Prince Rupert Daily News Stock fork Satin-Glo Wednesday, April 12, 1950 I?ery Reflects .'. . . . . and Iteminiscub SAL ' c,eAreJustQ: PRODUCTS for Walls, Woodwork, Floors and Furniture Thompson Hardware -Co. Ltd. "'en WINDBR shower proof m fa With so much going on, it may have toiled on that small island be unreasonable that one of the off Ecuador. Heaven only knows lesser industries of the country Is on how many occasions. Captain devising ways and means to Kidd buried some of his booty be-draw more money although no twcen Cuba and the Bay of Fun-one has heard of impatient re- dy. Right now, divers are try-marks from the Prime Minister, ing to locate what may be a gold Mr st Laurent, whose salary Is laden galleon believed foundered $5 00 Now M'n' C0MBKwJ w lew mm -a -"-vuie N'w, per suit S21 000. Well, how about It? in Tobermory Bay, Scotland, four ! Men', l)RESS I SI7B. "-g. JjQ "uw $5.00 aunt Mn'. . , lure PANTS Rt ..." M... I'U f M"n' Sprinj HATS-style and color Now Mayor O'Dwyer of New York gets centuries ago. Also, at present, s $40,000. President Truman's sal- hunt is on for buccaneers' plun-ary is $100,000. Premier Attlee der off Cape Cod. North of receives $50,000, plus large ex- Prince Rupert, some years ago, pense allowance. It's often said the steamer Islander crowded Canada Is a hard country to gov- with passengers from the Klon-ern dike, going outside for the win- . ter, and many with full pokes'' It's a bit premature to ascribe stowed away .went to the bot-all this unseasonable spring ! torn. In time, the hulk was weather to atomic bombs and j found. But ;ny gold, if gold other accomplishments. How-, there was, had returned to ever, it will be all right if skiing i mother earth, and hockey matches are includ- j maae in England 1D( ing. Now . A iCjol, 1U Ik "'"' '''" S,r" -, j "Look, Mac. do I tell yoa now to runyour business?" Boys' and Girls' T Siq asortf d shades. Re, y Now Boys' SWEATER Times Do Change "TIMES DO CHANGE! In 1853, which is not so I long ago, either, Asiatic cholera, after ravaging many; parts 'of Europe, duly visited Scotland. The good' Presbyterians of that time, the Theocracy of the "unco guid" who had survived the satire of Burns, believed or kidded themselves into believingthat the visitation of the epidemic was the re-sulfc'&f Divine anger and was intended to chastise thLople for their sins, as in the times of the Hebrew kings. Of course, they had precedent. They read the Bible. They knew that neglect of spiritual duties brought penalties and that fasting was the most effectual way of stopping the epidemic. Not for them to institute sanitary measures and other carnal (lerices to improve the public health. That might show that they trusted too much to the arms of the fleWu No ! No! National fasting and public humiliation, weeping and hunger, were the cure. j&prd Palmerston was Home Secretary then. How he must have laughed at this queer message of a Scottish clergyman! "You can often tell a Scotchman but you canna tell him much.'' But Pam told him pknrty. He sent what was considered by the Scottish fundamentalists as a most profane reply. Sanitation anfj ..better housing, he suggested,, would stay the epidemic better than "all the prayers and fastings of gai .inactive people." today, modern Scots do not fast any more than they 'have'to, under the threat of Asiatic smallpox. Birti.-who knows whether they pray nowadays like they aised to? But they do follow old Pam's advice ankLtake every other precaution first. And to vaccinate more than a million people in the one area all at once takes a lot of serum. ed in Dominion Day sports. OWES LIFE TO PHOSIPTXESS (Ccminuea from Page 1) there he was taken on board j ance to Mrs. Kergln and her James Donaldson's service boat-three children In her home at Two Rivers, which was hallei; Metlakatla pending the arrival different courses. The Fu'l There is something about lost treasure that holds a strange fascination, although nothing worth a hang has ever been re covered. Time and again, men Moon was sighted by Elvin K,jorf k. .rt, D,i D .v. T. o4. "n Leask on the bar close on the! pert but met the police boat this time, Mrs. Kergln was nigh PMt 15 fit th'A pntranra tI Mlta,,nVi u-lth th itnnvtfttivi Tugwell Island end. It was ac- 71 ol all fires are in residential properties! Dwelling fire Insurance i inexpensive AFE YOU INSURED TO PRESENT-DAY VALUES? Prince Rupert Realty Co. P. II. I.IN7.KY Oreen 6G7 ; tually afloat with the tide ris- Venn Passage and fe WM ,n her husband had pertahed driving ashore with jlng engine, transferred for completion of , and that she had witnessed the Ctlll MinrIMT T'Via first fVlnn the iournev back home to Prinze traeedv. heirless to etve a3slst- Atomic Film Impressive j Leask decided to do WaS get RMrurf j -- r,rl taraA .th th empra. JOHN H. Mrs