r?.rn::zi.i Liz?.n, Vl'JI'.V.I.-, L . d.' PROVINCIAL LIBHAHY 'be Flood Fund Still Ne&dirHFelp - Give Generously, Give Nov 1 I nc Rupert's NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER bod j PHONE A Prompt At All Service Hours Dyke ORMES DRUGS mm Daily Delivery I PHONE 81 CABS STAR V g.C. FLOOD EMERGENCY CAMPAIGN i jjective $25,000 hrd to Date $12,201.69 Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific PortPrince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." VOL. XXXVII No. 142. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, JUNE 17,'l948 PRICE FIVE CENTS alestirie Situation-- Is Lookin Biriglnta $20,01)0 MHO RESEARCH BOARD DUE NEXT WEEK Ceianesj Mill Digging Through; Construction Is Due In October First phase of construction of the $25,000,001) cellulose acetate mill project for Columbia Cellulose Co. at Watson Island has been finished with' Bernadotte Promises Peacetime Status Quo CAIRO (CP) United Nations mediator Count Folke Bernadotte took off for Tel Aviv today to meet Israeli leaders and talk permanent peace plans for Palestine. The first week of the 28-day armistice has now ended with the country fairly quiet. A letter which Bernadotte wrote to Premier Important Research Group Is Coming to City Six mqmbers of the Fisheries M7 L, 1 $15,000 ,0111) Research Board of Canada, ac completion recently of excavation work on the 20- companied by five other scien acre millsite facing Fort hdward. B.C. Bridge and Dredging and Macco Ltd., the tists, will visit Prince Rupert next Monday and Tuesday, then company, is now contracting leave for the interior to view salmon conservation projects shipping its machinery and Mahmound Fahmy Pasha has been made public. It promises equipment south after having being carried on on the Skeena $10,000 blasted and bulldozed a two- River watershed level terraced area on which Embargo On Freight Off The party, headed by Dr.. will sit the huge timber con G. B. Reed. Board chairman, B. C. Vote For Japs version plant. will arrive here on the Prin that the military situation in the Holy Land will be restored to peacetime status quo. The Arabs have promised to send four experts Monday to headquarters at Rhodes. In Tel .Aviv Bernadotte In Work on the project began IIMMiMBMMMMJMtllfTij ,IH Hill I cess Adelaide, win meet witn last August and during the fall winter and spring, up to 100 men Will be Accorded Next the Skeena River Advisory Committee and with representatives of the fishing industry before flying to. Lake Lakelse Tuesday $5,000 ion have labored in two dally shifts to move 500,000 cubic yards of tends to ask the Israeli authorities if they plan to send consultants also. Election, it is Clear VANCOUVER, IP The Van- CONGRATS FOR NEW ITALIAN PRESIDENT Premier Al-ctde de Gasperi of Italy is shown (right) as he congratulated Luigi Einaudi on his election as president of the Italian republic. Eiiiaiuli was elected after the favorite, Count Carlo Sforza, dropped out of the race during the balloting. rock from the barren face of evening the Island, pushing it onto the They will be joined here by couver News-Herald, in a dis- salt water to expand the area. 1 K. F. Harding, general manager j patch from Victoria, said today of the Prince Rupert Fisher- that Canadians of Japanese or- WINNIPEG (CP) Canadian National Railways today announced the lifting of the embargo on movement of freight to Vancouver and Prince Rupert. The only restriction placed on the traffic is that it will be moved subject to delay because of concentration of track forces and equipment on the sections of line affected by spring floods on the coast. EVACUEES MOVE mm'c rnnoraitvi. who is nne'igin