Ctlnrf Qupetl Oailf E3ettS a 'IV. 7 Buzz Business in Greece Friday, August 26, 1949. ii TIVERTON, Devonshire, Eng.1 1 A gooseberry bush is grow ing from the side of a tulip tree Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Priest left: n n atn.,r ...h. Our Slock of Famous McLEOD RIVER COAl' Is Complete ' LUMP EGO KIT " STOKER 1 here and bearing a fine crop. The bush, several feet from the by car today for ' their annual for Columbia Cellulose Co., is on Varna ti-m n IU. ' - weens- trip U one of his periodical visits to ground, is believed to have grown : - the city. He is making a trip from a seed left behind by a bird. Gordon it Anderson nr,to Terrace today. Hoover Vacuum Cleaners. (200) jMk Judirp whn has h(n ln woo HARROW, Middlesex, Eng. a plof Hanson arrived In the tne General Hospital here for Because of the growing num the past few weeks, was able city yesterday afternoon from ber of elderly patients, Centa! kets Middlesex Group of Hospitals is dC McCaffery to consider appointment of a to leave for home today. Miss Beth Sedgewick sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver where she will take up future studies. doctor whose sole job would be the interior, , driving In from Terrace with Robert Oordon. Prince Rupert Florists wish to announce that .their store will be closed from August 24th to Sept. 13th inclusive. the care of aged sick. ' L I M I T fc l PHONE 116 ANNOUNCEMENTS A talkie Mm will be shown ln the Salvation Army Citadel Advertisements ln tnis column wtil Regular meeting of Engineers, Local 510, Car be charged for a full month at 26c per word lovely blanket, a wedding gift from the staff of the telephone department. Among those present in addi Saturday, August 27, 8 p.m., entitled "That's How It Happened." The story of a young man penters' Hall, Friday, August 26, 7:30 p.m. Members of Local Lutheran tea Sept. 10. (200)1 who received the call for Sal- 115 are invited to attend United Church Supper, Sep Cruiser Coats in red and black and white and black checks. Medium , weight, good length with pockets in back. PRICED AT $13.75 tion to the guest of honor were the Misses Edna Kirkham, Evelyn Skog, Mary Hunter, Leonora tember 22. Tickets now avail Lathcrby. daiifih- i Most people think there are already too many mosquitoes in the I vatjpn Army of ficership, and Rod McLeod, who ' spent forty experiences ln the Army un-years in Prince Rupert and was til he becomes an officer. No long identified with the provin-' charge! No collection! Free. Mrs. G. S. Wca- worm, out here is a man raising more. The little buzzers are being used in insecticide tests as part of a drive for the eradication of Gardner, Edna Gardner, Mona Dutch, Astrld Swang, Joan Crox-iord. Velum Stacey, Pat Guyan, able. I Loyal Order of Moose Men's and Women's Annual Bazaar and Dance September 29 La and 30th. Moose Temple on the 29th, Civic Centre on the 30th. Dance (201) mosquito-carried malaria, sponsored by the World Health Organ-, i ization of the United Nations (WHO). WHO has Just completed a ', rat;i of medical assistance, including malaria control in Grerce.; clal public works department, expects to leave next Thursday for the Fraser Valley where he will reside. . The Misses Jean Ketcheson and Susie Knutson sailed last , be married to 11 early u-xt t of honor at a 0Wer arranged of the .city teie-l held at the ,!lv Welter. Polly Astoria, Bessie Campbell, Allda Johnson, Irene Russel, Polema Lineham, Algo Bill, Sally Welter and Mesdames Betty 1 night on the Prince Rupert for Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Parsons , Advertise in ine Dally News! HOW CAN I ? ? ' By ANNE ASHLEY All-wool Jackets in bright plaids, cruiser length with zipper.