S3C jounce Uupm jDail? fdtxna Ltb. Thursday, March 11, 1948 Modern Etiquette By RORF.R1A LF.E 1 K RED CROSS ; AT TERRACE . TERRACt At a meeting of the Terrace branch of the Canadian Red Cross in the Red Cross rooms on Friday evening. President Ralph Corey in the STARTS to work in 2 sexonds STEWART The Morris Summit trail crew are having a hard job keeping the road open to the mine. This last snowfall was almost too much for them but according to reports all difficulties are gradually being overcome. . crnn W Wnen mould a woman remove her wraps when dining in the restaurant of a hotel? A. She waits until she is seated before removing her wraps, the waiter or one of the men in the party assisting her. Q. How should one greet friends and acquaintances when meeting them on the street? A. Make the greeting courteously and sincerely. It would be better to pass without any sign of recognition than to acknowledge a greeting be-grudgingly or in a listless Prince Rupert, B.C. March 11, l'UN Icntlcmcn: AIR PASSENGERS To Vancouver J. M. Clark, O. Edwardson, G. Healeyte, J. D. Smith, E. Cladwell. From Vancouver "Wednesday) R. G. Van der Sluys. J4 WW THJ mAf Jf chair, plans were made for the membership drive and it was decided ' to defer the canvassing of private homes until after the opening of Che hospital M. IDubeau Is chairman of the ! membership drive and canvas-jsers are toeing asked for. Final arrangements were Imade with the hospital board for the opening of the hospital ion Tuesday, March 16, and it jwas announced that Dr. La-j mont, who is in charge of Outpost hospitals in British Columbia, will officiate at the opening. Miss M. Jack, supervisor of ' nurses for Outpost hospitals, ! will also be here. On that day, If A afternoon tea will be served to I all who attend 'and visitors will !be conducted on a tour of in-jspection of the hospital. X A We are proud .to present "WAttKKN K. COOK'S" special measure suit and topc7at samples for Spring'. Featinin.n the most outstanding range ()f cloths since 1 ::'.!'. , The name "WARREN K. COOK" sneaks r itself, in QUALITY, STYLK and DKSK1N. We cordially invite you to see our samples of Gabardines, WOVLN IN ITALY, Loden cloths from AUSTRIA, blackthorn from. 1RKLA.M), Cheviots by Kynoch of SCOTLAND and the world's finest worsteds from' the WEST OK ENGLAND. For the man who appreciates the fjnest in clothing, we suggest that yem visit us soon. . 1 lUPI Advertise in the L8i!y News! Classified Aavertialnt Pays: Sincerely yours, DOUBLE TALK Katy Turner looks so good in this fairy-landish setting that no one minds looking at her twice. Trees grow out of water in the Cypress Gardens, Fla., and the complete absence of any atmospheric motion short of the gentlest of zephyrs, gives the water the reflective surface of an expensive mirror. "An important part of my diet ever since my first bottle has been Crown Brand Corn Syrup. Now, that may be all right for a little character like myself, but let mc tell you, these grown-ups sure arc lucky what with Mom serving them Crown Brand Corn Syrup with so many of their dishes. And she uses it in her baking, too, as a sweetener. I can hardly wait until I'm old WILLIAM F. STONE "Clothes of Distinction" P.S.: We also have "IN STOCK" suits and topcoats in the above l'.tcd cloths. Train Schedule For the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8 p.m. " I I I I T EDWARRSB! CONSTIPATED? SLUGGISH? vmmiscences enough to have some hot waffles or pancakes smothered with delickius Crown Brand. If it's as good as it is in my cereal mmmmm!" For years doctors have recommended the use of Crown Brand Corn Syrup as a satisfactory carbohydrate acting as a milk modifier for bottle-fed infants. CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP THE CANADA STARCH COMPANY LTD. PRINCE RUPERT, 1908 I This poem, written in the early days by a member of a party of town-site engineers, was unearthed by Col. C. V Evitt. formerly of Prince Rupert and now visiting here from Vancouver Island Prince Rupert Is u vast.y different place todayi. Have you ever heard of this famous town A seaport of such great reknown Where everybody wears a frown Prince Rupert. . Where mountains lie in East and West Where north, eternal snow caps rest Where flies and skeeters are a pest Prince Rupert. Where the harbor is wide and deep Where octopus and reptiles creep And many a brave warrior sleeps Prince Rupert. Where bear and wolves and deer abound Where skeltons of chiefs are found Where Indians now have lost their ground Prince Rupert. Where streams and rivers swiftly flow Where countless fish swim to and fro Up to the lakes, and spawning go Prince Rupert. Where streets and walks on mud-sills propped Are squared and circled and Interlocked Where a Chinese puzzle would be shocked Prince Rupert. Wherp business houses on poles are set With every storm a sad regret Another building must be let Prince Rupert. Where shots and blasts are on every side Where stumps and rocks fly far and wide Where many a poor, hard worker died Prince Rupert. Where the sun is seldom ever seen Where thunder and lightning has been been Where wind, storms, rain, reign supreme Prince Rupert. Where rubber boots, pants, coat and hat With gun and blanket on your back Is home where ere you hang your hat Prince Rupert. Where Poles and Swedes and French and Greeks Where Japs and Chinks and niggers meet Where Montenegrins take the lead Prince