iet under Wav 8 Prfncr Bupcrt Daflp J3cfes UD. Tliursday, June 17, 1918 Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycle CFPR ; .3 a,1(1 uifc, UM KIDDIES' KAMP OPEN IN JULY ' There is no evidence oi water damaRe to the Kinsmen's Kid SHIPS AND WATERFRONT (Subject to change) TERRACE FAMILY REUNION LATER Stan Savuie shl' 1 No boats being in with catches, there was no sale of halibut on the local Fish Exchange today. umt of mun,v " ftat J risju.stequa t:rit dies Kamp at Lakelse Lake according to word received from Leonard Casey who served as supervisor last year. In a report to members of the Kinsmen's Club last night, George Dibb said Mr. Casey will again hold the position of camp supervisor and Mrs. Casey will T E R R A C E The first white family to settle in the district were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Frank and their four young children who arrived by river boat from Prince Rupert at the small set- ,W1 higher TV, With th - cwu Hs to er,r Whaling off the British Columbia coast continues active. Three ship's employed off Coal ( ''"rhur nn a sinp-lp finnriav. tlement of Kitsumpallum on May UM no less than six. bringing ink" a third UI1 if th7V y 01 It. funds 27, forty years ago. In the fol to a total of 22 the season's bag TERRACE BRIDE-ELECT kONORED TERRACE Mrs. C. W. Alger entcrtainsd at. her home jn honor of Miss Dorothy Cole whose marriage to Greg Sicbert will take place this evening. As the guests entered the home they signed their names in a "Boo1 Of Remembrance" which was later presented to the bride-to-be. Hpr chair was decorated With white satin bows and, in an apt little poem, she was given the clues to the hiding place of a treasure of lovely gifts. Refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. M. Alger. Among those present were Mrs. Fred Thomas, Mrs. Dover, Mrs. Flcftanson, Mrs. A. Best, Mrs". McClelland, Mrs. D. Dubeau. Mrs. Cole, Mrs. Kirkpatrlck, Mrs. McGinnis, Mrs. J. H. Smith, Mrs. R. Glanzer, Mrs. C. W. Alger, Mrs. M. Alger and Dorothy Cole. be employed as camp cook. Arrangements nave also been made to hire a man to do chares about THURSDAY P.M. 4:00 Tony the Troubadour 4: IS Stock Quotations and Interlude 4:30 Wally Wickon 4:45 Lord Caresser 5:00 The Happy Time 5:30 Canadian Caravan 5:45 Platter Parade 6:00 People Ask 6:15 Freddy Martin's Orch. 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 Smoke Rings 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Eventide 8:00 The Mighty Frascr 8:30 The Nation's Business 8:45 Sports Review 9:00 Ernie Adams Show 9:30 Vancouver Theatre 10:00r-CBC News 10:10 B.C. News 1 0u,'st at iasl meeting as v:Us to date. The actual catch of the six was near Cape Cook. Coal Harbor is the whaling fleet's business base. Fui pt vL SUVA. p n " ""Ok the establishment. President R. G. Moore reported that Miss Ellen Klnnaird of the social welfare branch had agreed to act as supervisor of the girls when their camp is In lowing years three more children were born here at the old farm on the banks of the Skeena. The years have gone by, the family has groin up and scattered. Mr. and Mrs. Frank no longer work the farm. They live in town and the two oldest son, Ivan .and Floyd, operate it. Another son, Jack, has a sawmill at 7-Mile on the Lakelse road. will cost t,.." a ' lp)X k?K' - '.:.. - m i yrrrtM. ... l .. - ....7& tr in - n - i FRED GODWIN PASSES AWAY session. W"are Art. fJ hn ted $4,000,000 The first camp is expected to 10:15 Points of View 10:30 Nocturne while their oldest daughter, Ellu. J Frederick Godwin, a 71-ycar-who is Mrs. T. E. Brooks, re- old pensioner and a resident of mained in Terrace. Three other Prince Rupert for the last 20 daughters married and left the years, died last night in hospital town. where he had been a patient This year a grand re-union periodically since last November, was arranged but, due to flood entering for the final time on conditions, could not be carried May 9. J 0:55 Recorded Interlude 11:00 Fish Arrivals Mipl, via VJ FAMILY e DAD WORE . You saw it in the tnily News SCHOOL'S OUT FOR 14 YEAR OLD MOTHER- Fourteenyear-oid Mrs Patricia Wood of Los Angeles, Calif., retired temporarily from the ninth grade to handle a much more important assignment, a brand ne baby daughter, Pamela Jane. With her 18-year-old husband, Ralph, Jr., Mrs. Wood gazes proudly on the new addition to the family. The young couple were secretly wed in Yuma, Arizona, last July. Watt (Belle Frank out. , Mrs. A GOTHIC FAVOURITE Born at Liverpool, England in 1877, Mr. Godwin served in the British Navy from 1895 until 1904. During his residence in Prince Rupert he served for a Modern Etiquette Ey ROBEH i h arrived here by plane from Calgary and Mrs. Woods (Mildred Frank came by plane from Vancouver, but Mrs. Tallon (Dorothy Frank i of Endako could not gel here in time so the re-union has had to. be postponed. A." 11:05 Weather and Sign Off FKLuAl A.M. . 