prfncc Rupert Daflp r3etoj Wednesday, July IS, 1949 Steamship Movement! From Carton To Ibox -To Hospitality . For VaiiconTn Sunday is. cwiuitlam, 10 pm. ' Tuesday ss. Camosun, 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss. rrince Rupert, i STEWART NEWS Latest from Portland QinalMming Centre 7 it fO I 1 w i n ? rjrp. V The final count has been made and Atlin has a new member to represent the riding in the Legislature. The retiring member has endeared himself t,0 At.lin rpsMonta an1 thau am STEWART LADIES CRUISE GUESTS Rev. A. Loma was host' to the Ladles of St. MarlCs Church '4 U:1S pm. Sunday m. Camosun. 11 pm Wednesday as Prlin-e Rupert 10 a.m. Friday. Coqutttam, 1 p m Fr Alice Arm and Stewart Sunday as. Camosun. 11 p.rr. Fran Alice Arm and Stewart Tuesday ss. Camosun, a.m. From Oceaa Fall Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert 16 a.m. to to see see him him go. go, but but it it is is sorry wrui me Temperature ncvenng 5 Just the luck of the game and I ail can do, as Bill Smith said, : wish Frank Calder luck in his ! new surroundings. 1 ( j -,m j lT-;,r v; Ij L J between 80 and M degree it was an Ideal day for a cruise on the waters of the Portland Canal on the mission boat "Northern Cross" and the ladies thoroughly enjoyed the oh ting. Among the guests were Mrs. Elsie Kim-tas, president; Mrs. Ann Oeddes, xoure RDsoiuieiy right, it Is vacation time now : . . but in a few months cold weather will be here again and you want to be prepared with a safe warmth-giving COAL supply. CALL 651 TODAY! PHIIPOTT, EVITT & CO. LIMITED Lumber Building Supplies I The Parent Teachers' Assocl-j tillon, camp for girls, will be at I Bear Lake and commenced this Wednesday. All the youngsters IS 1 are looking forward to It. Later vice president; Mrs. lean 8tew-i art, secretary, and Mesdames Gladys Bennett, Edith Wilkinson, Ethel Sharp, Muriel McKay, Fiances Madeod, Betty Stewart, on the boys will go Into camp at the Marmot River Just across the canal from Hyder, Alaska. i J, wX'iQ J , - vi Far Ocean Fgfia Thursday cs. Prince Rupert, 11:15 p m. tor Alaska Wednesday is. Prince Rupert midnight. ' Saturday ss. Coquitlam, 10 p.m. From Alaska Thursday ss. Prince Rupert, To Queen Charlotte Islands Sunday ss. Coquitlam, a.m. eum, the Royal Hortcultura Society and the Royal, Botanical Gardens at Kewt, the expedition Is headed by Capt. tiiiiialilson returned .; afternoon on the ;t from a trip to BILL SMITH, WIFE HONORED Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lewis and family left Monday for Prince Rupert where they were to meet friends and motor to Fort St. James to pay a visit with Mrs. Lewis' mother and Ruby Norton;, The emtse was enjoyed , by everyone. Stewart Orchestra For Hyder Dance HYDER, Alaska Members of the Pioneers of Alaska held a dance on Saturday tn the Plo- mine Dully New;!.! STEWART After the regular meeting of the Stewart Branch, Canadian Legion, on Friday, the Women of the Auxiliary and a few friends held a social even TfVW""". Mr. and Mrs. Hector 8tewart and family left on the Camosun Monday for their vacation In the south. I lMir Hal Tho mitei lrl .fiun I plied by Mrs. L. O. Behnsen at the piano, 8am Kirkpatrick on MOUNTAIN EXPLORERS Three Britons arrived in Montreal recently on their way to the uncharted areas of the Casslar, Range In northern British Columbia on a map-making, fact-finding survey. Sponsored by the British Mus- C..H. Pelham-Burns, top. The other two members are M. G. Cox, middle, 21-year-old flora expert, and Capt. R. C. Curtis, bottom, who will look after the map-making. (C. P. Photo) 6-BottIe Cartcn 25 Plm depnil M ptr UttU Mr. Wyatt and Mr. Steen- j e violin, Bobby Hutchings, berger of the Provincial Asses-' B1'l Smith, and Billy Orr on the sor's Department, Prince