Rupert. Where murder, theft and jobbery Where suicides and drunks you see Where a temperance town is supposed to be Prince Rupert Where every man is iniquitious Where every woman is injudicious Where every dog is inocuous Prince Rupert. Where lonesome dreary times are spent Where every wanderer does repent Where every day to you is Lent Prince Rupert. No summer, winter, spring or fall Where there's just one season that is all Where every day the rain does fall Prince Rupert. No parks, no lawns no flowers grow No birds to sing, no sports, no show-No lover's lane where you may go Prince Rupert. Or is this in its infancy This model citv of mvsterv WJ. and Reflections pended harness on willing backs and in a matter of seconds they were pounding along a street that had suddenly become a right of way. They gave all they had, which was considerable. The driver found any urging unnecessary. He had his job to hang on to the reins. The full tal!op, the sound of hoofs clattering on cobble stones, and glimpse of tossing manes wai a show full of action and color and it was there for the folks will become mixed up with printer's ink. !r :uliy reception, 3,-cuintc newspaper A ctir. nrir-hahit-formlnC Tavi-n.f. icr.Jle in action, et rtaliv fctSertive. ,et this handy package at It druft atarea." MONTREAL - TORONTO AJs Monvfocturvn of Canada Cara Sfarca With no lfs, buts or maybes, the province of Alberta declares against daylight saving in 1948. r PRINCESS LIME Everyone did not think alike j although it did not take long , to 'determine luw most of the I people were feeling. Farmers : ::: Western Canada is X Winnipeg. It 3; the first of .. j has long been .'4' n. -rning field, al-hjt.j' not saying they Jt pjru.sned this side of "Tp' Lake in Calgary, the 4 aiuavs bright and ' i m Vancouver, the ! ai i.s digested, along '!( F 'r some years, Steamship Sailings For Vancouver.- Monday ss Princess Louise H p.m. Tuesday ss Catala 1:30 p.m have precious little use for tin-j IkerinR with time. In Alberta' ' they are greatly in the majority and produce the crops. What ' they say should go a long long : A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE Limited "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Inlaid Linoleum with Burlap Back and Printed Floor Covering: Table Oil Cloth, all colors Carpets Moving, Packing- Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues i Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 way. ?r: Maid point with :..)'. view with alarm i c ri.uiv. the Morning When firemen respond to an i r Thursday ss Prince Rupert 11:15 pm. J From Vancouvei j Sunday ss Catala 4 pm. j Monday ss Princess Louise p.m. I Wednesday ss Prince Rupert -, 10 :00 a m. Friday ssCardena p.m. Friday ss Cardena. midnight.' For Alaska to VANCOUVER and way ports Every Monday 10 p.m. to ALASKA Ketchikan, Wrangeli, iuneau, and Skagway JIar. 21 and Apr. 1 to ALERT BAY and Vancouver . March March 15 15 and and 25 25 Phone "75 S C j 'he editor, proprietor W bemg o. H. Nel-V.ct-.rm It did busi-"ird Avenue, just east ' Street Three papers "xert.-d too great a Tiw re developed a 'u!l There una H-n- j alarm, today, it's a sight, bin1 not a spectacle. Before the era ) of motor vehicles, it was the j i latter. First, the deep peals ofj the bell which meant "fire" to: ' horses, as well as the men. Co- I operation was flawless. The j 'nags knew. Down dropped sus- :ful Wednesday ss Prince Rupert 12 midnight. offins burstine. Well. The The terminus terminus of of the the G.T.P G.T.P.- Prince Rurert. I :, Don't Fail to See Our Smart New " " " 1 ' j Shorty Coats ill f BEAUTIFUL SPRING ORES S E S 40Hon (ftHm) 1 W zsP&Ap- - ( col V comicj J A f- f-TSx ysrVN$'XX Cr'ih COTTAGE CHEESE ' "WEATHER ERVICE w j ' ARRIVING DAILY Rosa-Lee "THE HOUSE OF QUALITY" 34j West Third Ave. Phone Green 774 CLOVERLY KENNELS (Regd.) cocki:i. FURNITURE REPAIR LO VI N'S BLUE 818 330 2nd Ave. (Next to CFPR) CREDIT TERMS Prompt Mall Order Service Breeding and Personality Blood lines as advertised by many of the large kennels in the East. Booking orders now for Honey Breeze's litter, three weeks old. Five champions on sire's side, four on dam's side. We have satisfied patrons in Prince Rupert. These pups are natural hunters and have wonderful dispositions. PRICED REASONABLY Particulars and pedigrees on request. J.C.HUNT Bl'RNS LAKE, B.C. 1 PHONE BLUE ji S s'w. A wonderlul extra reason now tor i v 2 xsr I serving your children their favorite 593 " - j A HtlJ cereal! And malty-rich, honey-golden " -Nr :-V fifi JOKE - j Post's Grape-NuU Flakes give them SUCh aaaaMOaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa vi ' ffC re"' rand nourishment for school and mBKMKIm ' f3TilXi SJ t lAM Pit, S P'ay! carboh'draes for energy; proteins , - . ' ' -" l V AN( COAA, fo1 mule' Phosphorus for teeth and Air AvailtWlel r... rJr' . v'"C5 hones; iron for the blood and other I AlVO? Vrf-7?Z S ttlV COMlre l Re"dy o eat. So easy to digest. So 'VVv. 4:lV" X n. l I delicious and nourishing. Get Post'i yJSf. ' Wf .W A MtC0CS 2XS,-r - 1 T stwtVT Lr sJ2! ,J2i!tfKK Iv LOOK FOR THE r Gte ' J C UMSTI NEW RED AND ' Buy vral of these fr ofFerj aKIt 'f IV WHITE FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY "w whiu th.y ,a.t and 9, ; . A. 1 r c r a i i adci -y. an assortment of comic books! GOLD JlAL LADlL "'-- " --::y -- ' 1 .... J i ii i i j NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 1P3