7:30 Musical ClocK 8:00 CBC News , 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC NEWS 9:15 Morning Devotion 9:30 Transcribed Melodies 9:45 Modern Musicians 9:59-Jime Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Round-up Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies ll:00-Bcrnie Bradon Tells a Story 11:15 Reminiscences 11:30 Weather Forecast BIRTHDAY OF L.O.B.A. HERE I Twenty-sixth birthday of the local lodf;e of the Ladies' Orange Benevolent Association was celebrated with a memorable ban-jquet last evening in the w ay Cute. Forty members at- time as caretaker for the Yacht and Rowing Club. He also lived briefly at Queen Charlotte1 City. Mr. Godwin was pre-deceased by his wife in 1912. A daughter, Mrs. Lydia McNec, lives in pool. Q. Does a well-bred person ever attempt to entertain a group of persons by relating the experiences of his recent illness or operation? A. Never. Even if questioned, he will reply in as few words a.-, possible and then change the SHORTHAND WRITERS ARE BECOMING SCARCE MELBOURNE, Australia, Q A scarcity of shorthand writers is one of the main factors causing congestion in the courts here. "We're a dying race, and there's no substitute for shorthand in court work," said one of the official reports. subject. Interesting Old Pictures Given lenuca ana voted tnc artair a complete and highly enjoyable success. VVft' Q. When a professional entertainer attends some social function, is it all right to ask him to perform? A. Not unless it, has been previously arranged. Otherwise, it i.s very presumptuous to ask him. j Interestine mementoes of the very earliest days of the port of Prince Rupert were presented to Capt. Ernest Caldwell, master of the steamer Prince Tables were attractively decorated with peonies, carnations and iris and central position was given to a handsome birthday cake which was cut by two honorary members. Mrs. BEnYlMEvf L DAN DAILEY r7" mln aa- "-t STARTING TODArl 'TS I Classified Advertising Pays! George, during the maiden voyage call of the new Canadian Q. When should the evening j Henry Smith sr. and S. V. Cox. i National coastal liner at her . muslcale begin? J Mrs. J. Johan.sen, worthy mispress, presided. Community sing H'I.'.I..!I.'H home port here. They took the j A. Ten o'clock; but many host-form of a series of photographs esses prefer to begin earlier, at of the site of the present Cana- about nine P.M. dian National dock before it was Q. What kind of dress should occupied, the driving of the a woman wear to an informal first pile at the port, the first dinner? old wharf and pioneer buildings A. Any pretty dress may be LONG LINE WITH CORDTEX UPLIFT,. ing was enjoyed with Mrs. J. R. Carr presiding at the piano, j Court was played, the winners being Mrs. Alex Guyan, Mrs. J. Stewart and Mrs. A. J. Croxford. Convener for the affair was 'Mrs., W. H. Hill assisted by Mrs. A. J. Croxford and Mrs. M. Haus- Silex Replacements tu ' 11.31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Famous Voices j P.M. - 12:00 Mid-day Melodies 12:15 OBC Nevis 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Interlude 1:00 Symphony Hour 2:00-Feature Concert 2:15Family Favorites 2:30 Comty. and Needle Pointers 2:45 Don Messer and Islander 3:00 Ethel and Albert. 3:15 Spotlight on a Star 3:20 Sketches In Melody 3:30 Divertimento, O.U. 3:45-BBC News 3:55 U.N. Report , SECURITY OF TENURE NORWICH, England, O- Farmers who lease land from the Air Ministry on licence and dj not know whether they will be "here today and gone tomorrow,"' are asking for security of tenure worn, with special attention the coiffure. COINED WORD including the original post offices. Among some of the personalities to be seen in the pictures are Canon W. F. Rush-brook, J. H. Pillsbury and Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh. It was Mrs. Mcintosh who made the AND "W1DE-R-AIZE" Tbe dwp band control diailirapm, anrl whittlrf in the wuiKt. 