i, ., .'' 1 Prfnre Hupctt Ctafli? icto in. Wednesday, February 11, 194.8 MOTMCTT NEWS r n Steamship Sailings From Vancouver For Vancouver Sunday ss Catala 4 p.m. Monday- s.-. Princess Louise lt Monday ss Princess Louise p.m. p.m. lie's Orange-Raisin Bit'uifs Hospital Matron At Burns Lake Tell of China brought In and placed In front of Mar jorle. Mrs. Lee Cooper made the cottage, which was painted white and green with artificial flowers beside the front door and curtains at the windows, also a realistic brown chimney. Mar-jorie and Innes unpacked their numerous gifts which were .ss-ed around for all to see. A delicious lunch was served at midnight, followed by contests and dommunity singing, after i which there were sonrs and amusing items by Neil Kelly, John Barker, Hilary and Pat Partington, Gordon and Mr. STEWART MAN PASSES AWAY Tuesday ss Catala 1:30 p.m. Tliursday ss Prince Rupert 11:15 p.m. Wednesday ss Prtnre Ruper 10:00 a m. . Friday-r-ssCardena p.m. , 4 thfint. htrtenin , c rjiihii 1 fAstr. nrannt rhut j i C Hp Milk TKRRACE In observance of Girl Guide and Boy Scout Week the Terrace Scouts, Guides, Cubs and Brownies will give a free display on February 20 In the Civic Centre. This will be followed by community singing and refreshments. On February 21 a tag day will be held. The day's proceeds will be used for the Scout-Ouide camp at Lakelse Lake. Irv incrtilienn together. Cut in tuning until well mixed. AdJ rai. FRANCOIS LAKE The monthly meeting . of the Women's Christian Association was held at Mrs. Partington's home on Saturday afternoon but th state of the roads made it im- possible for manv t.o at.tenrf Itadio Service Lout Iverson, Fwmerly of Premier, Dim After Lonf lllnesi S TEW A R T Louis Iverson, silicosis pensioner, passed away last Thursday at the Kohie of .Hid orange nnil. Meat ej! ftlightly i, .isiiriiiK cup and add milk to make Lin. Aild t first mixture. Roll out bi 1 .-tnin miiK; cut wnn nourea Lit cutler. Place on greased pan. Rev. McFee opened the meet-1 ordn Funnel!, Peter Reed . W.i- Gus Gidlund aftef a long ill "mm hot oven (475'V.) about 12 tin its. M.ike 1". . . , -'ine '" with WIUI Draver Pyer. which wnicn wait was fol- ioi - lmm summery . and Mrs. ivej. ness. He was sixty years of age. p H captain and Mrs. Davison en-' and nn to the commencement Get the most from your radio. Bring in your tube?? for Free Testing tertained at their homo on Mon- 0f his Illness, was employed by day evening in honor of John the Silbak Premier Mine. Hepburn's birthday. A Jolly time I Deceased was a veteran of the was had by the guests and a First World War and funeral pink Iced birthday cake with services, under the auspices of iowea oy me singing oi a nymn. Miss Preston, matron of the1 Gordon Funndl played tw) Burns Lake Hospital, gave an ' hauntlng melodies on his ordin-Interesting talk about one of , ary hand saw- Paying on it with her visits a ow as on a violin-tresslng to China, and the dis- conditions under which After Wlshing the popular medical care was undertaken coupIe a Ion and naPPy mar" .. . , -riA lifrt U 1 r i. i ivu'iuy-one candies was cut by tne Stewart Branch of the Cana- there. She had brought several ' c ",c b 'u at aooui the guest of honor 2:30. (Han Lesion, were held this afternoon. Interment took place at Stewart Cemetery. Funeral interesting snapshots of places and people she knew in China. Mrs. Partington served tea. Rev. Roland Hills returned on We guarantee our radio repair PHONE 6 Saturday from a two weeks' trip airangements were in the hands I t0 Vancouver. I of Harry Stewart -of Premier, i f he learned the Yiilnifim Specials ' M IIo"ke If" on Saturday's soie relatives of the deceased UFDP UHKinDEh train lor Prince Rupert where MUllUKLU arc a brolhr and Ki.stPr in Se-illLlXL Train Schedule For the East-Monday. Wednesday, Friday 8 p m. From the Fast-Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10:45 pm. 