will be given the franchise. Meanwhile, Columbia Cellulose Co., a subsidiary of the Celanese Corporation of America, is mak of the two west coast represen-jin British Columbia at the 1949 n 1 pi TA UfiMCC tatives on the Board. Mr. Hard-1 sesson or tne legislature ana!lmv,X v HUI'SI-J !for the first time will be allowed Four Alaska Ports Accord Royal Welcome to New Prince George ing will 'accompany the party. into the interior. ing final arrangements for plans and specifications and it is expected to have them in the hands of tendering companies within a few weeks. The letting of a general con to vote in a provincial election 18 months hence. This, the newspaper said, became clear in provincial circles IB Mrs. S. Dumas ... $ 5.00 fruus 2.00 f Hunter . . ' 1.00 t.jus ..' 2.0(1 . ms 2.00 i O. Smith 1.00 4 Limit 5.00 4 Davey 1.0.1 $ Wicks 2.00 G Ymidtn .' 1.00 tyiamillon ., . 200 The Fisheries Research Board (Continued on Page &) tract for construction of the WILL FIGHT iic-in;ur.:urating the company's .service into Skagway after a lapse of almost 10 years, the palatial new flagship of mill is expected to take place after the authorities studied the new Dominion Elections Act which gave the federal vote to even those persons denied the provincial vote. Even Though Unauthorized Fraser Flood Waters Still Receding VANCOUVER, In spite of the danger of disease and the warning of the health authorities that they should not return to their evacuated homes until thorough inspection has been made and approval of living conditions given, , some Fraser Valley evacuees are already returning to their homes while others respects. They enlhuscd over sea breezes, superb sce'nery and service and cloudless weal her every day. All in all, expectation were more than realized. in the latter part of August. Steamships Currently, the company has .-da Haii 2.00 ' Canadian National II Switer 1(h)! Pacific Coast fleet, the steam- about 20 men working on lo JO LAST MAN 1 1 Gas Masks Arc: Answer Threat of Great Lakes Shipping Companies to Prince George, Capt. Ernest At Wrangell and Skagway the k .tson 5.00 eating tunnels and on final surveys for the pipe lines which Baseball Standings . , National League Pittsburgh 11, New York 6. Cincinnati 3, Brooklyn 4. Chicago 8, Boston 5. American League New York 3, Chicago 1. Philadelphia J, Detroit 2. Boston 7, Cleveland 4. Washington 5, St. Louis 6. Western International League Tacoma 5-5, Salem 4-8. I ALL EVEN IN IGOLD BENEFIT I'i'oyiuk 5.0) will bring millions of gallons of Caldwell, received a warm and tourists discovered that plenty enthusiastic reception at four 0f sourdoughs had been left over Panhandle ports Ketchikan, from the rush and that the trail Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway. 0f '98 had not been quite obllt-Thc vessel was back in port from erated. Whiskers, almost equal- I innsun 4.00 f fining 5.00 Vicreck 5.00 CORNWALL, Ont. W Twenty water dally from Pond Lake VANCOUVER, W The only impatiently 'vawait the green This work is four gas masks was the Union's nillc mnes away answer to -tear eas threats by wincr riiroctori hv w R Bonnv- winner was the British Columbia light before doing so. The flood Flood Emergency Fund, to the guage at Mission dropped to the tune of about $2,000, when Stan 22.9 foot level yesterday, the Leonard and Fred Wood. Van- lowest since May 28. Eighteen 7:30 10 mianigni iasi evem. mig tne oizarre oeara mveuucu Canada Shipping Lines, Michael castle a hydraulic engineer from p.Diis 53 , t Held 5.00 j $ i & Ray 20.00 t "1 5.00 i Jackson, Canadian Seamen Montreal. TTYiinn flrpnh T.nkps riirpCLnr. said rru. tvaf qp Bremerton 5-4, Yakima 0-5. the Los Angeles Chamber of ago, were being worn. It was a Vancouver-Spokane and Wen- couver professionals, met Chuck feet is considered the safety Commerce party on board. happy touch of novelty, largely ' tul conduction of the"" mill f -UHcU 1.00 Congdon of Tacoma and Ed level atchee-Victoria, postponed, rain. The passengers were ecstatic unlooked for. !