six runs in in the first two innings, Lefty McDonald took over Oun-Na-Noot, cf 3 Davis, p, rf 3 Prince Rupert Daiiy Kewa Thursday. June 8, 1950 Vis captured by Rosa Lee's with a score of 3133. - A cup was also awarded to Mrs- Peggy Thompson for high to fan the last man up for the Robinson, 2b, c, p ... 3 Game Was One-Sided 'vYratnail, captain. Runner up was the Brownwood's team inj the "B"' division and a trophy donated by Sweet Sixteen was! accepted by Captain Mrs. George J Brown. ABEL & ODOWES 1 0 Dahl, S1S 0 1 Abel, c 0 1 Lambie, 3b ! Dunbar, lb R H Arney, 2b 3 3 Bunberg, rf 3 OSharpe, p ... ,'Lady Bowlers AB Pavlikis, If 5 Cornwell, cf 3 j s ) Get Trophies l!jjl!ili!!!l":;!l!l!!i!l!7! ,,,, three games In play-offs. She chalked up a score of 747. During the evening entertainment consisted of skits and community singing. A prize of $5.00 was won by the Belmont team for the best entertainment of the evening. The league donated $61.25 to the Manitoba Flood Relief Fund. CONCLl'DINO PLAY In the Ladies' League nla'v- If he would pull his team together but the third inning saw it go back to the routine of the first two innings. Although the game was not good, by any stretch of the imagination, the boys from the Island individually are not too bad. With good coaching, they could be whipped into a fair ball team by the end of the season. WATSON ISLAND Whether It was Nicky Pavlikis' home run on the first ball pitch ed, or whether too many managers were trying the team or whether the team was just ho; properly organized in any case Watson Islanc just did not play baseball Tuesdlay night. The High average trophy was captured by Mrs. A. Pierce of Lyons who chalked up a 21)4 average. High three honors went to Mrs. Feggy Thompson v.llh an aggregate score of 804. Mrs. Thompson also took high single honors with a 380 score. Lucky Strikes, with a score of 1163, won team high single Trophies were presented at a Ladies' Bowling League banquet in the Canadian Legion auditorium Tuesday night. Presentation followed a dinner in the Civic Centre dining room-Champion team of the seaso.i was the Lyons team of .the "A" division and the Annette trophy BASEBALL 3 offs Lyons of "A" League beat'Senlor Sue Bame ended itn Abel and Odows winning 13-1. AB R H E Brownwoods of "B" League., The final league fixture had resulted as follows: "A'' League was accepted by Miss Vivian honors while team high three , 7 p.m. After the display the Islanders put on last Thursday, the crowd could not hide their disappointment. Davis, on the pitcher's mound for Watson Island for the first two Innings, gave four walks two hit by pitched balls and two bases on balls. With Warren, lb 2 Ludvigson, as 1 Wardrope, ss 2 Wales, c 1 Dennis, If 1 Enright, if 3 Wagner, Sb 1 Maddock, lb 3 Magnus, c, ss 3 Boder, rf .- 0 McDonald, p, 2b 3 Burquist, cf '.. 0 Abel & Odowes vs. Commercials I L t Gordon & Anderson 2, Rosa Lee 3 1. Lyons' 2, Wrathali's 1. Rupert Radio 2, Scuby's 1. Annette's 2, Lucky Strike's 1. Belmont 2, Savoy's idefaultedi Stars 2, Variety 1. "B" League Brownwocd's 3, Pinhcads 0. Big Sitters 3. Black Cat 0. Boosters 3, Commercial 0. Wallace Pharm. 2, Tollers 1. Seal Cove 2, Unlteers 1. Plungers 2, Noble & Wick 1. ONE YEAR TO PAY New Trophies For Football IIIHU ItllllltlHIIMIM-l ! lltlMI I I I I! HI'! IH'II!' Hill! I II1 1 1 IIIK! I !i It I' ! (H it' ! U' 'I1! 'H V t'HH H.i" W I I 'I ill ' II., I ;L, I I I I i , ; , , I. I II, " . . , ,t. ,., .1 . 