Uassifica Adverts Pdnre Huprrr DaHv fu' Thursday. March 11. 1948 RIKl Kllk!itv.iw,,l A ?.. Wwai N p '""'mpnu ... h SPOKTSMHN I'KCaK- iContinued from Page One California agreed that the roast L-nvmcfs ami slate-; should nave Entertainment tea Hires m-.led tenor solos by Haro'd Whalen, accordian solos George Elliott and monoloi;u,s by W. D. Griffiths. Two colored films, one of the Fraser River nockeye salmon run. and one of the scenic Pacific Great East .Mn Railway route were shown by Mr, Cunningham. Going F0t SM 1,011 feALETr " ALARMED AT i NEW SERVICE 1 Aid. Isrooksliank Sees llalihut Shipping Here i Adversely Affected Hr.LP H'AS'IFI JUXr WANTED Experienced sawyer for sawmill at TVpley, 15 to ao.tDO B M daily. pi r hour. Board 51.50 per day. Must be experienced. Naii.mal t-:mi'loynK:nt service. ff ! a "new deal" under the regulations because they are convinced that they are on a migratory "l'lyway" than the areas east of the Rockies. He defended last year's bas reductions as ' timely" because it permit the department to take an inventory of yame Im-ds in the province." 4 SALE jet PH1NCK KUPtRT ULSTRJCT Now cvailable for man wi'h car to handle sale :iuri dU-irihuli'in of best-known line (,;' house huld products, scrvin and selline, many hundi rdstil salisli.d customers. Keul up. poitunity to pel intu paying il a-c 1-mc mSM Ue - The projected Prince Ruperl-Ketchikan-JiuiPiui car bars" service will be the 'ruination" i;f Hi? landings of American haliWit in Prince Rupert, in th opinion of Alderman Aithn Brooksbuuk, who foresees .' droppinu o'f on American fresh iish landings here when it (te's in operation. American halibut vessels whl land their caruos at Ketchikan ' ' "an S 324 f''"it SALE Clare J. one cirtii'j 514 7!h W 'K KALE p, 111,0. p; c:;:i WW' business of one'i :.v c. Fur full information repiv Ha 'i'M ' Daily Ncs. 1 (12 1 A"NTFO - L-n'er with uuttit tir eut four liiilliiii U't't wnl."i- lront Umbei', Nrass. It lulct Contract per tnoiiMind or pn-ecnla'e with cr'wn j.:ran! I o'Aiier. Adduss I. (.". Cluck. ' 15 Wcstview Road. Woreesli r. AI.E SilMiiti 1 1 ii ''t It n SUPREME K OASQUNe rC; and Juneau, where they will be loaded into refrigerator cars, instead of at Prince Rupert as ha. bivn the custom in the pa.1:'., he b: heves. "It will throw many men on; of work on the waterfront," Aid. Brooksbank said this mornm.;. declaring that four or five men would b? required to handle bunded cars h'.-re, whereas, in 'tT"" "' j '''''durtiun Oriu. ary-lndti trim. The department, he said. Is, st iimuly in favor of ruituilhi;; non-resident hunters who have increased greatly in recent years. Last year. 4.100 non-resident hunters and 15.000 non-resident ant'lers took out licences in B.C. "We are not worried about it at the present time, but we are takina steps to decerease the m;n-residrnt trade. Undoubtedly, there will be an inrrcae in license fees to non-residents.' One of the main reasons Ur: the move is that Americans cruwd into two areas in the south and tiuse are rapidly be -com inn depicted. Other speakers were Geoffrey Lumbley, of the Terrace Had and O1111 C'lufc. Thomas Kelly, of the (Jean Kalis Rod and Gun Club. LuAard Moore, of Wi-laria an 1 D.nnis Stevenson, new local Aueillh FJY'KjV.'s Masssachutsetls. i2i I OR UV.ST f'OH HALE Fresh" 7t!i Ave Wk. . FOR SAI.E 30 FOR RENT Three room bath, central. Red 183. huuw 1 03 1 '''-''') Standard , the past, scutes have been re-!quir"d to prepare the !ish fo-'shipment to the United Stat.'s I Amciican halibut landings at S Prlnre Rupert in recent years j have been befren 6.0(10.000 and j9.QDti.0Ol) annually. This. Alder-I man Bi ooksbank bilk-vi's, will 4 Flirnlslo'd i-shu'Arr I2;t.