f 3 Prime Uupcct Dailv r3eU) Saturday, December 4, 1948 Arrived ... " ,- ; MRS. CAMERON LAID AT REST Final Rites fur Esteemed Idar bevelled siding 4 , 0 ana 8" widths 100 fsm $M.OO, $17.00 and $19.20 LUTEFISH IS POPULAR Scandinavian Disues Enjoyed By Large Gathering at St. Paul's Church Hall One doesn't have to, be a Norwegian to enjoy luteflsh, scores of Prince Rupert people of other national origins decided Thursday night when they attended what Is expected to be the first of an annual series of such functions sponsored by the St. Paul's Lutheran Church Ladies' Aid. Held in the church hall, the FIR FLOORING :!" Kdjje Grain, Kiln, Dried r 100 i'bm t.. ...... jys.OO BERT & McCAFFERY LTD. . lUMIJUK BUILDING SUPPLIES . PHONE 116 . S 1CV rfCcKf llw Urmv M,ttl Arf.mt Vrir It, "And bring home a quart of paint, dear. Junior was naughty and I made him stand An the corner.'' Winners at the card games were: Bridge Mrs. J. Davidson, B. J. Smlthson. , Whist Mrs. Curie, J. Mostad. Crlbbage-Mrs. M. J. Saunders J. Brochu. Raffle winners were Mrs. H: F. Glassey, hamper of groceries and'D. Nlcoll, Christmas cake. NOT SO SMART FOAM LAKE, Sask., CPThe volunteer fire department scarccely had finished congratulating Itself recently on extinguishing an afternoon blaze when they were called back to discover wind had fanned embers into flames which destroyed the building. Items . . Pioneer Woman Friday Afternoon Friends paid final respects to the, late Mrs. Mary Cameron, wife of Percy Cameron, Friday afternoon at rites held at B.C. Undertakers Grenvifle Court Chapel. The service was conducted by Rev. Basil S. Prockter of St. Andrew's Cathedral in the presence of a large gathering. A large number of floral tributes attested to' the esteem in which deceased was held in the community. During the service, the congregation sang the hymn "Abide With Me." Mrs. J. C. Gilkcr was organist. Interment took place in Fairview Cemetery with the following acting as pallbearers: T. H. Priest, Thomas Boulter, S. J. Hunter, A. E. Dickens jr., Clem Steinke and Robert Parker. Floral offerings were received from: . The Family, Russel and Thcl- ma Cameron, Bert and Elsie Cameron, Rose and Fred Cameron, Fred and Ada Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. W. Rothwell, Mr and Mrs. W. M. Watts, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Saunders, R. M. Clark and family, Mr and Mrs. Roy Cheater, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hilfc Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Bladk, Moose Lodge, M. T. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. isvj rbs IS i J 4 sr Rf " Mj&0 - C ) V lie mlnlmutn cbam. Me. Btrtn MottoM. Notices, funeral notice. MarrUgt Announcement: DOUBLE PRICE advance. Pleaae retrain from telephoning. Moose whist drive and dance every Saturday night, 8:30. (285) Cash for Old Gold, Diamonds at Manson's Jewellers. Canadian Legion Christmas Tree Sunday December 19. List closes today. (It) Mrs. J. A. Teng, who has been confined to bed at her home on Ambrose Ave. for the past two wteks, is now. recovering nicely and is expected to be up and around again in the course of the coming week. W. Dent of Belllngham, Wash ington, and P. S. Cook of Blaine, who have been on a hunting ex pedition to the interior, arriv in the city last night by car. They plan to sail south Sunday night on the Coquitlam. Mrs. Frank Dibb and Mrs. George Dibb and the lattcr's two daughters. Winnifred and Geor-1 gina, are returning home on to night's train from Toronto where Wtnnifred underwent a delicate surgical operation from which she has been making a good' recovery. A Jr f A JANTZEN Sweater FOR YOUR . CHRISTMAS SHOPPING LIST PULLOVERS with SLEEVES Fine Botany Wool In Fawn and Powder Blue; also the Popular Wool Worsted Pullover in Ski Patterns. ., , SLEEVELESS