& Niekerson 25 00 Jackson said that the Cana- may begin by October. About d'an Seamen s Un on had 12000 $5i000i000 nas been set aside as beauties of the trip and the ex- was welcomed by a crowd of (Porky Oliver here Wednesday. Yesterday a special session of Leonard squared the match on the British Columbia Legslla-the sixteenth with a 20-foot putt' ture was called to vote relief for a birdie. They halved the last funds to speed the rehabllita-two holes. Oliver posted two un- Hon plans for homeless families ''I Wright 2.00 Mrs. It. O. Large .. 25.00 nimble 5.00 m 7.5;) celience of the fine new ship, townsfolk headed by Mayor Pal immediaceiy avauaoie lor um. to carry on a fieht to construction and the total in- Capt Caldwell and his officers Carroll, complete with his luxur- "Jf man" m the dispute with five vestment as planned will exceed well and crew members were iant red whiskers, who present- satisfied with the manner in ed Capt. Caldwell with a key to Great Lakes shipping compan- $25,000,000. Pacific Coast League Portl and 1, Los Angeles 0 (10 innings). Hollywood 8, Sacramento 6. San Francisco 10, Seattle 5. Oakland 8, San Diego 4. THE WEATHER der par of 70; Leonard, 71; Wood and destitute victims of reced .72, and Congdon 73. . ies. which the vessel functioned the town; William Feero, presi J. Leach 2.00 grocery 5.00 4 ids 3.00 ifc: Machine Works 10.00 Service Station .... 5.00 INDIANS ARE DENIED VOTE French Government Honors Canadians tinus 5.00 ing floods. The session will open July 7. . First passenger train to move into Vancouver since the start of the floods arrived last night. It was a 18-car train with 200 passengers which crossed over a hurriedly - erected wooden trestle at Hatzlg. Later a train REJECTION IS NOT SURPRISE Considering that, after all, it dent of the Skagway Chamber 'was .something in the nature of 0f Commerce; Gail Budd, presi-a 'Vhakedown" cruise, so hur-; dent of the White Pass and riedly had the vessel been press-; Yukon Route, and C. F. Abrams, cd into service, there were no ' newly appointed superintendent complaints. lof the railway division. Synopsis The weather situation gener- ii , v.n..f n-uii-v, rv.lnm. " rawley : 10.00 MONTREAL During the re- ' - iiiutii.st.rius 15.00 cent visit of the French train- OTTAWA, '0 The House, of ! , " ; mttus 2.00 change waay. Lagni ram LONDON W A spokesman 1 At. Yra112c11 ana oKiiuwuv, - ' the uiu Fnllnwlne following " a a trio uiu ud uu the me rail- mi- . cruiser Jeanne To h-a d'Arc here, h, r. Commons . voted against aointf pvtpnri- extend- ncant lu" ing llfa -A uwci ii,aiun- u uuuiiiwii.i TvvvA f,M.'.nv - i .. , ,nr iccon. . . .n t irn Unnnott t tt cs rnnr. f ,-. (hn unccian firnrKiccv nprp Plumbing & ting 15.00 ... 1. . ... . . 1 11 v TnHiona 11 . win will uciaiai. i if i ."s i, tivci u.ci Liic nis. suuuiLiit cuw........ ff: f tv, r.nJln 1 ii. t U1 f V,o Prinre (.nuigu uiu uti h" way iu uu,.,!.., w three oiticers ot tne Canadian inar tne franchise io me inaians .. '""" v... j mn. nt th. .,. with 1'tT.s ran into luii-inng ceivuia- ists were oacn 111 town at osaS- armori services were decorated residine on reservations. By a " miorming ureai ontaui uui ti'U.s.staiul 10.00 ..X, tiM'is (. the Golden Jubilee of Wav in time for a pageant re- h lh. p...i, n,nmnt tvp vnt. tn -q thP rihamher re- warm sunny weather over tne