B Etfn Gupert IDaflp I3ctof Wednesday, July 13, 1949 Everything QUICK . LOANS nrv.n, a xt,.h oi, For reliable and dcnendahip a - hour service, caU 555-Scrvice will be clo.sed from the Hth of Vttua- (17i) July until the 29th. Mil for Building Lumber of all kinds-Moulding, Flouring, Siding, Cedar and Asphalt Shingles, 24 Plasterboard, Wall-boards, Fir, Cedar .1 u;.u Di 1 j anu amui i ijwuw, Cement, Brick, Plas ter, etc. ALHERT & McCAFFKHY LIMITED , Prince Rupert Liberal Assoc JJljJlU41l i miM-c ivupri b 1UU Wits Oenera Meeting, 8 p.m., ln regular monthly business ses-lt1ay' " C1V'C Centre- sin at today's weekly luncheon. Everbody welcome. a62) J 0n' Monday the executive was ln Mrs. Frank Dibb returned to Bession-the city on the Prince Rupert' , w. E. Bottomloy, assistant dis- ...... ,.G B11CI ftoenUUlK me PHONE 116 past few weeks visiting in Van-; eouver and Victoria. Rev. Ocorge E. Sendall, pastor of First Presbyterian Church, returned to the city on last night's train from a brief triD LY ADVERTISING COPY IS APPRECIATED to Hazelton. He vMUsd with his aunt, Mrs. David Hcanan of Ton- ley, who Is a patient in Hazelton Hospital following a r e c e h 1 1 stroke. BJI II ri Fine quality gabardine sports shirts styled by Baronet in colors of Brown, Maroon and Grey. Priced at 7.00 Pure wool gabardine slacks in all the popular shades Datk Brown, Light Tan, Grey and Blue. 14.25 lotff - ' are, sir!" m tlsinK is payable In arivanr-p. peac refrain from 'Classifieds, 2c per word per insertion, minimum Jrth Notices 50c, Cards oi Thanks, Death Notices, ,. Marrlane atid Engagement Announcements: $2. Special display, double price ARE HONORED BY FAREWELL PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameron. Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS 1. What is wrong with this sentence? "He sure looks well.' 2. What is the correct pronun ciation of "medieval"? 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Freize, fricassee,! frustration. I 4. What does the word "ab-; ject" mean? 5. What is a word beginning with ap that means "an opening"? Answers 1. Say, "He certainly looks well." 2. Pronounce me-di-e-val, both e's as in see, i as in it, a as in an unstressed, accent third syllable. 3. Frieze. 4. Sunk to a low condition; down in spirit or hope. "And banish hence these abject, lowly dreams." Shakespeare. 5. Aperture. ANNOUNCEMENTS Advertisement In tnls column will , be charged for a full month at 25c per word Port Edward W. A. Bazaar, August 8th, Community Hall. Catholic Bazaar October 5 and 6. Sonja Ladies Bazaar. Oct. 28. Rebekah Bazaar, Oct. 28. St. Peter's W. A. Fall Bazaar, Nov. 3. Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, November 9. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. 17. I.O.D.E. Chapters Fall Bazaar, Nov. 24. St. Andrew's Cathedral Fall Bazaar, Nov. 26. Saturday. Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 Sanitation PAPER TOWELS PAPER CUPS ; DEODORANTS DISINFECTANTS THANKS Pat MacMIUan urtfclt thanks to liie kind express ly ln tneir recent ! and especially rs and staff of Hospital. KfclNT Close in. I. (173) mfortable room w n apartment, a be arranged. . News. U i pit- ualhtub. state m , Daily News. (11,4) i-.NT 3 oedroom to pay substan- 1 ne Red 325 or 1166) , inslkin couple, lurnished, on.: iths. Kt'ply A. ncral Delivery, (1641 bnver for 5 2450. "Here you AIR PASSENGERS To Vancouver J. Mills, N. Wallace, J. A. Bunoy, M. C. Jensen, F. A. Cobbaert, S. Bakko, Mrs. T. Sylvaine, G. W. Cook, S. Joseph, From Vancouver A. H. Cun ningham, R. Alpen, R. Hastings, S. Jerstad, Miss L. Lockhart, L. Nelson, G. Tough, Mrs. Martin, K. T. Conway. J. G. Bosworth, W. Wasyk, T. Wasyk, A. Bloom. From Sandspit Mr Burgess, S. Bakko, Mr. Craig, A. Plant. RADIOS FOR SICK OSLO Sick and aged in Norway had their lives brightened a little recently when radios confiscated by the Germans during the war were repaired and distributed among them. 1 C wuu You Saw It in The News! H3 I ' ' I TP ? TT0 " - I ' 57 Qititk! atttious! PERSONAL WILL the party on Sixth East, Vl hn nhnnpri Rpri 0..S4 cm Kat- uiday ninht about room and board, please phone again. (162) LOST A ISO FOUND i 1 LOST - Last Monday, baby's brown purse, souvenir of Al- a.ska. between Paulsen's and Co-op store. Phone Green 890. 