PULLOVERS, Brushed Wool, Fine Botany and Cablestitch in Fawn, White, Powder Blue and Oatmeal. . . ZIPPER SWEATER COATS Pure Wool Worsteds in Plain Colors and Two-Tones. CARDIGANS VAP Silk and Wool, Fine BoUny and Worsteds in Plain Fawn, Grey, Teal and Wine. May we suggest that you,. Shop Early while our New Stock of Sweaters i55 complete in sizes and colors. VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Cardena Sunday, 11 p.m., Coquitlam ALICE AKM AND PORT SIMPSON (Stewart Fortnightly) Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, Dec. 3, 17 and 31, 10 p.m. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, Dec. 10 and 24, 10 p.m. -: FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Ruuert Agent Third Ave -'. Phone 08 NOW AVAILABLE - f"" '"fo" " """"""iH BR0WMW00DS Miving, Packing, Crating i Shipping and General. , 1 Cartage and Storage ; s ) Fur Complete, Reliable and JJ Efficient Service, call.. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Lock announce the engagement of their daughter, Gladys Marie, to Arthur William McPhalen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McPhalen of Powell River. The wedding will take place at St. Andrew's Cathedral at 8:00 p.m.. Thursday, December 30, the Rev. Basil Prockter officiating. , (It) AIR PASSENGERS i To Vancouver Mrs. H. Petersen, Miss A. Smith, D. McCom-bie, D. Main. From Vancouver Lieut. M. J. Stapleton, J. B. Seaton, G. Perdue, F. R. Colton, N. Robertson, G. Robertson, D. Main. From Sandspit II. Thorn, A. Hale, H. Turner. D. Heal, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Knutson, Women of the Moose, Mr. and Mrs. Ewasuik, Clare and Maimie ana famny, Mr. and Mrs. Don Qlark, Bess and Sep Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Becker, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hague, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Parker, Don Llewellyn, Jack Ewart, Buster Hill, Jack Furness, Mr. and Mrs. Vic Menzies, Mr. and Mrs. - H. R. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Ray, Norma Rogers, Waterloo, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Bart- lett, Sonny and Pebbles Dickens, Lindsay's Cartage and Staff. S i ' "Wk - s&f - v- By CHICK YOUNG X fiil TPVtsiS OUT CLJQ 7& KFWt PEkUV, H OMA HUMC T' . & Storage Limited "''' Cor. 2nd and Park Avenges J "V'' ?VC Established 1910 dinner was attended by more than 250 people, a large number of them non-Norwegians. The Scandinavian fare however, was highly popular with everybody as its speedy disappearance proved when the company sat clown to table. For those who could not ad just their taste to lutcfish, an age-old method of curing grey cod, there was an abundance o'l delicious fish cakes prepared" after a Norwegian recipe which uses fresh milk In their preparation. Both the lutcfish and the fish cakes, properly .enough, were Pacific fish given the traditional treatment by members of the Ladies' Aid. Receiving the guests was Mrs. Harry Hansen, Ladies Aid president. The vast amount of work connected with the dinner was performed by all members of the group .assisted by several men. Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS 1. What is wrong with this t sentence? "Every boy and girt should provide for their future." 2. What is the correct pro nunciation of "personnel?" 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Accompanist, ac comodation, acclivity. 4. What does the word "in trospection" mean? 5. What is a word beginning with 'st" that means "any condition in an agreement?" Answers 1. Say, 'Every boy and girl should provide for his future.' 2. Pronounce, pur-so-nel, u as in fur, o, as in on, e uiy-in set. principal accent on last syllable. 3. Accommodation. 4. A looking inward; self-examination; reflection. 