- Lean s .Shipvtrs1 Tail; 1 (VJ ' FOR RENT Mi . i e with Avenue. t-OIi RENT f.uite. ltii;; 1 1 illtSOMVI. BUYERS OK U.H A pnHlucts. W act as your pcsoual purchas-i.v- ai-cr.t, for any item you may wish to purchase For one warden. 3- room L'nd Ave. 3 room 1 1. I iinii'.lii-d Hiuc 27D Gl it. pi'lvate or partly i0: Here is the NEW PUREX, Ihe better bathroom tissue. Soft? Yes, silky-soft. Refined? Yes, as kind to your skin as the most delicate tissue handkerchief. Yet, this new wonder tissue is so strong , . . so absorbent. tir tiFOl! RENT drop to a mere fraction if fish , can be exported in carload lots from the Alaska ports. An announcement from Seattle Tuesday said that the Southeastern Alaska Transit Co. '.s home, olliee. factory, nunc mill. Addiess all Inquiries of 'Oiail :im. -uiit fc.. price $12:,(iO0 '2 1 7 riKi:n aw Ave. Ea .t, M f ncplare lh,v en V. M'n.u-.or U for hale :i ncM.iy wf:Ju'4 : First Choice all lovers bath. Unfurnished furnished. Red 441 BRADY FOREIGN AGENT, 1(717 Deni-j Cleveland 2. Ohio,; (HOi : JOHN F. BUYER'S son Ave, USA of BEANS jplannino; to put a railway car. I bar,' service in action within 1 40 days. The service will extend FOR RENT IL.usekccplil'; ; room in private home, close to town. 720 Ave W M ILu" 325 Hfi eiennc K ir p.irx, CIS. I tvuT.Saii as far north as Juneau. 1 -V Vy 1 Iliw railway cars will b? load ed onto the barses a I Prince Rupert is a matter of speculation K.)R SAIE IrowlM j i.oat .nrM ; LOST Black puppy, 4 white ! feet and white tip on tail. ! Scar under one eye In vlcin-i ity of 7th East. Phone Red 418. (f3t 1 rc-y shed ap-4'h Av ifidi FOR RENT Lnrs turn artment. harbor view. East. Phoce 344 Van Comp't ir -jeyd by mrt (amllitl thon any ethr IrtitJ. binca there is no proper loading f rmit room 2'j.:5 j. 'il Larr.-tooU. pit n;y q Very icjsdiu6 i FOR RENT with bath 4 room apartment Blur- r,r,R (03 1 R.Mil watts vs. Gold Seis. Miduets vs. Kin-"-tinners. April 7 Atomics vs. Pioneers. McMeekins vs. Kilowatts. Head-pinners vs. Gold Seals. Miducts vs Doduers. Kinaoiimern vs. Maple Leafs. Pushovers vs. . I iusUes. For?, nr.: hnllse. SAIL A.,i a t IT -4 Apt i i vs. Gold Seals. McMeekins vs. Pioneers. March 24 Midssets vs. Kilowatts, Thistles vs. Pioneers. Kimsphniers vs. Dodacrs. Head-pinners vs. Atomics. McMeekins vs. Pushover.!. Maple Leafs v Gold Seals. March 31 '-- McMeekins vs. lleiuipinners Pushovers vs. Dodaers. Atomics vs. Thistles, Maple Leafs vs. Pioneers. Kilo MIXED 'A' FIVE PIN SCHEDULE Schedule for tnf inird part oi the Mixed "A" Bowlina League js as lollows: March 17 -Dodaers vs Maple .Leafs. Kmsoinners vs. Atomics Headpinners vs. Pushover s. Thistles vs. Kilowatts. Midaets h' il, in mini f iirmshc! 1 tjreen H.V.. i r,n i 4,i A:..i I wharf here at the present tim. ; The wharf formerly used by th? Swanson Bay car ferry, west ..I the grain elr-votor, is still stand-: , inn. but is in ne.