about 81,750,000 have been marie jr Perfect English uy Mining Corporation of Canada. f is - CING JMttte Eupctt Daflp Befe Saturday, December 4, 1948 The total indicated ore rp-1 PRINCE RUPERT YEARS AGO jwrve on the two main lev!! Reminiscences ByWj. .Reflections L Attn Propel ty ofo.uuu tons. This- r iiring Coming nas an average of 19.3c ounc-s silver per ton. Plans r,.r f.... 20 BUSES fl SHLE I t ther -development Inehiru n i In Unesco School VANCOUVER, 0 A Vancouver librarian says that it takes a cultured foreigner to speak the English language perfectly. Mrs. Elizabeth Musto, principal assistant In Vancouver's public library, was one of 50 librarians attending the UNESCO Library School held in London The brief month's course cost $500. ' (Twenty-Five Years Apo) A 50-mile an hour gale, the worst of the season, swept over the city, doing a considerable amount of damage. Electric signs suffered and a delivery truck was upset by the -wind. MIt Is exited, low-level tunnel to extend under the coming ma i.i the ore body at depth. As a rule , the plant of Tor-llhe richest silver deposits have lues liiu., jwn-i ; ueen iuuna at or ifar the Kin- way. Advance of i face. beth, waiting to sail, lived In luxury for more than a week but did not pay an extra copper, "Without being on the ocean. Listen: choice of all fneats, chicken, turkeys and ducklings, and polished off with peaches, or pears, pineapples, ice cream, or any one of eight different kinds of cheese, iservod with coffee. Did anyone say something about austerity? "What's that, anyway? Back from the warm and colorful West Indies, the North Star of the TransCanada Air Lines ts home from its prr-inaugural flight with 40 offices, business leaders and press -anti radio officials aboard. And what a glorious week to revel in and remember. Then they took off and seven hours later were feet-inR the sting of Canada's frost. Oh well!. The day will yet eome when somebody in Prince Rupert will say "see you later" For immediate delivery, ihter-city design. Bodieg ' steel Construction. 'Suitable for school suburban or any;'? special work involving passenger transportation. Ideal .as;;, travelling showrooms or for contractors as mobile office- ' and living quarters 'on any location. "Buses now In Regular--operation. ,. " " ' ' " WRITE OR'PHOne 'J JEX Western Canadian Greyhound Lines ' Calgary, Alta. , A group of local "Shriners left to attend a contention in Seattle. They were R. "V. G. Lepihe, Dan Jabour, Jack Nelson, Jack Barnsley, A. Bazett-Jones, George Frizzell, and H. A. Bell. . I and that evening step ashore at S K If Hawaii. For the mid-Pacific isles and the Caribbean are In the same latitude. From Montreal ! Comes word that gramophone 'records are being played 'in batiks to relieve the tedium o! routine duties. To note In the pass book that one's savings had become subtf.antiaily larger would be cur idea of rhe End of a Perfect Day." A li A Customs and excise collections at the port of Prince Rupert during November were $3577, about the same as for November, 1921. Thirty-Ffve Years Ago) The new Cape St. James lighthouse at the south end of the Queen Charlottes -was expected to be finished within a few weeks, according to B. W. Fisher, Ruperinendnt of lighthouses for the Department of Marine and Fisheries. Newfoundland's lobster fishermen established an all-time record this year with an ex- fries, Colognes and Gift Sets i -v. ... . r .; i; of 3,800,000 bounds. The - by tussy . DUBARRY RUBENSTEIN figure exceeds last season's total by 300,000. . When Newfoundland comes within .Canada's borders next year, and with so many lobsters 10 plav with-, something should be done to pURJOIS Etc. "Prince Rupert's public school population today totals 1,164. Once, It amounted to hall a dozen and they all had their photos taken in a Corner of the original Empire newspaper office located In old Rupert Road. FT 'IN CAY HOLIDAY WRAP-NO EXTRA COST tor - '. ' A LEADING LADy!:: HOUSECOATS lkng-'v lnes in gay patterns and phain, "fine, a 11 -w (ml hntnea. -coats available ..in . your , choice of floors, ""' ' Tor those gay party hlghta; before Christ ma, a DANCE DUESS. brimmed ..with! ltugfle ..Deads ..or ..Sequins' will bring sparkles lo her ( eyes. In all popular sies...! PHARMACY "The most exquisite English was spoken by a Haitian, but Indian and Chinese representatives also spoke marvellously," she said. The school concerned Itself with the mystery of the -whereabouts of millions of European books, and learned about the pools of replacements operating In London and "Paris. "The schoo 'was a tremendous experience In International living," said Mrs. Musto. "The only Hjur note was the refusal of two Polish students to speak to one another. One was a Commun-sit and the other was not." MAN VS! NATURE BATTLE IN FILM Stormy Romance In Tycoon" at at Capitol First of Week An engineer's strenuous efforts to build a railroad In South America provide exciting action in the romantic drama "Tycoon," in color, starring