printe Rupert Daiip JSetof Thursday, January 15,. 195 - . . I TT"t ",' ', - ble Ideas eas for ror H beiasona nousekeepers prune mixture In bottom of pas-'Top with remaining prune mix-try shell, cover with layer of ture. Chill before serving. Serves thinly sliced cranberry sauce. ! 6 to 8. J '.".V.V.V.W 'WW V. w GOOD TOAST CAN BE PUT TO MANY TASTY AND INTERESTING, USES Timely Recipe PRl'NE CRANBERRY PIE The expression "warm as toast" means the acme of comfort. Unfortunately such perfec ,'l , r ' ," 6 slices of biead Chopped parsley Beat eggs u.itil light, add sal, papriqa and tomato soup, blending well. Cut crusts from bread and dip in tomato mixture. Fry slices in hot fat until golden brown. Serve p ping hot. Garnish jt ' '"1 -' iff tion is not always attained in the toast served. For good toast the bread should bs given Just enough heat to turn it golden brown, not a streaky black and white, Toast should be fresh and warm when served, to comply with that idea of complete contentment. Toast 1 considered an integ with chopped parsley. Six serv 134 cups cooked prunes. Vi cup granulated sugar Few grains salt 2 teaspoons plain gelatin 1 tablespoon cold water 1 cup whipping cream 1 baked 9-inch pastry shell Molded cranberry sauce Cut prunes from pits into very small pieces. Add sugar and salt and heat to boiling. Moisten the gelatin in cold water and stir into hot prunes; cool. Whip cream stiff and add to cooled prune mixture, blending lightly but ings. Mushroom Creole Eggs 3 hard-eooktd eg?s There double ad van- M uge double flavor in i5LJJlI15 m m thU two-in-one vegetable fiitifTtVTT'J M combination, and when fsmCfmt I M it' "Royal City" brand 0 3 tablespoon;, chopped onion ral part of the average break 1 tablespoon fat 2'4 cups tomato juice )20-oz. fan) m douDie aatuiacaoa too: . thoroughly. Spread half of i Jk Ksy.A AJM4 I Va-wt ...Vgfc 1 can mushroom soup 'approx. 1 cup) "steaspoon celery salt L4 cup chopped green pickle I getber. Lightly butter 6' slices fast. Probably . there are two reasons for this, first is the ease ot preparation, second is because of the -warmth. Toast is just as acceptable at other meals as at breakfast. Small amounts of fowl, fish, and meat or vegetables in cream sauce or tomato sauce, poured over slices of goloen toast makes a delicious luncheon or supper dish. If the consistency of the xk teaspoon Worcestershire . toast and spread with honey- cinnamon mixture. HORSE-PLAY NOW WHERE IL DUCE RANTE V When II Duce ruled Italy, he banned fes-tlTities of all types, especially when students ranted to do a little horse play in college. Now that he has passed to the land of the unknown and not being missed, the Italian students come out in their antics anytime they please. Above Is a typical scene of student "nuttiness." They are cavorting in a baby carriage in front nf the famous balcony where the former dictator harangued his Blacltshirts, on the Piazza Venezia. From Tbls Date WAR ASSETS COAL will be: tUMP Iveloptd locomotive trouble and creamed mixture is slightly sauce 1 tablespoon chopped plmlento '-4 teaspoon paprika Salt and pepper Cut eggs in quarter and arrange on toat. Brown onion in fat, add flour blending well. Add tcmato juice and cook slowly 5 minutes. Add remaining ingredients and blend well. Pour sauce over eggs. Six servings. .Signalman Marcel Paulin wert thicker, toast fingers or points Train Wreck, Dead Now 9 Sacked SI 2.04 per ton! may .be used a? a garnish with good effect. 'the spokesman said, adding thai Fifty-five Injured In Ghastly I MINE RUN 1 Collision In Northern Quebec Loose $11.00 per too back to place a warning torpedo on the track ahead of the curve. Before he could do so the expie.vs ruaied duil the line and crasnea into the stalled train. The temperature was 35 beluw zero. ' this new check Indicated that earlier reports that the death No rebate ror quantity MONTREAL t A Canadian i I full mioht nf hlchpr upre nn- Mr. and Mrs. Hicks Welcome You At All Times FItASER HOUSE Phone Black 823 714 Fraser Street Natlonal Railways' spokesman I f H . HYDE TRANSFER Honey Cinnamon Toast One-quarter cup honey 1 to 2 tablespoons cinnamon Mix honey and cinnamon to- PHONE 580 Home economists have many good ideas and recipes for