'I was forced to make an introspection into my mind." 5. Stipulation. Steamship Movement. For Vancouver ' Sunday ss. Coquitlam, 11 p.m Tuesday ss. Garden a, 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss. Prince George, 11:15 p.m. December 8 and 19 ss. Princess Norah. From Vancouver Sunday ss. Cardena, p.m. Wednesday ss Prince George, 10 a.m. Friday s. Coquitlam, 1 p.m December 4 and 15 ss. Princess Norah, a.m. For Aliee Arm and Tort Simpson Sunday ss. Cardena, 11 p.m. From Alive Arm and Port Simpson Tuesday ss Cardena, a.m. From Ocean Falls , Wednesday ss Prince George 10 a.m. Men's Worsted Suits Single and double-breasted; perfect fit and style. .Special .. $37.50 Men's All - Wool Gabardine Coats Tailor-made. Iteg. $13. Now &50 Men's Dark Brownt Topcoats-Good fitting. Special .... .. $22 Men's Dress and Work Pants All kinHs to choose from. Special from $2.95 to $13 Men's Wlndbrcakers N e w. fancy designs; all-wool, perfect fit. From S Boys' Pants All-wool, good fit; all sixes. Regular $5. Now S3.50 Boys' All -Wool Pullover Sweaters All sizes. From $1.30 Boys Shirts For dress and school. All sizes. From $1-25 Knitting Wool 3-ply. best ouality. Reg. 40c. Now ... 30c 5-Piece Luncheon Sets Make, beautiful gifts. Regular $3.95 Special 2-23 Urty by C LADIES is cure purty un. p of the Catho- eague saw seven- play at the Catho- Thursday night. i,e bi-weekly series i: January. ;! uif party ws.3 ,th, C.W.L. preside of the raffle Garon, Mrs. L. s G. R. Brett. Re-erc in charge oi f.Jugno, Mrs. J. N. Mrs L. Blain. MacArlhur wu3 per word per tiiMrtlon, p of Thajiku, Lxxktb ami KnKutsement BI-KUAi.. DISPLAY, jus" it, payuble la l. NOTICE 1 niv. Wednesday, i kho. niei X.OU1S f oti years, of Port ev. n. r. wusou services at Uren- Chanel fit 2 p.m. member G. Inter-low in Fairview S C. Undertakers in rraiwements. I.MuKIAM luvinir memory of '.MmiiiintiH.'r Lucy pjml'c! away Dec- -.) ihv rest dear ui breathe thy i-jved viu dearly, . do the same. B j.jercd bv her i-Mly and Rrandson fllli SALE (-';ir radio. Phone I 281 I New Cups and I irv desicn. Recu- Me or 4 for $l.7r. Brismuis Gift. BC. B E CO. (tf) J Uuo(i Timothy Hay ft F OB. Kltwanca. liox 405. Prince I lion SALE S use with bath. IV? 'i' view, centrally $-,100.00 cash. Terms I im Concrete foun- 1, lots. Hill Av- Cash price $2,750 terms. number of war-I ('s hi nil parts of 'I An i actively priced. TINKER & CO. LTD. J l'hune 57. 4 McLarv coal stove. ''ukfii.sl. sol. of 4 table, double bed. Green 207. (285) While panel Mon- wun wick burners, "tract. Phone Blue (286) Host Icienr.iiin in M'-at huh Grocery ' v cniupped. on 3 I.mck. one eapiiDle ton ot Hour and "l tier 75 ton bale C Morris, Box 81, (28oi f 'Sell Now and Used I Hardware, etc. r'd. Portable Gra-l Kitchen Sets. Va-fi'iers, small fancy J'Ksmg Boots, Log-!, New and Used .fiuwers lor wood, T"l Kitchen Chairs. I Typewriter in best f Chest of Drawers. t umish India I us for vonr furnj i R.C. FURNITURE i 324- (tf) t-neiuiit Bedspreads 1Al wholesale price, ".V beautiful Chen-I'ufted, in all colors, 1 ' single beds $4.99 'JOxlou spreads with l lowers design, com-!V('i'fd with Chenille W Huhlt.nnt hmH. "KS 18"x36," well "r $4.00. These ar- 111 at tlonhln t.hn 1 c-O.D. plus postage, ""'wtlalelv Local News Cash for old gold. Bulger's. Mr. and Mrs. Neville Gcrrard will leave Sunday night on the Coquitlam on a trip to Vancou- vcr. etc. TIMELY ANNOUNCEMENT! A very fine assortment of Cruiser Jackets are available at Acme Clothing. (tf J Lieut. M. J. Staplcton, Army Signals officer here, returned to mi. i.itj j.ijuuj iiuiii a blip ui Vancouver Constable W. E. McLalchic, R. C.M.P. and Mrs. McLatchie and child will sail Sunday night on the Coquitlam for Victoria where Constable McLatchie has been transferred. