Prince Rupert Daily Mews V vT Thursday, June 8, 1950 LEAVE OF ABSENCE GRANTED TEACHER RE-ROOFING? J Street School, was granted leave , I of absence on June 22, 23 and 26. ' i Wu u'ill titt-nil a rnfiptinj nf thp Three applications for leave of : . ,, . 41 , t , build or remodel, choose B.P. When you ' . absence were discussed by the . . M command of the Canadian Leg- Prifirp Rnnrf Pnhlir. C,.u,i leisure begins with . . v. w v uuuv Kiiuuk ; T Ail ;pHALT SHINuLtj the overwhelming !e of discriminating home-owners, builders anrrhitects from coast to coast. Revere made by BUILDING PRODUCTS the largest manufacturer of asphalt d u .. . . .... ., 'Board at a meeting' Wednesday lion at Vancouver on those dates. I 0,1(p? 8 Vei Und night and only one was granted j Other applications were' from Odowes v. vs r Commercials. 7 .pm -outrlght Adlem and Mrs. Pat Adlem. The other two were re- Peter ferred for further ( K D. Williamson, an electrician ',3. S. Wilson, principal of Borden ; It pays to auvertlse U fas Baseball Tonight-Abel and Odowes vs Commercials. 7 p.m. (It) Mrs. H. B. Rochester arrived aboard the Prince Rupert from Vancouver Wednesday. Social cabaret dance Saturday night at Leg.on Hall Invitations at. Legion or from Entertainment committee mem- ' (133) j If ; .,ieSinLanaaa. rhoos" your root with care- specify "B.P." " MIR THKOl'H tOl'R LOCAL CONTRACTOIt OR DIRECT FROM irom Vancouver, arrived in the city aboard the Prince Rupert Wednesday to commence employment at the Dry Dock here. PERFECT GIFTS FOR JUNE BRIDES : AT MANSON'S Albert & McCaffery Limited Superb comfort with supreme good- , , looks. Self-supportlns no belt or pressure round the waist. Rubber pads concealed In the waist-band to hold down the shirt. In a wide variety of Sne English fabrics. 116.50 to 125.00 Um Saks tans saa JacMU See the beautiful artistic Tera Cotta figurines at Bulger's. Wonderful expressions and mm- Prince Rupert, B. C. P.O. Box 100 .Hi i "'"tats ULe ULla"' ' After a visit south, m a a- . ill "ous j Bruce Brown returned to the city j Mrs. H. D. Thain, after an ex- Wednesday aboard the Prince j tended visit in Vancouver and RulJert-' . Victoria, returned to the city I - T. , . aboard the Prince Rupert Wed- i The Mercantile Men's Five ROTARY Skeena River the famous English cttmfort-in-action trousers... St tse i J : J 7 i w o......i r .. ... . ijfaue wm noia n niwiliig in the Bowling Allpys Mrs. Richard Kraupner, mother " r m Thursday, Jui 8th at 8 p.m. of Hugo Kraupner, today is cele nrpDv ULItKJ ARREL (133) bra ting her seventieth birthday at her son's home here. In the Miss Shirley Robins returned w iru-mu wm auena tr, th ,,t ,r ; -"-u' a party In her honor. Mrs. Kraup- ! mr rdtshhCp PTli CZ rtdnM: f ner and her husband arrived 1 here receritly Gmany. H II. P F. R Robins, h manager of Nelson , vr- SPECIAL r July 1st from Terrace Bridge to E. Kwinitsa i ssojisirfd by ITtnee Rupert Rotary Club mothers Fisheries at Port Ed- E. V. Ardagh, accountant In ward. the local branch of the Bank of JP? $7. FRYING PAN FOR $3.49 f Montreal, returned to the city r4r j : this s a ving of $3.51 on the - I vami.L. till r Proceeds to Build C4 HA Mr and Mrs Carlo Hanson ' Tuesd where he wpnt and son are sailing Sunday night relieve tne m Q j TS VanC0UVerl Anderson, who had to be rushed to wh v ch h city Mr Hanson has to tne clty last week for su ,cal ''ro rrymg pan Community Tennis Courts ...... BervlceUreatment. P. J. Robertson of " c CtF? i ui nie ouiik oi Montreal. head office in Vancouver went north to Stewart at the first PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE Manufacturers Agent ffi P.O. 110x772 the week to take over Dendine Annonncementi the arrival of a new manager, B. J. Oenee from Whitp Rnrlf uhn carry a rrpresentatlve slock or DUSTBANE Products WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING 320 3rd Ave. W Headquarters for the VIEW-MASTER Full Library of Color Reels Developing, Printing Enlarging Photographic Supplies Scenic Views Kodaks for Everyone EBY & SONS LTD. CONTRACTORS REPAIRS - REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under the N.H.A. Photo Green 883 Box 586 r it t rtt . . . 