1 The executive of the Prince Rupert Football Association met High sinp.le s-jorer lor the final In the Canadian Legion club-league rsssion was L. Erickson rooms this week and Savoy's wUh 271 while L. sidered varijm repoifls, in-Keats of Stars had the high eluding: the matter of tronhies. aggregate of 632. on the material and i i i labour for your ! NEW ROOF -Siding - Insulation or Asphalt Tile Inspector i: a. Woods-Johnson, after a visit south on polite business, returned to the city by plane Tuesday. Classified Advertising Is payable In advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Classifieds, jt word per Insertion, minimum charge 50e. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, Death Nutlt, eral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2.00. SPMCIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE Thanks of the association were extended to various donors. The North Star trophy was doi.ated last year by J. McLeod of the North Star Bottling Works and Is for a league competition in which four rounds will be played. A new trophy this year is the Sheardown Cup which will be swarded for the winner in the Dominion Day Cup series.' Another new trophy Is the Manson Cup which will be awarded to the winner of the second league competition In hich four full rounds will be lilUTII NOTK K FOR SALE IN MF.MOR1AM SMITH In lovln memorv of a dear husband and father. Hpnrv Smith, who oassed awav. Born to Mr. and Mi Arnev at the Prince m General Hosuital. a ti NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES Line-belt Snt-eder ShovelsJ Cranes: Draglines: Adams Janice Maureen. i June 8th. 1944. Ever remembered Road Graders: Littleford Bros bv his wife, sons anrt aaunir Blark Too Road Maintenance! Eouinment: Owen Clamshell Six vears i have passed since that can rlav CAKI) (IF THANK Buckets and Rock GraDDles; When one we loved was called T. L. Smith Concrete Mixers: t. Clark Forklift Trucks: Nelsow awA v. Vrroot him nn we never Will. To manv lnends who i Internationa! travellers know wherever they go Dewar's is available. Winner of over 50 gold medals for Scotch of exceptional quality, Dewar's is served with pride in every part of the world. , Distilled, blended and bottled in Scotland in 464 of. bottlet. BEFORE YOU SAY SCOTCH. ..SAY DEWARS This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. , Bucket Loaders for Stockpile ed their svmoathv ai i For in our hearts lie liveth still.! and 6now Removal: Rice Port- in nb e cpntrifueal rumns: Na tinnal Dragline ftnraners and o played. 1 For the Labor Day competition which will take the form of a knock-out contest the Oilhuly Cup will be the award. The generous support of sport LOST Buckets: National All Steel Gasoline Hoi s t s: National formed acts of kindne.s . the six inoiiths' illness I: the de.tth of a lovine i and father, we wi . h to fc our sincere aunreoiati' i heartfelt acknowledieir.: flowers and teletranis p hereby exoressed and Portable Sawmills: National LOST Green earring, rosebudi desien. for oicrced ear. Ke- Rotarv Screens and Convevors Full information from National NJ Machinery Co. Limited WUtU. fllKllIV VttlUf-ll BTIV- sake. PhoneJBlue 31 a. 2w' Vancouver. B.C. tf1 Darliculsirlv thank Dr. large, the nurses 01 of tlv im f Runert Grtneral Hosoit- osoitul FOR SALE New Chromium bed LOST-Man's i eold met rine by Johnny McLeod, the Sheardown Brother1? and -Al. Manson was much appreciated by the footballers and will give an ! edded touch to the keermes of t . Mi s f Clouti'f. F. M Ravner O M 1 l We are pleased .to announce that chesterfield suite and 2 match ' lr"r"al "' inir rhnirs wtnp milnr Price Red 854. Reward. iUW Mrs. Telseth. Mrs, Brett. Mrs. Saunders and Mrs. Pinniter lor t!i $1anmAi9D NthkAw"E.Vt ri"ST-maU black scotch r-6 o.m. 1920 11th Ave. East. rlc(, namf FrUkv. Blue s15, She'll Know It's Love . . . . if you take her to dinner at the , GREER & BRIDDEN LTD., ana Kinaness. Mrs- J. Garon ami'J (137)i 1043 7th East. the games. The teams are planning to hold a dance in the near future your local building contractors FOR SALE New & used house hold furniture and hardware. are r;'jw in a position to bring LOST A sum of money Saturday. June 3rd. between 3rd Kt.rppt. and Canadian Lecion T and a committee of Ralph Smith you a superior product for bicycles for bovs and men unrjalnted chest of drawers end tables and coffee tables Buildina. Reward. Box 72 CARD OF THANK The familv of the li". and, Alex. Haig -was named by president J. S. Wilson to make Daily News. (13ai your building requirements with materials from I m m sh r ix. vik r a buttery radios, floor coverin.i rifles. Musical Instruments Franks, who uas-ed av and violins, etc.. Singer BL'ILDERS & CONTRACTORS ' the necessary arrangements. A donation from the General Motors Football Club to meet a cenllv In New Vvcstmins! to express deep amirecia svmualhv extended ai sewing maemnes. oince cnuirsi Sleeoina OagS. . lottlfims DOOIS flt Ploftrlrnl rontraet work' end , scores t of , other kooo ,artfe or Rmalj raIl Grant beautiful floral iriDutes were sent on the occa deficit on last year's operations CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM For Reservations or Take Out Orders PHONE 8G8 their bereavement. arucies. uooa values ai luwruk Newton Black 8oa t8mt possible prices. B.C. Furniture. JiILiJLlJ! Phone Black 324. (TF) por buildine and contracting jjWas gratefully received and will j be suitably acknowledged. BUILDING PRODUCTS LIMITED, the largest manufacturers of asphalt shingles in CANADA, j l SHINGLES are available in weights from 125 lbs. to 210 lbS. per square, and feature MAAHS In iovine me ,.T ' .' it's Northwest Construction n clear nusoana ana iu P. Manhs. who passea af with oven. Phone Blue M9. IMARINE and ten eral sheeti the Presence oi tne is (134D) metal work. Thorn Sheet June 8. 1349. t His thoughts were all I I Metal Works. - Black 884 Present at the meeting were J. S. Wilson, in the chair, vlce-nresident Alex. Haig. treasurer Jcck. Davidson, secretary, Ralph R. Smith and team representatives Darrow Gomez, Ken Yelland and Wally Price. FOR SALE Marconi roriaoie (i8m) us. Un nnupr could foreet. I Battery ana tieciric nsuiuj . . . Canadian Beauty Electric rnifpiRTE builders sunnlles the new 165 lb. TITON, the self-locking shingle in an at And so we think that w.i is He must be watchme ve Business and Professiona stove Laree Noree Oil Heater.1 fast service. Island City Build-Phone Blue 639. 134p lng Supplies. Blue 820. (18m) tractive design. II 1 Vi I m M I k I II FOR 8ALE Eatonla Vacuum Cleaner. Phone 646.. 