Prfnre Ruprrt Dailp rectos Tuesday, April 12, 194S PRINCE RUPERT YEARS AGO Ray Reflects . . . , ; . . and Reminisces Independent daily ne-stprr Oerowc zo oe upbuiltftne of Prince Rupert sad su enmniucitm comprising nonaero nd central British Columbia (AuUkurUMl u 8-cod1 Clfcss Mall. Post OTrtce Department. Ocun Published ererr afternoon except Sundiy b -Ttne Rupert Daily Nen Ltd, 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert, British Columbia. Q. A. KCNTER. Managing Editor. H. Q. PERRY. Managing Director. OF CANADIAN PRESS - A rOTT BUREAU OP CIRCCLATIO.V3 CAJCADIAJ DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION Raatmada: ie par word per Insertion, minimum char?. BOe. Birth HoOsaa: 60c; Cards of ThanK. Death Notices. Funeral Notices, aaamaga " and Engagement Announce iners: 2 SPKCIAi. DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE ' ' StTBSCRIPTIO! RATES ?it tvtj carrier. Per Week. 25c: Per Month, 75c: Per Year, 8 00. 3E- 4eVor By Mall. Per Month. 50c: Per Year. 5 00 w-c (Tucntr-Fire Years) The Alaska Steamship Co vessel Admiral Rodman went ashore on Gibson Iiianci. Gren-ville Channel, flooding all hei holds. Little hope was held that I she could be salvaged, although) preparations were being made tfk rpflnnt" hpr ' it ..... the J T v:i ) o. ! A new concentrator at Anyox smelter of the Granby This keeping up with the to deal with the scourge of the Jones Bill is a tiresome bust- common cold are offering them-ness. not only for Prince Ru- sehos at Harvard University pert, but for every other port Personally, we'd rather not In the north. Alaska does not There Is a remedy but not a like it any more than British cure and looking back over the Columbia. It's out of place and years, the admission is cheer-out of date and everyone is well fully made that, whenever it aware of it 1 was reckoned necessary, the ser- vice was faithfully performed The American cruiser Mil- ! flrK5 had It value. Treatment waukee. used for fire years by , as never delayed and possibly, Soviet Russia under lend-lease, on occasion, there would be has returned home. A sloppy more than was actually needed, ship wa she. Vodka bottles, in that's another story. the officers quarters, couch j - cushiom worn out. Below decks. 1 10' Oomnko, a wltnei In galleys coated with greasy film and reekinff with the odor of lhe Cfcfr lrlal- continues to be Co. was running lull blast, ac- i cording to H. S. Munroe, general manager. Maximum capacity of the ore treating plant was 1.250.000 pounds a month MESVS k-, snforiw i Mtvs lxi)ll, 'mm MtV LRU ""' intrss isUle flsn. Now. what could have "refully guarded by the R.c. A number of Mongolian pheasants were being shipped from Victoria for placement on Tor-cher Island, where it was hoped they would thrive. They had been sent north at the suggestion of the Prince Rupprt Rod and Gun Club. MP. Gouzenka must certainly .been behind all this? An at- i. 4 - j .i be "down In the books" or pl i uriupk iu pun s oik vi arcrpuuu , . at Washington's expense or just viet ?"M,awlAn "idtly Mos-plain-laziness and inefficiency? ' ffw llkes hlm less.and less as time goes on. Practical Education SURVEY is being taken in British Columbia, A . including Prince Rupert, among representative citizens, particularly those having to do with emplojTnent, to ascertain their views as to what kind of a job is being done by the schools of British Columbia in fitting out the young people to enter " the business and industrial life of the country. When it comes to summarizing the findings of the survey it may quite possibly be that there will " be a collective view indicating a tendency on the part of the schools today to be getting away from the essentials and possibly putting a little too much emphasis' on the frills. It is all very well to instruct in the enjoyment of life. That is a very laudable adjunct to the educational system. But there can also be a little too much-of sugar coating with a lack of consideration of the solid and primary purpose of education to , fit the young people practically .for the serious ,' business of life. After all, employers are concerned in getting a reasonable value out of the employed. Employers, generally speaking, are prepared to give considera- SPEtlu MEN'S Uv,. ilUITS JIIIU . BEER NICKEL IN NEW YORK IN CANADA ITS SAME No longer is there any excuse for carrying around dust-laden tonsils. Five-cent suds are back at least at the oasis known as Sam's Bar and Orill' on New York's St. Mark's Place. Mine host. Sa:n AUlra, stands Ul.ii.J hU weU-Hiwd bir here huluing lh sign that teas the world the good news. They're big glasses, too. A large percentage of Canadians received good newt when the new budget was announced by Hon. Douglas Abboott. Big reductions were made In various taxes but no change wm made In liquor taxes. B0VS' PVVTv (Thirty-Five Vears) H. C. Brewster and John Oliver addressed a meeting which packed the Westholme Theatre. They illustrated the unhealthj condition of provincial administration and described tlie government as a "gang of political adventurers." T. D. Pat-tullo presided. LAXATIVE PILLS Keeat renar nith fiat cerul Motion VW-J well oM,U, SPK1AL LADIES snio, ronatipation a senous trouhk 1 1 hen rad this unsolicited with you assort tntnl H ettr; Unlike Sir Stafford Cripps, Canada's Finance Minister brought down a painless budget. He did not have to- go off by himself, bite his nails and think hard. However, In a fiscal pinch, the British Chancellor showed Judgment. If austerity was to stny as autere as ever, there was certainly no risk or harm in seeing what could be done with a bland and blameless old friend called beer. The tax could be lightened a little and verily, n o Briton would protest Such a.