Prince Rupert Daily News , Thursday. June 8, 1950 Engineer Here To See Waterworks FLOOD FUND ' '.SUBSCRIPTIONS 0 W. R. Bonnycastle, hydraulic engineer, Vancouver, arrived In the city yesterday. Mr. Bonnycastle has been engaged by the city to make a survey of the List of Contributions foi Manitoba Relief AMutnJng Substantial Total Softball Plumbers Winners Defeated Firemen as Both Teams Make Softball Debut Prince Rupert Plumbing won a ctear-cu victory iaM night ever th Firemen in the first appearance of these two- teams in the You will be delighted with this fragrant tea Subscription to the Manitoba water system. This morning he Flood Relief Fund received acc0mpanied City Engineer Don thtonh the community earn- atewart to Shawatlans Lake. nafen and the DafT Hew, cot- ! Iff r fot htt loo! Of my white Altnwcrf It sforiovt-Uitinj source f quid inrjy. FrtW, smoother. ktur mabti M perfect for itvcecfc or belcinj. Your jrocer ho pWii Artttweet t' 1 lb. mi t lb. ciilni, In 4 lb. economy Km, mi iff 1 1 n. jm ClrquW). lection had reached the substan- ; tial Mm fcl 2335.94 up to last tPaetfie Cafe - 2.00 ft Sntttmlr teasfiw this season". night. These funds have atr-adyrH. M Foot 10.00 A good crowd took advantage of 1 km : Writ ,' i Hcloful Honrv Rtia RLI. been transmitted to the trea- Rupert Tobacco Store 2.00 ; surer of the ffooe fund at? Win- b. Sprinkle 1.00 TrfiL Albert Honey Producers Co-op 7 10019 - 106 Ave, EaWrrtoS, ...,.... ..uv u.wuuc w g 1.00 the- fhie nigiiE and thoroughly enjoyed the game which was wort by a 21 to-13 score. The Plumbers had two big innings .getting seven runs in the second and erght In the fifth. The Fire laddies had a big Inn- , a number of Independent ef'brts on behalf of the fund nor does Commodore Cafe 2.00 Mike Nickerson 5.00 formance. He has been on towr 0 0 North Stars (former CNRA) play Parks - 2 1 Rupert Radio. This Is expected to Gibson 1 0 it take intar account -money Snow Al Miller Bay for Winnipeg Flood Relief. which has been paid direct to the Wens (P.R.) Limited 10.00 ' be the best game of the season Hauser 4 0 0 .K.tIk HUM HlttTCU 111 TTHtlttUCK V. k. 1 - , . . 6i.25,ing in the fourth when they, .....jl -i- d., t,..-ii ...i mu .m . - . li-aaies uownn; League 39 13 9 ,flftn 'scored eight runs and made a so far, as both are strong teams idts"0" ' r i. Following fcr a new Itet of vnrt hem r r r v fAiinif ini'ir ha u.arlo In dua f .. 1 1 . . imm mora i nawh u ... " strong comeback In the ninth to with plenty of experience. Here rupert PLUMB. ABR II score four. ; is last night's box score: LM h 5 0 ;j ne ..... -.u ,u ol, ,9 ,,., ...... ..a... .. j-tr!',!;n aeKnowieagements: b Black 1000 :him a letter signed and admirers. Later he will have had J W hte short Eric Jan $5.00 !Annette MmTiTI'ZZ 2500 FIREMEN AB K il .1 It was obvious that it was the i 1 U4r.d staff at Mil a rxHo interview . '.r , jacKscn , 9"",. Rosa Lee Ladies Wear 503 the f oocled . im'. .. areas. r. D. itjr..i.nn. Mulroney ...1 00 - t Cantson anson 0 u 1 first came of the season for bottt Becker 2 0 In In th. the KtiMiin. evening v,. he lo is i..i muuu"cJ - -. 