'he will spend some time re- atl(, reiving nudical treatment. WITH SHOWER Mis Marjorie Cas-tidy and Innes Short Given Party at raneois Lake FRANCOIS LAKE On Satur FRAXCU1S LAKE A meeting of the Fair Board Peter Van Stolk returned on Saturday from Vancouver where he li.i.s been a patient in the Classified Advertising Pays! was held at Gordon Funnel's Shaughncssy Military Hospital. v,nm ,m Snf,1Krinl, ,vpnina Rn.'t Classified Advertising - DRESSES BLOUSES BALLERINA SKIRTS KERO IIEFS - Nylon ami Wool 1 1ANDKERCH1EFS cst-tibvn try lists were revised. Mr. and day ' evening the, Women's Instl- ciitsfitricci. orUr. Birth Notice' 2c per word per insertion, mlnimyrn choree. 50t SOc; Curds of Thanks. Death Notices, Funeral Notices Mrs. Heiman EngeU ke and Mrs. Ue Cooper and NeU Kelly SDOns08red shower in th0 ' mull .son returned to Prince ttVlLfJ L J: WPre committee to appcinted a appoint a cumimn.ee wj ,nhn Kf. ,iH.n,., f. w,... Mnrringe ana tiiKsicement Announcements. $2. Rupert at the week-end after draw bylaws for the Fair" up r..u.. i t , o, home remedy for flieving miseries of children's colds. VAPOR U 0 FOIt SALE FOB SALE a snoit stay with Mr. and Mrs. Association these to to r nresent- preseni n . . ' Colleymount. Snow fell all day W C O hf me LU a" uua'" ""'"s on Saturday and a wind drifted! FOR SALE 5 room house, fu FOR SALE 5-room modern house. Phone Black 990. (39i basement. 1723 6th East Phone Blue 336. 38 , , . . "I'l"""11'- "no Mrs. uoraon tn d j j exposed Walter Cheshe h . Jr. returned runnell will canvass the busi- laces maki roads amost to Ten ace on Friday stra.n from ness people in Burns Lake and rmpassable even or jeeps. It PACIFIC REPAIR F(?.uSA,EFolLr with sack of coal FOR SALE-General store in'ln heater, cheap. Dress, size 345 Third Avenue West 11. Apply G50 7th Ave. East. 1351 employed. He Is now working or merchandise, with his father at the Terrace TV .J tUJU WJ 111 OllV JL Hill weather, nearly 40 persons were I t Via ro terior. with Post Office. Build Ing includes store, apartmen and dance hall and over on acre of land. Full Dirtioular from Prince Rupert Realty C' Box 556. (tf PERSONAL E.nt:n ic. i t ranees uaniss was taken CL' ;i n KD aU IN lHh DAILY NiW'S WILL BRiNO RESULT fP YOU HAVE an Alcoholic. We Service ELECTRIC MOTORS problem, .contact Alcoholics ch'nil, Bedspreads, $4.99 eacll Anonymous. Box 276 Dailv WHOLESALE PRICE, first quail i to Burns Lake Hospital last Miss Edith Dodds returned on Tuesday evening and operated Monday's train from a brief visit on for appendicitis the next to Prince Rupert. morning. She 'is progressing fav- orably. Mrs J. A. Rutherford return- 'Business and Professional beautiful Chenilles fo News (tn i ty. Contests and games made tho time pass quickly and pleasantly until 11 o'clock. Marjorie and Innes were then escorted to chairs placed at the end ofthe room. While all were singing "Margie" a beautiful model ol a cottage full of gifts was double or single beds, in a pastel colors, worth mucH GRAMOPHONES Electric and Spring) etc. 32G 2nd Ave. West Red 36; m:. KKICKSOX I geoiige l. rorik CANCEL Comuplsorv Unemnlov-i ment Insurance. Self-invested i $50 minimum for semi-skilled wages. Inauire Fav B. Gam-blin. heatine snecialist. Sta more. Also Habitant Hand knitted Rugs, 18x36; tightl ed to her home in Prince Rupert on Saturday's train. S) TFCHNICIAN ! Manly Redi Reahill is visit-: ing in the district. He left to ! join the forces five years ago Public Aceouiitant, Auditor, etc. made, in original colorful pat terns, 3 for $4.00. Sent C.O.nj tion B Phone Green 471. j Prince Rupert. (35) I u mrKnib Income Tax Returns Compiled, i 411 West 7th Av.' Besner Bl.k Phone 387 George de Kergommeaux an-T 8nd married when in England. Ravmond Sanrie snent the week- 1 He ls livin with his wife and plus postage. Money refunde FOR REM if not satisfied. Handicraft little daughter in Entrance, end in Pilnce Rupert. Distributors, 254 Sherbrook Sa West, Montreal, Que. j FOR RENT Warm comfortable room, reasonable. 806 Fraser Street. 39 P. J. CHUNKY IjKNTIST r . SMITH BLOCK Thomas Halliwell left on Tues tii nnT!d daily newspaper- A heavy fall of snow on Sat- day's train for a brief visit tc i FOR SALE New ancFVaed Furl M CHRISTIAK SCIIHCE MONITOR. Y-Ju will find yOurlf on of . urday which has drifted in Prince George on business.