133ui WANTED FOR SALE Marine Radio like WANTED Good used piano. noU As anuels Keep wieu a there. , Please. Ood. lust let mm that we down here forKPt. We love and miss him so Ixivinflv remembered wife and children. Rubv. and Kenneth. new. Phone Red 2V). d3Jp too laree, uasn li price ai:u condition ai.naciory box oj. (13b i or phone 3t9. FOR SALE One elllnet boat. Phone Green J03. WANTED To buv child's Crib FOR SALE Black oak dlnlne Box 726 Daily News. (134pi room suite, ten pieces. J150. . Phone Black 491. . tfi WANTED Scran cast, brass. REAL ESTATE Tonight's schedule for the junior softballers has Annunciation playing Seal Cove in the cooper, batteries and radi FOR SALE 1948 Chevrolet sport ators. Phone 543. call 029 tSU). West. (in dvnamic coune. 3700 mues. Phone Blue 336. U37p) FOR SALE Six room two stoves. $2,000 i . Ave. West. Phone Red WANTED Youna man 30 rc- ! early game and Baptists against ' Hawks in the wind-up. These kids play for keeps and spectat-i ors are sure of two enjoyable 7- auires room and board or FOR SALB: Lawn mower cheap. Phone Blue 692. , 133p room. Box 723 Dally News 1 lllnl : 1 - FOR SALE Five acres, o WiMTfn PnclHnn oil oHnlf rinj rn lioht UatT Sim FOR SALE 1938 Chevrolet spe cial coach. Verv aood condl tion. Phone Black 99ti. nurse bv experienced under- line, eood sou, aim o. (138p) switch board filing- or ' dry Raabe. Ebv Road or t innlng games on junior. Softball nights. The Provincial Government has done away with the dust nuisance on McBrlde St., and fans can spend a pleasant evening at the minimum cost of steel ice .644 East FOR SALE Insulated box. used one vear. INSULATED SIDING comes in eroods. or what offers? Box Terrace. 722 DaHyj'ews.- 3301.- v (138p) Seventh. Red99L three shades of brick, with WANTRD ImmedlateW. room two houses, one rii.oan Wrwims. O" FOR SALE; Quantity of sewer white or black mortar lines and board bv yumtf man eln- ci roof onri house DCl" a nickle, dime or quarter in the. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. pipe. 4 and 2 inches excluding ' flttinirs. $40. Dresser. t25. Bed. also the popular stone finish plovee of the.W.fH Mamm Co. Phone 72 titty' -or t Green 503. night. ;i (tf) 1 collection box. . $20. Radio. 6 V. $10. 1136 Havs or the new INSULTEX shingk .inhn or Soiro OurviC'j Cove Ave. (138p) type in buff or birch grey. HELf rTNTKfv" FOR SALE Mavtag washer, and will be aliened June Highest or anv bid " sarllv accepted. C'.'f' tates. per John Ourvirt s ent. trlow oil burnine range WANTED Exneripnc.Bfli waitress. RrAME-rNcu Gordon D' Ron" ' BtAU I Y bHOP OIL BURNER SPECIALIST I Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in ail New wick or pot type burners tts branches supplied All types of burners ' 204 4th Street Phone 855 and stoves serviced An un- conditional guarantee of per- v-HIROPRACTOR , feet satisf action covers all JOHN F. L. HUGHES, D.C. 21-22 Besner Block I Hours, 10:30-12:30 & 2-5 733 5th West Black 503 .Evenings, Mon. & Frl. 7:30 : Phone Blue 442 ' . 'v . ,., GEORGE RORIE & CO. ; A A. P r. GARDNER tjAKDNtR K & CO CO. v pUbc Accountants and Audi- CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS tcrs. Income Tax Returns 1118 Melville Street compiled O. L. RORIE, AAE. B. C. VANCOUVER, 8. g LAIRDf g. comm. Besner Block Phone 387 FOR YOUR l" " .. , . ROCK & CONCRETE WORK I CALL BLUIS 939 b u..lnvuj;., m j cAUKinFRS U HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE ' New, Modern w Equipment . . I GENERAL CONTRACTORS All Work Guaranteed I .. , . , Building and Repair of all MATTSON'S roofs - cfliMMiti UPHOLSTERING OIL BURN t RS Phone Blue 818 P.O. Box 52t ; 330 Second Avenue PHONX8 Prince