r,pnrffp Rvnn : on. tt offpp.tincr lh riMivrnnP 1 1 her in tow This done, ne ae-h,t .i,. -a w. v,iMr BULGE Pictorial explanation of gath- cided that she was still sea- part ta the day.s episo(1e she from a sinking vessel which she ering of Information for the worthy a"d capable of remain- had gWen she,,er and suslen. WJ unable tQ control mg afloat so she was anchored, Annct.nntlnn nf Ytta atomic OPTOMmif REMODEL THAT SPARE ROOM Jor Bulger B Third AvfncJ aim aid again juiuru Llir Ulllri bomb by scientists of various vessels in the more important countries of the world and ex- job at the moment of searching' presslon of Immediate need for for Dr. Kergin. , world atomic unity, was all con- Object Sighted , tained In the film "One World Meanwhile, the six other Or None" shown approximately boats were engaged in scouring! Or None" shown to approxi- the vicinity of Ryan Point,, mately 100 persons In the Arm- about fifteen minutes distant.1 ory Monday night. Half an hour later Henry Ryan A sound film in color, It was sighted what at first he be- sponsored by the Shantymen's lieved was a seal perched on LET US HELP YOU TO ' REMODEL OR REFIRISH YOUR HOME FOR YOUR LIVING ENJOYMENT CALL 3!3 Moving, Parkini, ( Shippini n 0. THE GLOVED HAND MITCHELL & CURRIE Complete Reliable d DRAIN CLOGGED? Just one of our many emergency services. Pumping flooded cellars, removing violations and replacing rusted pipes promptly attended to. CALL IS WITHOIT DELAY. Alteration, and Jobbing Contracted Phone 108 Prince Rupert' . Plumbing' & Heating BUD SCHUMAN iO!d Po: t Office Bldg.) Christian Association. The audi- the rock 300 yards from shore ence also heard M. Bedford, Yet the object had white mark-' missionary-elect for India, pre- ing which was no ordinary seal : tent Service, also il LIMITED Contractors Builders Canadian liquid ki for Oxygen. Acetyl: welding supplies. sent a simple but direct speech Closer approach disclosed it was ; connecting Cod's salvation of the object of the search. Tim' I FyOU.EVER MEET A WOMAN and get into a gffttiation where the two of you are shaking hands, yoTill find that she may say all sorts of peculiar things, but one thing she will not say is, "Please excuse mv glove." This phrase is used by men only. Women never apologize for wearing a glove. If they ENGLISH BONE CHINA Cl'PS and SAITERS .... 19c Lindsay i Cart the problem that confronts the white w-as the Indian sweater world in the atomic age. which Dr. Kergin wore. This' The meeting Monday niht garment had served a double Storage Lira was In the form of an Easter purpose in his deliverance. It which Cor. 2nd and Pari Est 1910 Phone hhvp P-Ioves On thev ldom try to bare their right service. Another film was also had provided buoyancy , J , ! shown entitled -Scientific helped to keep him af afloat as fijinri ior ffn$iKe. . i Scriptural Scriptural Message." Message." he he swam swam fi from rock to rock, ft ! Men make a CTeat job OI trying to get the glove f The atomic film shown Mon- had saved him from being nay nignt nas Deen receiving passea up in mistaice ior a seai praise from every audience. "He W3S like a drunk guy, MANUFACTURERS' AGENT The United Nations Atomic En- ready to out" was the ef- Wholesale Warehouse carryiiif a reprcsentatie M prompt service te the trad GOODYEAR TIRE Si RUBBER CO. Tires, tubes, t ergy Commt-wion has requisi- fective yet simple way in which tioned ten copies for use for Its the rescuers described the doc- personnel. President Harry Tru- tor as they picked him flp man commissioned the film for Henry Ryan using a skiff, to a character guidance program approach the rock and take him for members of all the armeu back to the power vessel. j Kervices. It is compulsory as a Tide still being too low for the i training film for all members boats to cross the bar, Dr. Ker-j VP -YV off their handshaking hand. They usually don t (jiiite c-et the gove off. So then they say: "Please excuse my glove." It gives them something to say, f 'fnin (lenite and socially safe. The phrase is njuTh" safer, for instance than, "How are you?" ujhen a further glance may show that the person at te other end of the handshake is in a bad way indeed. Some men put real emotion into ''Please excuse nSy glove," sounding almost as though they were sjiyin'g something new as they grin with relief at hUvFrTg the glittering bon mot ready. this time of year, however, men begin to find tiemselves meeting people and bracing themselves f r a few words of conversation, and not having a MANSON'S CHINA SHOP (.l tcii 'MM Across from Liquor Store hose, belting, accessories. CANADIAN WESTINGHOUSE CO. Lamps only, flu and incandescent, 8 to 230 volts. GENERAL BATTERY, CO. of CANADA - Radio t flashlights. Ignition batteries. O. H. WOOD Si CO. Industrial sanitation, paper tor deodorizers. DUSTBANE CO. of B. C