'has hpen nnnnlnfpri in simppaH , ii.lj. iva cinu jyaie ui nome " cwking 2:30. Card Tournament Mr- Anderson on his forthcoming final 8 pm. Thursday, June fi i transfer to Enderby. Meantime, in Catholic Hall, ' 'Mr. Anderson has made such a kxk1 recovery that he has been Tt ii j r.i. ... , United Churcn Men s Tea.L u- . ..... . . irrurivi'iilriice tfml (!u; I and germs, protect your merchandise, your mid ynur health with Genuine DUSTBANE Swi-ep-..afi,ii!nl.s. Use It dally. Ilusdune Sisal for I.imili-uiii Tile etc. 'i Iks S.4S 79 lb - 5.45 ' .M 200 lbs. 11.75 aWJC VI ll-LUIll IU OLfWLlIl tU pit;- Thursday, June 8. pare for moving. ij:..:j..i d:- ii ik 15.C0 300 lbs. 16.50 Girl Guide Tea, Conrad School June 10. Presbyterian Tea, June 15. Stainless steel for cleaning ease! . . . thick copper bottoms for cooking speed. The covers fit tightly for waterless cooking. These utensils are beauties to cook with . . . beauties to look at You'll want 'em for yourself or to give to a friend. C. P. Bussinger returned to Telkwa by motor this afternoon after having come in to attend from $2.50 : to j$n.50 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY !r all your cleaning ti Janitor supplies-Floor Soups, -: .Vops. special type waxes, Disinfectants, Deodorants, Cleaning Crystals, Powdered Soap, etc. Restaurant Supplies a Specialty the meeting of the Prince Ru T t ; . .1 i . . i f uuuiu iiurcn nome cooKina sale, Thompson's Hardware,1 pm and Dlstrct Hotel Men's June 17. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. 'i Association yesterday. Accompanying Mr. Bussinger to the L.O.B.A. tea and sale of home;clty were Mr .and Mrs. James lr'"g1aimf..f!Han and Mrs. Joseph Thompson Mrs. W. 701 SPECIALS FROM FRIDAY, JUNE 9th TO THURSDAY, JUNE 15th Faught, Fifth Ave at of Telkwa. Carl Christiansen Are You Buying a Car? Taking a Holiday! Here is How it Cdn be Donet Order your new FORD1 or MONARCH for factory delivery through your local FORD DEALER The freight cost saved will pay for your entire trip Fly via Canaflian Pacific Air Lines and Northwest Air Lines direct to Detroit, U.S.A., and pick Up your car at the factory, . Average automobile freight Charges from (factory to Prince I Runert. B.C.) 4275.00 LONG PLAYING RECORDS Popular and Classical The lotest and the best at nue west, June 23. Legion Auxiliary Fall Bazaar November 8. ' joined the party at New Hazel-ton. Returning with Mr. Bussinger to Telkwa was Mrs. Hart. : 518 Green . J 324 J Presbyterian Fall Sals Nov."ld"" VTV.JT ? ver at the first of the week and I ODE. fall bazaar November will Join the hotel staff at Tel- 23. ' kwa. upert Radio & Electric ! YOUR FRIENDLY JEWELLER . ' J :ird Ave. Phone C44 CUSTOMER'S EXPENSES E " m B in A j Travel C.P.A. single fare oneway, Prince Rupert to ' Seattle, Wash .". $53.15 Air Travel N.W.A.L. single fare one way, Seattle, Wash., to Detroit (coach) $77.00 stop over allowed In ail principal American cities Approximate cost td drive from factory to Prince Rupert, B.C. , including gas, oil, meals .hotel accommodation (9 to 10 days) . $125.00 Total $25515 Your Holiday is Free-Saving $19.85 Introducing TO THE PEOPLE OF PRINCE RUPERT. toReiossS ..Ifocytn , aaMis?S PHONE 79 PHONE 79 IT THI 110 A NEW SHOPPING POLICY THAT WILL CUT DOWN YOUR COST OF LIVING. I1EKK S HOW -4 T'.v Mfifi'c formulas mean Greater Coverage lxil.. ptarmanj !AHS E 3 ALL- UJEL tS MNTS 'VARNISHES ENAMELS SOLD BY - lEN CONtliiUFRt' CO-OP HDWE. 'Uve.W. Phone 179 HOURS - Weekday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 12 Nojn to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUE WE HAVE JUST OPENED THE WAREHOUSE ADJOINING OUR STORE ON SECOND AVENUE, WHERE YOU CAN PURCHASE YOUR STAPLE NEEDS IN CASE AND HALF CASE LOTS Our Terms Are Cash for This New Money Saving Service As Simple As ABC ALL YOU DO IS TO VISIT OUR WAREHOUSE AND PICK OUT YOUR FAVORITE BRANDS OF CANNED MILK, VEGETABLES, FRUITS, JUICES, BABY FOODS, DOG FOODS ETC. ALSO FLOUR, SUGAR, POTATOES, ETC. IN QUANTITY LOTS. WEDDING CAKES To guarantee the perfect finishing touch to the wedding, ordre your wedding cake from Made to Order tlllEEDSt f AND '-H SUPPLIES IT IS OUR SINCERE PURPOSE TO GIVE YOU THE PEOPLE OF PRINCE RUPERT A ' Rupert Bakery Ltd. SERVICE AND A SAVING NEVER BEFORE OFFERED. WOOD CAFE i GARDEN TOOLS SEEDS AND FERTILIZERS FENCING AND NETTING PT Ulvrn-nA'rw nkvu i'm tiik "IT BROS. 837 - 841 2nd Ave.W. ELAIM Phones ' 546 & 547 fROM J:30 P.M tc S:30 A.M. L8peclaU n caunue'nuhM PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. ' UT7 fr wtside OrdM. un i Phone 311 McBride Street. SL