7 1. Prince tttipert Datlp Jctos ttD. Thursday, June 1?; 1943 TTiHeutj oca Spupirtfi C.N.R.A. DOWNS GORDON AND ANDERSON Moxley's regime on the mound. The third and fourth-innings SOFTB Ml, LEAGUE . STANDINGS (8 games) W L Pet. 99 Taxi .. 3 0 1.000 Gen. Motors .2 1 .667 ' C.N.R.A 2 1 .687" Co-op 1 1 .500 High School .. 0 1 .000 G. and A 0 4 . .000 netted three more runs for the C.NJl.A. group, but It was in the B: lo per word prr Insert tort, minimum ehane, We. Birth Notlcra: struck the crossbar with the student defence all out of position. Olsen stopped the Battery which was having' Its full share car us 01 irann umin nonces, runrrai Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcement: VX. SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRIPH C.N.R.A. wrrt into a tie with sixth that Gordon and Ander-General Mntore for second place . son feU apart.- In that brief Battery-High School Draw Advertising Is payable in advance. Please refrain from telephoning. of the, w. came. B.. Then MacKay, I ," semester - a minor comeay. oi in -the city iiMll league last Mercer and Currie combined errorsthe railroaders brought FOR KfLVi IN MEMORIAM ( cleverly until Ferguson drove the ;mgnt wnen in.y utieairo uie, sU runS on)y one, of tnetr) Students Come From Behind j bill well down. Veitch was Twice to Equalize Football through but Wynn blocked htm. FOR RENT Large housekeep-.'. inp bed-sitting room, in town. Green 780'. 813 3rd Ave. (tf) lengue-trailing Gordon and Anoff a hit dcrson team by a one-sided score in that inning, tnere were six of 10-2 which- set Oi and A. errors marked up against G .Game SHORT SPORT FOR RENT Sleeping room, 650 In the hardest-iought soccer deeper into1 the morass of do-j and A., not including a passed feat. iball which allowed Vanetta . 7tn Ave. East. Phone Red 471. (tf) Boulter had to be very good to save from Veitch. Mercer and Bob Currie worked the ball up and Wilson got possession to beat Morgan for the equalizer. Morgan had to save a hard drive from Mercer, and then from . jganie of the season so far High Sweet peas and petunias bloom School had to come from behind in a London site today because of ; twice to fore? a draw with a a woman novelist's faith in n I much improved Battery eleven The unfortunate furnitut e 'score. Moxley walked four men. men, who h,nve played more than j In the seventh, C. N. R. A anv other "team in the league brought in five more, one off u jY In loving memory of jdpai1 husband, John R. jay, who passed away on 1 17, 1947. r loved is now laid low loving voice Is still, ktids so often clasped In pine low "in death's cold chill. f sit and think of him ft I am all alone, fcmory is the only thing I pricf can call 1U own. jr remembered by his lov-Jc. Mrs. J. R. Murray and FOR RENT Flat, Icand Block. Apply Max Heilbroner, Jeweller, (tf) through some quaint vagary of , triple by Paulls, to tally 19 runs MacKay and Currie. James sent last evening in the Gilhuly Cup football series. his fnrwarrii amav hnt. R,ir,her.r ! the" schedule, now have a record jfor the game fleet filly. The novelist, Miss Noel Strcatfeild, collected 60 ($240) when Sheila's Cottage, defying FOR RENT Comfortable From a penalty against Olsen ' cleared and Charlie Currie had of four defeat, and no victories. Jg seven ann wo-tn, J : (-- mS. t - : i -;V 'trim I r i'w f if ' r - J ft ft 9x&m?. v, I . I .-. 1- 50-1 odds, won t.ho 1948 Grand uiirr nfter yiuy nlnv commenced. uuiiiiiiciiuuli, I a very ,v,j .-.". close shot. ......... uuv. Battery j ......... came I . ine u.ink.a. vicuory piaceu , - sleeping room, reasonable. 