r Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, June 8, 1950 Id Bed scffiES:3 have good seeds and of varieties that are suitable to local tlons. Next, the vegetable gar- j SHIPS and GARDEN! AT f A . , . " tt fW cm W tis - I' 1 U48 . Enrolment Increasing Seventy-three More Pupils This Year than Last In Schools cm WATERFRONT Inquiry In Sea Crash den should be thoroughly cultivated or dug, 'hen the seed planted according to directions on the packet. Spacing is important, as crowded plants never have a j chance to develop quickly. Cul- Itilrattln . mnlr ...111 11.. mm DEHAVEN C.N.R. steamer Prince Rupert, Capt. William Eccles, arrived in WAlTEft SlZAKi FOR TOP QUALTY Some of Bmw mm maaasat port at 12 noon Wednesday from ' School enrolment in city and Vancouver, Ocean Falls and way- district schoois with the excep-points, sallin? for Ketchikan atition of Booth and Dlgby Island, midnight. The vessel returns during last month was much here en route to Vancouver at j higher than during the bame waww" viiv-c A v ct niu usually be sufficient itself to keep growth coming along even in the driest weather. If a hose is available, however, that will be another safeguard. A little chemical fertilizer applied carefully and m :Al Peoples Store ; MIAMI fl A searching li.ves-! tigation began Wednesday into I the crash of a C42 plane in which ! crash of a C-42 plane in which '28 Puerto Picans apparently jlost their lives. Thirty-seven , survivors, rescued by the des-j troyer Saufle.v arrived at Char- ;leston yesterday, j Eight are known dead and 8 p.m. today. Passenger comple- month last year, it was revealed grants are not avails Instruments. The board wore ,,: ! the very finest - vegetables ever produced in Canada are grown , in th far north, in th Yukon or on the shores cf Great Bear Lake i i And the reason for this is not I extra good soil, as a matter of J fact the soil is usually poor, but j extra hours of sunlight. Quick unchecked growth is the real secret of tender vegetables and ' it is possible to grow that kind anywhere in Canada if Just a little care is taken. ' In the firs; place one must at a meeting of the Prince Rupert Public School Board last night. Total enrolment in May was 1232. In May 1949 total was 1159. ment was large this week as tourist and Varsity students continue to arrive in the city. Passengers disembarking here included Mtfs E. Maykowski, J. D. School Band !s Proposed Booth Memorial High School students may have a band next year if they can raise $750. that a band in a imoortant f..i; '"in: in it? At King Edward, although en ' ., ... 1 Recording to directions is also advisable. i I And another important point spread out sowings. If all the carrots or all the beets are , planted on one afternoon then j they will all mature at the same time. By sowing a row or so every other week from early spring until late June or ven They (l,ti(i scant hope is held for 20 others who were aboard the plane that went down in the Atlantic 275 "ties past of here Monday night. The hunt for survivors was continued durinsr the day. Kerr, Mrs. J. Johnston, M. R. ! rolment was 302 as compared Whiffen, Mrs. M. Edmonds an.1 with 287 in May 1949, it dropped rlauehter. Miss A Parkpr Mrs oo mmn,oj ,it tk.. i vise uie studmis' A letter from the assistant deputy minister of education read at a Prince Rupert Public School Board meeting Wednesday night, informed the board that tusur been set for