Prince nupctt Dailp M(to Thursday, March 11, 1943 Best Wishes Motors LHHlteo lo Linesay WORKMANSHIP OF VARIOUS FIRMS IS APPRECIATED Many firms were Identified with the construction of the ci John Lindsay our : BEST Wishes SUPER CUSHION TIRES PROVIDE The over-all height is 32 feet. tward a drain. In the mechanical service de- j An exhaust system also has jpartment, which takes the been built into the concrete j shape of a large letter "L" and ' floor to remove all gases from ; enjoys "daylight through 840 sep- j running automobiles. In this ! arate panes of glass on four way carbon monoxide gas is j walls, not a single pillar rises to prevented from accumulating In present difficulties in moving ; the garage. President of Lindsay Molars Open Spacious New Garage and Service Station-Largest in Northern B.C. ty's newest garage, and they EXTRA COMFORT Dodge and DeSoto passenger to- Lindsay Son of Pioneer Prince Rupert Business Family Heads New Local Firm j automobiles and equipment. Because of the use of 114-foot cars are now equipped with the are being thanked by Lindsay Motors Limited for their outstanding workmanship. The firms and their contributions are: North West Con new Super Cushion Tire as standard equipment. It is a lar Motors Automobiles and trucks are admitted to the garage through two large sectional doors of the overhead lift type, constructed by Richard Wilcox of Toronto. These doors on First Street, are wide enough to conveniently accommodate the largest buses and trucks and are about 19 feet Warren-type trusses, all ring-cut, no pillars were required in the construction. The floor is composed of reinforced steel concrete, fabricated in 12xl6-foot squares with expansion joints, in the service Ltd. President of Lindsay Motors Limited is John S. Lindsay, son of a pioneer Prince Rupert family, which has long been Identified with automobile and transfer business here. He was born and educated In this city, and during the Second World War served with the R.C.A.F. w MODERN FACILITIES DESIGNED TO ADEQUATELY MEET NEEDS FOR MANY YEARS TO COME Climaxing years of planning and months of construction, Lindsay Motors opened their new garage and servbe station today at the coiner of Second Avenue and First Street, making available to Prince Rupert motorists one of the largest and finest automotive plants in the province. The spaciousj lofty building, generously lighted and superbly equipped, is designed not only to meet the needs of today but those of years to come. struction Limited, building; Northern B. C. Power Co. Ltd., electrical work; Prince Rupert Roofing Company, roofing construction; Phllpott, Evltt ii Co. Ltd. and Albert & McCaffery Ltd., building supplies; Fred Scadden. painting; J. L. Blaln, ON ger, softer tire which, according to Chrysler engineers, produces an, unprecedented degree of comfort riding with added safety features, greater handling ease, a reduction of general wear and tear on the car and less driver fatigue. The tire is inflated to but 24 pounds of pressure and only 24 pounds pressure as against 28 In previous types, a decrease of approximately 14 per cent. Its increased dimensions per shop it is sloped two ways to- high. Equipped With Derrick Steam Car Cleaner THEIR NB BUILDING S. J. Hunter, associated with the automotive business in Prince Rupert for many years, is general manager. Just inside one of the doors a . An overhead track, equipped Although the fine building was opened today for public in- future with parts bins and fixtures; ' Oun-nar Selvig, rock blasting;; James Bremner. plastering; Barr & Anderson, plumbing; Thorn Sheet Metal Ltd,, sheet metal work. Thanks of Lindsay Motors also is being extended to Dlbb Lindsay Motors , wagstaff hydraulic hoist is with pulleys and chains, runs countersunk in the floor, while from the big doors down the en- spection, the president of Lind- J Limited. Martin Van Cooten is in charge of the general accounting office, while "Mike" San- We were phd say Motors Limited, John S. ! Especially interested in the on the other side, to the right on , tire length and the width ol the Lindsay, explained that work of ! new firm are British American entering the two coors Is the building, greatly facilitating the finishing the garage will be con-1 Oil Co. Ltd., whose product will ! washing rack equipped with a moving of heavy loads. The Printlntr Co .. S. D. Johnston Co.. do the paintinj mit up to 27 per cent more air volume, according to size. This results in "softer" air, the obvious basis of a softer ride. overhead track Is 175 feet In Kerrick steam car cleaner. i length. ! Along the well-lighted north wall are numerous mechanics' On the other side of the building is located a 30-foot greasing pit, well-lighted with dyke supervises the stock room and Q p Tlnkef & Co General service manager is Ltd C. Edward Barnsdale, who was j trained in leading garages andj' service stations In Victoria. Dur- ager for Lindsay Motors Liming the Second World War he j lted. be sold by Lindsay Motors Limited, and Begg Bros. Ltd., British Columbia distributors for Dodge and DeSota automobiles and Dodge trucks, which the garage and service station are handling. fred semi vapor-proof lights for safety, j bays. Compressed air and elec- 1 trical conduit pipes have been Close by are latest model por organized and supervised army A. E. Field U