803 Fraser Street. ' 142 auuii National at Ain tree. Miss Streat- Darrow Gomez gave Boulter no j back- and Darrow Gomez .gave the railroaders on a par with struck out seven' o h Datters, m wam?c: lead invested the proceeas in chance with a kick from the ' Boulter a hot handful with a oeneral Motors ar. iwo wins ann v- ... - beautifying the bombed site, near spot and the Battery was a goaliIlne drive. Billy Gomez made a one loss for second place in the'gNRA AB jj 1 T11! l-.11- eil . . . ........ . . I ...... .1 tlT.. .1 ....... t .r. .1 1 i J i n, HH Tnvl FOR RENT Housekeeping room. 801 Borden Street. (tfi ner nuzaucui oifcn apurvinenv up in tne Iirst live minutes, lilgn Bu ' waiu was oiupijcu u-'ugut: sLUJiumg. iuc " ' Pniilis If 5 in Belpravia. For three weeks, pressed and Charlie Currie shot by Sharp, The final whistle crowd, with three wins and no Vf,ntt lB 5 FOR RENT Sleeping room for worKing man. Apply 100 4tn -sne gave every spare moment to just wide. Botn teams piayea wim icauis ncu losses are in nisi putirc. Stevens 2b 4 West or phone Blue 605. (142) ! clearing debris from the site, nice football and Wilson twice Goal scorers Battery. Darrow c.N.RJV. pitcher Lahti hurled Schwab c .. 3 SALE A real buy, Stude- Sfdftn In rnnninir. onn- - mn nmi tt. . . . p, $175. Apply 1401 Fred-"" ror -my ana Aug- Amused and admiring neighbors made openings but his centre .Gomez Snd Alex Gomez. For a sound game and had plenty cembella cf 3 wat -hed ns -he made space for a forward failed to capitalize an High School: Wilson, 2. 0f field support. He held the Thchabold ss 1....' ... B garden in t.h shattered cellars them. Owens took a fine corner: gd woodside refereed In his storekeepers hitless until the Hay 3b I Street (Highway En-pe. Box 988, Prince Rupert. 2 Oil I "? 2 2 HI ' I Z il-l, 2 -o CJ A , y 19 V Kfy 1 $ - u.ii., otuauvjvc, uunuuiLauie furnished suite. Phone Black 277. (142) of what was once a hotel. Soil and, when Bob Currie centred, usual capable fashion. sixth innine when Victor Dell WM,hffn 4 (148) was 'imported" from Surrey at Ferguson fisted the ball away. Teams: ft singled and Bob Moxley doubled, gtuart rf i From the resulting penalty kick 5 a load. Water was carried FOR RENT Furnished 4-room Battery: Morgan; James, Fer- both scoring, in seven innings, Lantt p house. Apply 2181 Seal Cove! from a nearby house. Late in vvn.son gdvt, Morgan no cnante gUSOn; F. Gomez, Hutchison, D. hP allowed two hits, one earned wivn , i t n i lim 1ALE 30 h p. Senu Diesel Iner Electric heating sys (' no torches. Apply at Circle or phone Bue 481. ( 144 1 j May the first results appeared- ancl the teams were on level Oomez; A. Gomez, Hardy, Veitch, run the second came in on a . 43 . - . tflrmu nirain Mprcr Mfis plpvAr itr 1 - n 1.1. .... sweet peas, petunias and nastur- .num. d. uuma, raiumust. 11(.ia error struck out iu ana n nnri A ab . . . flnrl Mnreiin saved frnm Wi snn. ti!v. oi 1. a....n a.. .. . auu trmen's Settlement SefV , FOR SALE Latest style black ) 1Kb) I crepe evening gown, new, size tiums. Later stocks 0 ' "'B" -314" walked seven. snaparagons, . .. . rinthrio kq 2 Ferguson cleared well and chrysanthemums " will be " In the eighth, eiguui, m he was succeed- Kneale .neaie c c 2 The woddX WAHOO! WOW! IaTF" Frnum inn Tu,7rt Apply 514 7th West. (144M .;. , f ., Veitch and Ward were danger- sharD- Bob 'Currie Mercer L.E ?mPty:P?Und! - . aetm. Miss Streathfeild argues ? tnZl' . ' ed by Wesch who In two innings. Whatman 2b that W,,rr,h,,H .itoc no "H.nn.... " , Hiariie UUITie, WllSOll, DWUU.N 1 2 ,wu. uaUy news. FOR RENT 3-room furnished :l (tf) nrlunla K V, tt n Ui .t ,. , ' ' , ,. ' clear. A. Gomez centred well it.iPn t nrp allowed one hit, struck out three rjeu lb 3 and granted no banes on balls. Moxiey 