the p,J school lnstrumpnis an board will invest !ia student council can I remaining $700. t a 'm-'.V. - . ... , ....... v. . i .j . null uuiiLi iiiuilliiia I A. Parker, A. Beveridge, S. J. this term due to families leaving P.everidi;e, Miss H. Reeves, Mrs. for the fishing grounds. During L. Scott and daughter, Mrs. E. A. previous months this year, en,rol-! Fvans, A. W. Smith, H. B. Kend- ment hovered around the 305 rick. P. Lamb, R. Croft, W. B-.ish, mark. J. H.'Robson, Mro. P. Muier. Bootn ,ast montn droppe(jl Michael Orme. Mrs. C. Kerr. Mr. , from 433 last year to gn en. and Mrs. Snldal, Mrs. T. Sargent, rolment figure of 425 this year.1 E. T. Simmons, E. Ely, M. J- j The percentage attendance (89.1 McMillan. , was alsa ,ower than lasl ytars i 1 91 per cent. i rt-rrs: ; DjRby Island's enrolment dr.D- early July for most vegetables and for most parts of the country, one will assure a successio 1 of crops right at their best. In some, starle lines like bears, letture, beets, carrots and such, there should be some of these just coming into bearing from early July until frost. How Blade (hanging's a GnA THE NEW 5SV o nr m. fi.iT HOrEL ARRIVALS Pod by only one point as com-' PENSION CO-OPERATION Administration of the old age pensions act in Canada is carried out by the provinces, with the federal government paying 75 per cent of the cost. BLADE DtSPSNSi i 1950's NEWEST Beach Wear At i PEOPLES STORE Prince Rupert J. H. Robsan, H. O. Lawrence, W. McMillan, W. R. Bonnycastle. Major McMillan, W. Howard.' L. pared to May in 1949 when 22 1 pupils attended, although atten- j dance percentage shot up from ' 92 per cent last year to 99.42 per cent In May this year. All city and district schools with the exception of Digb; diupprd In percentage attendance. "Port Fdward and Port Simpson dropped more than ten prints. Fol'hwing uc sehrl enrolments and percentage attend ' S&k00 ' ' rtady f., 52 iiiniimiium f k WHISKY , May, w. S. Dodman, H. J. Thor-burn, F. Jackson, W. Coutu K Aim, T. Stevens, E. Ely, A. H. Harrison, E. Kimmons, R. A. J. Little, Vancouver; H. B. Kend-rick, T. E. Muirhead, Ottawa; Miss M. Bradbery, Winnipeg; H. H. Farrott, West Vancouver. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED '"iii ' i ance during May followed by 1949 .viG'letft R. E. Mortimer 124 2nd Av? itfcar CFPR. I -.ii.v t ng.- - ry aix ." runfttlMfi For tops in shaving satisfaction " . K GIN m A. Pyper, Port Clements; C. P. fjpurrS for comparison: Busslnger, Telkwa; S. A.' Orr, MAY 1950 Penticton; J. McLeod, Stewart; j Enrol-R. J. Keron, O. Moscrip, N. Nol- ; ment. son, G. F. Pike, J. Kitchen, Van- Booth 425 couver; N. Hilborn, Alice Arm; iBrrden Street . 250 L. W. Lefler, Mrs. Margaret Frey, ! Conrad Street .... 255 city; J. H. Haye and family, K'n Edward .... 302 Columbus, Georgia; W. J. Leboe Dlbv Island .... 21 and family, Creseent Spur; Mrs. ' Port Fssington .. 46 W. M. Campbell, Doreen. ' jPrrt Fiward 86 . Port Simpson .. ... 9 you Uet 200 Lups in Every Pound. and to save money as well, use Gillette Blue Blades. They're sharp plenty sharp, and double-edged for double economy and when you buy them in the modern Gillette Dispenser you enjoy extra convenience at no extra cost. mm f V1CKERS blLLllll BLUI BLADES IN DISPENSER Attend 89.1 89.18 89.52 88.87 ' 99.42 925 70.46 80 91 94 95 95 92 94 87 95 20 Blad.s 40 Shaving idj,t- 1 .00 'M'ff GIN 1949 P' Oth 433 Borden Street .... 225 Cnnrad Etreet .... 