jTo Supply Power pritrrr Rupert Dailp r-Jctus LtD. ' Thursday, March 11, 1943 I Better English Auto STRANGE LITTLE .ANIMALS FROM SYRIA ARRIVE IN PRINCE RUPERT Logical! Smithers Airport The British Columbia Power Commission will provide electricity t o the Federal Department of Transport for operation of the airport at Lake Kathlyn and the beam station An Independent daily npwspnpv dfvoted to the upbuilding of Prince Eupcrt and all communities comr" f northern and cen'ral British Columbia. (Authorized, ag second v,.jss Mail. Post, Oltice Department, Ottawa) Published very afternoon except Sunday by Prinr"! Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Arenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia. O. A. KWTEn,.'fwntflng Editor. H. G. PERRY, Managing Director. MEMBER O. CANJflTTV PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION a . ..i.i :.. t . . . An oiii car im tii'ucr than noiK'. lint having no car is better than having one un-safo on the roal. We are P(tiilIol ami staffed to check your car iniint lv tKiint. anil SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Carrier. pemeeW 15c: Per Month. 65c: Per Year. 7.00: EEK . 'equipment near Smithers. In , addition to this, the commis By Mail, Per Month, 40c; Per Year. 14.00. iJe BV I (brown on the upper portions I with the lower part while, j It is claimed that a female, j after she has reached the age of 8 to 10 weeks .will produce a litter of up to 16 young every 9 'to 11 weeks. The animals are ; inoffensive, making it possible to keep them in the house. Feeding is not much of a chore as a j tablespoon of table scraps an;l seeds is sufficient for them each day. Tiiey don't object to beinT to make m ercury repairs rcliabh- 4 ft . I Drive in i... " N,it,J sion has taken over the dlstrr-butlon of power lines between Smithers and the airport. The diesel plants are not included. They are being dismantled for use somewhere else. ( B.V D. C. WILLIAMS I 1. What is wrong with this sentence? 'Don't feel badly about it." 2. What is the correct pronunciation of "intermezzo?" 3. Which one of these words is misspelled ? Embezzlement, crescent, pagent. 4. What does the word "inculcate" mean? 5. What is a word beginning with fe that means "capable of being done?" , Answers 1. Bay, "Don't feel bad about it." 2. Pronounce in-ter-med-zo, second e as in medal, o as in no, accent third syllable. 3. Pageant. 4. To teach and impress by frequent repetition or admonitions; to urge on the mind. "Christ inculcates on his followers humility." 5. NATIVE INFANT PASSES AWAY Vernon Ryan, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Hrnry Ryan, oi Metlakatla, died in Prince Rupert General Hospital Tuesday night. The child was four months old. FOR YOUR A mother hamster and her litter of 12 were dug from an eight-foot burrow near Aleppo, Syria, in 1930. The tiny animals were domesticated and found to be ideal for pets and laboratory animals. Descendants of the litter were introduced to North America in 1938 and now, 10 years later the Syrian Golden Hamsters have arrived in Prince Rupert. In two boxes measuring about a foot square by six inches deep, six of these little animals arrived by express Monday night. Mr. T. N. Rowe, who is organizing the Shawatlans Mink Ranch on Eleventh Avenue, received two females and a male. His son Bobby acquired a female and Douglas Faterson now has a pair. The boys intend to raise the hamsters as pets but Mr. Rowe has other plans. He thinks their fur may have some value and he intends to experiment with them as a source of fresh meat for his mink. An adult hamster is about 5 inches long and weighs from 4 to 5i ounces. They have only a stub for a tail and, while it is claimed they look like a mlnn-ture bear, their features apjcar to have more resemblance to a bush rat. Their coat is