- niture, Hardware and OIQc I'O Box 1401 places makes travelling on the FOR RENT Three room cottage, partly furnished. Phone Green 626. Ufi Furniture, etc. New artieles- ASTORIA'S LIGHT DELIVERY & MESSENGER Prompt Service Baggage Freight Express Phone Blue 209 322 Sixth St. Night Calls Green 882 ttw bet-informed persons m yu community on world- oi loirs when you read this wnrld-wide daily -newspaper reculorty. You will gain fresh, new viewpoints, a fuller, richer understanding of today's vital news PLUS help from its exclusive features on homemakmg. education, bournes, theater, music, radio, sports W. P. Linrisav is back at his ,a"'" "cav-'' "P"a- Subterlbe new ft . ROOM AND HOARD The Chnst on Science Publishing Society PB-5 One. Norway Street. Boston 15 Mass . USA Hii se.d.l "et-ctueinted" offer K.MSTRONG AGKNCIKS F.:sTATK brokers I no!trl for eV1 I Enclosed rs $1, for wh.ch pleas send tn Th Christian I Science Monitor tor one month. " m"ch ower' T" ia several! 'f a liome in Terrace after ' "e forming on the rocks weeks' slay in smithers at the i home of Sqt. and Mrs. T. D.JfV f edRe here; and ! Iren "oss from Na-, Brunton during which time he ! tet j -.v. k , l dina to Clemretta. It is not a so entered Smithers hospital , ., . . , strong enough to walk across in for medical treatment. sifetv yet : ROOM AND BOARD $43 each j double; $48 single. Sleeping I rooms for rent Table meals (Nome ' "HA NCR ADVISERS 2 P.O. Box 927 Gurneys Kitchen Ranges, Book cases. Chests of Drawers House Desks, Dinner Set? British India Rugs, Electri; Double Hot Plates, Cookini Utensils, Hardware, etc Slightly used articles Che; terfield Beds, Radios, Typ ' writer. Clothes. Logging BooU Rubber Coats. Other usefu articles at reasonable prices Have you any good furnitur. for sale? See us. It will pa; S jft Street , I teyggr lr. ; Mrs. Lawley, G22 Fraser Street (tf) Zon Slot r: rj 1 ?- - i h. i' f ; t i GEOROE McWHINNEV PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING P.O. Box H2(? 147 4th East Phone Black 489 WORK WANTED w( wvt YOuft CAR X 1UARNASON '' : and Decorator WORK WANTED Girl will mind children afternoons or evenings. Phone Black 918. (30) f. 't'K K SERVICE i you. B.C. FURNITURE CO Black 324. Ave Phone 112 Taxi 4li)DLEraged woman will look after children evenings. Phone Green 88. (tf) Rushing the Season Maybe the birds are but not you if it is a New-Spring Wardrobe you are thinking of. JOHN MOSTAD CARPENTER AND CARINET MAKER PHONE RED 752 HELEN'S : UTY SHOP WAVfKD FOR SALE Simplex Engine; Hi to 31 H P. air cooled; 30 t 185 H P. Marine Straight- a Reduction Drive; as& Station ary-Industrial. Nottfiern B.C Agents. BYTOWNi 1IACHIN1 WORKS. ' H, (t iin.incnt Waving . Dan's Service Station McBride St. Green 605 FIRE DAMAGES STEWART HOME STEWART Fire broke out in the roof of John Thompson's home on Ninth Street about noon on Saturday and. but for1 the prompt action of neighbors,' the family would be homeless today. George Kustas, who lives directly opposite on the South side of the street, came out to fill his oil tank and saw smoke issuing from the roof oi Thomp-j son's house, near the chimney.! He rushed over and apprized th?; family of the fact. With the call of the siren people came running j with fire extinguishers and, by the time the tire equipment ar-j rived, the blaze was out and the home saved. Damage is esti- j mated at $900 and is covered by j insurance. ! j WANTED Trolling boat, about 30 feet long. Phone Red 607. (37) f 'fit" Culture in its branches. str-et Phone 655 WANTED To rent unfurnished house, modern conveniences, for immediate occupancy. Or By making your selections now, you have a full ranse of New Spring Merchandise to choose from. PRINCE RUPERT BOTTLE COLLECTOR and MESSENGER PHONE GREEN 955 Agent for Pacific Bottle B.C. Ltd. i buy lor cash. Send Darticulars i to Box 310 Dailv News. (351 NEWS STAND ii Eastern and Western Papers. NAt I io PURR PRESS WANTED Property at Terrace suitable for chicken farming, must have liveable house. Write particulars to Box 311 Daily News. (35) f'lW AVAILABLE FOR SALE Sealed tenders wii be received by the undersignei until 12:00 o'clock noon Feb ruary 26. 