214 XTinrr ITrl.t.r. HIT Ivays Prompt and Courteous COLD StlfiGlS Every cup gives you matchless fragrance and flavor real satisfaction. We're Here to Serve YOU VICKERS' ti DISTlltlD IN CANADA and i ft outiiiutio tyCalvfrt . i '"' ,''''''' Ccmmodore Cafe iv lliwn ill ttij I U. rvary Island 22 iP-rt "sBinirton .. 6 j "nrt Fdward 16 This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Bxrdol by the Government of British Columbia 200 iti fomi?owd 'Hospitality and Good Food Pert Simpson .... 9 Better ."hone 17 for Srnd-Out Orders with .Ircl Ave. David Cnow, Mgr 1 W II T, s I M ""HD MAN 1 11 . C.P.R. frelKhter Nootka, Capt. John Campbell, was in port yesterday from Vancouver. After unloading freight at Ocean Falls, she dropped into Watson Island to discharge 70 tons of steel. !re sin unloaded 153 tons of p-; I malkins Don,t L- zSTj J0HN BEST H-Qv Nccd ffSihfrlEuy C BULGER ! SSTl i K$ 4- IfJ-- PREPARED MUSTARD cal She continued on to Stew OPTOMETRIST To Tell You What's Wrong art ana Bkagway last night. UartrVt'iMa Step out of the broiling fun ineo a home that's J m( as 1 5 cooler thtn outdoors, i ncre s rti 1 with BARKi I ' l comfort. Youn n.en you irrsurate '1" I . .' KEN'S mc Mftiiinfl mtUttmwttMMHM' I - " ' "' " " j " 90 nay Guarantee " J We pick up and deliver I 1 IS, i iiiyM 'lIV ISIITH Eliminate Defrosting phone Biue 992 j u-lfV I md i Nuisance "CT'' , hLS ELKINSi wi,ha THEBEST " I Plumbing & Hcoting ' . PhlUpS 'PIUBlbing V ; . I'nmipt and Eifirlent Service ; fl -' , i . Automatic De- '' " " : If rosteh Jusflplg ScrYice f ; ) j riUr rn 1 4 f: just the "iDef rost- PHONE 108 ' 1 JlHutK, Vv T.V :ng cycle and III your worries ore PRINCE RUPERT fiiA V-'hTM bewinR LvZTT" Machines NkM ovor. , For free . PLUMBING & I I SJFS 'WJ I I demonstration HEATING ' I A WORK GUARANTEED ' cP(1 I I L Tfl . BUD SCHUMAN WlJrji i f"pc' t, ! ifofc J t K CI, 'owr""""; k it m . Jros. JM '-m P,D ; ' If IfflU; - - ' eCr- T 'ilhf-xT " BOILER WELDERS AND ZM . . . Jj UjS' 'i' l S i AM Work Guorartccd Bock Wool. 1 And insulation works the year around. Winiertinnj fuel bills are as much as 30 lower in a llarrcii- , insulated home. Familv colds are fewer-rock wool insulation gets rid of chilly drafts and "cold spots . , r;,. A.r ;. U..or,l (,n. when a fireproof t1 BARRETT Rock Wool guards your home. Insulin j house this month. BARRt 1 1 KotK w ooi i."" " Blaoketa and Granulated "blown m lornis. t NEW ROOF costs less than you'd guess! Ask rt J'j HARRETT Asphalt Shingles. See their new colour n. For farm buildings, get hard-wearing Uarreu Roll Roofing. BTfln T.nira ..:.L ti...: ci..,;...m ( pmrnl. Sea'1 1 . . . . . . ... r t .....1 tl,.HJ!im U'l ideal tor patcmng. A thin coaling o i-iquiu te-seals old roll roofings. NEW-SA-mh Barrett Silvex Aluminum Paint. N Tough, protective finish reflects light and heat i moisture, corrosive fumes, salt spray. r 1 --z7Zr'-: r. n Ti ii. 11 DwH-inn rl i V . ,' . (... in' He stocks complete line ot roo"h' lation and weather-prooiing ni.ii."-eot what it takes to stop almost any cJt t ..... m.n.ii; Whether your problem is leakage, -i -rust or rot see your Barrett dealer ' t wv r kf&A VJfimsjr, rn I ROYAL NAVY DEMERARA RUM THE BARRETT COMPANY Available at Hardware, Paiot Stores and lumber Dealers UTrrJ I I This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control t25 1st Ave. East Green 884 All Work Guaranteed 9 VJdnn'F Board or by the Government ot British voiumoia. Monmal TareoM