Rupert, B.C. Black 334 Red 894 P. O. Box 1870 QUALITY REPAIRS " " t for Downtrodden Heels and Worn Boles i SHOEMHOCSPITAL MARGARET McLEOD Box 774 Second Ave. OPTOMETRlSf P.O. Boat 250. , 135p) ApdIv Prince Rupert Hotel Dinine Room. (I36pti NSTJLATION of FIBERGLASS, comes in paper encased rolls, of either 2" or 3" thickness. FOR RALE 1947 Harlev David ' " i WUHTm Oiitillflorl lorllnf ira, cut R room son three wheel motorcvele !n ...... . u v. . ........... r i i ri Mli.l. " .r rt, eood condition. $600. Call o. R- Brett. 123 Taxi. (138p) and wife for employment house, porch, full c 1 ; (both) In new Canadian ment. Black 515. Cau FOR SALfc 1947 Ford tudor legion isuiiaini? ana to De. East resident on the premises.' rrt veteran oreierrea. suite pro- cuk ku ,Vh1o vlded. together with lteht. house, two cultivateaw heat, water, electric cook Conrad 'Street. """ stove and floor coverings, cash, balance ne lc sedan, excellent condition verv low mileaee. Phone D. C Stevenson, after 5 cm. at Blue 725. (135) FOR SALE Cheap for cash. Greer & Bridden LTD. ; Offer you this service at attractive and competitive prices. They fully guarantee the workmanship as well as the 'materials. Write' fully statins; ages, ex-, Blue 245. perience anu wukcs tiucncu, - Tn TTniise AUDlV Lesaee Piano: 12-foot clinked built boat .with 2' h.o erH eine. new condition. Phonel Hf! , im) boat ' 'Phiprjen. zna wcou. Red 851. (1341 PERSONAL FOR SALE-Four nm "if newlv decorated FOR SALE Champion outboard f LUMBlNti anS Heatln motor. Phone Black 106. (134o) furnace, fciuf -v H i4Rfi c. ,h East. BU Sheet Metal work. Tar and Gravel Roofing. Call 629 6th West. Phone 543. Letourneau and Sons; (tf) FOR SALE Heintzman medium! four. TrpnTATE SALE sized piano, good condition terms- Write or phone W. H McRae. Gen Store. Usk. B.C room houses on ft K,,ico nart V f Urr)li Am PERSONAL Hereafter D & S Grocery will close Thursday (141P) 91)1 at I cm. (I36p cash: Phone Oreen 6 o"1 noon or alter FOR SALE Combination elec-l trie, and -oil stove. Good con Si Si FOR RENT ditlon. Phone Red 735 afteri FOR RENT 2 room apartment 6 P.m. , (tf) REPAIRS 960 1st Ave. West. Applv 221 FOR SALE Rifles. Shotguns For free estimate or further information phone or call at ! ROBERT E.'J ! MONTADOR ? Limited j ' Sales Agent Phone 11 3rd Avenue 5th Ave East (135p) WATCH-RepnW' prf Telescopic Sights. Laree asn sortment. Variable chokes fori FOR RENT Board and room Room 10 8TONB BUIDIMO shotguns, etc. 48 rounds .303 jeweller: Satisfaction for working men. COLUSSI'S Phone Black 660. (tt) teed. British ammunition $2.95. Dealers enauirles invited Write monthlv for latest de-wrlritlvf! folders and prices. PAD TD T.'XTT n nrTDKTwTt PU"" annrtmripnl'. fnr nulpt. pnnnlp atnve Service & Jiy , only. Apply suite 1. Helgeison Ronson. Black 5U'' . Scooe Sales Co. Ltd.. 320 MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St. Ph. Black 389 Gueen St.. Ottawa. Ont. (tf ) olOCK (1360), rrT.rTKTANTS 'I PHONB BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 - 1 ",s ... FOR RENT Full IV furnished furnished ac- ac- - FOR SALE 9 piece dining room1 suite wnlnut and mahoganvl Fashion Footwear commodat on ttToiiNTANT. for couple only. PUBLIC ACCOUig Q Black Black 277. 277. or or Tax rax spec Building. i''v.'' ; 1 list, i r d 59 veneer finish, cheap. PhoneJ Please Please telephone telephone ne call suite 1. Summit Apt. Stone Blue 415 or call 310 5th Ave. East- (134p) (133)1