1 he Coriltrx pru! dptigo uplift Hithutit dfajf on rlraH. And the "W irir-R-iiw"-.lbt (itrliinc at the baae of lla Btrap0gire a balanord -aupjiort. . - AT WALLACE'S The word "gas" was invented ser. by J. B. van Helmont to describe the gas now known as car- Narrow and wide neck bowk Chrome and plastic covers. Handles (Ivory and lilatk). Itubk'r plujrs. Silex fillers. YOU WILL FIND THEM ALL AT RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC It Pays to Advertise: PHONE 64 1 BOX 121 313 Tfllltf) AVIATE WEST mm faff ?7 to obtain maximum production. I All M'JIACK. Ill 3 NO. II aaaaaaPa' mmmmW Mm M W M W JT MM W M M M M M MM I -mW M 1 bLft Hnllvmnnd C alt IN THE- ST'PRtMK COUnT OK , BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROF1AT1C Itfr itJ i?l pirivrr dipidtc viurvT iVfl MOST III tll Mutlrr jif tli 1-1- ..i i Y&L 'nl IP-TO-nVTE RESTAEH VXT lllfcVSf OI'EN FROM 3:30 P.M. TO 3:30 AM (( harl.M. Allii-rt kHllolroin. ilnnvd, JntPMiulr. and In Ihr Aluitrr f n,i- .ilinliillial Ion A.f TAKE NOTICE that by order or His Honour Judue W. o. Fulton, made thr 10th day of June. A D. 1MB. I was. anoolntf'ri Arimtr,lutrtn. b. - Developing, Printin IKhU I 1 J M4Afil ' ,.J Enlarging - J J I 35 t f Pi. Xv CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY rilOI For Outside Ordrri SUfY Phone 133 CHOW MELN EKtate of Carl (Charles) Albert Kall- All Darties havlnv rtntmi i -iioc w earner jneeas t--. the aii nl estate are hereby required jwijiiwi name prtifjeriy vermea to me on or before the 31at day of July. . n wec vnn aii nu. ib aner wnicn date claims filed may be paid without reference to any claims of which I then hau no knowledge. All iiru . Indebted to the ertittc are required to pay the amount of tr--'- iri)tef4neh.s to me forthwith DATEn lit till fltv rf Ori.,. o,. nuir,r,. nuuits m w mm I mw M r mm mm GAKDKN HOSK AM) LAWN SPRINKLERS mmma mmm MOSQUITO NETTING T U C C C I TI A Si ? A7 X7 yP JP&Z INSECT KEPELLANTS I II CO C JjG! J AjifxU Q AND SPRAYS O (x V fVf V O caH? GOOD GARDENERS I'sc Vilamin 11-1 for P.rUrr Carclons. It makes for toft Growths and Works Like Mask on Your Plants One Bottle Makes 200 Citations Solution 25 CENTS PMt BOTTLE THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. m na see tnc new prinklr bam ' Lawn Ivrop Sprinklers. They are a real novelty jf- pert. Province of BrltiKh Columbia, this 14th day of June. A D 14S. GORDON F. FORBES, Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. l&QI imperial" I f) 1 IUU GALLON I Al'&J G?ihl the Whvd Relax (it FATHER'S DAY SUNDAY, JUNE 20 mJ .act. ..u ' r V i J ( THONE 311 WE DELIVER II I . I f I II I (oUon Kcm-Ton poKt and M 'X uM i L 1 ,11 V, r,r,ii, ,. 11. -n M S oaakv 1 .'1 I Do you steer your ear or "HERD" it' fl Steering Wander? Shimmy? TircVsnr. Restore new car stcerinjr control! Inspection and correction can bo carried out only by use of specialized equipment. In arcuriianr the MNOSAY policy oi having the riclit tools for u WHEEL ALIGNMENT and BALANCINCi equipment n. Installed and Is now in operation. ' . enj Drive in and let us check and report on your condition. LINDSAY MOTORS LID. Mrocl Woll finiih. Your B f j S ll IKm-Ton ocul ceit pmr fallon it threfor B ( X Ml of ftc. aoi j ' " 1 Covert all surfaces wallpaper, painted We can supply all your needs in ... . BUILDING SUPPLIES II plywood, brick interiors, etc. rMiT "l I including PHONE 866 A WALLBOAUDS, FINISH LUMBER, PLYWOODS, SASH AND DOOR, NAILS, PLUMBING SUPPLIES PAINTS 2 One coat reoy covers. fiff Tl, i"'-f I ffmJJ10 modern I 3 in- Dries hard l-j- in one hour. f fraJt, ' 4 One imperial gallon does a large room. 5 No disagreeable paint odour use room rA ' 6A hard, durable, wathabl surface. I 7 A pleasure to put on no primer spreads lf? mmmt like a charm. fMtBW Hut I AND WHAT FOR FATHER? The question is answered at orice by a visit to our store. SEE OCR FINE SHIRTS TIES BELTS WALLETS PAJAMAS and other Interesting and useful articles. Acmme GREER. & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTOR PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. Alteration' Repair, - Construction - "Serving the North Since 1920" Phone 651 652 LUMBER Floor Sandinff a Specialty PAINTS COAL Clothing Store P.O. Bx " Phone RED 561