-Smart, easy fitting ancT Miller, colleen Meuonaid, Marg- arrived in the city yesterday by J . It Pays to Advertise! aiTi r it-ins, tueen Murray ana air to visit with Mr Parson's js very happily Victoria to enter Royal Jubilee Hospital for a course of nurses' training. Miss Joanne Lang-ridge, already in the south, is entering the same hospital ' Q. How can I Improve the Mrs. P. Welter. I various panics appearance of shoes ' A. Rub the leather of the practical. PRICED AT and drawing for prizes at Civic Centre. Catholic Bazaar October 5 and 6. , Sonja Ladies Bazaar, Oct. 28. Rebekah Bazaar, Oct, 26. St. Peter's W. A. Fall Bazaar, Nov. 3. Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, November 9. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. 17. I.O.D.E. Chapter's Fall Bazaar, Nov. 24. n of wnicn me presented with overflowing with POLES parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Parsons, Dunsmulr ;.' Street. Mr. Parsons, who was formerly employed as draughtsman at the local drydock, was more recently at Port Mellon He has severed his connections with the William McLeod, after an ex HARRINGTON, Northamptonshire, Eng. fi An insecticide solution is to be pumped into the beams of the 13th-century church here to counter death $13.50 I beautiful gifts. shoes with the inside of a freshly-cut orange peel, then polish lth a soft cloth, and see how 11 Improves the appearance of tended sojourn in the Prince Rupert General Hospital where he reclved surgical treatment, is serving of de When yon nmore the iolrrnal cause 1 P'lel you get Kortbwhile remit! that U. That'f the simple reason (or Pyltonela nts, Miss Wea- a. watch beetles. ented with Peat fuceeM. So matter what you hale 5 one I. thta torture, or how lons?-tTi(liit and stubborn ynur rase, modern arienee tiai the answer in the new Pyltone Treatment latter firm and will be leaving for Montreal after a vacation to resume draughting in the ship building firm or Vlckers Ltd. . St. Andrew's Cathedral Fall a liquid takeo hy jnou(li). our first bottea prowes this or the price refunoVd at once. Thai B our guarantee of Pvltone'n auliiv 'I. 75 at all modern druggfsta. FT-1 G. V. G. All- wool Jackets in bright plaids and styled with double shoulders. PRICED AT $16.95 Bazaar, Nov. 26. Saturday. Orange Ladies Sale, Dec. 7., your shoes. Q. How can I make it easier to peel potatoes? A. Before peeling, cover the potatoes with very hot water, let them stand for about five minutes, and seehow easy the task of peeling is. Q. How can I bleach a bread board? ',' HOTEL ARRIVALS mm able to be around again but it Mil be a time yet before he is Able to resume his duties at the Post Office. T. Fraser, publisher of the Omlneca Herald at Terrace, is spending the day in the city on business. He arrived from the interior on last night's train and will be returning to Terrace tonight. Mr. Fraser is awaiting the delivery of a new press for his paper 4 A. The bread board and the iln? Is payable ln advance. Please refrain from ssllieds, 2c per word per insertion, minimum h Notices 50c Cards ot Thanks, Death Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: $2. tolling pin can be bleached by rubbing thoroughly with a freshly cut piece of lemon. '. Prince ' Rupert D. West, R. A. Young, W. A. Evans, V. Hill, W. L. Robertson, 8. W. Mllner, W. H. Snelgrove, W, F. Thomas, D. Hultz, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. C. Tambling, Cathedral City, Calif.; K. An- fcsCIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE LOST AND FOUND (IMAM 7"nf a dear LOST