1 tMnce ttupfrt Daflp f3rtos Thursday, March 11, 1948 ... Local News Items RED CROSS ENDORSED CFPR Jladio Dial 1240 Kilocycles c fiyros Give Blessings to Drive Bukiness Luncheon Yesterday Endorsation of the worlhincM of. the current Red Crow campaign was given by the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at its regular Valhalla Lodge meeting Fri- j Mrs. William Cruickshank is day night. iltti sailing tonight on the Prince . . I Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. Remember the da .e Friday, , March 19. for the Rebekah ' Operetta "Tjhe Pixies' Tfl-Annual Fashion Show. Shoes by j umph" at Civic Centre tomor-Brownwoods. i02ljrow, Friday, 8 p.m. tit) beuiie.s qualit) Cleaners,' Mrs. T. McClymont, who left pick-up and delivery. Phone 233. 1 Prince Rupert a couple of years (tf ;ago for Victoria, has now moved ; : to Vancouver to take up resl- j 8:30 Music for Moderns ! 8:45 Little Concert :00 BBC NEWS : 15 Morning Devotions j 9:30 Morning Concert j 9:59 Time Signal j 10:00-Morning Visit, j 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Roundup Tine ; 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies : 11:00 -Let's Play 1 1 : 15 Reminiscences 1 1 :30 -Weather Forecast . 11.31 Message Period. 'Subject to change) THURSDAY PM. 4:00 Tony the Troubadour 4:15 Stock Quotations and Interlude 4:30 Especially For You 4:45 Timothy and the Rabbits 5:00 The Happy Time 5:30 Hawaiian Echoes 5:45 Platter Parade 6:00 People Ask 6:15 Freddy Martin's Orch. 630 Musical Varieties I monthly business luncheon yes- For QUALITY, STYLE and SERVICE . . . FASHION CRAFT. . . HHTFf APRIVAI S dence. H.r uaughter, Miss Pat irruay ana memoers were urg-td to use their influence in supporting it in every possible way The club decided to hold a dance on Labor Day. A delegate will be sent to the ! 11 :33 Recorded Interlude McClymont R.N., has become a member of the staff of the Infants' Hospital. 11:45-Ethel and Albert Prince It u pel I J. Finkel.stcin, Vancouver; J. Jackson, Vancouver; J. Cook, Q. How can I avoid the necessity of pullshlng the silverware so often? Harrison Hot Springs district 6:45 Disc Jockey Show 7:00 CBC News I 7:15 CBC News Roundup V CAN I ? ? ? 'j ANNE ASHLEY convention of Gvro in June The 1 Vancouver; T. Stockdale, city; , ' HOT a . wasn tne silver in nenrv ltun t trtM M..niiI.n ic t0 N. O. Nelson, Vancouver; w. uin, i Prince Oeorae. J. G. Cunning- . t t ,iA r.'ire of r v..., ,.. . ., . 7:30 Eventide 8:00 The Nation's Business CONRAD P.-T.A. ENJOYS DANCING if ran ' . iwv apuus iw?r cacn time De new in Prince Rupert. . t lK,t and swoiHii. weA rinse ln honing water, and It was decided t o hnlH a mix- I ham, Vancouver; D. D. McLean, 8:15 Sports Review j batliise them m it will not have to be polished ed dinner party on March 24 A-v- Bchwm. Vancouver. U. him. Members of Conrad Street- 8:30 Winnipeg Concert Orch j, , , in which a few so ortcn. In place of the regular weekly 1 Vancouver; D. G. Stevenson. j School Parent-Teachers' Asso-J 9:00 -Vancouver Theatre i ..i-rinsmaaK' uf I'1'1'1 Q What can I use as a sub- luncheon on that day as a fare- ! Prince George; H. Woodbury, ciution enjoyed square dancing 9:30 -Nocturne t 1 , ... ....f r; ... i , . . i . , ... i it .... . i , a r ; ., i .......... , . . .... ... .. t m diwlv"- just just M"i- stifli- stitule Miiuiu' lor ior cream in a cup ol well honor to Mr. and Mrs. Ar- ' valll:,lu,n ' n- ,""'),u"' v "" to music oy MlKe coiussis ac- 10:00 CBC New Arc viu (foiiuf thru the furwiwmnl 'mitliila-Jtp- f-rtui (KM'ulW Ut woiiwii i.iH-f2 yn.)? Ihh h ilitb jiuike you HutU r from hoi AhmIuw, f! .mi nriiius, litKli-trtniK, tirwf? 'I 1mo i.yUM TlOhlUllt H VtHl4lltl4(4Mt 'N.uri.l l.,r.-li. vKKiK-liHyniploiiM! I'.nk luim't (miiwmiii.1 alwt lutn wlmt ih Utrn vail a iii In in. ike the water col Ice or elioeoiale '. nold Platen and a welcome to and Mrs. Allan cuuvcr; G. Nayior, Vancouver, ; (.t,,.tiitm al Ul) h. inunthly meet- to.10 B.C. Ne H. Sinfeletan. Vancouver; T j ing in the school Tuesday night. 