8 BASKETBALL STANDINGS THIS AND THAT lnuuc ntiprtt Dailp r?JrUi9 Ltu. Thursday, March 11, 19-18 TODAY 'til SAT. M-B-M'i BIG. NtW. HAPPY MUSICAl i 7 1. ... SHORT SPORT The hottest argument to hit ;" . -- -7-- -1 i f'. 1 Senior I .r it k tie Co-op 20 1ft ft .7ro Savov 21 13 ft .619 Brownwoods .... 21 3 18 .143 Intermediate League Bo-Me-lU 1H 10 0 1000 I Fashion 17 7 10 .412 Merchants 16 6 10 .373 I Port Edward . .. 16 6 10 .375 Morgans 16 3 13 .188 Ladies' League Peoples 11 9 2 .818 HiRh School 10 6 4 r.110 Sweet Sixteen .11 1 11 .(Wl Junior Leactie Stones 16 14 2 .87:") 65 Taxi 17 14 3 .824 HiRh School .... 17 3 14 .176 Gyro 18 3 15 .167 1n ivmwtm it imrifJ 8:00 - Rui) Rec ladies. Itaskt'lball Games 4:110 Borden vs. Booth. I 5:00 King Edward No. 2 vs. i King Edward No. 1. J western hockey this season; ! surrounding the five-day sus pension of Bill Ramsden of Letlibridne Native Sons for hit-tinu Referee Russ McBride after he had been penalized hasn't quite cooled off. The hish scoring junior had an indefin- ile suspension slapm'd on him by President Al Pickard of the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association after he struck McBride during a junior exhibition game at Moose Jaw between Sons and Moose Jaw- Canucks. Pickard Interviewed a repentcnt Ramsden five days after the suspension, reinstated him and said Coach Scotty Munro of Lethbrldge was partly responsible for the incident. Pickard said that Munro 'would do well to remember that C.A. II. A. expects a certain restraint from its coaches" and that Ramsden was "very definitely on probation." tVI f 1 SHAVING COMBINATION' Ur HLL I IIV1I- ! I A - - II "I'll have to Rive you a salary cut, Jones. It costs me more to live these days!" ; GARI)Etf J SCHEDULE OF MIXED BOWLS A few days later Releree Me-I , D . , , !,,, . . , , , I McBride was burned up over the ESi icie i- hung up his skates and , , , r,Z ..J, . leniency shown Ramsden." whistle hi ii for "business i reasons' and almost to a man western ; Brown, who witnessed the sportswriters dashed to their game and described it as "sick-typewriters and chorused that ; ening" said "Everyone lnvolv-Ramsden was the luckiest kid led in the Lethbridge-Moose I f Tossed siiavinii.u&ctheGi;- I I Tech Razor and w iV's C I BlueB.adc.Thev.'.., I ' y niadc.fitexuct!y.andgiveyoi1.r I i I v "having comfort You save C ! .March 14 CuliKHr; va B.C. Piick-icrs. Idpur Detergenta vs Miss or Hit. Brownwood.H vs. Triple XXX. Isluud-, rs. vs. C.Y.O. March 21 ltiundi-r vs Ideal Vf- tcrtrents. B.C. Hackers vs. Triple XXX. Miss or Hits vs. C.Y.O, Brownwooda vs Cuugars. uii sKaies. Murray Brown of iJaw schlemozzle except the ref-Moose Jaw Times-Herald sug- erees got a break." Said Dave gested there was more than Dryburgh (Reglna Leader-Post i ! business Involved in McBride's "There's no doubt about Rams- : resignation. "Friends of the ref- den getting the break of the I i erees," Murray reported, "say year when Al Pickard didn't ! i bounce him for the balance of ! ,,.. " tne season and there Is cause will be glad to have it appear on for McBride to be disgruntled." ! menu- j The chorus was heard, too, in ! Broccoli, you will note takes Alberta- where Bob Mamini ! 2 feet of space in the row to ( ,(,Cal!',ary Herald added that provide one family serving. It "Just now a Player can be sus-should bear until real freezing Pended and reinstated all with- ' weather arrives in the fall. Hot i ln a 'eek is something of a mys- ; often would you like broccoli tojtery'' j , OH IHI MM IIMM llirtwii KING sm, ('ANAS! LATEST m G:mi ki 7 on 7 ' r lUluon VENEIW BLINK Tailomi t.i !i. S1 mi-ill.