Thursday. March 11, 1948 ' I. PULAR CARS INCORPORATE kNY ATTRACTIVE FEATURES Congratulations and Best IFishes pi soio-dodgl: models DeSoto and Dodge Take Lead In 1948 Automobile Parade motor! NDSAY Jwr- V"W Distinctive in style ami performance, the new DeSoto lino of automobiles w attracting interest all across Canada, and it is with considerable prkle that Lindsay Motors Limited makes the announcement that it has been given the dis CI LTD. SECOND AVENUE and FIRST STREET Dodge-De Soto Passenger Cars and Dodge Truck Dealers trict agency for the DeSoto and Dodge automobiles and Dodge trucks. The Dodge, long recognized as i a dependable car tor any job, is'r1 jo a big luxury car now- and ta,ned Keputation more beautiful and dependable First World War than ever. I Today's Dodge job - rated' Tlle Dodge name first became truck Includes many new im-' famous in the First World War, provements, such as greater dri- for in tne mud and fields of the western Front Dodge passenger cars and light-weight hauling law units established the Dodge repu- j tation for dependability. I Succeeding years of Dodge per- ! for " PRINCE RUPERT formance in the peaceful days and again in the Second World War made "Dodge dependability" an internationally-known and proven slogan. ver comfort, greater safety of operation, lower cost of performance. VISIT NEW LINDSAY MOTOKS TODAY It will be well worth while to visit Lindsay Motors Limited and Inspect the new DcSotos. One will be enthusiastic about the well-groomed appearance of the Interior. Deep restful seats provide real comfort for driver and passengers. The appointments are bright and modern. Of course the first feature to catch the eye will be the massive but sleek lines of this first line automobile and its streamlined beauty elves of f . Tin - "..- 1 ' 'A m " J..- ' On the opening of their new and modernly designed Dodge, De Soto Sales and Service , Center at Second Avenue and First Street in Prince Rupert, B. C. Fluid Drive For Smooth Get-Away The smooth, easy get away of ; a motorboat as the propeller ; speeds up is duplicated In the , performance of the DeSoto wilr ! fluid drive. This is because the the great power that is quickly j demonstrated on the road. The large windows allow the driver and passengers wide field ol vision, and the doors are wide loteb mm BROTMEB! principle is the same but oil, instead of water, transmits the power from the engine. , This oil, swining in an enclosed housing, by, a propeller attached w tht engine, forces another propeller to equal speed, ; and it is the second propellsr which powers the rear wheels and .gives this smooth-as-velvet acceleration. There is no metal contact. VANCOUVER, B.C. 1130 w. geokgia street ji. C. Distributors For ;nCkatulations to DODGE, DE SOTO PASSENGER CARS, DODGE TRUCKS idsay Motors Ltd. On the completion of their 93 I LP. ENGINES Dodge de luxe and Dode special de luxe models have 95 horsepower engines. They are L-head '' type. I life ir- T rMiPiTJ i I 't IA i.T-ff'KUiir r iiwnumi jy j Fine New Building j to make it easy for passengers to enter and leave. i Generous luggage compartments are another feature that I will please the family. I LEADS IN BEAUTY AND PERFORMANCE j If distinctive styling is desir- ed, together with eye -. filling j beauty, advanced yet tested engineeringthen the DeSoto will ! be the first choice. In DeSoto jOiie get silent, gyrol fluid drive jand "tip-toe" gear shift arm I chair comfort of the famous j ' floating ride," blowout protec-i tion with safety rim wheels, j plus 30 other new features and j refinements. I The new Dodge automobile is still the dependable ca rof old, but today's car offers longer life ' and still lower upkeep. Thirty-four new features and j improvements have been added do time-tested Dodge engineering and design to give the fln-jest low-priced car ever built by nISIIES FOR FUTURE SUCCESS Krowina SALUTE TO LINDSAY MOTORS LIMITED Prince Rupert's Newest Garage and Service Station White & Taylor C(f. t (iypnx- and Brick Sidms supplied by ART & McCAFFERY LTD. 1 phones 116 in Distributors for Woods Lest We extend our wishes to Hydraulic Moists, Winches, Steel Bodies, Derricks ongratulations! with British Columbia Mackenzie, White & Dunsmuir Jld.jlvho this year mark their 26th anniversary in British Columbia, are proud to extend hearty congratulations to ... . LINDSAY MOTORS LIMITED Dodge, De Soto Cars Dodge- Trucks on the opening of their New Garage and Service Station These evidences or confidence closely pai'ullid those of Macki n.ic, While & Dunsmuir Ltd., whose constant objective is to serve the community by supplying high quality parts, accessories and general merchandise to dealers and industry throughout the province Vancouver 418 West 5th Ave TO I We, Too, Have Opened New Business Premises !"DSAY MOTORS LIMITED from GASOLINE LINDSAY MOTORS LIMITED on the opening of their fine new service station and garage. Marshall Wells (B.C.) LTD. Dodge. To sc will be to want one of these new Dodges with their low. massive body, their sparkling chrome, their new, lustrous enamel. The interior is superbly finished and provides the utmost in travelling comfort. DODGE TRICKS MOST i:.PERTl.Y ENGINEERED Dodge trucks, thousands of them, can be found today throughout Canada commanding their owners' praise for their work. In the timberlands, the m i n I n g country, the rolling farm lands, the dairy farms, and In the cities, you'll find Dodge trucks' performing day after day. The Dodge trucks for 1948 have the smartest appearance and are the most expertly engineered trucks in Dodge history. A new style treatment will appeal to you for it imparts a massive truck appearance. How- AVAILABLE AT ice Rupert Roofing LINDSAY MOTORS LTD. CO.- Mack White & 8 A.M. TO 9 P.M. WEEK DAYS 10 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SUNDAY SERVICE enzie, 1 1... successors to 'in'rl Roofing Company Limilnl "l'TulinK From Prince George. B. C. Ltd. D unsmuir J ! ever, smooth modern appear COVER BRITISH COLUMBIA Vancouver, Victoria, Nanaimo, Courtenay,' New Westminster Kamiloops, Prince George, Vernon, Pcnticlon, Trail, Nelson APPROVED SEVICEi WE WERE HAPPY TO SUPPLY MATERIALS FOR THE NEW GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION OF LINDSAY MOTORS LIMITED AND LE - m ongratulations aoce is only one of the many outstanding features. Utility, cast of maintenance, strength, manoeuverability and driver comfort are highlighted ! throughout the design. , To fully appreciate the De Soto, Dodge and Dodge truck ; you should see them. matAAxaimr.x mar ; m Wc Were Honored to NOW WE. ARE PLEASED TO WISH THEM THE FULLEST SUCCESS MOTORS LIMITED LUXURIOUS INTERIORS Interiors of DeSoto custom sedans present a well-groomed appearance. Deep, restful seats provide real comfort for driver and passengers. Arm rests on both front doors and built-in arm rests for rear seat passengers add to the comfort. f To be entrusted with the sheet metal work in the new Lindsay .Motors Limited Garage and Service Station. CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST WISHES rom PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. PHONES 651 - 632 Coal Lumber - Paints - Building Supplies PRINTING COMPANY THOM SHEET METAL LTD. "ek Third Avenue i- 1. Phone Black 884 253 East First Avenue PHONE 234 THE DAILY NEWS EXTENDS ITS BEST WISHES TO LINDSAY MOTORS ' ' -