Blue wallet, Saturday, thony, Nanaimo; W. Wllllscroft, sranddauBhter.l " i Auuuxt 20th, containing 1m- M J. , CadpT caider and and famliv family, Tpr Ter- pol unt papers. Urgently race; Mr. anG Mrs. E. Eiseman. needed. Name of owner on ison who pass- Seattle; Miss L. Wilson. Kansas 4 30th. 1048. papers. Return to Daily News. Reward. (203) City; Mrs. J. Larsen, Mrs. J. But ler, Alice Arm; C. K. Nesby ft A . ive where otir i, i'mory that .de . ..... . Tanscona, Man.; and J. Beattle, WANTED Row boat ln good shape. P. M. Jansen, New Roval Hotel, City. (204' Pentictor.. titter the lu.ss WANTED Sheet metal worker. Applv Thorn Sheet Metal limited. Black 884. (201) ,e one we loved so pure and WANTED Car batteries, metal. Good prices paid. H. C. furniture Co. Black 324. tit) SAI.ESMEN AND AGENTS STEAMSHIP PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOR , VANCOUVER and Intermediate -Ports Each Thursday; ; at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations ( Write or Call t the Saviour's acred by her Granddad, Sis- A better valve, toe I Yes, every boi of these crunchy Rice Krispies give more weight for lees money. Compare No eyeow hue! thanks to Blue! CHRISTMAS CARD agents! Increase sales and make commissions to 46. Write for details regarding sample otter today. Stvle Craft Greeting Cards, 2166" W. 5th Ave., Vancouver, B. C. 202) :ers. Is I .with any other nationally ALE KlUsmiitm FARM AND ORCHARD 5.71 : Acres ' ' .; v. HOVSE Fl'tLY. MODERN water from municipal " " . main ; . . ". for quick sale $3,000.00 Cash . E. T. KENNEY LIMITED TERRACE, B.C. (223. known ready-to-eat rice.:. in Dodoe truck HELl" WANTED cereal. Try 'em today I Mdy, 164-mch lxl condition. Phone 657. 1201) WANTED Two mechanics. Top waees Superior Auto and Bodv Service. (2051 (CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. " JpzZlfo n $15.00. Black WANTED Meat cutter. Apply (20U Kaien Co-op. w Snowy-white sheets looking liko new I Thanks to Blue. Sheets and all white ctoths no longer suffer from 'yellow tinge' not with Blue to moke them white! So quick, so easy... just a swish or two of Blue in the final rinsing water does the trick) P.S. Seven colours combine to make white, one of these is blue. Blue must be added to make true white. cle oak dinette! BICYCLES (lurk- uronn BOYS WANTED Rellaole boys ,iir unnint-Hi rtrsirine Daily News route should file their names at the fand twu chairs; TRIfYf.ES Dallv News OHlce. - MI'IUI I, Ijij none Blue 941. HELP WANTED Man for lubri-niitinn wnrk nrererablv sinHie. I" (201 1 KIDDIE CARS Hob. Parker Ltd. tf! f ivaee -25-35 -in- I.AMI UTOISTHY lt" In the mttr of .11 mineral nMo... and base?, (save coal nc I Lvman Receiver FOK iifcT Dead front petroleum und Ut 1, known as "Red Jacket" Mineral Claim See or phone i FOR RENT Hotel dlninn room, ,2lJlM low W rent ItIlL and iillU boikI U)lVl proposition pi'"'" . .... n tllnsrul t...nHm me a,Rjr1 W w.i'- kitchen rnal U rittht party that can ,Riy " lot 1993. known . "Red trade. Apply Vanderhoof . Mll)eral culm, Bu in 'W. Phlinp Rprl I Glidden Paints FOR ALL PURPOSES BLUE 816 iww jioiei. vanaeniooi, viiiiuvntuui, o v. v .....,. nictei-t . (202J 1 erEas proof of loas of Ccrtifl- 'lot nnen h.nt T"! .r-m. u.. onn.R to the abovc- CCM and SUNSHINE BICYCLES Streamlined Models with Balloon Tires FOR BOYS OR GIRLS MEN OR WOMEN Priced from $53.00 to $67.50 A Complete Range of KIDDIE CARS and CCM TRICYCLES Priced from $6.75 up n ' trrs rji'MT- c Unn Ttr r,i mi lor CHIC u - . . rent. 801 Borden St. mi m' .. -ha3 been i shape. $225' I BUSINESS orPORTUNITIES , fled in thl. office. NOTICE IS HEBE- (201) BY UlVliU viiwv - - . FOR