1 (165) SITl'ATIONS WANTED SITUATION WANTED Experienced dry-Roods and men's wear salesman, seeks steady employment, good local connection. Piione Red 400 or write Box 1258 Station B , City for interview. (163) HELP WANTED BOYS WANTED Rpliaoie boys desiring Daily News route should file their names at tiie Daily News Office. (tf) WANTED Housekeeper. Phone Green 712. itf) - Eldnrly lady for kitchen. Apply in (164) WANTED Taxi Driver. Apply 112 Taxi. (tf) llt'SINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Third Avenue business, good location, good turnover, For further information, apply Box 544 Daily News. (tf) REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Brick and concrete I block. 2nd Ave. Apartment, hardwood floors, hot water heat. Store, full basement. I Phone Red 104 after 6. (tf) FOR SALE Four roomed house, 517 Herman Street. Good condition. Box 252. City. J 11. 13, 15 FOR SALE Well constructed furnshed cabin. Salt Lake, Glass enclosed verandah. Run-niiii uatpr Annlv A. R. Nich ols. .(162) FOR "sALESacriflce for cash,! furnished or unfurnished 4- room wartime. Apply 1532 Second Overlook between 4: and 7 p.m. (167)1 .'.'. close in. Also WANTED s on four, live, Macey's m houses. Arm-1 person. t (164) trl,.f or,rlr,oo, f,,,- h rvir. al department of public works with headquarters at Smithers, and Mrs- Bttomley and son- were in the cltv yesterday afternoon, Thev came in for a few hours frora Lakelse Lake where they are encamped for the summer. A fire, believed by City Fire Chief E. W. Becker to have been caused by a smouldering cigar- ette, destroyed a chesterfield and damaged a wall in the home of Mrs. G. Krause. 939 Hays Cove Avenue at 9:45 last night. . Mr. and Mrs. Roger Dubuc, of Detroit, Michigan and sons, Dennis and Gerry, are visiting ln the city as guests of Mrs. Dubuc's parents, Mr. and Mrs. w - B Skinner, Seal Cove Circle. Mrs - Dubuc is the former May Skinner. They motored from the eastern city. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert F. Emester, Terrace; R. E. Burger, Terrace; R. A. Alpen, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. R. A Richards, Vancouver; Miss Mary Richards, Vancouver; A. J. Smith, Smithers; Miss F. Earl, TdVrace; K. T. Conway, Vancouver; R. Reid, Vancouver; R. Hastings, Vancouver; H. R. Ousley, Eureka, California; J. F. Beveridge, Vancouver; J. J. McCreadie, Victoria; Mr. and Mrs. E. Klim, Ocean Falls; R. J. Martin, Vancouver; G. F. Bon-r.ycastlc. Vancouver; J. Sclmcr- son, Vancouver; G. Tough," Van couver; Mr. and Mrs. t. wasn, Terrace; R. Gardiner, Toledo, Ohio; A. H. Cunningham, Vancouver; R. E. Sande, Terrace; C. Whalen, Terrace; Mrs. C. Mac- Ken;:ie, New'' Hazelton; Mrs. W. G. Rosenberg, Sunnyside; Mr and Mrs. T. Meredith, Fort Bab-ine. William Wasys returned to the city by air Tuesday afternoon from a trip to Edmonton. Advertise in the Daily News! SPECIAL NOTICE Cancelled Sailings Southbound from Prince Rupert ss Coquitlam, July 17 and 24. 