht Cook. Weather permitting ,the How-ly will go 90 to 150 miles west )f Langara Island at the start if her southbound trip. She will pass over Dickins SeamounU a shoal spot in that area and over Hodklns Seamount further south, then head over the Dellwood Hills to a spot 100 miles There Is Nothing Finer Than a WIUTK W TERMS ARRANGED TO YOUR CONVENIENCE with Asphalt Roofing For Year-Round Protection For Estimates Call 3fi3 MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Builders and Contractor! FINE frX)OD3 FRIENDLY SERVICE PLEASANT SrftROt'NDINGS jff Triangle Island lo Cape Cook, then 100 miles of Cape. Flattery and into Victoria. . ... Since leaving' Victoria on July the Howay has covered more i.han 1,000 miles and her skipper Civic Centre Dining Room For Reservations alid Chicken In The Rough Vhone Red 70 Tfrrffrrrrrf ftr- frrrrftniuj mariunii. , i "The more rethink about It, the madder I get." jxpects to double that distance! MaeMmJ ormeI k2J BR UG DON'T MISS THE FI N AT THE ARE YOUR TIRES SAFE? You want to get as many miles as possible out of the tires . . , but' hot at the risk of safety. . Limhciiost Skeena Construction & Cabinet Co. Builders and General Contractors For FISHINQ, BQATINti, HUNTING, SWIMMING, DANCING . ". . . AND MANY OTHER SPORTS I Fun for the Whole Family at LIMBERLOST. Make your reservations-early and be sure of your Happy Holiday In the Bermudas of the North. r wfTC "T'se our check-up service. We vulcanize, repair or switch tires as needed. Our prices are reasonable. " FLOOR SANDING AND CABINET WORK CONCRETE WORK AND REMODELLING House built under the N.H.A. Plan 20 down payment-balance in tai-y monthly payments over a period of 15 to 2 years. Free Estlmatees FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PHONE BLACK 224 P.O. BOX 1676 STORE HOUPA-WEEK DAYS, 9 A.M. TO 8UNDAY8 AND HOLIDAYS 12 NOON TO 3 P'j 7 P M. TO 8 P M. j 1Mb Emergency bWdjJj Dally car delivery ervlce FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT LIMBERLOST LODGE LTD. PHONE S63 OR UNION STEAMSHIPS OFFICES PHONE 568. ion?) H from 7 pm. " ' p m. and fiunday from a.m. till 6 i -