10:15 -The Sea Is Our Home Kelly, Ocean Falls; J. G. Oree.j,jlne dancing was directed by 10:30 The Balalaika Vancouver. jMiss Pat McRae. The business 1 0:55 -Recorded Interlude ti pint; TlH'ti mussagi' A A delicious substitute is newlyweds, Mr, ..,1: aNihol or men- to add two or three marshmal- Armstrong. LYDSA I. PINXHAM'S WSi lirl! and finally dust lows to each cup of coffee or , jt'.'.h t)'"'1' IX'Wiler. chocolate. Weather and Sign Off I meeting was largely taken up 11:00 UIICI II NOTICE ! with discussion of resolutions to. ; be 'nt t0 ttie Provincial P.T.A. DE COURSEY-Boni to Mr. and 1 convention later this spring J Mrs. Ralph De Courscy nee Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 510 Tel. 777 I lowers For All Occasions FRIDAY- -A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song Letters of condolence will he sent to two pioneer members of the club, W. H. Tobey and C. P. Balagno, who sustained bereavement recently. Past President W. M. Watts was In the chair at yesterday's luncheon in the absence of President Orme Stuart. Robert 11. Joyce, the laiest new member, was welcomed. G. J. Dawes was ' tne mrotlg Ave.. Long Bench, Calif.. March Suits for Spring that' are smarter in appearance and better in quality. New snades of brown, grey, and blue, the most attractive in years, make our Spring arrivals outstanding. You ? may be sure of expert styling, correct fit and top quality when you buy a Fashion-Craft suit. a 10, 1948. a son, 9 lbs. 13 oz brother for Gail Anne. TOO LATE TO I I.ASMI V a oi where the crowds shop ""IM I local independent merchants i , Jilivirv PHONES 585 - 58'i elected an honorarv member . "r o., o.. , - - ri jit. Artt , r, i-uiiin w oou. iai uuiu In addition to a good attend lengths. 1 cord, $6.00; 3 cordi, $16 00. Phone Green 977. '8I1 ance of members, there was one guest in the person of Lloyl Green of Vancouver. Vv FOR RENT 5 rooms and bath j vacant March 15. Please apply : Mrs. J. Linney. Summit Apts., Black 277. 'Git i Announcements All ii(lv-riui-in-Mt In this column will h.. rhnri-ed t,r a full mouth at 25 cents a word March 17 Catholic School Hall Tea, Home Cookintr, Apron and yn AIM IS NO. 1 HONEY 2-lh crirton 59c )1 KISSKS 39c swdhk ii ('(OKIES -1 lb J Novelty Sale, 2:110 p.m. Card Party. 8 p.m. I Booth P.-T.A, March 17. I Junior Chamber St. Patrick's jDay Dance, March 17, Civic i Centre. i 10c 35c TI NA USII ',-lb tin .ik s i hu sk Hl 25c 10c XI II MIDI I. 11. DAD'S COOKIES Cello )kt. Presbyterian Tea, March 13.; I Presbyterian Church Hall. I Rebekah Easter Parade, Civic' OVER A MILLION CANADIANS WILL RECEIVE AM AVERAGE OF Ldiic (.ruin jl RICE 39c 0 f 2 lbs. H5M lJUIKOlS 25c 42c MINC EMF.AT 2-lh j.ir I Ifl KMI'S 11.1 MS 25c ROYAL CITY 20 -oz. 2 tills LING THE TAILOR tVe are taking cleaning, and pressing and steam pressing while yon wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixtn street 35c HMY 39c 28c GULLS' BEANS Hetter Hnv 2 t in to eoiU6 -Wl.MiMI J.t) 25c 10c S PAGIIETIT Von Camp's. 20-07. tin t i; i:r ChMcilate Put Ciio-olate to 1,329,139 Canadians for 1912 Yes, the average cheque Compulsory Saings Refunds will amount to 45 dollars. If you have a refund coming to you, it can mean extra pending money right now or it can provide extra savings for the future. But the very fact that you have done without it, makes this the easiest tvpe of money to save. hy not put your refund cheque away in a savings account at the H of M? There it will keep on gathering interest. It will he something you will be glad to have to meet tomorrow's opportunities or needs. x-t,,;-'i, Centre, March 19. Cubs and Scouts W.A. Tea, Sale of Home Cooking. Conrad Street i School, Saturday, March 20. ! Queen Mary Chapter, LO D E , : Daffodil Tea, March 2!) " Sea Cadets and Jobs' Daugh- ters Combined Show and Musi-; cal Revue, March 31 and April ! 