I Prince Rupert Daily News 1 United States. One, a Nubian, she w as preparing to send by I sir to a big goat farm in New ! Jersey. She And her daughter ! Heather, 22, and Anft Rule, also i 22, work with" theif foats ani Pioneer Local Girl Succumbs Advice has beett received in Thursday. June 8, 1950 Victoria Report ... by J. K. Ntsbi An Independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and northern and central British Columbia : in thf fW-ldi from 6 a m to 10 bitt p.m. They're enjoying the life ' the city of the death in Seattle, ni nipasri .ith tvntr bwwpki ! where she had resided since died in Seattle after they left here in 1926 aad deceased remarried Mrs. Lcsnegaard completed her schooling in Prince Rupert, and was a telephone operator for a time and later a si.mo-: grapher. In Seattle she had been ' a long distance telephone oper- I ator. Deceased was 56 years of age ' and was born In Ontario. Her lather died in San Francisco about two years ago. Her mother passed away here before the family left the city." I There is a brother, Maurice Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert British Columbia SUBSCRIPTION RATES Tours Vancouver Island Likes t)ouks TtTwrt she geu trrrw rTwrtfref leaving Prince Rupert in 1925, huts into Nanaimo and dofes Mrs. Oi Losrlegaard " who Visits "float Lady" ; VICTORIA Having just returned from a brief feme amatar dramatic woric. ui m rancHiucreu m ik oi iu In England she was with the city's pioneer .girls. Before her By Carrier, rer Week, 20c; Per Month, 73c; rer Tear $8 00; By Mafl, Per Month 50c; Per Tear $5.00. - Visit UD Vancouver Island, I thought VOU might be tmeA Canterbury Players. Had first man-lag, she was Miss 1 , . my first taste of goat's milk. Jewell Carton, daughter of Fred interested in a few Observations. .Always thought it was greasy Garton, who was Janitor of King The Island never looked lovelier, bathed in Wnn ' and heavy. Found It light and Edward School in the early days. For Summer HERE ARE JUSTAJ OF THE GOOD VAU Men's Pure Wool SP0 JACKETSUbiue aJ Reg $ 30 00. I . $2J Men's Brown OXFOKift ' good fit, latest style. ' Special Now A Mn's WIXDBREAKKRj S'Jg. $5 00. Sow ..... j towng Men's Gab PANTS-perfect fit and I From Men's Felt HATS, si top notch styles. i &PtM from . A Boys' WlXDBRKAKni showerproof, all sizes lr $4.00. Now i Boys' and Girls' fm tasty. Mrs. Stanby says Carton in San Francisco. 11 Mrs. Losnegaard's first htrs-husband was Robert Halcron aonderful for arthritis. sunshine. I never saw such blues sea, mountains, hills. Things seemed prosperous every little village who was a railway engineer. He r r - at the seams wi.n busting out be good citizen Fownd them friendly. Intelligent, hard-work-trs, happy and trtght. The older ones, of course, can't speak English Saw old women in new houses and stores going ap everywhere- At Qualicom Beach stopped to call on Bert Welch, M.L.A. for Oomox He took me mile? into the woods to see his log Farther down the Island, went into the Fairbridge Farm School in the beautiful Cowichan Valley. Eight Scottish families recently arrived there to become Canadian citizens under a C.PR. colonization plan. They were happy enough; only : r. mmMJ CABINET WORK I 12 l T ' ; Repah-i, Alterations, Quick j 4yXA.'Aii TF . Service, Reasonable Prices jz2zL Vn Tll1 fT t Estimate f ree gSgl')lllHtll)I' Can Tom Sedgwick Black 119 Vflff . . tm?, xZf M Housing Opportunity "T V E X T Y-TH K E E is not a great number to be I responding to the invitation of the city to prospective local home builders to express their interest in availing themselves of the new federal-provincial scheme for assistance to such home building. There must he many more people in the city who are so interested but for some reason or other are not expressing such interest. Now that preliminary advertising has established the groundwork of the survey, something might be done to follow up and clinch the matter. At the last meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, it was suggested that a committee con brieht kerehiefs and shawls ging operation. He's a crank on leaving for the distant fields In raturai regeneration oi me iu.