a golden Ct Ditriol't- n Tragedy Of Masaryk SUICIDE OR NO SUICIDE, the third storey plunge of Jan Masaryk, foreign minister and son of the founder of the free repuhlic of Czechoslovakia, to death on a flag-stoned street of Prague, is a tragic incident significant of the unhappy situation within the nation since the anchluss of aggressively expansive Soviet Russia. The name of Masaryk these many years has been synonymous with democracy in central Europe and the unfortunate death of its scion is a blow that grieves the already perplexed freedom-loving world. If Masaryk was a suicide, it must be that the situation within Czechoslovakia is a very hopeless one to cause such a rash act. If he was coerced or murdered, it bespeaks an equally desperate situation. Whatever happened, there seems no question v that there was the aspect of martyrdom to the cause of democracy in the tragedy of Masaryk. yu i uuiun o uaiiuC ji BALLERINA AND BUYS ad WHYS by handled and, if they get loose, they are not destructive and would quickly die or be killed by cats or dogs if they remained outside. A hamster can be taught simple tricks such as answering a bell and, if a ladder or tread-wheel i.i put in their cages, they will spend hours exercising on the apparatus. The hamsters that arrived in the city Monday came from Duncan on Vancouver Island Whether these tiny foreigners will make a hit with the pet lovers of Prince Rupert remains to be seen but it Is a safe bet that the boys who have this novel attraction are going to be very popular with their chums for the next few works. You saw it in trie Daily News! mm i ! ajjiiMwa MONTR FI., March llth-Now ihttt War Fav. mu (.'. mltcilx are liiniiinnic innnili liy iwuilh, joil'l! Ie iil.nl lo kbtiw tl.tri a a niilo w:iy to fii-ii Kunr.1 lnn lliry come ilue. l ie lontnl tin iihiIvhI him at" tunc, trouble arid minif y I All I ilnl n put HIV (Vrtificalf id mi'rkf iilif 111 DRAPED SKIRTS IN CREPE AND ALPINE NIGHT DRESSES and SLIPS IN OUT filZKS JI ST WHAT TIIK I.AItt.Ht V(HU III. UN VM I. I nit Elaborate SHEER BLOUSES lace Trimmed-Sizes from 12 to 20. 35 LADIES' RIBBED VESTS ANNETTE mansl LiT' Innl uit , I lie HufM Imi il rn-hnl ami aU'irtl to I ""N Ja my account. Tlui wrwee ro-u very linte . . . ami mmMmmilimmmmmlJSm) it tvn me llie el-ore of a iriittc ( 'erii'n il ewiv month, m.'nliiif em Ii one to Oiihwa ,i it lualim ", n.i llifn c.iKnr or ilciio-ilitm the lipie fur ii. Hf-t of all . . , it In tp Ine to mir money, mice 'lie prm cciN of the (Vrtitu jie $n ir:iiilil inlu my 11 ul M account! N'hv lint vi-it your tic:in -t II of M lit irii ii tomorrow . . . vonll finl lli'v'll lie !nl lo liaiellt Hie rr-l nij tinti of your :ir Saving "i rtific ilc for you I 'Tttn Agrri arc fun lo nlcr1iin , , . full of The Daily News Boys :m, iiflnir, it:iliiy ami much enlliuiarn for rooil food lite llii iheinioiK Idiri'a )V.o. CaU, in;,..: wild KUvlKS Cll (TO mum J . 1 KV UT) ! . . . DEVIL'S lOOD f'AKK I .ui.arei Hkfti tin- , l-in. biking toda eAceWueu i Juk-ouu lj t-nn. tall WALK UPSTAIKS IN STONE ;( 'IIM 4 tt.nv, micar 2-3 ctio bulter or other 3-3 i-'OI ler 1 t pn. vao Ua 2 cnus t r d Sv.'ans Down ke F'nur $ t-piK. ('tfliUIMt lJ.k 1 ctip sufar J-3 nip onr ui Ik or buttf-rmilk 1 . (5) Ormes Dr.; DANNY BILL PROMINENT IN SPORTS, HE IS OLDEST RUPKKT-RORN CARRIER Danny Bill has the distinction of having lived in Prince Rupert longer than any other Daily News delivery boy. He was born here 15 years ago and has resided in the city ever since. A Grade 10 student of Booth Memorial High School this year, Danny ta'Kes an active art in the Sports Club. Basketball is his Horttr Combine ciiucolate, 4 th pif nnar, wntcr; cnok thick and mooth, filmnr enn-'.jativ. Cool. Add vamPi. ift f:ir orsce mtn-uie. add luk.iK poller rod, nail; ant thrra tune. rm b.uter tiwrnuih jr. .ld -in jr i'jilua)i; cream until iiiftit. Add enf, eji and coi iiiwnuie m.kiuta and uu-tid. Add flour. artiit! nh nn'k. in nnul k ,iu.ini: teut ninih afier eich rtdui.ii. Ii-rn nil tv.a a o.r.