Ru-IP The dance was In honor. AuUmiM bottUr ( CwUt unto ing In honor of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Smith. Cribbage commenced the proceedings, resulting in victory for the men by a score of 9661 to 94G0. Individual winners were: ladles first, Mrs. R. Bar-wise, consolation, Mrs. W. R. Tooth. After tying with Shorty Carson, Bob Dunlop won the men's first on a cut of the cards, was thoroughly of July 4 and enjoyed by all. pert, have been busy looking over the townsite. Mr. Mc-Creadie, auditor, for the Provincial Government has been here during the past few days NORTH STAR Phone 132 BOTTLING WORKS Prince Rupert FRANCOIS LAKE Timely Topics from Terrace Mrs. C. R. De Kergommeaux, Terrace Reporter Mr. and Mrs. A. Howell and at Hart's place at Kalum Lake.' hospital but Is now mruperat W. J. Crawford securing the Bobby Behnsen has arrived family of Prince George are ing at- home, home to spend the vacation with staying in the Tweed Ranch his parents Mr. and Mrs. LoueotUig beside the lake. Mrs. Colbachini is the house guest of Mrs. M. Olsen at her Mr. and Mrs. Donald Main of Behnsen. home on Keith Road. An excellent supper was served followed by community singing led by J. Bouzek. W. U.j Smith, W. 8. Orr and J. Bouzekj week-end at the home of Charles Mrs. P. H. Mallett left recently for Vancouver where she will take an English course at the U.B.C.'s summer school. Sunnyside Cannery, spent the Adams. : Seymour Loveseth was unfortunate enough to lose a finger when it was severed by the saw. New Hospital Matron Credit Union Keeps Hall Vander- hoof Visitor Honored Miss Evelyn Spence, R. N., arrived last week to take over her duties as matron of the Red Cross Outpost Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. A. Maxted of) Long Branch, Ontario, arrived ne 654' Advantage Is being taken of the fine weather prevailing at the moment and the kiddles are roaming around in their sun suits with all the adults wishing I on last Thursday's train to spend A sieve had become clogged and h was cleaning It Aitf. when the accident occurred. Mrs. Bush was a visitor to Prince Rupert last week going down by Thursday's train. contributed individual items. Qeorge Nelson officiated at the piano. President Jack Wulstrn-holme and the genial secretary Jim Garllck were very much in evidence. It was a very enjoyable evening. Stuart Craig received treatment at the local hospital last Thursday when he had his fingers badly cut by an axe In the poleyard of Little, Hauglaad and Kerr's mill. that they could do the same. the summer months with" their son and daughter-in-aw, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Maxted. T. Burns has returned to his position at the store at Sunny Geoff. Lambley accompanied Mr. and Mrs. .Jack Walker have ben spending a few days past month on sick leave at his by Fred Hall and Harvey Hoben- j in the district renewing ac- kIiIp rnnnprv After snndine the'xchiplri itmv nnnnnlrv i fir Mr. and Mrs. McNabb srjent Percy Welter and Mrs. Paul KU-born (two areas). Women's Canadian Club, Mrs. T. W. Brown. CANVASS FOR DONORS Continued irom Page I) by r 8 C Biry wnt k ) pubtHntd w f Llqvw Csnkal Bwio1 m a) lHlill Calaaala, ... i . quaintance with friends here, .home in Terrace. the week-end with the Hoben-' sp.hields at Kitwanga. as Kitwanga last Thursday to prospect the lakes enroute for rainbow trout. They returned , with their limit of cutthroat. Mr. and Mrs. W.' E. Funnell have taken up residence in Burns Mr. and Mrs. Field arrived last Thursday from Vanderlipot where Mr. Field was relief sta Organizations and Individuals which are undertaking the clonoi Mrs. P. van Stolk left on Saturday for a trip to Vancouver to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs Walte. Shirley Pierce of