5 auu i , Wa iirn... Iaee'a t. Dpnt Ktjirp n... tj T.M , ISnft c nr. ad v.... 'v....., . 1 V. 1.1 K1VJI1L. ' v r. . ' - " . . n L. Crampton 5.00 ( Fraser ti Payne 40.00 teams- There were error ano Thorsteteison 2 2 :N. Younga, jr 5.00 .Valhalla Lodge 12 00 miss-plays aplenty, bat the : White v 3 2 ospital stating they j giving tins of his and would two eonrtrU" ab the Civic Centre. It if he would visit Shrine? Band wlff ptay be AIR PASSENGF.RS $ - . i Cearley 6 1 1 , 1 Currie 5 4 3 0 Williams 51 e 1 Slmondsen 5 4 2 1 Strand 4 2 2 . 1 Scharff 2 4 1 0 Kmmfm 5 2 3"' ' Anonymous 2.00 Icelandic Commute Dance 105.0(i teaeue conducted for the en- j Prlcfr 1 0 From Vancouver fyesterday Anonymous 2.00 Mr and Mrs W S Ham- fjoyment of players and fans alHte Keen 4 3 Mrs. W. Campbell, C. Salter, R. Anonymous 2.00, mon4 2 00 and last night everyone went lanks - 5 1 W. Llversidgc, Nels Floe. Mr. A. Rteeavior inn ... ; . oun Hank, aecom- tween Mr. Snow's number. Last night was the first In f. E. Anfield, Indian srnt, ls go,g to Mil- three weeks when hchad no per- Manual. D. M., Mrs. , MeRae Br : J0.0O ZV'ZZ: " ! Tte this division TIIIZZ: 5 2 43 21 15 J. Filling, Chris Julian, Esther 2 Wrathall's Phto Finishing 500 avworth Tn.M hnn will be on Satardav. when the Fmness 5 1 Smith & Elkins Ltd 10.00, By CHIC YOUNC BLONDIE The Dainty Type! No publicity 10.00- Prince Rupert Plumbing 5.00 ; Chandler's Studios 2.fl0 MWe?'s fiirnr Store ........ lOSft- Orotto Cigar Store 3.00 j.TuIisn M CoutU, L. H. Phillips. '.P. Thordenson, T. Oibbs, Hank 'Snow, A. G. Shore, J. Clark, T. H. Stevens. W. R. Bonnvcastle. B Iverson, F. E. Ladner, D. C. Old-l'.(? .1. Knnwles. Mrs. R. Kitchens. G. R. Morrison, T. J. Connelly, ,W. G.Duncan. F'"m Sindsnit (vesterdav) ft. t c . 1, t, Rfim RimTxLii VU!I 1 I 1 500! 5.00 . Geo. Cook (Jeweller) Buyers Ltd .. Pnd Clor Store ...;! .. i JO gra TJDA ? ,T T-JB FOR tOJ ,N. Tarbuok, E, Mutchic. R. Vip- J. o. Alexander Yukon 5.00, ! 5.00 b.OO, CANADIAN WHISKY blad, H. Lawrence, R. Cowburn j ' .feirellers To Vancouver (today) R. G. Jones News Stand Cm"ben. Rrun lrn"i, Mr. D. FmDloyees B.C. Bridge Morrison, J. A. Tvrnk-.h, A. Nor- Flectriral Dept man, L. Power, R. Vinblad. Art nou' Haeue ......... Yeomans. J. A. Rutherford, A. Rest. Coles ........ , 133.00 5.00 . 