3b p 4 Gordon and Anderson had Cole If 4 me. win a 10c o,e leenng and the H, h defen(,e was hard 1 FROTI,F gardening, she should do ' says, 0Ut,!ST.xll, sed tQ ho,d the BaU ton Block, 2nd Ave. Phone Black 4'J0: or apply cottage pt rear. ' (It something about it. Bob Currie ot a niPe pass rom I hj .. RU.P, .hpRt pitcher trouble frcm the start . T. Menzles cf , 3 record for a wahoo caugtiUoik, a 24-thread line was brakcJu, by Mrs. Julia M. GooOilaiZ Charlotte, N.C., when she land:,-' ed this 77 -pounder off St George, Bermut'r.. Mrs. Goode now leads Bern.uaa's fishing tournament. . who who wa was on on tne Sunberg and Morgan hadtoieramo Thorenson. SALE White McClary $d with Little Queen pot -tier. Phone Black 482. (147i 1 . ". SALE Newly painted six 9 Wartime house, '2 block Sheppard rf 4 Thorenson p cf 4 30 mi ii.-L uiiMi 1UUU.USM uc ciear. Half-time came with the;goai and was frequently tested mound at the opening, was re-tweon England and Australia score one each. i He was well beaten in both goals, lieved after one and one-third have theexpe-ts guessing. Eng- Hih attapkflrt in ,.h mnd l.inmM nnri rm,.n ,Prp Rnun,-i inninss bv Bob Moxley. PERSONAL C.N.R.A 322 180 300 l'J FOR BEST HOTEL SERVICE in land hasn't won the Ashes since G. and A. 000 002 000 half and Wilson forced Morgan backs with Ferguson doing some in that brief period, however 1928 and the popular odds are to save Veitch gave Ward a very clean kicking. Hutchison the railroaders had garnered five the Intei-Hir, stop at Telkw.i Hoteii 344 miles from Prince Rupert, Just half way taPrlncs George. (tf) NICKEL-BEARING COIN The first nickel-bearing coin i-i mat sne won x ao it tnis time. g00cj chance and the latter went I was a hard-working centre half runs, a margin that they went In fact Australia has already very close. Charlie Currie, at the and was ably supported by Dar- on t0 increase greatly during won the first match of the five. , .her end. went verv close too row Oomez and Frank. Both . - Sore Foot, Walcott Suspends Training issued by the United States wa.J ' the small cent authorized by PERSONAL WE'LL SHOP FOR!11'18 al "oumgnam. ine next pnd then Battery attacked, played a hard driving game )f the three was best wlison : bus. 15201 2nd Overlook. (144) 1ALE New and Used Fur-" e and Hardware. Kitchen fs from 50c; slightly used jDom suites, less than ',i ; kitchen sets from $13.50; :c t r t c washing machine; (s; cooking utensils; good Jwood' office chairs; new .s, best makes; other use- wi'll be at Lords. English spirits Sharp, Wynn and MacKay de- with Darrow also giving Boul- who scored both goals for High, GRENLOCH, N.J.-Joe Wal- act of Congress in 1857. VOU. If you know what yoi; were given a - lift in a - recent fended well but, after Boulter ter a - couple -- of hard " drives want, But oui live uve too i,uu far iur awaj away ' said Joe, but the doc- find " was tne Desi iorwara oui nc cott cott recently recently suspended suspenoea an an it yourself, write to the I match whn l9"ypar-o'd Malcolm had run out, Alex Gomex scored Veitch at centre was dangerous needs t0 gjve Qwens more oI the j training for his June 23 heavy- nothing, Shopping Service, Dom-lHiun of Lancashire, a left- to put the Battery in the lead.jand the forward line gave their ball Mercer and Bob Currle are welght tltie fight with Joe Louis tor advi advised him to remain oft Select b inion Building. Vancouver. U)lhand sPin bowler, twice bowled Morgan caught a grand centre ;best display to date, Ward, ciever but play t00 mucn -pat because Of an infected foot. It's his feet for a while. 1 ...... c i-i-,.. u.. - - . . at times. 