-tsts as tH logging operators HATS-better qualitv ,1 an Old-fashioned farm Cait, i""" was uiai, uemg larmers, pulled by a team of heavy brown j thy thought they'd find farm hnr.es It waa a scene from1"- but none was available. ors. Sells $2 50. Now only ShouW be He says the government should insist that every flogging eperator regenerate his ,'Jand, rather than' leave it bare, peasant Europe. One youngish iso me men went 10 wor in! woman wasn't Doukhobor at alLineart)y logging camps and saw-i She said she got fed up with mi,ls and are finding the work; the outside world of selfishness Plenty tough. There are three and fighting and ha found . sln61? family dwellings, which' school wear, gorjd tit strong From t for the government to reforest ly planting aeed trees. That's iwhat the government seems tc tt-tth the Dnnkhohors. ' rem, r munin ana me. peace rest are duplexes" for $20 a sisting of representatives of such organizations as want now, he says, other 10?- h in a as one 'might find This month. the citv. Chamber of Commerce and Prince Rupert Uln operators agree-that the;COnvent or monastery. n i if ifl-ij'ii7iil 1! Yi - - 'government or b.u, wmcn says COok for the day ! a i t v. r m At ,u woman was t o Trades and Labor Council might conduct such a . rt upnoids free enterprise, is m- and was baking 20 loaves of the follow-up. i sifting on socialized fore.t. Mr. fir.ert-smening bread in a huge Meatim? it n,av not h quite clear that teSZJ federal-provincial, housing scheme Of 1949 goes a easier and far more economical' le-month old Gabriel .first baby, frnnA rleal further than merelv nrovidinp- for a pen- ! than Panting small trees, as the ' born in tne new eoiony. He's a FOR YOUR HOLlE nwt .... T Canada' 3 nying u Guesf Ranch, Cor j Finest , j WhUky j H-l to . ' , . .. . j , i povernment is trying to do. erous measure of financial support for individual i home building. The new government plan also con-1 At miners called on the Douk- tai-nsmar.hinprvfnr thp sPttino-nn nf rpntal nroiect. ihobor eoiony. Got a warm re- ROOSEVElT LEADS SAN FRANCISCO James Roosevelt, on of the late President, took a big lead Wednesday for the Demo-', cratie nomination for governor of California, as Governor Earl Warren won a smashing, unprecedented third term Republican nomination. In Wed-., nesday's primary election. Roosevelt drew heavily on the state's democratic registration with its 1,000.000 vote edge over Republican. dancing and fishit Write, Wire or Pho: Chas. Wilkinson 70 Mile P.O.. BC. fhii dvenisement it not published o dupiayed by the Liquor Control flord o W d Governwent." British Columbi w. f. , .T, . eeption. Was a little afraid at fine, sturdy youngster, blue-, eyed and blonde, kept sparkinj-ly clean and he seems to be ths baby of the whole community. Near Nanaimo visited the English goat lady. She's Mrs. May Stanby who came from England last winter with 20 I. i A Good Place w Slop 244 Miles to TELKWA HOTEL Telkwo, B.C. lust a Nice Day's Drive first to enter, thinking somehow I'd be set afire or someoiv? would disrobe in front of me. Came away convinced the Douk- SHINGOLE hobors, with the exception of prize goats. Now she has nearly the Sons f Freedom, want to 50, ships the best ones to the mis, too, is someining inai migni ik cunsiuei m Prince Rupert tc take care of the needs of people who for some reason or another are not in a position to build for their persona ownership. As a matter of fact the new housing scheme of 1949 is a very versatile instrument and is worthy of the fullest study particularly in a community such as Prince Rupert where the need of housing is al The ideal finish! Shingles, Fences a'r rough lumber. Mai a variety of ottrc colors. Thompson Hordwaf Co. Ltd ready so pressing and promises to become even more acute. The making of the survey of individual interest is only a beginning. Yet it is still desirable that all those interested in obtaining or improving housing take such means as are available of indicating that interest if for no other reason than to definitely establish the need. Movine, Parkine, Craliij Shipping and f.inpr( Cartage and Storaje, FOR PLANNING FOR BUILDING FOR REPAIRING Call 363 MITCHELL & CURRIE i LIMITED Builders & Contractors Complete Reliable and . . . .4.-.. . wirm-a .! pr t c i h t i f ' r!-'5--, 1 tor tn frvh-e, also a''! Canadian M?V Air Co for Oxygen. A.