( h tr autii. Huke in Tnnderai evtn dK. I'. I almvd iai lmnu.es. Kill and fro.-t 1 desirt-d. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS CONGRATULATIONS OF THE MOST imposing additions to the ONE business places of the city is being opened this afternoon in the new garage and service station of Lindsay Motors Ltd. on Second Avenue at First Street and a word1 of congratulation and commendation in this place might not be amiss. It is appropriate that there should be expression of appreciation of the enterprise and confidence ' of the builders. It is particularly gratifying that they should lie pioneer people who, not satisfied w ith merely carrying on in the sound and substantial way that has characterized the concern since Jack Lindsay, sr., brought his first team of horses here near forty years ago, should have given this manifestation of their confidence in the future of-the automotive business in particular and the community and district in general. : . It is interesting to note that this is the second substantial new business building that has been formally optmed in Prince Rupert in recent days, the other being the Saanich Plumbing & Heating Co. structure on McBride Street at Fourth Avenue. Best wishes are due these people and, like the rest of their friends, the Daily News is happy to join in the felicitations and bespeak for them every success in 'their undertakings. Laoiima of Nt t.at ,ft Stackinfi in il STOKE HOURS WKFK-DAYS 9 AM TC i RUN DAYS AND HOLIDAYS 11 NOOK TO! 7 V M TO S I" M UC'P 1 MirlliPfru in ! greatest interest in the field of j ii r i t u i nruin' recreation. He plays in the Jn-i nior League as a member of 5j Taxi. I nwr- O WWlll.Jlrilll j Oik KmciiM'ticv b.if ,'ium 7 p m '.J and S-r.'-i Dully enr delivery service Irum 8 a m. tiil J p.m. The activities of the Sea Cadets, of which he is a memb?r, absorbs part of Danny's spare time. Through his membership in th? Civic Centre he finds , Writ.. "No 4 Jj more tMiirn rough, AjhV-W If rid li'imr mil AV,; Y I rrad nlxiut - jlm l'tctimi llnnd , (nam in jmif ciunin and liied ii! Winn iIi-Ij or lb mi klv wa Ii are ilone ... I nm i!y c ii ii ii: v I :ind uli I'm inm .m l in an iii thin, ihi v m j-ntiaiih and wloii r; J'ai 'mill" i ti n l:ind cream pnl'irrc.) by more 'women ihau an titlr I. Mid (t'iirf in the Boild . . . i ii i ron'lafiily ! (Im lor and nuf-l who :i-U Ih'ir hnd lliiiiy or forty limn a day. Ho why riot try it for yonrtlf imply wri lo me -ILiiiiam llicnl I III Cir- ci nt st., Moniiml. I'.O. (or your PHONE 81 , ' & In lilou-e lor I I ami' II err 'a y j 1 ' how! live ' tin rn lo fn h- ' iotK l.'iltl. fa vourite i-!i;ue with All-falru-TiB-hx I m!-i and Dvi. . . but lir-t ttittc to me llorb.iri Hunt, Mil ( n .nit Si., Monin il, I'll lor vour fn-c jiri-4:.ee of '1 ini'ic 'o!nr 1,'iniovfr! Ahno-t like macic ihe fiy it riinoM ol.l. ill. ib color fioin f brii ul iill kiml pu p.ini thfin f..r t!ic Ih li'ht tit w colois of Ail-liibiic iimrx Tint and lve! A k for All-t.,bric T1NT1 al your favor ii n iltun. ilrfmri mini or riniiy note . . . n the mo t MOIolliir.il Wav i know ul UliliK f r l i i i lo your liome and jour r.iidiiibt ! ; plenty of opportunity for rec "COME ALL Vr reation. Danny came to the Daily News four years ago and, except for the summer holidays, when he takes a full-time job, he has ban on his route. His area includes Fust, Second and Thir.l Avenue bounded by Seventh Street and Lindsay's comer. ST. PATRICK'S DA) n tnu-iilf oi I'ACtjl IN! Kewspakcbov RECORDS 0 3: Htre'i a De'iciaul Dith In mak ynu f rn I not in. n Iv linniHIed but ilil.iiitily triumphant whin you fcrve it. to your itclittliiMl family . . . ll'iui On n-ll.il.'d llcana, mriilv auciuli nt, and fMitinsrly fl.ivouf'd ailh rich tomato aauca , . . tlun rooked "n ra- ecrole" 'til Ihiy're buhlilinii I Jlema Ihjrja ate fe favourite food in my lilcn n alay wi Inline alwav fl:ivoiir,'it) and o kind to mv budget, tool asitfS! For. i'l-t think! they mve nteal Ktve tune eve imuble! Thai ' vl y I iif.