Russia cannot accept the trviee I VII Station 5.00 iff northern section. Gradually lm- a.rlbrilINU BOA I mntin'n nf Dnn Rrown DOwer. London agreement for I he 'Gold Rush" and re-enact- enacting incidents 01 tne iran ceremony taking place on board jected a 1.00 mcnt of the days 01 ya empna- , . , . . : I.I.I...I.. nln of '98 days including the shoot- tne cruiser Those SQ honored ,ubcral - Essex West) which ProvlnB conditions are expected separate government in western c UNDAMAGED Marshall Frank Rcid and ver the southern portion of the sald that the Russian," viwwv-i-f ing of were Alr Marshai H. Edwards, would have extended the vote to GcrmanV( Soapy" Smith and dramatiza- Cmdl. H R Rayner R.c.n and the Indians. The motion was in province tomorrow ambassador, George Zarubin, Capt QJe skogs 55.foot beam tion of Robert W. Service poems. W1(J Cmdr Georges a. Roy the form of an amendment to u T?. m th nad told Sir wllliam stranB. trawler, which went 'aground on Fireworks effectively added to R.C AF. the EiccUons Act.. LQw Carlottes tand chairman or the six-power con- Grmdstone Reef at the harbor f'M'hmidt H.Ultnger .... Marshall A na Deshman -'fit.i; ton '-fcraupner Cp'ix'tt ftlle 1.00 1.00 1.0,1 1.00 5.00 1.00 2.00 the snow mat wrangeu put on fyn,,,,aMOOOMM(ortIw v-uo-uy".w - ... ierence, on June ( mat. uie oo- nt n t Metlakatla Passage .act trtriav 11 m nr.prm llfillL . ,j .... n ' ir"". '"U viet regaraea tne agiecu.cu ao nortly before noon Wednesday (light rain Overcast Friday. Wind 0,aUon of the Potsdam pact. , .northwest 15 m.p.h today JhjM Even during negotiations , tlde at 10:30 last night. Found Tuesday night to welcome the , Prince George and her passen-1 gers. Thor Hoffsted, president of i the Wrangell Chamber of Commerce, led other citizens dressed' : : TODAY'S STOCKS :: Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd. sii'(l tne scenic anu iimuiu. mor of the cruise. There were also other notable highlights. A crownins blessing of the voyage was the superb weather prevail-in- throughout its duration. Climate is given as one of several reasons why so many persons have gone to Southern California but the I.os Angek's Chamber of Commerce visitors agreed that the climate of the northern British Columbia and Alaska coast rivals and theirs in some I even surpasses Kingston 2.00 i' Shade 2.00 I Biiyne. 5.00 fickcrman 2.00 r wua,. "- which produced tne agreement, 1 10 be undamagedi she Contin- ature. Moscow radio and Russian news- ued on her way to the Hecate Strait fishing grounds. as "Ninety-Eighters" in the of- Schaeffer 5.00 ebb 3.00 Toronto Athona 08 not be acceptable to the Russian government so the rejection now British Warships ttmussen 2.00 Aumaque - -lSj 1 "SUGAR" RAY IS FAVORED is no surprise ... 5.00 Are Sold to China Beattie 02 Bevcourt 29 Bobjo 12 Bulletins wtvenzm Smith rr l:i'hy sh 'a user CHICAGO, Ray (Sugar) Robinson is a 3 to 1 favorite to ficial greeting to Capt. Caldwell and Charles P. Bayer, leader of the Los Angeles party. A typically Alaskan entertainment was staged in the Alaska Brotherhood Hall where native girls presented folk dances, bull fiddle artists performed, the "Shooting of Dan McGrew" was staged and a dozen "Can Can" girls put on dances in snappy costumes. There was even a message from Robert W. Service RESERVE IS PORTSMOUTH, Eng. The cruiser Aurora and destroyer Mendip have left the Royal Navy." They are to become Chinese ships of war. 2.00 2.00 2 00 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 retain his world's welterweight boxing crown tonight against the No. 1 contender, Bernard Docusen of New Orleans, in a scheduled 15-round bout. Robinson, seeking his thirty- Buffalo Canadian 06 'A Consol. Smelters 121.00 Conwest 1.10 Donalda 75 Eldona IM East Sullivan 2.80 Giant Yellowknife 4.65 God's Lake 65 OLDING ON I Smith -M't' ..... umits f'l Mrs. J. But There Are Mill liistffieiiit U.S. Hollars Bergman third consecutive triumph, will, .LOCAL TIDES ' (Standard Time) Friday, June 18, 194R High .... 