11 VULLCX Radio Dial 1240 Kl'Dcyclej CFPR Jrfnce Rupert Eailp r3cto Friday, August 26, 1949. "LONDON ,, is r?"rini? to J. ftary al w Lisbon ... " PRESENT AT CONVENTION (Subject to Change) ' - Published everj afternoon except Sunday by , frino Rupert Daily News Ltd.. 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert, britica Columbia. O. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director. -."J " SUBSCRIPTION RATES arm nm Per w-k Mo- Per Month. 7&c: Per Tear. MOO. kls"Aj By Mall. Per Month. 60c; Per Tear. S 00 I i hiui -: 1 1 rr-r -fM. - ....... .V ' -- ?. .. 1 1 I SAve SMITHERS Registrations a"; the annual convention of the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia convention here last week were: Prince George A. M! Patterson. Mayor Jack Nicholson, Mr. and Mrs. William Dobson, Hon. Harry Bowman, F. W. Hutton John Martin, David F. Manders, Harold Fretwell, Earl Emerson, Cecil J. Elphkke, Thomas S. Car-michael, H. G. Stevei.MMi, W. H. Crocker, Mr. .and Mrs. C. A. War-' :ier. Burns Lake Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilson, Richard Robinson, Lyster Mulvany, Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. G. R. S. Blackaby, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Collinson, C. A. Berner, P. M. Ray, E. T- Applewhaite, M P., G. A. Hunter, Mayor Nora E. Arnold, h. M. Felsenthal, Dr. and Mrs. L. M Greene. Mr. ana Mrs. J. T. Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. a jb - j, 1 r 'it. W Far Eastern Policy Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek, in WHILE spite of the recession of his prestige, is appearing in the picture again in Nationalist China, Secretary of State Dean Acheson of the United States and Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin of Great Britain are billed to discuss possible development of anti-communist bloc countries in southeast Asia. There is little use now in looking back at the vacillations of the Americans and the weaknesses of the Chiang leadership in Nationalist China which have been conducive to the rise of communism in FRIDAY P.M. 4:15-Stock Quotations and Interlude 4:30 Footllijht Favorites 4:45 Sleepy Time Story Teller 5:00 Canadian National Exhibition Official Opening 5:30 Johnny Aucoln and His Herrl.ig Chokers 5 45 Supper Varieties 6:00 Supp'T Serenade 6:15 Muali'al Varieties 6:30 Prairie Schooner 7:00-CBC News 7:15 Our Special Speaker 7:30-Lubka Kolessa, Pianist 8:00 Vancouver Theatre 8:30 Canadian Summer Concert 9:15 Canadian Short Stories 9:30 Ouesttn' With Kestin 10.G0CBC New 10:10 - CBC News 10:15 - Miscellany 10:30 - Take a Chorus 11:00 Weather and Fish Arrivals KATUhlA AM. 7:00 Musical Clock B: 00 -CBC News 8:15 Pick of the Hitr CANADIAN AIRBORNE FORCES STAGE WAR GAMES Members of the Princess Patricia's above loading their transport aboard a Dakota aircraft for Canadian Light Infantry are seen Exercise Eale Exercise Eagle .the largest Canadian military scheme since the war, took place on the Alaska highway and included an airborne Invasion of Fort St. John, the seizing of the and a final combined attack on Dawson Creek Peace river bridge by glider troops Better English By D. C. WILUAMS liam Grant, A. C. Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Williams, Kenneth Warner, Thormts Herritl. Erdine Herritt, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. WOOi G. C. Mitchell, Dr. and Mrs. Jens K n xi..Rae 1 What is wrong with this sentne.ee? "He bought It off a peddler." 