John Wayne and Laraine Day. A parallel theme is provided by the suspenseful love affair between the engineer and the heroine. The picture opens at the Capitol Theatre Sunday night and continues Monday and Tuesday. Sir Cedric Hardwicke, as a wealthy American in South America, is the "tycoon" who contracts with Wayne to construct a route tunnelling the Andes. Wayne promptly falls in love with Miss Day, as Hardwicke's daughter, and thereby incurs the older man's enmity. The tycoon deliberately sets out to make Wayne break his contract or to' ruin him if he doesn't. This have them also flo'urLih on th Pacific Coast which is Certainly not the case today. And be it known it's a great feeling to draw up your chair to a fine, ruddy lobster, not so long out of the sea. LIMITED knur and Sixth St. Phone 19 Total value of fish landed at this port during November was $19,305, of which $18,000 came from halibut. The herring run had commenced and 30,000 pounds were landed during November. , 4 Mrs. P.' I. Palmer and Mrs. J. C. McLennan returned from the south on the Prince George. Mrs. Palmer visited in Seattle, while Mrs. McLennan spent a few days In Portland. ' ' ;., Investitures in Canada are less rare today, than they were years ago. But no matter when, possession of some honestly won mark of honor Is pleasant to know. There is no sense In vanity, 'but one Is justified In taking good care of it and wearing the same on whatever may be the right occasic".. j The Rifle Club may gtlll be a I going concern but it does not i appear to be holding the place j In local sportal affairs it occu-I pied some years ago. 'The site of the original club was on the Them iHANDBAGS, like the Dance Dresses, are new arrivals 'at .:ur ..store. .'St.vk'n to please every discrimlnat-j Ing taste- member WITH ! it FOOD ENERGY A pound of lard contains 4.086 calories of food nergy, or more than three times the amount in a pound of prime beef. banks of McNichol Creek across the harbor. TV 'lime was along in 1909, or thereabouts, it n not so simple to remember the names of these early marksmen, but one was the late Dr. Quin-lan, then Prince Rupert's sole end sprightly dentist, who came north from Victoria. One cannot forget the good doctor" and his salty remarks concerning men and events. s? v . ,-. -c.ti. i j"-sv BATING fib::? Sweet Sixteen Ltd- Select your gift, pay a de- posit and when you wish to pick up your purchase use our Personalized Budget Plan for easy payment. ' ' Now that Lord Bennett . har passed to his long rest and Mr. King can enjoy the peace and restrulness of life free from the weight Cf party leadership, It Js riot premature or lacking In fitness lto consider the case of John BiaCRmore, once Social Credit chief, in, Alberta. For Rome obscure reason, Bennett and King tseemed -to invite extra respect, if not wonder, because they had no family experience,, never having wed But Mr. Blackmore restores balance to public life. Not only did he marry! He went further and raised eleven sturdy off No backgrounded against a spacious engineering project, the picture is both suspenseful and spectacular. Judith Atiderstm, James Gleason and Anthony Quinn have important featured roles in the production. " -No Carrying It looks like a renewal of tactical movements in the earn? paign against the Jones Act. Even in Alaska It is not regarded as a blessing. People are leads to many crucial events, intensified when Miss Day defies her father and goes to live in the confusion and Ciucleness of i THAT EXPRESS YOUR TUPll ILI-TC n7 A OTinTin springs, tuns becoming the the construction " a in p as thinking more in line with the views of Prince Rupert and! Bkeena. ' DeLiixe DELIVERY PHONE 422 BEAUTY OF DESIGN XMAS PHOTOS ' Order Early ; Chandler & Cowgill T For Appointments j PHONE DAY: GREEN, s9 JJITE: BLACK 815, ' 216 4th Street . Wayne's bride. With its stormy love affaii father of the latgest family of any leader, past of present, and in all - likelihood the Juture iAN'D BY A MESSAGE THAT 'longshore?' . What predecessor ever scored While American men continued to mmm debate the for the the cood of the natim 1500 passen-1 a feat like .that? fctrike situation, pers aboard the HOW CAN I ? By ANNE ASHLEY SUITS THE OCCASION AND THE PERSONALITY OF THE RECEIVER Queen Eliza - i It's the Ren (CaHe to &4 A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. A Good Place to Buy What finer gift than a gilt lor the home . . . one the whole family can enjwj. . . for Tasty Meats Chow.Mein NO RAIN IN THREE YEARS Trainloads of Water Bgine ; Shipped to Queensland, . Australia , FYDNEY, Australia Train-loads of water are being shipped to Queensland aid elsewhere in j Northern Australia to relieve the ! situation caused by prolonged absence of rain. In some parts! Chop Suey Q. What can I use as a substitute on laundry days when I find at the last moment that the supply of soap chips Is exhausted? A. A an emersency one may tie a whole cake Of white soap in a clean cloth and put it in with the