Dustbane, Sisal, Janitor Hotel and restaurant supplies. IMPERIAL WIPING RAG CO and otlvrj lr Iran oi unuea states Air rorce. gin was laneri asnore to me Produced by the Moody Bibie Tugwell Island beach. From Institute throusrh the Moody In- stitute of Science department, it Is classed as "Sermons From Science." The film was shown at Booth Memorial High School last Thursday afterpoon and received an ovation. Cecil J. Car PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY P.O. Box 772 712 Heiond Ave. DAV OR NIGHT Oil Burner Service? If your oil burner does not give perfect service call GORDON RONSON ter, director of missionary work , for the Prince Rupert branch of gjove to try getting off and therefore not being able t$ apologize about it. When men became tongue-tied in the Spring it used to be thought that it was live, but now it is seen that they just haven't anything to say when caught without gloves. 0 the Shantymen, expressed his desire to screen the film tn this city again'. Acting as ' master of ceremonies Monday night, Mr, Carter rmes Certified Used Cars BOB PARKER'S EASTER SPECIALS '37 Pontiac Coach: Lots of miles left, only $585 '40 Studebaker Sedan, nice family car, only $995 '40 Ford 5-pass. Coupe, '47 Recon. Motor $975 '46 Studebaker Champion Sedan, Has Everything $1525 Extra Extra Special '47 "1 18" Mercury Sedan, Custom radio and Heater; Dunlopillo Foam Cushions with covers. One owner car and immaculate throughout. PRICED TO SELL EASY TERMS Coll 791 or 93 The NEW phone number .expressed thanks for the use of is spent In the city and tained rhe Mmory by CoJ 8 D J(jhn BLACK 503. Qordon D. Ronson D, Who Will not lanen out. i &ton Roy Van dor Sluys and W. D ; '. Smith, Shrlners, delegated to present the club's case stated Oil Burner Specialist the Pioneer Drutf PRESCRIPTION SEk- that the 20 pe- cent derived from All work Is backed by an unconditional guarantee 733 5th West Black 503 Daily Delivery Service Phone 81 Your NEW HOME or Alterations Designed In the Modern Trend GEE ISLAND CITY BUILDER'S SUPPLIES 505 McBrlde St. '' Blue 820 Designing, Modern Materials Pittsburg Paints GetDate? i ywo city . organizations, the C.!C Center Association and the Shjrine Club, crossed friendly -jjrd at a meeting of the city (,tmr:il night. Each organ-Iz-inon had a letter before the coincil and representatives at th$ meeting. iUliain Lor.g. a:ti.ig for City k II. D. 'ihaia, read a lettei lr t!- Civi Centre requesting the show by the club will be used to Improve tho Shrine Band and aid unprivileged children. Council members agreed both were essential organizations although some aldermen took fides. A motion was finally passed granting the request of the Civic Centre. Th? Shrine Club withdrew its requrst. Alderman H Glasxey staled that he did j RUPERT CEMENT PRODUCTS LIMITED Ready-Mix Concrete Delivered to the Job not want to t'c an organization leave council chambers with a j belief that council was not aid- j Ing them. It was finally suggested that the matter te discussed at a special meeting next Monday Meanwhile the organizations will meet and attempt to find a solution. Crosby Sounds Sinatra OUTT C C- i ARDJ For All Special Occasions FRIENDSHIP BIRTHDAYS 0 WEDDINGS ANNIVERSARIES etc tht a carnival be allowed Aue 19 f.Q 28. The ;equest was granted Then a letter from the Shrine Club was read to mem-boijs. It a.ked for a change in duifjs for Its carnival, stating tht Crescent Shows would not be !able to apptar here July 3 to 8. instead, they said, It was possible for the midway to set up herte July 20 to 29. As the dates are close together reijjrexentativis from both organizations, present at the meeting were allowed to epeak. lion Forward, secretary of the CtvV. Centre, explained to members that the Civic Centre will be obliged-to spend .about $11,000 on Its affair and could not risk the Vioney It the Shrine Club presents Us show less than a month before. ., He aefded that all money ob Your Radio Needs Repairs Call-Blue 992 owell River Makes Millions i VANCOUVER Consolidated! net profit of the Powell River, Co. for the last years was over i PRICES: Include Darcx the fifth ingredient In Concrete Four Sacks Cement to Yard . $16.00 per yard Five Sacks Cement to Yard $17.50 per yard Six Sack? Cement to Yard $18.95 per yard ; No Orders Accepted for less than two yard EQUIPMENT FOR RENT: Two wheeled rubber tyred coiicrete buggies eta per day Seven cubic feet capacity Single wheeled concrete barrows 50c per day ORDERS TO BE IN ONE DAY PRIOR TO DELIVERY Phones: Office 60; Plant S64 Complete stock nowot KEN'S RADIO CLINIC $7,500,000, the annual report o! the company shows. Harold Foley, president, in his report to 00 Day Guarantee Tor Satisfactory Seme 718 2nd Ave. W. Blue 992 the shareholders, announce4 that the output for 1950 had already been contracted for.