1-- , oair at limes, tnarue iuirir jhousehold articles at the man. London newspapers played 1 made a clever, run and Alex Go- I Gomez all showing to advaiv- FOUND went close a couple of times. G1I.1IILY CUP STANDING the story on page one, gave it all mez went close again. Wilson tage. the sentimental trimmings in- I made a couple of clever runs, I i Eoulter had no chance with ninHino amnnrrnihor thiic t v, a i 1 beating man after man, butiDarrow Gomez' penalty. Sun- fcl prices. See B.C. FUR-VRE CO., 3rd Ave. Black I ' Ufl FOUND Near Booth School, keys in case. Owner may have Ormes Drugs WLD FAP same by identifying and pay- , ,. .', (V, 1, ,,.. : could not get a shot. Ferguson bere and Wvnn were not so im- DRUGS Battery 2 0 2 10 7 6 1111 iiftiiLLt to xii liic atauuj 1 house, close in with base- ing for this advertisement at the Daily News. (144i the second time Bradman retired. 4 5 2 5 7 2 on cement footings, ex Battery 0 1 2 Canadian Legion ... 0 1 2 stopped Bob Currie. Frank Go- pressive at the start but did mez showed up well and, in a n- very well later. The half-back other attack, A. Gomez narrow- line of MacKay, Olsen and it, for small family. Fu.l TENDERS $2700.00. Some terms. ,ly misf d,The" m ',Sch,o1 Sha JT 1! In Friday's game 120th Bat- The gossip columnist of the T! "k, . ' . . , , . , . very lucky when Ward s shot would be difficult to say which itery will meet Canadian Le".ion SEALED TENDERS addressed to PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS WEEK-DAYS, 9 A.M. TO fl P.M SUNDAYS AND IIOL1DAYS-12 NOON TO 2 P.M.. 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. Evening Standard hints that the undersigned will be re- iiouse on two lots suitab'e uplex or for large family, tut basement. Full price ntiinlr-sc uav ff avnlrtinff Infnnifl ceived " until 5 p.m. June 23vd 7 . . , . . !. ,' .,,.,! tax has been found in the royal )00. Qood terms If des- uil vteueitu xvupaiia w duuu,i and ancient game of gold. Mem bers of one club, the columnist iy Robert E. Montador, Emergency bicycle delivery from 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. and Sunday - (144) Daily car delivery service from B a.m. till 6 p.m. says, play each other for 500 a round, some of the money probably representing black market profits. Depositing 500 in ft Memorial High School. Specifications may be obtained at the School Board Office, Besnr-r Block. . Myrtle M. Roper, Secretary-Treasurer, Prince Rupert School District. (144) PHONE 81 DAD WILL WELCOME complete Gillette SHAVING KIT bank might cause some eyebrow-lifting in these austerity days, ALE Very desirable prop-$ 508 Fifth Ave. East, next I to Skeena Grocery, one p'ith dwelling containing looms and bathroom, lean-ftoreroom at back as well METAL WORK imt-building for wood an 1 'PLUMBING Installations anc 1 m wi repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Tar and Gravel. Roofing. Letourneau & Sons, 629 ) etc., near Hospital, Hig'.l ll and waterfront. Good tlary ranee equipped with IN TERRACE . . . A Modern Department Store Nationally-known lines in Ladies' Wear, Yard Goods, Men's Clothing, Shoes . . . plus a new Self-Serve Food Section with a Free Delivery Lrr xsJfe' (tf) fcurner, and electric washing .Sixth West. Phone 543 but the golfers get around that by explaining, if questioned, that the money comes from golfing bets. Money won in gambling is tax-free. BICYCLE EXPORTS SOARING BIRMINGHAM, Eng., P The United Kingdom exported 157,-343 cycles during March to set a record. During the first quarter, ' 17,452 motorcycles went aboard compared with 12.534 last year and 4,913 before the war. FURNACES FURNACES FURNACES You don't need them now but you will next winter. Ask Thorn Sheet i Service. hine can be obtained if de-ffl. Reasonable price for a lh purchaser. Present own-lilcaving city is only reason a selling. Can be seen P t I reasonable hour day or fling. Phone Red 290. (144) Metal Ltd., about estimates THE SKEENA MERCANTILE 253 East First Avenue, Phone Black 884. (tfi 1SALE Garden stakes, WANTED KOO.lt AN. BO.VKD klled. 