1948, marked "Ten der LODE. Hall" for th land and premises at 5th Avenue East near McBride Streel Lots 19 and 20, Block '2$tl tion 6, known as ICID.E. Rai Premise may W lit:; ted b. arrangement wltY..!. W. E Weiss, 101 5th -Avenue Kas (Phone Green 955 jUighest o any tender not necessarily ac cepted. Brown Sc Harvey, Bo: 658, Prince Rupert. (44 "'' t Red RDR SALESMEN AND AGENTS LXNDYMAN NOTICE m: service YOU NEEDN'T WAIT FOR YOUR SHIP TO COME IN BEFORE CHOOSING YOUR SPRING ENSEMBLE. USE OUR PERSONALIZED BUDGET PLAN. NO INTEREST NO CARRYING CHARGES. THOM SHEET METAL LTD. ERIC SPEERS, Mgr. 1361 Overlook Specializing In Marine and General Sheet Metal Work Electric and Acetylene Welding Boat Tank.'? Stacks Furnaces Gutter Work. 253 East First Avenue Phone Black 884 ?AI, COfmiACTORS OCEAN VIEW HOTEL (Formerly Knox) A Quiet, Pleasant I Mace to Live COMPLETELY RENOVATED Rooms Redecorated Spring-Filled Mattresses New Management Proprietor, TOM PESUT PHONE 71 DISTRICT SALES AGENT for Vancouver Wholesale Grocery firm wanted. State age, marital status, territory covered, other lines handled, references, rate of commission required. Apply: Trans-Canada Import & Export Ltd., 8 Water Street, Vancouver, B.C. (S.TH.) K FOR SALE Fully equipped 31 ft. trolling boat, has 20 East hope engine, excellent condi tion. Phone Green 894 or cal 324 8th Ave., West. 3G ind Repairs of all kinds. 1 mi ncys and Oil Burners. PHONES: The Dally News wishes to draw attention to the rule that classified and transient advertising is payable In advance at the office at time 'of presenting copy for advertising. Those desiring to advertise in this manner In the Daily News are ' 'asksd to assist the office and respect tills rule by. refraining from telephoning 'classified LOST AM) FOUND H m Red 894 LOST Wallett, Indian head situi. $19. paper money. Will FOR SALE Five room house, I lots en bloc at Port Clem ents. Water frontage. Wha offer? 1228 Park Ave. Blu 773. (37 i inner piease turn wallet in to Daily News office. (35) SUPERIOR '''('ORATORS DON'T DELAY - PHONE TODAi' HILL'S MESSENGER SERVICE Phone Green 955 Day and Nisht Service nli, f(i PAPKRIIANOINQ FOUND - Three keys on ring near Borden Street School. Owner may have same by calling at the Daily News and pay ing for this advertisement, (tf) FOR SALE 1941 Ford DeLux sedan. Phone 76, or Black 41 after 5. (35 HI e 052 or Black 245 'ions Bni Thornton ONDIE -It's a Dog's Life! By Chic Young MACH1NEK1 FOR SALE Mi'iijiiiiiJiyiiiirjijii C THAT'S MV NEW hat cere ir i ELKINS LTD. FOR SALE 6 -room house an bath, furnished. Close li Cash proposition. A real snaj See Prince Rupert Realty Ci at once. . (tf nl ibm- and Heading V LIKE IT If It's Rock Work CALL BLUE 939 M. SAUNDERS CONCRETE SIDEWALKS - BASEMENTS your house and yourself fully insured while I do the work. 'niuneers TO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) P.O. Box 274 FOR SALE Small Quebec heat er. Apply Valentin Dairy. (37 mmmmmmmm ' l CANT j j '.; ' i st:ll j PI 1 ? '! i ' ; I ; j ; ; ! 1 '" v f ( TELUOM r CANT U-U- )W. ANVTHIN3 FGS)s'i'Y CV 'iirrr'i liiam i'' iii iii nn iii Tn nn- ij i '-''-' '""f-'- - - , I e Fisheries Industry FOR SALE-1942 Dodge 4-doo sedan. Can be Inspected a Rupert Motors Ltd. (40 METAL WORK. P (P.R.) Ltd. f lahrllinf, Welghlnr BLl'E 980 (H AI.ITY Rl l'AIKS For Downtrodden Heels anil Worn Soles. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave 1 7iw workd PLUMBING Installations and repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Furnaces, tanks, eavestroughlng and stack work. Letourneau & Sons, 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) FOR SALE 1946 Plymout Special Deluxe 4-door sedai heater, radio and spare parti Like new. 914 Hays Cove Avi Phone 537. (4(1 4vt '' 1,1 "it' Daily News! - J-J ILiiA ,