-c von to a le your grocer tomonow (or III. INK 0 1 N 1;KIJ DEAN'S . , . terve theinjn lots of Is-ty waya! "Twa Only An Iriahnian' Krwin" How Are Hums In .Imii Mr' My Wild Irish ltnf" "I II Take Vou llonir, Ralltl" "Mi Namar 's Hand" "Hear Did Doncil" "(i.ilaway lUy" "My fiirl's An lri-.li irt" AIJBO ALBUMS OF "Shamrock Midoilirs" Harm Ym a Kom Im Yaw Hmm That' Hsuntta . . . Iianntrd ly -T-?lf WAR ASSETS 5 To Merchants - the dale cnl'ir , of raljb:ige and mrali long, aim-e cnbn"... l MV, I its tint 'eathert and, mar liiincK.s iunu sid.iJ. or a room Dial fiicaka up to III ll.C n', ' He rtnnk- by Dennis Day and Bun: Cm-ny DON'T OHOET ST. PATRICKS DAY"" film c:in.iii! 'Ihat'd the tip I got fiom a ftimd whoe pay htile rd a riuar hi re McRAE BROS. LIMl THRU RUPERT TO ALASKA BARGES EQUIPPED with rails will run between JuneauKetchikan and Prince Rupert. Goods to and from Alaska will move between here and the east in sealed cars, all this to come within forty days. So it is reported although it would appear that are some important local arrangements yet to be completed. A great natural advantage will sooner or later, make itself felt, despite hades and a freshet. One can't keep a good port down. Business will be done this way and time and money saved. The short cut always wins. Prince Rujert has been preaching it for half a life time.' It must be admitted, though, that the first years are the hardest. Prince Rupert may be Seattle's "bad dream" although we do not wish Seattle any bad luck and think there is plenty of room and' business for us both and maybe we'd be willing to throw in a good wish for Vancouver as well. It really looks as if the Alaskans and the business people of the United States are getting down to business as far as utilizing this port and its strategic advantage is concerned. Even our good friend Phil Briggs may come back too. The new traffic may not at first seem a complete blessing but it is a sign of recognition if not progress. ; ' vc-1 en lav! " ? Then it' time to imni-li that 'haunt" quickly and rmily hy u-?iue apair, the nrr room ilrodorant aiih the ilihvrlit-ful, wood-y fmnranrp. It a like macic! oi ju-t pull out the wick and oon every corner of your room it phatantly fre-h. And ju-t. think! Vspair cnt U-n than a cent each lime to tt-e. t-o take my tip and ak tumurrow for the hi. full-value, tcn-oimca bottle of VAPAIIt nt your far-ourite drug or department nor. toti'i-trr haii compielily captured my Ik art. I hrn no fue or mui ... in fad, 1 find. Ilmnkl til lltoik ", i.'iiianct n'id Ic-s care Ih m any other ict.. Thin dt ron-t.iiu the evict iiuvtiiro of aelrct-td, nouri-liiiiK ei-eda a rnnniy tired I'l.l S, s t-periiil treat cun-taniuiK yra-t. that. keep Du'kcy'a t ii in tutif d up and Im aonu tin a Imppy note. Your canary di n't a balanced diet . . . and, Ju-t, li b n lo him ung for it on iiimk'n lbrd Slid. Kor Prompt Service Call nrnrrr Tniurrm O I btKI i IKAnjrCK a ki MESSENGER SERVICE ) 1 ; Combined With The War 1,1 mun'a heart ia through his atomoih . . . but in thee1 days of high price? thi can t carried further llirough ibe etomarli, throiigli Ilia i, :.rt, lo the pnckcibook ! And And you you can can plcaae please all all Prime Rupert IloUle ('olUr lhn tvh n yon plan meat to include di lii ioii f! -mA N'H CfiltV STARCII! H-1fCJ, r, ii ... ii .... t . ... -vie7 rl li lic made with MI'.VSON 30J 3rd Ave. West I)i-lieri like Ihi Stivrlly Mcnl (Witt Phone: lllue M - I'""" P","lt Cii.e (,'u l 2 egg-) l.rmtm or Orange filling . . . 