SALE-Coffee Shop on 3rd Btk(n of one montn from the dte Ave. Applv Box No. 568, Dai y of tne flrst publication h""fitllf News Otfi'ce. a Provisional Certificate of Title In u of tne ggid certificate, unlebs FOR SALE Delivery business meantime valid objection be SAANICH PLUMBING AND HEATING llsed lumber M" 629 6th Ave. I (tf) & Used Furn-IeHd musical I coal !.,iH THE SUN LIFE ASSURANCE CO. OF CANADA agency operated by me will be carried on in my absence by Robert E. IMontador of Robert E. Montador Ltd., sub-agent. (201) EDWARD T. APPLE WHAITE, Agent. wnn iwo irucKH. ror uii" " made to me In writing. tion call 383. (ID, I"', nATED at the Land Registry C this i'Mees, electric , electric press ----- .., nm. Prince Kuperx, d. MtaMwsM 'UK SALE- Max eiiu u..c. t m9 !' ilia saucprs fixtures IDiirn rii otnil ann I1X LI1 C a 1 vw - - . A. THOMPSON, find saws, new (tf) for sale. Deputy Registrar. iiravv 3-11 v (223) REAL ESTATE 11.. Men's' "OOVEENMENT UQUOH ACT I Section 251 (ltle Kor Application lor lliih t.leen B'OR SALE Wartime four. Eitthth Ave. East., immediate occupancy. Prince Rupert Realty Co. - (201) Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park. Avenues Established 1910 ... Phones 60 and 68 airs, etc. . NOTICE Is hereby given that on for sale.'the ,3tn dBy of September next the Purnituri TV(P st("'p" nouse r 1 "uure Co., Phone Black 996. 1202) WORK! TIME!! unci! MONEY!!! . u r. MOOBK PRINCE RUPERT lIOE NUMBER 1061. intends to apply to for a ciud 1 ir,r rmtrol Board K"y" namkr j",jy,. at I II V H M I BaT M. J-k. in aaW Hveienic Products MUtUarr pjantutry NlL. SL,",wl's. PERSONAL fetes License ln respect of the premises situate at Second Avenue West. City Province of British of Prince Rupert, 'nlnmbln. upon lands described as Best Service, high quality, low prices. Send for our free catalogue. I. X. L. Specialties, G.P.O. Box 57, Toronto, Ont. (213) "lJlllln Lots 3 and 4. Block SI A, Section . . with the iit.w,n District, ln the Province of r rsTrfuQcrks'tNnl.son FOR SALK l aaaaa rv nitRh Cnlumoia, to eiinno I HI IK Automagic Gladiron Baby buRgy. Phone member of the said Club to keep on the premises a reasonable quantity nnr fnr nersonal consumption FOR SALE-Blue 225. CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Hughes, D.C., Ph.C 21-22 Besner Block , Phone BLUE 442 for' Appointment '; WILL BE AWAY t ON VACATION First Three Weeks in August ISal Steel FOR SALE OH burning duo-therm heater, with fan cir HOURS Weekdays 9 a m- to 9 P-. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET and THIRD AVENUE culator, $75.00.. Bedroom suite. and entitling the on the premises, Club to purchase liquor from vendor and to sell by the glass the liquor so purchased to lta members and guests for consumption on the Club premises In accordance ..i.v. .h. nrnvislons of the "Govern uiree pieces, $75.00. rnone Blue 900. (201) . nly $129.50. ! t Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd. FOR SALE Bed chesterfield mi ment Liquor Act", and the regulations promulgated thereunder. DATED at the City of Prince Rupert, in the Province of British Columbia, this 5th day of August. A.D, M bed, complete. A Lou BEAUTY PARLOR EQUIP-MKNT Driers, facial chair, tables, mirrors, dhainpoo bowl, electric sien, reception desk, etc. Arlrirpss renlipa to BOX T (tf) PHONE 79 unhnT .""soaker i and LOYAL ORDER OP MOOSE BALAGNO Florists Phone Green 781 Box 1193, BESNER BLOCK STEWART, RC. fc an t on i1 a'", "ally News. taui) PHONE 210 PRINCE RUPERT PRINCE RUPERT NUMBER 1051 H. T. Muucey, Secretary if 'v ?3?9th rf lr , FOR SALE Three canaries. I ,- eht weeks old, $15.00, 315 I '"'"U 6th Ave. West (202' J