2. What Is the correct pronun Munthe, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mc riioNE n f KRASERF prince s Send Off To , Applevliaile Member-Elect Meets With Local Association Before Leaving For Ottawa Vanderhoo f Mr. and Mrs. lae, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Scott, Cecil Steele, Stephen Holmes, .Frank Skinner, Mr. and Mrs A. S. Nickerson, D. W. Nixon, C. E. Robin, F. W. Mooney, J. Martin and Sam Cocker. H. L. Hampton, W. T. Burns. New Hazelton C. H. Sawle and Vancouver Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Carl Christiansen. ciation of "examine"? 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Disuade, persuade, suavity. , j 4. What odes the word "con- aucive" mean? ( 5. What is a word beginning' JOHN I Morris. L V. Kelly, Senator J. G. ! victoria John T. Gawthrop Turgeon. E. B. Harkness, L. G. and H. Cuthbert Holmes, BULG 8:30 Morning Lk'volloria 8:45-Little Concert 0:00-BBC News 9:15 Saddle Serenade 9:30 -Melodies for Juniors 9:5a -T' me Signal 10:00-Bandstand 10:15 Continental Serenade Eckroyd. I HazelUm R. W. Sargent, Mr. Juneau Miss Susie Winn, Col. and Mrs. Allan Bnson. J. R. Noyes. Ralph Browne. Foit St. John George Murray. regard"? Answers 1. Say, "He bought It from a Prince Rupert Liberal Association "gave a send-off last night to E. T. Applewhaite, MR. -elect for Skeena, prior to his departure for Ottawa to attend his first session of Parliament. Mr. Applewhaite leaves tomorrow after-ternoon on the Princess Norah for the Capital with brief stops in Vancouver and Nelson en-route. The member-elec t received John Bulgi Wirt tf peddler." 2. Pronounce first 10:30 Concert Favorites tylhible egg, nue ex. 3. Dissuade.' 10:45 CBC News and Com'ty 4. Leading or tending; helpful. 10:55 Weather and Inlurlude "These thins are conducive to 11:00 Saturday Date good health." 5. Estimable. 11:30 Weather Report 1 11 :31 Message Pci lod Terrace Mrs. T. Fraser, Mrs. M..P. C. R. DeKergommeaux. Harry Fort St. James Russ Baker. King, Will Robinson, W. H. Spen-1 ' cer, Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Little,1 ST. CLUMB, Cornwall, Eng. P S. N. Ktrkaldy. ! Inch-deep numbers are paint- ; Ketchikan W. L. Baker and ed on all glasses in the Ring o' L. S. Ferris. Bells Inn here to prevent cus- Smithers Mr. and Mrs. Olo? tamers drinking somebody else's Hanson, William Hanson,' Wil- beer. China. FosMbly ven yet American, and to lesser extent British, policy could support a strong, progressive, anti-Communist leadership in China when such leadership exists but it cannot create it when it is non-existent. Now, as Nationalist resistance dwindles, the victorious Communists are faced with forecasts of the greatest famine of the century following the gigantic floods and dislocations of this year. Their bold plans and promises will be put to a severe test. If they fail colossally as the self-appointed leaders of the revolutionary drive for a more abundant life, the revolution will in time grind them down as it has ground down the Nationalists. Shall western policy by renewed aid to the discredited Nationalist remnant help the latter through its blockade of coastal ports for instance to swell the accumulating miseries of the masses, hoping thus to bring chaos down on the Communists? Or would such a policy divert the wrath of the people from their Communist masters to Am---'evican "imperialism" and its Nationalist "running " -' The answer to this dilemma must rest on moral - -as well as pragmatic grounds. To fight communism in China, it is necessary above all else to have a vital alternative leadership for the people to turn to. The finding and fostering of such leadership must - r be a continuing aim of western policy. 