11:30 17.2 feet 23:16 20.5 fee; Low 5:15 3.9 feet fniiius , 2.00 .14. be shooting for a quick knock 0714 out against his 21-year old foe. Hard rock Harricana Vancouver Bralorne 8.10 B.R. Con 04 B.R.X 07 Cariboo Quartz ; 135 Dentonia :. ' . M't Grull Wihksne .04 Hedley Mascot 51 Min to 01 Pend Oreille 3.95 Pioneer 2.60 Premier Border 03'i ' Privateer 20 Reeves McDonald 1.85 , Reno 08 Vi Salmon Gold 15 Sheep Creek 1.12 Taylor Bridge 41 Taku River "... 35 Vananda , 36 Congress 03 Pacific Eastern 05 Va Hedley Amalgamated .. .02 Centra'. Zeballos .01 V SilbaU Premier -. .32 Oils A.P. Con .; 16 . Calmont 52 , C. & E 6.50 Foothills 2.90 Home 8.75 CRASH KILLS 41 Sl'NBCRY, Pa. Forty-one persons are feared to have perished today when a United Air Lines transport plane struck a colliery transformer near here and crashed in flames. The plane was bound from San Diego to New York. FRENCH CONSUL STRIKE PARIS More than 25 towns have been hit by a wave of strikes across France and indications are that 100,000 men 'nous 2.00 ' '"'Jus 2.00 "tiiiued on Page Four) WINNIPEG f Canada, ap-lrently, has stopped UE "un" interrupted drain on her reserves of United States dollars . 17:09 7.6 feet throughout which took place Arthur Gerg and uu child ....... who is now living in France. Mr. Bayer led the Los Angeles people in singing "Let Me Call You Sweetheart" and other numbers and ,in a brief speech of welcome, described the concert at Wrangell as one of the real highlights of the entire trip. Three prominent members of the Los Angeles party chartered a plane at Wrangell and enjoyed an hour's fine trout fishing at Mirror Lake, 40 miles distant, their catch including a 12-rnch DISABILITY INSURANCE i"-- v(. tonight on the Prince ' 1947 and is a mwt. my- l:'katoon where tliey wiil -rrT A TIT A The iiiv, best uiov way. . Ul 1 fl n, vi will be off jobs by tonight. A several weeks visiting at, Heva 12 Hosco J8V4 Jacknife 04V2 Jollet Quebec 1 44 Lake Rowan 07 Lapaska 05 Little Long Lac 80 Lynx 09 Madsen Red Lake ' 2.50 McKenzie Red Lake 36 MacLeod . Cockshutt .... 105 Moneta -36 Negus 2.30 Noranda 50.25 Louvicourt 62 holding her own m iKto, of the Governor ham Towers. Ibank of Canada, said here to- dav However, the present reserve of $500,000,000 which might v,nn oHenuate when Can- to provide assistance for incur-, KencIal fciiifcC b called for Mrs. Black Vice- , President of W. A. NANAIMO, (Special to Daily News) Mrs. James S. Black of Prince Rupert was elected third vice-president of the provincial (iniYimanH nf the Wnmon'c Anv- pme of Mrs. Berg's parents. aoies ana cnppies is tnrougn a gaturday, C'KNTRE CARNIVAL ri Vs international trade was at beauty. There were also vsiits , Ms ore-war level, is now insuf-Jto points of industrial interest j 'ENKRAL meeting contributory disaDiiuy insurance plan. Health Minister Paul' Martin told t he House of Commons i yesterday. Those who could not 'pay their share would have to Ibe assisted by the state. SENIOR APPOINTED OTTAWA C. Norman Senior, a well known newspaperman, has been appointed Canadian consul to San Francisco. r r v. vastly cti ac nr.. i on tne wrangeu the iliary of the Canadlah Legion here. '"'ay. June IS, S:lill p.m. ricient to Ketchikan's welcome took (Continued on Page Two) "million requested from allJ celerated pace of business and h'eher prie - he said. uiiercstoa urouns (142i