10 p.m. Northbound from Vancouver ss Coquitlam, Wednesday, July 13 and 21), 9 p.m. NEW ROYAL HOTEL. , A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms Hot and Cold water PRINCE- RUPERT, B.C. i Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING REQUIREMENTS SEE REGAL PRINTERS PHONE 222 Second Ave. Box 423 WRATIIALL'S PITOTO FINISHING Developing, Printing Enlarging . QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE 712 Second Avenue who will be leaving shortly for Victoria to make their future i home, were honored with a sur-1 prise party Saturday evening when some thirty friends gath- ered to pay parting tribute. The evening was spent in singing Bl"BiB . . . 1 , and dancing and the feature of the proceedings was the presen tation of a lovely photoerinh album by Mrs. Ed. Morrow on behalf of the company assembled. The album contained a picture of each guest. Mrs. V. McDonald read an appropriat-; poem of her own composition Mr: Cameron spoke suitably in accepting. A large cake was duly cut by Mrs. Cameron. After dancing had been enjoyed until the small hours with music by Russell Cameron and Josephine and Vincent McDonald, the party broke up with the singing of "Auld Lang Syne" and "They Are Jolly Good fellows." Those present: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. McCallum, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Morrow, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Smith, the Misses Evelyn Odin, Elvina Odin, Connie Sim-undson, Rose Lindquist, Marjorie Adams. A. O. Franks. A f)hn. Mor r Mrr, D ' CANVASS HAS DUAL PURPOSE Canvassers for donors for the Red Cross blood clinic who will start their sweep of the city this week will be rendering a dual servlce they approach householders for their assent to glve a pmt of blood. I In addition Hrfui . to 4i,i taking thet names oi Diood donors, tney , flTe tuberculosis x-ray J clinic which will visit- the city on August 15 under auspices of the provincial Department of Health. Purpose of the mobile clinic lg x.ray every person in the 1..- uiea to uetci iiiiiic wut'iui-i ui ttiey did have It. Miss Jeanine Coupal, public health nurse at the Prince Rupert Health Unit, received assurance from those who attend- ed the Red Cross blood commit tee meeting last night that canvassers would take, names for the tuberculosis clinic while they were canvassing for blood donors. MHItti OF CAM'W.l.ATlON OK KKKKKt KM NOTICE Is hereby given that the reservea established pursuant to Order-In-Councll No. 64. approved January 20th, 1936 and Ordcr-ln-Councll No. 466 approved March 19th, 1047. covering certain lands situated on the Tslmpscan Peninsula, RanRe 6 Coast District are cancelled Insofar as they relate to the following described parcels: Part 81.1 acres of Lot 130 and pa"rt 24.1 acres of Lot 131, Range 6. Coast District, as shown on Plan 18 Tube 368. on 111c in re ivpm w....v Lands and Forests. Victoria. Lot 7388. comprising 20 acres and Lot 7390. comprising 14 acres, Range 6, Coast District. OEX3. P. MELROSE, Deputy Minister of Lands Department of Lands and Forests. Victoria. B. C. July 6th, 1949. for the Nation Representing l G. H. Wood & Co. Ltd. Dustbane Co. Ltd. Brodie Brush Co. Ltd. S. C. Johnson Wax Co. Phone 632 P. O. Box 772 ASK FOR ESTIMATES METAL LIMITED Black 881 & Contracting HEAD OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. for SALE 4 room house, close These Fine Days Are Roofing Time . . . Don't Delay! LET US HAVE YOUR ROOFINO PROBLEMS Tar and Gravel or Asphalt Fifteen and Twenty Year Bonds .Mother khowsXBesr Rtomu'rrabin at will make-a list of persons de-rear. Priced for quick sale, siring to take advantage of the ANY TYFE OF ROOF REPAIR Armstrong Agencies. Phone 342 or Green 297 (evenings).. (1(36) FOR SALE - I niH kale Stationary ennln-1 tcrs tuois. rnone urcu jm alter 6. THOM SHEET 2jS First Ave. E. YES, WE HAVE PIGGY BANKS as well as a full assortment of Toys and Games . . . Featured all year round. ".PACIFIC Cios. I levcninu). (1721 rRENT2or 3 . Phone Green 26!). 