1. Navy Drill Hall. I Canadian Legion W. A. Spring Sale, March 31 Anglican Easter Sale, April 1 j J.C.C. Smoker, Moose Temple, April 2. i Prince Rupert Symphony Or-ichcKtru Concert. April 9. Presbyterian Spring; Sale. Apru j 15. Oranye Tea, April 21. . Women of the Moose tea at the home of Mrs. C. Mclntyre, 546 8th Ave. East on April 22. Rotary Minstrel Show, ev-S nines April 23 and 24. Chil-idien's matinee April 25. ! United Church Sprinn Sale, I April 2!). St. Peter's sprint; sale, May ft. :m BUTTER Squirrel or Malkins 16 oz. Jar 39c Attll J AM lit 44c 27c PEAS 5 s 2 tins for JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST . John 'Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue AM) SVIT KDAY TRY THIS TONIGHT IX) what thousands are doin to wake up KiiiilinK e.tch morning ad luv hriht all day. Drink i cupltil cK deluiout Owl tine Injure reurini;. t)aliuie acts in three wiyv to help bring sparkling morning trfshness. lirtt taken warm r heiltiinc, it fmters Miund, rtdeshing slt: Set ami t it supplies essential food lements to rebuild vualuy while Third, ii also furnishes importitnt tiurnins and minerals in a dt licious, 32c A YL.MEIt PEAKS 2ti-oz. Choice, tin ""' l'Hl ( omlmhery Sm-iugt KejiDiJ cheques u ill if mailed 011I in mid-Man h and dated March Msl. Kill the U of M and all other chartered hautf ia Canada hat e been authorized la cash rejiiud ihe:ties any time rltm the dale of receipt. 4 ONLY H I K Jl H E 1Q l I'llillN II II I'ISEAI'I'I.E I 33c TAPIOCA 27c 2 lbs. for J'U: K.iiS AM) 45c AYI.MI.lt Kin( HI P 2 bottles for i-llir re Fresh! BP : aiire njmr.il nay lor all-round I health and vigour, 1 So whv not trv Ovaltine Sfartinfr 1 tonight tor morning treshnesy and ! buo)an( day. ! Ovaltine- Bank of Montreal uoiiius uith Canadians in tttry walk of life since 1SI7 il l(IAI.s Good MAIU'II 12 TO MARC H 17 I FRUIT JUICE SPECIAL Advertise in the r.-atly News: Classified Advertising Pays! " SPECIAL s PHOTOS , for Easter CALL AT- C handler & CowrHI Fourth St. Box 645 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. 0l . M K J-L'tttfiint Juice (i. It. S. KLACKAHY, Manaser C. J. S. ANOLKSON. Manager I'linee lluitert llrancli: Slew ail lira ncli: I oniato Juice 4 tins Clear Apple Juice 4 tins Pineapple Juice 4 tins I'axo Klended Juice ALL FOR 83.95 3-'. I 'ins UK HEALTHY I "" i: ON j i(..s l2 of each! n NEW J 1 17c Kl I LM'.X tikt It- foilsii a 'Skta;,-k34c fi:oi; i'Ks lLl' h K Kit ESQUIRE FEATURES THEM SAVOY HOTEL 25c KhuesdiiiK 111 L I S 20-O? 3 tins 25c Ci It All AM WAII.KS Weston's l-Uv nkt Smartest Bet ,Q yur Carl Zarelli, Prop. COr'r'KK - Chase & Zf Sanborne b00 Phone 37 P.O. Rox 511 j GOING OUT OF CW A The PRINCE R IT MIT FISHERMEN'S CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION, Waterfront, is discontinuing handling breakfast and dinner sets. The remaining stock will he on sale at special prices this week. 10 Only 32 Breakfast Sets 5 Only 41 Dinner Sets 5 Only 53 Dinner Sets 1 Only 97 Dinner Sets A few other Herns in Chinaware will also be on sale Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-op KRASKR STREET. S II lli I not'd it h help Tiiiimiinw For the rorcnnial Parade is this handsomely tailored three-piece ensemble in li.o'ht-weijiht wool. Matching" topper can be worn over everything'. Prince Rupert ,l'llll,','IMi AVOID AGGRAVATION IF YOU WANT f HOME fves tle Best! a Suit a Coat a Dress a Skirt a Blouse a Hat ft wJ ECTROLUX a Purse, etc. VP Maile In Canada BETTER THAN EVER NOW Just make a small clown payment and pay-as-you-wear on Sweet Id's personalized RUDOET PLAN. THE FAMOl S Art Vogue SHIRT Willi Hie Duo-Casual Collar. Sold Exclusively by Acme CLOTHING STORE Hollywood Gate PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST I'P-TO-DATE RESTAURANT OPEN FROM 4:00 P.M. TO 3:30 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS THONE 133 NO INTEREST LET US ATTEND TO YOUR PLUMBING PROBLEMS Prince Rupert Plumbing & Heating Second Ave. at Seventh St. PHONE 108 , s 0j j IOME CLEANER, MOTH EXTERMINATOR ,fctt,,r UHlsrhoI( jobs B:LB:CTROI,UX aecompli.shes 111 ? quicker. Immediate delivery. rM,,I'ETE 1,1 TAILS rilONE !L III LL at Prince Rupert Hotel NO CARRYING CHAKOKS