-d of extensive! repairs. I J Alderman Brooksbank believes ' that as a result of the new scr- j 1 vice, some of the smaller fish ' i packing companies may be put j out of business. Overwaitea Ltd. .1'iK nr pr..A ti .mi 975 lie Uo x c; . Fl IK ill'.' I (MI'f I I KM THE lit'. sail: TV?: with a sx j We Deliver Phone 843 KO(IM AM) BOAItf) l,'(XJM AND HOARD $411 each double; $48 MneT. Slerplni? rooms f'ir rent. Table meal.-. M.'.s. Laul. v. R22 frii'T .Street : - (tfl Business and Professional Prices Effective March 12 to March 17 ircl. DEAN CLARK OF NELSON, BISHOP NELSON Very Rev. Frederick P. Clark, rector of St. Saviour's Pro-Cathedral here, was yesterday elected Bishop of the Anglican diocese of Kootenay, succeeding Rt. Rev. W. R. Adams who has become Bishop of the Yukon. (jo; Gil. i ! '. ,i l'.'ion ,.tj!i All varieties (5 tins HEINZ BABY FOODS I OK Sl I. SMITH & ELK INS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Enaineer.s IV Ii' SU.K Is it necessary to send a gift when one receives an announcement of a girl's engagement? No; althout;h sometimes it is done. It is not obligatory. , F'l Hi FOR SALE GO aei-s Sit a in? w 3.( HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds. Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners P.O. Box 271 Phone 174 Oberti Ripe Olives Kxtra Larm- A Real Treat. tin a i f: - FOP i tin FOR water, n.'.v buildnit'-s; no rucks i School ami s'cre n.t ).ace, cs-c: 111 nt lorttimi. Mrs. I.. L. Riwc Kiuani!.i. DC. i fit)' FOR SALK 31-R t ndiiii" boat ' Lid r." A p p I Knox Hnlf! Room 18. C 1 B'J-'tii'vi Lot nti 2nd Avenue West S'ttlO.IK) Cash ir Terms. I I H; :l : JOHN MOSTAD CARPENTER AND ( A HI NET MAKER PHONE RET) 752 PHONES: Green 48 Red 894 45c 38 c 25 33 33c 18c 45c 28c a mi. 3W s Ft Hi aii.l shf.i' 0 Datella Date Spread A Delicious Cookie Fililnn- 15-oz. Hedlund's Meat Balls Kcr a Quick Dinner. lG-oz tins Mushrooms Money's, 10-oz. tin Facial Tissues Purex, per pkt Cooking Figs Whit i' Smyrna . . He.'nz Catsup Per 13-o.. bottle KAI.E 03' Ff l fJKOROE L. IIORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled. Be.sner Blm-k Phi vie 387 DRESSMAKING Children's Clothing Maternity Wear a Specialty i Be smartly dressed with hidden expansion features PHONE BLACK G87 -84 0 Rooms a ik. o.ith. Sth Avenue KUfl. 1 block. Ironi centre or town Sl.'Jie) nil C:. n, immediate occupa i icy . 'i RiMitns anil bath lith Avenue Last $1 ,(0i). (10 Cash or in,:! dism'. wilh 3 tii l Ni 'A -P.ilV jliW piiijn'.li'r. 1 LBS I ai Ii Ti i n;. . Iminedi.iLi Wrtn' OTAI) I 0 c 1 1 . 1 ' ii( ctipalicv ('.. Ilel!;ff-'.ritinellls. tltOi Apply or son lid. Phom- II. lor ajip New! Delicious! Peanut Butter Muffins! Take only cup sugar ami so easy! sM.K TiiP LKJHT DKLl V VAIY & MESSKN(jr,n Prompt Service Bant-J,afie Freight Express Phone Blue 2G0 322 Sixth St Nitrht, Calls Green 802 i-ctiinre lt!'!',(,B ImiL si:' on, her. If It's Rock Wnrk- CALL BLUE 939 M. SAUNDERS CONCRETE SIDEWALKS - BASEMENT'S Your house and yourseli fully insured while I do the work BC. I ill ri asi-.l inufliii anl twii-tliirdii full a i ii I h:ikc in iii'idiiHtc t t-u (41 KIT.) hIm.iH 1.1) nnutites. Makes III InlilliiiK. Ii a t a flavour romhtnhtiun creamy jHiuiut ImtU-r Mi. I nut-ief t ,4i-Vji And the ili'lir'iite tousled iil ik ijs of AU-lfran give Uiefe iniillu.-i a soft, tender texture Hint uielU in your mouth! (Tip the reeijie and net Kellopn's AU-Hran toduy. I'.S. hun t Jt grt! kntiinlnij u vttijlin (;.' ALL-BRAN PEANUT BUTTER MUFFINS 1 j t up iwr'iiut JA cup KfM.irii Inn i.