Prince Rupert is spending the week n holiday with Anita Brue. Hazel Reynolds left on Thursday's train to spend a holiday Lake in the house they have pur Sons of Norway, Mrs. Carl Strand. Moose Lodge, Fred Scadden.. Rotary Club, R. G. Van der Sluys. ' in! chased from Mr. Ecklun," next to t,on "S6"1 antl wU1 nere with relatives at Prince Rupert. .canvass are: ' Catholic Women's Leaguf. Mrs. D. R. Brett and Mrs. J. A. that capacity for the next thre! Bcn Dotld's ear- decorated Mr. and Mrs., Verne Taylor; Irvln? Is on ana ar'ven oy am usoorne, jr.,- 7 weeks while A. H. ! Smith (three zones). Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Keilbark holiday. Jon Dominion Day, took first Mrs. W. Crego left hospital, I prize in the parade. 1 last week after a four weeks' i i i i j The public works bridge gang is building a new bridge near Mrs. HenktTs house. , They are Municipal Chapter, I.O. D. E. j (dry dock). . . Mrs. M. J. Keays and Queen The Second (Conrad Street) Marv Chanter. Mrs. R. S. Scherk Rnv Kraut. Trram will hn .iKk--l Commander and Mrs. J. Allan, who were in Prince Rupert dur-Contlnuea on Page 6) C. Ashbury is relieving F. Craig I ." 1 stay there. Her daughter, Dor- on the mail run. ' 'F. Baker spent the week-end olhy, has been seriosuly ill in' (three areas). ' Ito canvass two areas In the east staylnB at Ulf Landing. Women "of the Moose, Mrs. end. lodore rrfTfzrnr TDrrm 7-mrrn7u Cafe Warm weather has arrived at last but the hay is short so far. It was needing warmth very badly. - Charles Millar's mother and sister are staying with his fam-. lly here. Their home Is in North Battleford, Sask. -Lr OOOO r Ever" This is tie Breakfast Cereal for You : rd Service In City . r K. nd-Out Orders Better Watches ' Are Impossible ' . . r., ..i.t ni . .. x r rw VNUW, 61 Try a Classified Ad for Results. RtAOy-TO-fAT r AVAILABLE Prince. Rupert Floristc i &RAPesNUT5 FLAKES ARE fVOTONlY DELICIOUS TO EAT, BUT ALSO MOST tsr. hOO 3rd Ave. Box SIS Tel. 777 Flowers for All Occasion ( mPNUTS FLAVOR 1$ TT ' V Jjl, C UNLIKE THAT OF ANy f)L ' ... ( g) " . , ;! tfb OTHW BREAKFAST CEREAL?; 1. APpEmiNS- vCV HILPFUL FOOD FOR 8W5y FOLK It Isn't possible to buy better watches taan we sell. They aren't made. No matter what you may believe or what you have been told or have read It's si fact that this store is able to sell the highest grades of watches at the lowest possible cost. After you decide that you need a watch you Should come to us and see our varied stock We believe we can convince you. Prices range from $16.00 to over $100.00 All our watches are tested on our WATCH-MAST F.R machine. -J IF YOU LIKE The Secret . . . Grape-Nuts Flakes are made not from one but TWO GOLDEN GRAINS' un-ripened wlieat and malted barley, blended, baked and toasted to give JOHN H. BULGER 3PTOMETRST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue FOR Tn . XED AND r "HITE t I "7 IV, the dst Ncme EAL LABEL you .... Wholesome Nourishment you need ' daily useful quantities of carbo. hydrates and protein for energy and muscle; phosphorus for bones and teeth; iron for the blood and other food essential. iDWAY CAFE EBY & SONS Contractors REPAIRS REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under the N.H.A. Phone Greea 6S3 Box 586 Jk. " 1 'VIV iAPt'NUTS FtAKEJ SUPPLY WtV VJ S BOTH YOUNfir AND OLD FOR J lv IftflWAWft i pv 1 vp nip 1 r PHONE RED 441 FOR YOVR SUPPLIES l FOOD COOKING Plumbing Trouble? CALL BLUE 846 FREE DELIVERY plies A Specialty fHOME ORDERS &NE tot am. to 1 a.m. DIFFERENT! ty Our In RCOUIAR SIZI mi 110 ICONOMV PACKAOt fr family yt ?6rapeMuteFlakeg M'Y MARKET A PraaW Onwol Foadi RtclpM far TASTY COOKIES mni ath.i gooj thing i tti. awkaa SAANlCH Plumbing & Heating GF-5? COMBINATION 7TEAK - NER TODAY a Sivth Ave. E. VWvWWUWWWwm .....