-pty!tn a tv I W Lindsay's Cartagl Storage Limite WE OFFER AS PRINCIPALS 750,000 CLASS A COMMON SHARES ., OF THE i - Cor. 2nd and Park Awif Est.. 1910 PTinnpn W J HlilillliHitHrttliii WHY SO SPLIT SEASON has been a good deal of talk in Ottawa THERE lately on the convention in regard to the extension of the halibut treaty, which was approved, providing reciprocal port privileges between Canada and the United States. That is all very well and everyone is agreed on the desirability of same. However, Prince Rupert, principal halibut port of this coast, is still awaiting for some sort of action which may result in a fuller exploitation of the halibut fishery compatible with the scientific conservation aspects. T5.S. d STEAMER PRINCE RUN is BAD for Cars In AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE os in anything else, you get exactly what you pay for . . . That's the reason KAILS FOR Vancouvei Thursdoy at H:M pm. rno KETCHIK CORPORATION LIMITED;- (at Prince Rupert, B.C.) At 31.00 PER SHARE For the purpose of erecting, equipping and operating a hotel, theatre and stores ' in the town of Prince Rupert, B.C., on a site where the Canadian National Railway! : had proposed to erect a hotel, we are offering 750,OTX) Cla A Common Shares at the par value of $1.00 per share. For prospectus, etc, and details of offering of shares, fill out and mail the attached coupon today. These shares are available from your own bank or broker. '' OFFICERS AHD DIRECTORS' 1 why you're wise to bring A satisfactory answer is still awaited, in spite of the explanation that there is disagreement on the matter, as to why the proposed split season; cannot be effected and a late summer fishery, which' is completely separate from the earlier run, made; use of. There is a feeling developing in Prince Rupert, ( rightly or wrongly, that there are some quarters in. Ottawa that should present some clarification on certain phases of the halibut fishery on this coast. Wf.DXF.SDAY MlfiMj For Rcserva- wr te or ! city or n; Olier Bessir President and Director Vancouver HfL ' PRIN'CE W-'I' B.C. Georg4 d. Mulligan ..... James T. Harve? ....... Thomas D. Green ........ David B. Mulligan ...... Vice President and Managing Director ' - Toronto, Out. Secretary-Treasurer -;- .', .. . - ... prjnce Rupert, B.C. Director (Past President of American Hotel New York, N.T. Association, New York, N.Y.) - ..... U.S.A. ' .', Director New York, N.Y. your Chrysler-Built car to a man who knows it best . . . Our trained mechanics have the "Know How" to make repairs quickly saving you time and money. They use only factory engineered and inspected parts and special factory approved equipment. Rupert Motors Ltd. Phones 566 Service Dept. 866 Parts Dept- FINE PRINTING at REGAL PRINTERS PnONE 24 222 Second Ave. ill 1 .. J Solicitor ........... . Registrar and Transfer Agent HeadOtfice ' Russell, Dumoulin V Company, Vancouver, B.C. Crown Trust Company, 569 Howe Street, Vancouver, B C, '1010 Credit Fonder Building, Vancouver, B.C. 1t McGILL SECURITIES (B.c.) LIMITED BROADWAY CAFE 602 STOCK EXCHANGE BUILDING : VANCOUVER, B.C. . , 475 HOWE STREET MArine 6435 mm mm mmm mmrn mm mm - -' - m CMMll. VyT.'JAK B$f Food o t VANCOUVER VICTOR Mt R To: McGill Seoiritie (B.C.) Limited, V . ' f , -. " 603 Stock Exchange Building. . j Sunday, 9 p.m., w finest Cooking Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. coqu' ALICE ARM. STEW ART PORT SIMPSON 11 P Sunday, Coquitiam, mnw, unRTII 01 Hour 7 n.m. to 1 C m For Take-Home OrdersPhono 200 B W nowe btreet, Vancouver. B.G g ricatexndmt P,X W icUfy 4 otfrmi fih,uf Omk, M. Hay, Haul Corporation limited g S name I ADDRRSS ' t . ""T" ,". - B CnARtOTTF IS'"" I ENGINES & EQUIPMENT W Mmk nt have fof naif fiimnitnn dtrwla. Hlmplrx linn Knliir. Flexible flirW rvhaiist piping t'lexlhle fuH linn. Trolling Pirte hwHfK (illchrlKt Jak anil Part. Ilram and Iron Bow Rollrr. Piston Ring. ' Plf and Pipe Flttlngn, Hulihilpil Box Urn rl ne. Jaw ("nitihfi anrhnr Ntgget-hrailn. Strrl and Itrnv Shafting. Bolts. Nuts, uds and Cap Kcn'tva. Hulllmt Roller it Hhravca. Author Onidr Mgsrrhracls. Hut Mild Hterl. Varlovi. artlrlr ef marine hard-war and equipment, too nu merlins to mention. BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS 0 TRAVELLING? JUne v - ss. Camosun, ' 10 p ta' J. CHAR! OTTE 1SIAHW1 ... ui n h n n b o a a a ti i3 a a b a n a a to Jl COPY OF THE PROSPECTUS HAS BEEN "a TJLm wTTH THE taogTRAIL OP COMPANIES OF BRITISH COLUx Applicationjl for Shares in May be Mode to June 1 ss. Camosun, For the very finest in LUGGAGE George Cook, Jeweller 527 3rd W. Box il8 Phone 364 JO p ru. . . FRANK J. n-i Piinftt Agf11 CHARLES M. HAYS HOTEL ; ARMSTRONG AGENCIES Local Representatives or Your, Bank or Broker A1H1U v... - ,