11 :33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Personal Album SATURDAY -P.M. 12:00 CBC News words of sage counsel from Olof know 1 iiave a hard man to Hanson who spoke from the ex- fonow in oiof Hanson but I am perience of sixteen years in Par- conscious oi the responsibility liament and was also given sug- and wlll face lne J()b wHh hu. Tour of the C N.E. and (gestionsof certain matters which mility. It Is going to be a real 12.03 ill Types Qucdihi r was reii snouiu oe pressed jb 0f Work, I know." upon for immediate action such whUp he arnwi against pass-' MINTING as uie mstanauon 01 tne DreaK-.mg resolutions just for the sake water lor the Fairview fisher- n! 9i reoint.injifi Mr An-; SL'I'PLIES FOR OFFICE STATIONERY FOJt BOMf GREETING CARDS -PENS AND PENCILS C.N E. Reg. 1:00 Hi-Roads of Song 1:30 Pacific National . Exhibition 2:00-Ballet Club 2:45 This Week 3:00 Piano Classics 3: 15--CBC News 3:25-Rec. Int. 3:30-Divertimento 3:45 Gordon Howard's Sports Review men's floaUs, the completion of piewhaite. nevertheless, suggest-' the road to those floats, improve- td lnat lt was tne duty ot the ment of radio service to Prince Association to see that the needs Rupert and central British Col-!.of the rUling were brought at .11 umbia and an airplane landing' times- t0 thf) attention of the field at Prince Rupert. I member with well-founded reo- PRICES! BUY I - DIBB PRINTING CO. BESfJER BLOC.C PHONE 3 MEN'S WORK H The general consensus was,jresenlaUong havlng iri mlnd however, that, if anybody had a;interests not on!y of iocal.dis- grasp 01 me problems and needs trict Dut Uie C0Untry as a v.hole. of this district, it was Mr. Ap-1 - j To $4.5-Nut MEN'S IlliBS r To $7.011 Nu i MEN'S CABAEDI' I To $13.50-Nui piewhaite himself and little a.d-TW vice was, therefore, required by A'. Observer in Action I YOl'NC. MEVS H 1 " r Mr. Applewhaite asked for the views of the Association on the! j matter of rent control and, after some discussion, a resolution waSj passed favoring the continuation f j SI. A I K! 10 " ! Now Arrow Buslines Ltd. PUBLIC PASSENGER TIME SCHEDULE NO. 4A (Supplementary to Pasnser Time Schedule No. 4 dated November 1st, 1947) for Public Passenger Service ; between . Fisherman's Co-Operative Association Plant ; and Cow Bay, Route 5. Issued pursuant to the provisions of the "Motor Carrier Act" and Regulations thereunder. if I MEN'S SPOKT Sr H 1 i. !Washable-I 8 Now - Of the existing type of control with certain modifications and MEN'S SPORT 5E the establishment of a retire- 7, i Washahlr-T sentative of the board of appeal . I at Prince Rupert. (At present Now Leave Cow Bay I control affects only tenant; who MEN'S CABOT Leave Fisherman's Co-op Association F-.nt ' , ara Hot moving, thprp hpirjtr nn I ceiling for new tenants or new THE NEW HOTEL FOR WEEKS, following the original announcement some time ago, there had been much in-r ; terest in developments in regard to the new Sir Charles M. Hays project for Prince Rupert. It was, . therefore, satisfactory to read the assurance of "Frank Kaftel, Toronto financier, who is the moving 4 spirit of the project, that it is going ahead just as rapidly as possible. "t. With Prince Rupert's already new growth, the expansion of city and district which it is conceded on all hands is immediately in store and the seem-.a Jngly tremendous possibilities of stop-over business if adequate and suitable accommodation is ; available, augmentation of hotel facilities at Prince Rupert are long overdue. It is quite possible that even the new hotel will .