- ?"V "";''' 111. III.' .11:1! :ii!;f': in.-1 j: !.. - olim.il.-:' ill ' lire i.;i- an .st-iul- "j ,Mi T.i-hI.' Slrc-rl be served this summer on yourj iaoie.' unce a week? Then sow 26 feet of broccoli. Twice a week? Thirty-two feet will be required. And so with all the all-season vegetables. 9 Space estimates, given in the . . . ... tauiu arc- Da-sea 'uiion lertiie soil M touch of a meal uhrn frwt ' jrTl1 C k. W 9 5:sl m ifdJjj ucis that .si-Ahx e ) IWCDTY i n o 8 !1B X 1 CANNED FOODS 1 MIM IIAl. A( I NulUe r .iiliiiilioii lor I rrtificulr nf lniirirmriils EvpnmK & Ikp KractloiiHl Mm. lcral Clal"s situate m tim r-.niunu 'Canal Mhiiiie Division. AmpricHM Crr-k. lawful holdpr: Charles l.undbtnmi Number ol tl liDlrlrrs Ircc millers ccrtlllnitp: 14o;i9K. Tako notice that I. W It Forrest '' W. K POHHEST. ,?. mpk:u u you ar Victoria. B.C.. actum m went lor doubt the quality of 'yours. And chl"'ifs Lundstrom. oi strwan. b.c . remember that f T i",er'f. C"1""'1"-'' N,J mosu-f. viiBi. In i. irarden brtiuLii Dlan- pidii intends, at the end of elxty duvs from nmg. you need not. make every-(the date hereof, to apply to ni.- mh-tliing fit theAstlmates to an't,lK K"c"",r iruii:aies of im-inch, but can Vi and take, ac-1 7" 7'u& ccpting the Ubles.s a general clins guide, to enable yVSo balance ' tMu1 'Tu? garden yield wltfivJwar family eiai Act.- must im- commenced !-needs and avoid having wast-i'orc the is',Ual'r'" r such certificate t, , , , " 1 of ImprovemenUs fUl surpluses Of some Crops, fol- I Dated Una 30th day uf Auu:,t. at Civic Centre FRIDAY Sports a. in 9:00 Bo-Me-Hi gym class. 10:30 Rup Rec tiny tuU. p.m. 2:30 Annunciation gym class. 3: 10 Rup Rec junior girls. ff flffJSL II ffitLfyVrjZf JJSfP 47 23r BATtfBV Free Delivery ill HEAiruriioo doz. 55c per tin 35c '-lb. tin39c tins 2 for 23c 3 bars 25c -lb. pkt. 25C Protect Health with a better beverage DRINK POSTUM cannot overstimuUieyunr nerves or cause loss of sleep. SAVE YOURSELF MONEY as much as 5lCr) per cup compared with other meal-time drinks. K-ounce tin makes about 100 cups. I $. food. "Duild B. C. Payroll," Thriving Babies No wonder doctors recommend popular Pacific Milk for infants. in Irradiation adds needed sunshine Vitamin D and vacuum packing ensures farm-freshness from the beatiful Fraser Valley. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed Va I u e : i of Plus ' j if onc the; i I i IF IT'S A ; SPRING COAT S WALLACE'S j! Of Course J j OCEAN VIEW HOTEL (Formerly Knox) A Quiet, Pleasant Plate to Live COMPLETELY RENOVATED Rooms Redecorated Spring-Filled .Mattresses New Management Proprietor, 1 TOM PESUT PHONE 71 TRY Rex FOR OPEN Chop S A.M."TO 2 A.M. CHINESE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE . mr- -sssiifcs. f . . Vegetables which occupy the garden all summer, and yield continuously from the time they mature until the frot ends tho harvest, usually should be sown only once. Hardy varieties should be put the ground as soon as it has been prepared; and tender kinds should not be planted until th? conditions are safe for them. Here, as ini tne short-season crops, it is important to avoid sowing mor3 than your family can eat, or put up for the winter. How can this be do-terniined? The table shows how much space each crop requires to produce one serving for a family four. You must first decide how well you like each vegetable. and how often each week von BABY'S CRY IS NOT ALWAYS TEMPER lllSTIM.riSlI Ik-i--ii v.,nr ImI.v'h