'ftU II For your fee copy, ' i M M I Xm J from llcnMin'a iti cipe Sheet II II f). f). timplv write to me, llnrliara . o Hrrnt, Mil t.'relcent RUPERT MARINE 0 HCI.K LOT SAI.K Subject to prior sale or withdrawal War Assets Corporation offers for sale in one bulk lot, the following equipment: I nion Melt Welding Heads llobarl Arc Welder Accessories Stud Welding Tools Welding Heads Flexible Arc Welding Lle trie Cord Welding Panels Battery Acil Solution Welding Shields and Helmets The above Is only a partial list of new and used items available in this lot. Further information and passes to inspect this material, may be obtained at the address given below: LOCATION:-Warhou.se No. 3d, Sea Island, BO. Address all enquiries to: BRANCH SALES OFFICE, WAR ASSETS CORPORATION ADMINISTRATION BI.DO., SKA ISLAND, VAM'Ol'VER, B.C. TERMS AND CONDITIONS Offers to purchase merchandise are invited subject to the following conditions: IV T,he c?rP!'liVon sla" havp r'Kht accept or to rclr-el any or all offers In whole or in part. "?A.If fny 0,"'r te wptT. sale will be on an "as Is where Is" ha! i ta5L"OT,?f "'.'2! klml "wpt " 10 th' Crown. tl e, .o w """J' the other 71 usual Bales condition of the Corporation c, On acceptance of offer. Purchase price will be payable K, ' d Purchaser will be required to take dellverr of merch.n .old til., Montreal, i'.Q. 01 Can. Mr (J. CXAt'SKN & S(,N you il like a Qatafaf a friend Ihaoiiier day about the kerret of her uertaa with roffea, 1 got an ana w r W Take UitlnRS of new r, aatar Bonnet and on excellent A CLASSIFIED KD IN THE DAILY NEWS WILL BRiNG RESULTS S2 ch4 BOATS FOR SALE OR wav lo fave for FISH'NC 1 BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND it in la e it t down on food TRY I.UKt Trv 1hi . . buy lesa meal RUPERT MARINE RE OR CH 8ALKS aaLr.a - imp ftiiii'H . .11 JuntWt of LlP-tf.. Watr,r-cJ Bus 641 that's a limnehold bityword . . . Cha-e A Sanborn I She taid alie'd tried " batiiam braada " to ' gave" a riw renia but didn't know the true value of Ill.Al, coffee 'id Chaae A Sanborn came inio hrr life. Her huaband, ahe my, ih firm about his coffee itisisia on the deep-down richoeaa of tlua fine brand. m, Chafe A Sanborn , ia truly eatirfyinc always! lit HI". M coffee! Tb.it'a why I urge you to ak vnur irroeer tomorrow for ('MASK PANHOflN 'o'-l l'.K in the vaetmm-packcd tin or Jhe economical paper bag I L.A Ladies!! You Must See Thee pTNE TOWELS, FACE CLOTHS, TEArTOWELS AND CLOTHS, TABLE CLOTHS, RUNNERS, PLASTIC TABLE COVERS, PILLOW SLIPS, APRONS. and f-iill hnvo mralu H- dclieioii-ly "mealy" M ever with Mo, for Oso m the goodncsa and flavour of prima lean bnf in cube and thud form. Serve it in nny numlxr of ilrltcioiH ways ... in amips- as a ravy in clewa. Keep it in a hnmiy fdiwa on your kitchen alielf nt it often to add flavour excitement to meali and help bal-arxe your Imdect . . and, re-inemlxr 0X0 hai remained elable in tyricst SKRVH'E FOR THK BKST IN AI'TOMOTIVK Bee Your .,rt GENERAL MOTORS fhr Kuirk 0 Chevrolet pontlae Olflsmohile Thw Meklngt of the lovelieot Spring Wrdrote you've i'r had are waiting for ymi in your favourite fabric centre I Thia Kpring, the newa ia nyloa-by.lhe-yard . . . whimpering nylon lffela sod ewirling cloud-like ehrers! C'boo.- your favourite from the colourful array . . . and, n rnemiier, nylon falric of finet auaJitr are made of f'-l-, nylon varnl Ituv matehma An EPKt'lAi W tTOI I OH 11 HTIII R AWor Nf l.MI VTH 17AR ASSETS CORPORATION . MACHINE WORK A Shop I Terrace Machine nvlon MWinr thread, theo create, at home, your vtrv own ver.-ion oi P.O. Box 1118 518 Third West (809) RED 400 TERRAI'F., B c the New Look for Springl And for red wwing help, fiinply wtil lo nie, Harbara Hienl, Mil Cr-eefit. St., Montreal, P.v., fur your fi copj of "Hume Utirihij wUli Kylon fabrirt''l