secretary- Installed along three sides to table lubricating motor testing 324 Sixth Stw: PHONE GREEN repair depots for Allied forces, i treasurer of the company. and battery charging ma- ' simplify the work of the techni- RETAIN SAFETY RIM WHEELS In using the Super Cushion Tire, Chrysler retains- its famous Safety Rim Wheels, which have proved to be an important factor in preventing serious accidents. These wheels have a rim with a bead seat which makes it practically impossible for a flat For a time he served in India. Construction of the building Mr. Barnsdale came to Prince j at Second Avenue and First Rupert recently to assume the j Street was supervised by A. D. tinued for several more days. Congratulations and best wishes upon the opening have been received from many firms that were associated with the construction of the building and those which will do business in Heated Storage and Outdoor Parking In addition to providing an excellent mechanical repair service and gasoline sales service, the garage will offer heated storage accommodation. Immediately east of the building will be a hard surfaced parking lot measuring 46x100 feet. The attractive new building is eye-arresting. Providing for a chines. 1 cians. Hot Water Heating , System Provided Heat is provided by an Aid- position of general service man- Ritchie. tire to twist, crush down into ! the centre of the rim or pull off. white shingles with interesting results. For the most part, the wooden frame building is covered with Insul-Brick siding made by Ace-Tex Corporation. Under the canopy, which extends out 20 feet from the build- Congratulations rich Heat-Pak hot water swstem in conjunction with downbeat heaters equipped with explosion proof motors. The front doors, off the drive- ing and is well supported by two 1 in. usher vou lnt0 tne n111 01 ' steel fice' to tne riSht of which is the eye-beams and an upright DiDe. are two B.A. Oil Co. itaso- one-car display room. Large drive-in, under a canopy, the even though the deflation oc-curs while travelling at high speed. i The combination of the new tire with Chrysler's Safety Rim ; Wheels, scientific weight distribution and advanced spring I design and construction is ex- ' pected to establish new standards for comfort and safety in motoring to produce, in fact, an entirely new ride. i . . southwest corner of the garage 1 line DumDs. These DumDS are display windows afford plenty and service station recedes in j fed from two 1,000-gallon tanks ,;of nhl during the day. LINDSAY MOTORS LIMITED WK WISH YOU EVERY SUCCESS IN YOUR NEW HUILDING WHICH WE HAVE BEEN PROUD TO BUILD WRECKING-TOWING TRUCK IS BEST Al equipment for Lindsay Motors Limited was selected with special care and consideration including the new Holmes "Traffic King" wrecking and towing truck. This type of serrice unit is nationally accepted as foremost in its field. It is fast, safe and efficient. The unit is mounted on a Dodge two-ton 160-inch wheelbase chassis and is equipped with a towing cradle to safeguard against front end damage in made of 516ths inch steel, j Behind a combined reception welded and rivetted. Hanging ; and sales counter is a large from the canopy are two com- j stock room, and alongside are pressed air outlets for the pub- j the offices of the general ache's use. i counting deoartment and the an arc. This architectural feature provides for an interesting effect above the canopy, where corrugated aluminum is combined with fireproof Dover Large Building Has 19-Foot Ceiling Northwest Construction Li j general manager, .S. J. Hunter, j The front Office and service department are . connected by large doors through which 1 and and the, building is 14 feet, '.mobiles may pass easily to and 1lPPDOVil General ( ontrafi 6 l ysinvic Phone ."G.'l STONE BUILDINO Because of the. driveway, PRINCE RUPERT B 55 The large building measures j from the display room. Nearby 114 by 97 feet and the inside , are well-appointed, rest rooms automobiles will be gassed on the garage's own property. The clearance between the gas isl- I for men and women. height of the ceiling is 19 feet. 2JE c mi Announcing the Opening Today o Wishing mhmr H LINDSAY MOTORS LIMITS Lindsay Motors Limited! 1 1 NEW MODERN Every Success AND Garage & Service Station Congratulating Them ON THEIR FINE BUILDING AND FACILITIES Second Avenue and First Street wJ?. - - 'T--imjwfM-Minr ""-"-mrf m- ""Cr S 'I ' .JWJIIIlll I 1l' . - rWi 4 'V ' -Vj 7" i ll2-"".i" DODGE EVER DEPEM!li DESOTO BEAUTY AND POWEK announcing the oocninc: of their Lindsay Motors Limited, in lanre, modern, and wcll-cuuiDDC d garage and service station, are alile to offer the motoring publi c the quickest and most efficient WE ARE PLEASED TO BE ASSOCIATED WITH THEM IN SERVING THE MOTORING PUBLIC LINDSAY MOTORS LIMITED Handle British American Oil Co. Ltd! Gasoline Oils Lubricants Exclusively service obtainable. We invite you to inspect our to see the 1918 DeSoto and Dod rated trucks, for which we are fine building and facilities, and ge automobiles and Dodge job-district representatives. It is our sincere wish to prove of service to you. NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA'S MOST MODERN AND SPACIOUS ! 0"u sl AUTOMOTIVE GARAGE British American Oil Co. Ltd. LINDSAY MOTORS LIMITED W, Phone 382 Cow Bay Prince Rupert Second Avenue and First Street PHONE 866 'TP 1 c