clothes. The soap will soon dissolve. Q. How can I clean a vinegar bottle? A, By putting a teaspoonful Phone Red 400 Mitchell Currie LIMITED Phone 3G3 BUILDERS and CONTRACTORS Chinese Dishes a Specialty Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 ajn'. Phone 173 for OutsJde Orders SINESS AND PROFESSIONAL Dining Room Suites Dinette Suites, Chesterfield Suites, Carpets, Scatter Mats and Stair Carpets. CE RUPERT . li: COLLECTOR MESSENGER Odd Chairs, Smoke MARGARET McLEOI) OPTOMETRIST ROOM 10, STONE BUILDING it i Tables, End Tables, Che; iSoda. Perfex and wr Ale Bottles fONE RED 751 terfield Tables and Coffee O ASK THE MAN WHO BUYS ONE QUALITY COUNTS IN TANKS . . . r :AND QUALITY YOU GET-WHEN" ' k : UYOUR TAKK IS MADE BY ,1 Of the country, there has been of lye in it, filling with water, no rain for three years. allowing it to stand for a -few This has resulted in failure of days, then washing and rinsing stock raising. " There isa short- very thoroughly. . age of tens of thousands of heart Q. How can I prepare veget-bf cattle and sheep. Many com- j Rbles that are a little old, to munitles have practically been make them more tender"? deserted-and-t;ions once popu-1 A. By adding u .little baking lated are again turning to what 'soda to the water used for boi!-ls little better than desertland. ing. Tables. Lane Cedar Chests, ATTSON'S BY - - PHONE ' RLUET)93 P,Q. Box 1184 !LSTERERS ITURE REPAIRS AND stic Materials THOM SHEET MHAL LTD. V ipillo Mattresses Curtains 253 East First Ave." Phone Black 884 ; ! l(is Cushions, etc. rt Hand Furniture f 818 P.O. Box 52C. HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all Its branches 204 4th Street rhone 655 Doll Carriages., Boys' Was-ons and Tricycles. g Beautyrest Mattress, j Restmore Mattress, Blan- ',' kets, Bed Throws, Down S Comforters, Bed S h e e t s ' and Pillow Cases. Everything for your , win- J dows. , J Imported and domestic s Inlaid Linoleum in colors J that Vlll please you. . Many other items . . '. ask us please we are here to serve you. Phone 775 227 3rd Avenue Second Avenue PZ RUPERT, B.C. A metal moulding for home-craft use. Simple to cut and easy to instal. Supplied in -eight practical shapes to suit every home need. No special tools required. , Your Best R-athig Place FULL COURSE MEALS 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Banquet Hall for Luncheons, Dinner and Parties Chinese Dishes 1 !0E L. RORIE rountant. Auditor, etc. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. t . . fax Returns ComnlM HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Block Phone 387 i ' . i :. r : ': ! i ' 4 ; ; -: - " - ' 4 ' ' I ' ' " 1 ' " ' :. ! . : ' - . U; R HANGING AND OD FINISHING ;itii.-naisn3.i-'t''t' AUTOMATIC CAFE Building and repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys Oil Burners ls, Styles and Colors P. MOLLER 'one BLUE 155 608 3rd Ave W. Phone 200 Diryeir IN THE SUPREME COURT OT BRITISH COLUMBIA JN PROBATE III the Matter iif the AdmlnlstriitTon Ail" And In the Matter of Hip Estate of Frank rhmltiMV. iterniMMl, Intentate. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honor Jvidtte W. O. Fulton. Local Judge of the Supreme Court of British rolumbin. 1 was on the 34th PHONES Black 68? Red 894 evenings P.O. Box 1670 Handles all fabrics. Easy on the clothes. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST 5, SMITH BLOCK ' P.O. Box 1401 Automatic controls for heat and time damp or bone, dry tiny of November. A D. 1948. appoint- TERRACE JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Ayeriue PO TECHNICIAN ed Administrator of the tsiuw ui Frank Chudtiirc. late of Ocean Falls. British Columbia, who died on or about the 3rd day of September, 1948. at Ooenn Palls. British Columbia All persons Indebted to the sld estate are required to pay the FOR YOUR ROCK and CONCRETE . WORK CALL BLUE 939 M, J.' SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed viKing and Repairs within an hour. 4 Handles 18 lbs. wash in one operation. . 5. Can be used with any washer. "DONT DEPEND ON THE WEATHERMAN FOR DRY ' CLOTHES." iKE COLUSSI (Pie BLACK TS6 amount of their Indebtedness to me , forthwith and all persons having claims aKiiinst the said estate f nvmirod to file them with me pro i)72 10th East Skeena Restauranf TERRACE ; LLOYD SAUDER, PROPRIETOR ;' ; GOOD FOOD GOOD SERVICE Open 6:30 a.m. till midnight. Closed 9 p.m. Sundays DINE AND DANCE ? Bring your friends and enjoy yourselves i t AFTERNOON TEAS 3 TILL 5 Cartage Ltd. perly verified on or before the 81st day of December. 1948. faillnt? which distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which I iMntll have been notified. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., this 24th day of November. 1948. GORDON FRASER FORBES. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, BC (296) ''tc Moving Service ; ! COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made i VALENTIN DAIRY j Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. Packing Cartage K0 BLUE 980