dishes i using toast. A quick and toothsome pie may have a toast crusl. Slices of bread cut in largs triangles to simulate piee.s of pie are buttered, sprinkled with sugar and spice and placed on top of canned fruit in a pie plate. The pie is baked in a hot oven 425 degrees F., for 20 minutes or until said today that a new check of casualties in yesterday's train wreck near Parent showed the number of dead nine one employee and eight passengers. "The line Is now being cleared and that is the official toll," Railway Collision In Southern State it pi in The official list, as issued by the Canadian National Railways, of the casualties of the collision, which occurred at the little flag station of Wykes, near Parent, included fifty-five injured. Reports filtering through from the scene Indicate that three of these were severely Jiurt and they are bing flow to Quebec City. The collision occurred at 6:03 yesterday morning in Quebec's bleak northland 250 miles northwest of Quebec on the Cana SOLVE I fruit is hot and bread is crisp ; and golden brown. NASHVILLE. Tennessee CP Three persons were reported slightly hurt when the Humming Bird, fast northbound Louisville - Nashville passenger train, crashed into the rear end of a freight near Wales, Tennessee, souU'i of here ,at midnight. The locomotive and five with These THERE IS ONLY ONE GENUINE DRY-BAK" WATERPROOF CANVAS ! CLOTHING Tomato French Toast j 2 eggs ' j teaspoon salt 4 teaspoon paprika i 'i cup condensed tomato soup DAILY NIPPLE DISHES cars werp derailed. iSUPERiOR FOOD STORES Ltd. JUICY MclNTOSH RED APPLES from the OKANAGAN VALLEY offer opportunities for tasty, tempting dishes. APPLE SALADS - APPLE PUDDINGS APPLE SAUCE BAKED APPLES Let these recipes remind you of the many delicious ways in which APPLES can be used in salads and desserts. FREE DELIVERY PHONE IK FRIDAY AM) SATURDAY SPECIALS January 16 and 17 dian National's transcontinental line. Witnesses said that the weather was overcast when the crack exiTTT-ss plowed into the rear of a local which was stalled on a curve. The steel sleeper at the rear of the stalled train telescoped into the car ahead. A'l the dead were, apparently, passengers in that coach. .The local. No. 11, was bound . from Quebec to Cochrane and 1 was already an hour-and-a-halt i late when it pulled to a stop on the curve at Wykes while the express train was running only 'en minutes behind schedule. ! Apparently, the local had de- MONDAY Okanagan Salad Apple Crisp YIKI.OS SIX SKKVIVfiS t-8 MVlntosh Applfj ?4 cup flour 34 cup lrun siijfHr tensKMn Bait CUp lllltttT. Combine -i r-up stigwr with flour and salt. Work in butttr with finut'r tips until crumbly. Wash and p'c! apples, .-licet tliinty. Phwc in buttered ImkitiK dish, sprinkle with U cup suttur. Add cintmiiMin. if desired. Spread crumbly mixture over apples and put smooth. Bake in moderate oven (37. Y.) for 'Mi ttt 40 minutes, until apples are tender and crust is crisp and liuhily browned. 9m ORANTiFS, Juicy and Seedless 2doz. 55c APPLES, Yellow Newton 3 lbs. 35c r.KAI'EHiUlT, TexaN Juicy 4 for 25c POTATOFS, No. 1 Gems 10 lbs. 30c ONIONS. No. 1 Okanagan 4 lbs. 29c HKANS. Aylnier Boston IJaked 2 tins 33c ALL-BRAN, Measuring Cup Free . . 2pkts. 53c PE AS, Aylmcr, Sieve 3 2 tins 33c SODAS, Red Arrow 1-lb. pkt. 25c n i-MXSKKV Swift's Classic 2 tins 15c "Build B. C. Payrolls' YIELDS SIX SERVIXCS t Mcintosh Apples fup salad drewsing cup chopped walnut. Wah and quarter apples. Dice without peeling. Tom with salad dressing t prevent discoloration. Arrange in a salad Itowl or on individual plates. Oarnish with ehoppe.1 walnuts. Apples are Good to Eat with ... Cheese of all kinds. Walnuts and salted nuts. Nut bread or brown bread. Peanut butter Randwiehes. Fruit cake and finger bread. Raisins, 6 us, dates. Serve warm with cream. av ApP Pandowdy TUESD ( Pacific eletl ' Milntosli ,.f thinly """" .. , i.. oo.-h Place lay" Annies in Apple Rings Wash ami core .', Mcintosh Apples. Cut. in -j inch slice. Melt 2 to It tablespoons shortening or dripping in a pan and ado! apple rings. Cook on one side until tender, then turn. Sprinkle conked side with sugar, cover pan, and continue cooking over low heat until a nice glaze forms or. top of the rings, and apples are cooked through. ia'ver itl. "W!.? "..ov.'r with Ukinn lewder dish isll l: i ...u " -..I tlvMes TO AND THAT IS "PIONEER BRAKD' i "DRY- 8AK" Ak for h hytnainf "I'lmwr Itran, PUMPKIN PIE :i to 40 doimh. - ' ------ ijaj.i.',1.