4;, (H2j ) RENT 2 or 3-furnished or un-Phone Blue 637. j 1163) SALE Material Fir drop siding. )t)u ft. 1" x 3 ' fir i.00 M; 15000 It. s G lir decking, JO ft. 2" X 8" Fir .4: 5ooo ft. r x 6"- $40.00 M: 2000 ft. iint, $50.00 M; 3000 ywood. $ii0.0O M; uckwool insulation. 3 sets 10" x 12" - 12 ; sash in frames, ct; 18 10" x 12" - 12 iws, in frames, $6.00 w; assorted used i hardware $5.00 igles. shiplap and rial later. One 18' shaft and propellor, $21)0 00; two 12 $120 00 each Kaien' 1 10 II 1 ton panel truck, ue 38'J. (167) -1D47 Ford Panel j only Kaicn up. ; New and used furn. roofing paper, lirst ;4tnfc lor,,.-.,,. t-iclfl Rood bicycles, 'I typewriters, bat-to" um. new electric Masters and rlee- new rues, bcauti-"s, new cups and Evv thing at the cesl see B. C. Fur- Mack 324. (tf) -y Known names speeder Shovels, prilii:es: Arinm.' ' Littleford Bros. 0 Ivoad Maintenance t)ven Clamshell IfRock Grapples; 1 Concrete Mixers; mi I Trucks; Nelson trs for Stockpile r k 4iival; Rice Port-iri' tt.il Pumps; Na-Scrapers and ttional All Steel irts; National fmills; National t and Convcvors. It ion from Na-l"ry Co. Ltd., IC (tf) I'lusehnld furnl-'s including 2 rs. Also cabin for cash. 113S i: ie. (162) Dodge Sedan fior Auto and I (162) - Trolling boat in 10 an, includes all 7; 16 h.p. Recal d for quick sale Armstrong Asen-W 342 or Green 297. ! (162) r-Codge Sedan, coU w carriers. Anplv nns. Phone Black - aaa. d64) -" itchen oil stove. -v.. ohu. (164) 1 2 Binpln v..ric .chittoniere. 1 lpathpr w-hen table, 2 chairs J chairs. 114 Hays Black 396. (165) FOR SALE-1 six-piece Walnut not ne or sne ha5 any trttces linish dinette suite. 1 steel " the fiiSPnse disease. lung double bed. 1 McCiary range.; Phone Green f"5. (lt2) A visit of the clinic two years Fci"sALE'-cTsTclTiduire ago resulted in a large section newly upholstered, reasonable, of the population receiving x-Gua Thompson St. M3 rays which either contributed FOR SALE Light Delivery to their peace of mind by assur-truck. , Just overhauled. Price. lng them that tnry were free of Rom'6Ph0ne SaVy (163., tuberculosis or gave them the 'i!!!1!-' advantage of early advice if mn rat F. Cream enamel . , . Stevedoring IF IT'S TOYS YOU'RE SEEKING, call at COMPANY LIMITED mm ILI'IJ I ILM "yS 1'WLi J General Stevedores and Contractors Stevedores for Canadian National Railways 7T? 518 3rd Ave. W. CABLE ADDRESS TACIFICO" Wliy Wait... TRADE IN YOUR OLD TOASTER OR IRON FOR A NEW ONE NOW! range tchcapi. Phone Red (tf) 393. FOR SALE New equipment at r..- in.,. than npw cost, one Masters Hiiih Pressure V turbine pump " "v,1 3 nhase 220-440 electric 60 cycle motor. One Masters hlirh nressure 1V4 inch turbine pump moused and driven by a type A r h 3' by 4 inch Wisconsin gas murlno pnninued with gas tank, governor, magneto, etc. ntu.v Murhine Works, (tl) FOR SALE If you are looking for a bargain in a practically new pleasure cruiser, ca 1 at the Bvtown Machine Works for particulars. Information ,iii t vo oivpn over the (tf) phone. PATi oatc "in FnrH Panel. In- auire of Superior Auto & Bony Service or phone Green 14 evenings. ilbi FOR SALE E asy splndrv wash-inc machine. Phone Red 622. 1239 Water St. u FOR SALE 1947 motorcycle. Phone 648. 530 6th Ave. East ( loo) METAL TTOrtK PLUMBING Installations and Repairs. SHEET METAI. WORK. Tar and Oravel Roofing. Letoumeau & Sons. 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) Phone Red 400 Each Trade-In Power Co. Ltd. BESNER BLOCK STEWART, B C. $1.00 fflaUarr pMz$ HOURS j I Weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. , 7 p.m. to 1) p.m. j i SIXTH STREET and THIRD AVENUE ! i , i . : v Q :-rr ff PHONE E 79' j Allowed On Northern B.C. PHONE 210 PRINCE RUPERT