-r All Mr . i. Ji' cup HMtf'if 1 l-ilp Mlu tl tl'ntr - 1 I-?. W'-ll htaUn 1 lKliltrii.i Uftllig 1 ti;p milk pt.ttder Illend pcRiiut Im'u-r and augur tlinr-oukIiIv; stir in ckk. milk iuuI ivelloxx 3 Ail-th (in. I 't M:k until niiu-l cif iiiui.-,-lure in laki'ii up. Sif I flour will) baking pnwdi r iiaii Miii; mill In fiist mixture inn! stir Dili y until II' mr ili.iiH-nr MI TAI, UOUK I UMR1NO -.Installations unci repairs S II K E T MKTAL WORK. Fu r ii u n: s , lunks. .tavesl.iuunhltm ami stacK .Mdk Letouilieau At Hons, 62'J Sixth West. Phone 543 (tfl FOR .'SALK Ten ,.,.AI In- H'f GEORGE McWHINNEY PAINTING AND PAPKIl HANGING PO. Box 1426 831 Bacon St. Phone Green 301 the pmrliasf o! 1 S D. "f " Vena.'O T3 (',,;, ,1 Di'irk'' JONES NEWS STAND ! We handle Eastern and Western ' Papers. j Swedish-American Tribune ! PIMM 11 'M PI KT IM'.AITV CO. IKK SI S l Olt si.i: Inilrom"W KEEP "REGULAR" NATURALLY TWO SIZIS on. up Ann! 5 llicho'l NOW AVAILABLE STKPHUN KRICKSON i ., lICI'I'.vUI Red 808 j by Full 6 rooms Assembly Juildinn occupUtl Clospcl Talicrnacle. on iii)p(f iloor. j oixth Street I niiiriJl I..., i, v PIANO TECHNICIAN TUNING AND REPAIRS Black 195 411 West 7th Ave. made inlo i i , A,i,,ms(r;iK'r ' could he Cash sale. room uite. CANNED TOMATOES ' AT LOWLST Pit It LS HOYAL (TI V MACS IJKST BKKNTH'OOI LIMIT 2 TINS LErEIpiHALS Clover Leaf Clams Whole or Minced. 16-rw. tins '.. Herrings O 3SC Pirate. l()-oz. tins " KCRV Norwegian Sardines 25 Crown Bruud. Per tin Fancy Keta Salmon 4 CZq X A B C. 1 j's, per tin Gold Seal Fish Spreads O ! CJj For Tasty Sandwiches 'TINS"' Oranges 288's 9 fiC WHILE THEY LAST DO'.. Bananas "i Qp Firm and Ripe. Per pound Apples 4 QQc ' Rome Beauty LBS. California Cabbage C(j Firm Clreen Heads. Per pound . .. "; Tin mias Court TIIOM SHEET MKTA1. LTD. 253 East First Avenue KRIC SPF.ERS, Mgr. 71)1 East 8th Avenue PiM'.'fl. Bf,. WOllK PdPEHIOR PECOIIATORS PAINTING :: PAPERIIANGING PPjne: Bine 952 or Black 245 Ler Hitcherts Bill Thornton I MH K-.T' ' , ft.-r i'lii!'1'Tn (I Rooms an I bath, wired for ramie. Oil heater. 7th Ave. lv Neaf school. (i Rooms and bath, nth Ave. West. Inc. laruc workshop and apartment. Ciood neneral store property and business, Inc. Post Oflice. This is a money maker. Situated in the interior. Desirable residence on 2 lots comprising 8 rooms and bath. Good construction. Si luu tr HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branches. 206 4lh Street Phone 655 HIM"1 MAC ATTENTION FUTURE PATRONS! We Are Glad to Announce That We Can Now Supply Yon With SPLIT SPRUCE and HEMLOCK (C (D) ISLEDW (ID H3) CUT TO LENGTH Clean Handpieked 'Surefire' Kindling "WE GUARANTEE QUALITY AND QUANTITY" B & W TRANSFER fireen ISO .PHONES Red 182 DR. V. .). CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 7C5 P.O. Box 1401 civ better ro . if.micao.' -, .,,,,1 nij-tiHll .. ...i.u. Sa' hv , lured . im 11th Ave. Price 40(10 00 ,.1V I."'" Coin IIDIMI Serving the Fisheries Industry Wells (P.R.) Ltd. terms. B.C. QUALITY KfTAIUS For Downtrodden fleets and Worn Soles. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Ron 771 Second Ave Prince R n perl Cartage, Labelling, Welghlnr Keiiilv Co. (tfl Advertise BLUE 780 BLUE D80 m AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE K. E. MORTIMER O O J24 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) DOES! EVERYBODY ELSE