---? .1 i h..l oven. r. .Ion.- and appli'" an- uys f eusl:ird saurc- .Id Willi or o tender. Servo hoi Milk. Pojwora. Salted Wafors. ISLLLiy ) LIGHTENS j WEDNESDAY Apple Pie llr)-l!dk" mi yitiir lM,il il-ilr or CMimmiMMry, la llnril ttr uiiliiil Mlsi partial rruUrr' rtiMIMi ilfifl i,M-rrfl, uiilitr,l fllrr' liirla, a illiiBlritttl. (lrBlitiit1 fritm yvara ot ltiW ImIImIiiI wa- v favorite tavorne with wun k j kvavm:i nuudLiiunn n',TTmii j THURSDAY An old fam Apple, Carrot and Ra.'sin and doubly de Salad I any dinner . . Itiinliii An,l Ihr ' llr..l..l" a intorllr. im. 3 M( Il)loh Am,!,, licious with whipped cream. Irradiated Pacific Milk whips so easily and it's economical too Whipping directions are on the familiar Pacific label. 4 iip rarnil l eup raisins J flip suiad dressinir strips ) . 64-oz 65c ) I tin rowjmt, C0ME IS , WIXH TIIE f . MONDAY. I PURCHASE I n ash and rut l-li Mi liilii.-h Apples '4 teaKHKn salt 34 tup niuar Iwhite or brow n) Pastry for 2 crusts I lal'leNoxm butler. Make pastry. Hull out i for bottom crust. Line a ileep Me pan. ( hill pastry. Wash, peel and slice apples. Add sugar, salt and' eiiinamon. Mix well. Place apples over pastry. Hull out toporust and cut a few slits to allow steam to escape. Moisten edge of bottom crust with water. Place top crust over apples. Trim edges, leaving J2 jneh for overhang. Tuck this edge in ix-tween under-eriist and pan. Crimp or flute edges to prevent overflow of syrup. Hake at 4(XI" F. for 10 minutes. H educe heat to ;."MI K. and continue baking until apples are tender, 'Jo to o0 mintiteB. -""-in. and 2? 'n blM ineer Itrand "Dry - Bak" itirproof canvas clothing; Id in Prince Rupert by: ME t LOTIIINi STORE JSINC E RITERT I ISIIF.R MEN'S ( O-OFFRATIVE 7ATTS & MC KERSON PACIFIC M 1 L K j C i ti'nf rGeEe I Sai soNps ( edd j sg; j FRIDAY Steamed pndding YIEI.nS FIVK SEHVIN'.i-' .! M,.li,t,,h Amdes t ,'HKims liafcil powde By Ch,c Ko-. -Chocolick Is Her Favorite! m i i 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 . 1 IM! 1 1 1 111"111!,-; j 1 , leaswoon phIi LONDIE ijj ci suitar l:il,l''spioiis liultnr 1 cup Hour i eur niiiK nr. Place in U ....I I .H xliep nnt'lei. Add turn BAKED APPLES and for . . . SUNDAY lien I. s as teitlll U.'i ;i;,',es are Wash and core Mcintosh apples. Remove a thin strip of l.uttered l.nkinu dish. Mix other unfn -id ''ver apph s. or Ir-a liisemt. Spn uuimliw. Turn on a hot phdc so thai on top. Serve with ireiim. IeelinR fron centre of apple. Place apples in baking dish, allowing an inch between apples. Add from 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon of brown serve nuce sugar in each cavity. Add water to SATURDM. VPl'1 r-ioi ftste. rover bottom of dish. Hake in . . j.. neel. . . ......J. Apple moderate oven (350 K. to 373 F.I. S-10 M-l - J (lUavters hu u - BAKED APPLES naked apple may be varied by Wash am1 Idling centres with raisins. ll" ' .. ,,d 1 ad' adil a ,1, ,, nan water honey, corn syrup or Place in "0' ,1 "irrtWi?uTrLsreci i llgl-.t hhp ;r, - ' eveuvtwinoS V - but when S 4, :VBKHEC 5J.E l,E CkEAM) ALL CiSMT AGAIN, ) .( THE ICE CREAM tii:'J-iL ( TOMTOPAVAND AND CAKb AMD f VT 15N' ,- T. ( AMD CAKES GONE UlO rETLS TrCC'.BLE SEE IP THAT J COOOf iJ fT . " fcO " Vj-M SONG TO Pe I V. . H XL2 Vl ABOUT IT r POen- CWEES? - vES Z SAO AGAIN ' jy , . 'CSA y now ) j ' . It's the Rascal in Him! I . r ,T, , ,- -,vmi - J I ( TI-.EVR6 THE ONt rl -gni r Wmen he ctEANtul "ow ro k p,'TV; x I THREW .mto I in .I.-.V VMA"A r ) ( THFt-t OLD CANS Hfc OiO r" AVvWf POTTLES I .vcsXk I CVSANEO OUT L F-'J0' he .Am."o POTTLES ,NTd T?j:: JmS & WR3A. 11 nlllll ieo" rciut-i' tew PI dates. ,li v 10 gtnly s.icePn-,(A;"V ', ami "'"'' ...;..iimr , use. Wept covered n. U (, lo8C ,u S4 flavor. GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alterations Floor Sanding a Specialty Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT OPEN FROM 4:00 P.M. TO 3:30 AM. Special Dinner Every Sunday 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 P.O. Box 721 Phone RED 561