IMillaiulrivnl iKmnn TIik"i.hi rr.".i I.i Imvc insidiit a( lent inn. l-'or t Jir iwi ih (Jjr tps due to gas on stuniach or tKmfts or ttmw oimmnn cliEestiv uieis, kivp ii;tby s Own TahletsatoiKC. Mrs. May MundycJ loronto, findu l hey work every lime. "I am the mother of nine childrm, thrrp of them prize bahies. and Baby's Own Tablets Imvc twn my only medicine in raising them to healthy children they now aic. Ai soon my children t.wcamc a lutle feverifiii I at R.ive them B.ihy s (nvn 'I ablets and in a very sliort time the lover disappeared and the children were normal again. " l'.qually effective: fnr constipation, upset stomach, teei hints troubles and other imnor ailments o( babies. C'uickly eticctive. Sweet-tasting easily crushed to a pwder, if desired. No "tlcepy" iuff no dulhiic erlcct. tjet a prictaKf today. Sickness on en strikes in the nititu. iS cents. Money back it you arc not saualicd. We Specialize in r, 1 1 hiucatim; -j and i,i;nsi(; CARS Dan's Service Station MrUride Street Given 003 -A The Popular TVIlltl. 1 II1 PRINCE K RUPERT Sails For VANCOUVER AND INTEKMI)IATE POUTS EACH THURSDAY AT 11:15 P.M. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT F"r Information call or write City or Depot Ticket OfXtaw PRINCE KUPEKT, B.C. tiperior Food Stores Ltd. FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY March 12 and 13 v- LJ j 7 j L SPECIALS PHONE 18 BANANAS Golden Ripe Fruit 2s. 39c ORANGES Mexican, Sweet and Juicy 2 lbs- 25C CABBAGE New, Fresh, Greet... per lb. 7c APPLES Yellow Newtons or Rome Beauty " 3 'UH- 35C TURNIPS-No. I Terrace Q lbs. 25c ...GREETING.. ) St. I'alrichV D;i NABOB TEA Two v-ii). pkts. 93c lowea dv scarcnv ot otners , ONE FOR THE KITCHEN Jovtx in th kitchen kcp link, garbage con, glastwar, tc, eton and parklin. V ONE FOR THE LAUNDRY ' Javax In fh wash mtans da 11 ling whit lincnt and cottons troo from all stains. ONE FOR THE BATHROOM Javx whitens, dilinfocti and dedoritt toilatt, bothtvbs, bakinl and drains. AT YOUR DEALER'S J-154 JIM I v Here's Xpeeily Relief fur Tender, Aching, j Burning Feet I Your feet may ue ho swollen and ; tiifi...ui i...t .. juu boiiik you can l no another step. Your shoes mav ficl as if they are cuttini? right Into the flesh. You feel lck all over with the pain and torture; you'd give anything to get relief. Two or three applications of Moone's Emerald Oil and in a f-; minutes the pain and soreness disappears. No matter how discouraged you have been, if you have not tried Emerald Oil then you have something to learn. Get a bottle today at Ormes Drugs and all druggists. COAL EASTLK or any ocia--'"!! tN Wc Have a C.mi' l)K. BALLARD'S PUPPY OR DOG FOOD 17c und Artistic hi-;" t'1"1 DIBB PRINTING CONFl EGGS--Fresh, Grade 'A' Large PINEAPPLE Austral ian, Crushed COCOA-Fry's, GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Exchange, 20-oz. SOAP Palmolive Face SODAS Red Arrow or Ormoads " PESNER BLOCK YOUR BEST EATING PLACE I ULL-COUUSE MEALS 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. BANQUET II ALL FOR LUNCHEONS. DINNEU3 f AND PARTIES THIRD H t sailing t riay. l ,pJ ; ' Slit! 4 FOOTHILLS SOOTLESS LUMP EGG NUT KTOKElt nULKLEY VALLEY LUMP Cafe GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alterations Floor Sanding: a Specialty TASTY MEALS Sucy Chow Mein DISHES OUR SPECIALTY CHINESE DISHES BROADWAY CAFE 608 3rd Ave. W. Phone 200 PHILPOTT, EVin & CO. LTD. Coal Lumber IJuildinif Supplies PHONES 651 - 652 PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Phone RED 561 oA . P.O. Box 721 Third av(--