-. .soon find itself in the position of being inadequate to meet the needs of the growing city and that al-- ready existing facilities will continue to be hard - pressed as they usually are today. ' ; Additional theatre service will also be in line :. with the requirements of the general growth and -advancement of Prince Rupert. property). Mr. Hanson conselled Mr. Ap D.B., Latest, To S49.50 So MEN'S W0RSTB D.B., All Wool. ' To S47.50 Nu MEN'S S0X-F Sunday Only 9:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Sunday Only 10:15 a.m. 11:20 a.m. 4:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Daily Except Sunday 10:15 a.m. 3:20 pjn. 8:15 p.m. 9:20 p,m. 10:30 p.m. 12:15 p.m. Daily Except Sunday 9:45 a.m. 2:50 p.m. 7:45 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m 11:45 p.m. rif. f l i f f i v i. w X-.- we. . ' a plewhaite, on arrival at Ottawa, to "listen, get friends and cooperate." By that means, accomplishment could be achieved. It had been his (Mr. Hanson'si experience that, ll a solid case was put up, supported by facts and backed by the people concerned, fair requirements .would 4r SUBJECT TO THE CONSENT OF THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, ANY OBJECTION TO THIS TIME SCHEDULE MAY BE FILED WITH THE SUPERINTENDENT OF MOTOR CARRIERS, PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION. VANCOUVER, B. C. WITHIN (141 FOURTEEN DAYS FROM DATE OF ISSUE. Issued: 25 Aug. 1949. With civil strife continuing in Oreee, t inted Nations military observers teams continue their tedious, often dangerous jobs of watching the country's northern frontiers to make sure that there is no illegl interference on the part of Greece's neighbor. This group of VJi. observers was photographed near Aghia 1'araskevi. work. From, PM' BOYS' SCHOOL To $U5-Xo -BOVS' SPOKT To S3.25 Nu -' BOYS' ANKI.E SO To 50c No J BOYS' PANTS-1" choose for Good fit nd ' , From LADIES' ANKIJ; 1 LADIES' ST(K ; To 55c N " ! CHILD'S ANKIET ! To 40c-N" -' Effective: 6 Sept. 1949. Issued by .C. W. Dixon, Arrow Bus Lines Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. (200) be met. ' Do what is right and don't, get excited and you will be member as long as you want to!" declared Mr. Hanson who urged the importance of such bodies as the Chambers of Commerce, the Boards of Trade and the home riding associations Eaptone: keeping the member posted and advised as to needs and requirements. Mr. Applewhaite expressed his The Wonder Wall Paint OF TASTY MEALS AT THE Rex Cafe Chinese Dishes a Specialty CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN SHRINE CLUB'S CARNIVAL Crescent Shows . AUGUST 29 - SEPTEMBER 5 ENTERTAINMENT FOR YOUNG AND OhV 9 BONA FIDE FEATURES 9 Made to be used over Kalsomine, Wall Paper, . Plaster, Woodwork and Wall Board Paint today, move in tomorrow 1.40 qt. $4.50 gal. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. sincere thanks and appreciation for the support at home which had resulted in his election. "I am going to miss the atmosphere of these home town meetings," he admitted. "I suppose I shall be a very small toad in a large sea at Ottawa. I Becond Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 gjn. to 9:30 a.m. Phone 173 lor Outside Orders THE rwnr rcuTDc Fargo Trucks AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY tuM DINING ROOM ; Set for School Come see our School Supplies . . . everything you'll need this year. Exercise Books Scribblers Pens and Pencils Ink Crayons Rulers Erasers Poster Paints and Water Colors . rm : 1 will rp-nnn " - T r SUNDAY, AUG. 28 2- Ton Chassis and Cab, 152" Wheelbase with relnlorced frame & 2-speed rear axle. 3- Ton Chassis and Cab, 170" Wheelbase with reinforced frame & 2-speed rear axle. PRESCRIPTION CHEMtf 9 AM-SUNDAYf? STORE HOURS WEEK DAYS, N0;l AND HOLIDAYS-l 7 P.M. TO 9 p M' .... O One Centre Dining Room Emergency " 7 p.m. Rupert Motors Ltd. Phones: 866 Office, 566 Shop from Dally car delivery service from 8 a.m. till 6 p.m. Sun'1 and 518 3rd Ave. W. Pbone Red 400