75c. Call Mitchell & $50 a hp 303. (144 I WANTED Board and Room by .ROOM ant BOARD " ' " young single man in the em Y IN THE Seabee Amphibian Plane Non-Schedule Charter Service Commercial Hunting "Fishing Sightseeing SALE One Monarch oil month. Rooms $15 to $18 a month. Apply 622 Fraser St.. or phone Black 548. (tf 1 er kitchen range, com- ployment of Thorn Sheet Metal Ltd. Home atmosphere desired. Phone Black 213. (tf) , and one Majestic kitch-mge in good condition. ne Green 613 or call at (32 SKEENA AIR TRANSPORT LTD. Ave. West after 5 p.m. 1 (143) WRATIIAIJS PHOTO FINISHING Developing, Printing Enlarfin"? QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Sunolies Prince Rupert Red Top Cabs 349 Terrace: PHONES W. H. Martin, 23; E. T. Kenney, Ltd. 33 MArHlNEKT rOR SALE TO SAW better lumber mort economically use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable SawmHls manufactured by National Machinery 'ISALE-Gllnet boat with Wit. first class condition, iiy to go. Apply Cow Bay t Works. (140) Company Limited, Vancouver, (tfi BC H SALE Lady's green suit, FOR SALE FOR SALE 1942 Dodge Speclai Deluxe Sedan. Newly painted 0IUY Jm J 12, new. Call between 6 7 p.m., 441 7th Ave. East. I (142) feSALE Boy's maroon C.C.M. 9'cle, excellent condition. pne Green 629. (142) HIR THE BEST IN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE ... See Your GENERAL MOTORS DEALER Chevrolet Bulck Chev. Truck Pontlae Oldsmobile G.M.C. Trucks MACHINE WORK A SPECIALTY Terrace Machine Shop & Garage TERRACE. B.C Excellent condition. Apply 13 (tf) Taxi. GILLETTE TECH RAZOR 3 PKG'S GILLETTE BLUE ILADES 5'S 1 TUBE GILLETTE SHAVING CREAM Make Father's Day a happier one for Dad by giving him a Gillette Shaving Kit. He'll enjoy this practical gift for months to come. You can't buy better shaving value ... a Gillette Tech Razor, 3 packages of Gillette Blue Blades 5's and a tube of Gillette Shaving Cream all for only $1.32. STOKERS GET 30 MORE HEAT FOR SALE Big 4 Wartime House, immediate pusacwiu". SMITH & ELKINS sale. .Box 271 Priced right for quick Armstrong Agencies. 342. Phone Phone 174 (146) RUPERT MARINE REALTY ALSO SEE THESE GILLETTE ONE-PIECE RAZORS SALE Scrap wood, ran-P lengths, $6 per cord. ne Red 903. (145) j , ' tSALE 18 ft. pleasure boat,1 I P. Easthope engine. Good "lilion. Reasonable price. p 2nd West after 6 p.m. I (1441 I SALE 24-foot awning with 4ier. SnaD. AodIv Macevs. Gillette 4niAUenat Set Deluxe gold-plated Gillette One- Kaicn Co-op orTTishg supplies NYLON LINE SPOONS REELS - SPINNERS RODS LANDING NETS- Gillette Set Gold-plated Gillette One-Piece Razor and 5 Gillette Blue Blades in metal case covered with Texol fabric in alligator $J79 grain durably lined. O (J. CLAUSEN & SON) , ( ' We Take Listings of .. . , BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of Llpsett's, Waterfront) Box 548 . Phone Green 975 Piece Razor and 10 Gillette Blue Blades in rich travelling case covered with fine-grain Texol tJLOO (180) ana iinea with velveteen. w- I SALE Cheap; wick burner range. Phone Green 454. i (144) 'The Gillette Om'Piec Rmmor ha not hint to tak apart. Twist th handle . . it opens to receive the blade. Twist again . . , it a ready for use. FLYS - GUIDES - TIPS -T SINKERS Box 1127 251 3rd West HOOKS Phone 119 1 iiirwifiufHfifrfrr ............... ou read it, in the News!