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS ed Construction of a Flat over the Public Works Warehouse, 1st Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Sealed tenders for the Con struction of the above Flat will be received by the undersigned up to 12 o'clock noon of Decern bcr 11th, 1948. Plans and Specifications may be obtained from the Public Works Office, Court House Prince Rupert, B.C., and arrange ments made to inspect the site. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. H. W. STEVENS, District Engineer, Court House, Prince Rupert, B.C. (2861 Announcements All flverti!D" tun n tnis column will be charged lor full month at 25 cent word CCF Baisaur, Sons of Norway Hall, December 4. S.O.N. Whist Dance, refreshments, every Friday, 8:00 p.m. St, Peter's Fau Bazaar, December 0. St. Peter's Y.P.A. show "Fantasy," St. Peter's Hall, Dec. 10 and 11, 8 p.m.' Concert at Lutheran Church, Friday, December 17, 8 p.m. Moose Christmas Tree, Saturday December 18, 2 p.m. sharp. Oddfellows' and Rubekah Xmas Tree, Wednesday, Dec. 22, 2 p.m. Queen Mary Chapter, I.O.D. E., Bridge and Cribbagc, Civic Centre, January 10. TRAIN SCHEDULE For the East- Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 8:00 p.m. From the East-Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 10:45 p.m. MONTREAL, .CP The Bank of Montreal Is using record-players with the hope they will ease the patience of customers and give a un to employees. Two of the machines are already in use in Montreal. BLONDIE pF N-nirs.n,iN ii f ?L' .A S THRROUHH' " call red ,o5 j 1 " ' CIVIC CENTRE ) I DINING ROOM FOB KENT FOR RENT One furnished two-room suite. Apply cottage back of Washington Block. Phone 490. (It) FOR RENT 2 room apartment Apply 100 4th West. (286) FOB RENT 2 room apartment. Apply 221 5th East. Phone Red 807. (289) FOR RENT Large housekeeping room in town. 613 3rd Ave. Ureen 780. tf) FOR RENT 6 room house on 8th West. Armstrong Agen cies. Phone 342. (285) WANTED W A N T E D Car batteries, car radiators, brass and copper, nuvintr Good prices See B.t, FURNITURE CO., Black 324. WANTED Experienced seamstress will take in sewing. Phone Black 1)90. 140 9th E. (285) WANTED Jan. 2nd for four months; furnished small suite or liirht housekeeping room lor ciuict couple. No children. Box 420. Dailv News. (287) LOST AND FOUND LOST On 3rd Ave., lady's rose gold Gruen Wristwatch, valued ax keepsake. Finder please Phone Black 688. (235) FOUND Keys on 2nd Ave. Owner may have same bv calling at the Dailv News and paying for this advertisement. (tf) LOST Black 4 months old Fox Terrier. Answers to "Mike." Finder please Phone Green 152. (286) MACHINERY FOK SALE TO SAW better lumber more pciuuimlnullv ii.sp the modem and up-to-date tvpe National Portable Sawmills manufactured bv National Machinery Company Limited. Vancouver, B.C. HI) SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS PREPARE NOW for Winter examination. Write M. C. C School. 301 Enderton Bldg. Winnipeg, Manitoba. METAL WORK PLUMBING Installations and Repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Tar and Oravel Roofing. Lrtourneau & Sons, 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) 5 I ANNE'S Opposite Health Unit 0 HOME-MADE CANDY ft ft XiVLVS GIFT BOXES ft A V Order Now Blue 389 ft REAL PIPE PLEASURE 1 1 t mill i ii WDISdflKlDa j "wriMfJTjfHlinirMHr,i:1 " ' fOK ROU YOUR OWNERS GIVE OLD VIRGINIA FNE CUT w',Mt,!"i Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tef. 777 Flowers for All Occasions -Hopeless Competition. i nir.-.i.-ir.min'i ii.ni.r,'.i; : n iMiiiiu 1 1 1 1 I i i ' i i ! ! ; 1 i ', -; . i , ' M ' ' 1 I i Jl M til Mil'" r -- I i PETER PAN GU T SllOlTE NOVELTIES and GIFTS Greeting Cards HANDICRAFTS LENDING LIBRARY Phyllis Puller, 229 Third Avenue West LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL p. 254 Sherbrooke f Montreal, oue. (S) p"? Quebec Heater. i I 'ce J,10. 1054 9th -4 j