19.00 1 Werkk, G. F. Pike. Tt RandsDit (today) A. Pyper T-e Tremne I.W Fred Deuch - 9.00' Geo. Phillipson 5.60 w. f Helwerson Ltd. ; 5.01 Empire Cafe , 1-00 " " - . j; SUMMER BOWLING TOURNAMENT Team Events Singles and Doubles" Entries must be in June 15th to Prince Rupert Bowling Alleys nisril.I.KI) IN CANADA HI.KNDKI) IN CANADA Itori l.F.D IN CANADA ' HWM WHO APPRECIATE THE FINEST CANADIAN WHISKY "ANKfOtT OlSIllLfIB (CANADA) LTD. t J Wlwment U not puDDsneti at duplayed by the LlquoT Jjari, or by the Government of British Columbia Ladies Nylon Hose- Ladies Nylon Hose FAMILY SHOE STORE Imported Sandles From Europe All Leather with Moulded Soles White 3.95 Women's White Tie WE PAINT (Substandard) Good Range of Colors Daytime Sheer Quality Sizes 9 - 11. Pair (Substandard) Good Range of Colors Evening Sheer Quolity Sizes 9 - 11. . Pair j29 and DECORME Exterior or Interior i Distinctive SPRAY or BRUSH Wallpaper Hanging Ladies Rayon Briefs 2 pairs for L0 THE LATEST PAINT BURNING METHODS Good Quality Roybn Brief Style Sizes S - M - L. Pantie irt white pink, blue & maize FURNITURE DESIGNING For Just the RIGHT thing for your home. Come to see us MADE-TO-ORDER HOME ACCESSORIES HOBBY SUPPLIES Toys' Novelties, Children's Furniture Plastics, Venetian Blinds, Sirms SPENCE ond MATUIK Phone Blue 215 233 lllh Et. Reg. 8.95 4.95 Towels n Towels ; (First Quality) Broad Stripe Towels Good Quality Terry for Size About 38x20 PENGUIN HOBBY SHOP Sixth Avenue and Fulton Street Plwne Blue 446 or Green 232 Box 744 Children's Shoes All Leather Formerly up to 4.50 (First Quality) Gay Striped Towels Good Quality TerrvQ for A AA Size About 36 x18 XeVVF Pure Wool Blankets White with Blue F3order and Pastel Shades of blue rose and green. - 'f V)' each $7.79 I I SIDNEY GONICK Optometrist Now Located Mezzanine GEORGE COOK JEWELLERS For appointment Phone 213 527 3rd Ave. W. Complete Range of Size 60 x G4. nl & Baby Wear 1.95 and 2.95 RED - RED - RED nd BabvGifR Boys' Cowboy Shirts Men's Work Shirts ABY BOOTIES Wool Flannel Material 1 Mm DIAPERS ROMPERS DRESSES A Special Purchase Allows Two-Tone Shirts in' wine & navy with white pipings Each QQ Sizes S-M-L. JLeilO Full Cut Grey & Biscuit Shades Sizes 15-18. Each gQ Us to Offer These Red Calf Pumps at Everything for the Baby at D0MrS DEP'T STORE W Shor,s 2 pairs for LOO Lnly 5.95 Size Medium Only Elastic Waistband to Dance Boys' Crepe Soles FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY j Mens Nylon Sox Men's Dress Sox Short Stvler- O Pair fert Instruction in Short Style poir 4 ft A Salt Lake Ferry SCHEDULE Leave Cow Bay Floats Sat. 1:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. Sunday Continuous Service Starting 1 1 a.m. Last Boot Leaves Salt Lakes 9:30 p.m. 391B!ack 928 Phc: Green ' -...- - . -L r i i i hoxTrot,Woltz ve' Rhumba. Ton crn K. '. ' ' ; : VUDSTanaaru 1.95 1 lubstanaara; .hcrnnHnrd , , Reg. 4.50. NOW Sizes 10V2&H Only v Sizes 10H"-1IVl'r 100 Si PRIVATE LESSONS Hours: AT- n Thm Frl. 4:30-10 p.m. 8-2:30 - 8 p.m. TOE TTJKEVESEISAL FAMILY SHOE STORE LIMITED Phone 357 Charlie Roberts Box 638 'Polntments GREEN 491 '''MacDrmnu i . . 1.. f Arthur Murray 3rd Axe. at 6th Street 2!j P RUPERT DANCE STUDIOj 3C