-concession could not, however, soften the sting of disappointment where more substantial matters were concerned. Yet, was It not SPECIAL Jvas sirk with en$ttpmtin. I what -City Council Did mm The monthly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Board of Trade was held on the steamer Prince Oeorge. O. H. Nelson was speaker, his subject being: "The New Prince Rupert and its rratttrtt tht poiM whrrt nt tart of pUl AWprrf. Then my mother mid I thouli try K E LLOOO'S ALL-bRAN. So 1 began eatint ALL-BRAN Approved a finance com- Received a report from! 1 the board of works advising that I ml t tee report of the following ! the Reserve Army will not build city-owned property sales, all general traffic ! a proposed rifle range on Sixth having been advertised and aold . tion to the comlort of the employed and to allow W. P. Hinton . . airy "oy- It i manager for the Grand Trunk ' iwntw wct ntt tv srmfic. tat thir nui alu when nn Pacific and G. A. JJicholl. indus- as lon ag u any I competitive bids were received: something in a dreary desert of Mrs. Lucien Kelly, 8 Deaiaurttn 'Urtei, VuWmc. Yam, ten, Htay forget V tver hii asceticism? trial commissioner, arrived on from neinboring propeny own- Lot 12 and the east half of lot the Prince Georg from Los ers. Objection was Taised two ill, block I. section 1 (First Av- jenctipatiOBl 4am Ut teck of bulk ti th &mt. Simpl f KELLOfJG weeks ago ply eat an ounu 'S ALL-BHAN !"r::.R;.5r!!:0' ,!52' lt' what you were praying tor Angeles and left immediately for the interior to be present at a temporary linking up of the rail line. tfsily ttn4 drink elentv wstsr - them a maximum measure of pleasant living. But it might as well be admitted that the work is the first thing. , The schools, we would say, might be doing a better job in the way of developing attitude of. dependability, conscientiousness, initiative and resourcefulness. Possibly, the tendency toward paternalism is a litte too marked even in the schools as in other sphere's. Political thought and economic conditions durintr recent vears havp arrpntprl th ALL-H KAN iaiksf a purgntier but bvrasom rrf uiating rreL Eat as : cereal or in niu&ns for cotistiua- i . -w . uijonly a few weeks ago M yOu ... On reccommendation of j lot 11, block I, section 1. to w.pushe(j thM Jong-handled shov-the board of works decided tojKuaik lor $525, both sales ub- ej into snowbanks tsnl It? test a former A.R.P. siren on top. Ject to ex-servicemen's 50 pep-1 aome people are never satts-of the Besner Block to decide; cent rebate. Lot 9, block ll.'fsed. WOBBLY TAKE-OFF Many long - winged, short-legged birds need room for a its feasibility for use as a curfew section 1 (First Avenue, to. orm rviief. if after nn a pa ksf you arc not compirtriy aatislied, tH iouUe your money back as fuaran-Ud oa the package. Get aVui-ious ALL-BHAN fron yoar groeer U aay. Maoe mj KaUogg't of LasW 0taht take-off like an airplace before warning. Volunteers willing to be ex H. O. Helgerson Ltd. on behalf iof John Roach, for $500. perimented on in the campaign they can get tip into the air. drift toward snrh a tpnHpnpv Tf nrorfo o vi , . . Granted permission for the I.O.D.E. to hold a tag day on downtown street on October 1. . " r BLACKHEADS so suiekly br tffixt method tht di lenge to the job of education and it is a challenge to which education should rise. Ufim ir Isw sohrc tbem. Gt two oune of perttxios surds trass yof: Srsrcitt, smlr with s i kot. rt cloth scntly orsr tb blsrlrhwrii ' ! as rM frlU w4r vssr lhr ksrt snasa ... Approved a report of the S toy vf.of J ' licensing. committee Tjrantinai the following trade licenses:! ontfcuiffti onl 18 Wy 1 McRAE m Stanley G. Olson, marine repairs; K. Wilmot, retail stamps and supplies; , W. R. Thaln. automobile repairs; E. Beil, taxi-operator (transfer of existing licenser. T ENGLISH PUNCTUATION The colon and semicolon w-. c first used in English punctuation in the 16th century. Prince Rupert's Finest Eating Place BROADWAY CAFE BEST FOOD BEST COOKING , 1 . ,A PRESIDENTIAL INDISCRETION EVEN the elected head of a great nation may become so vexd he will make a remark entirely unbecoming to himself, personally, and to his dig nity and exalted office officially There was, for example, President Truman when he addressed a select little dinner honoring reserve officers ' and their ' wives at Arlington in Virginia. m m It seems the President's aid-de-camp, Maj.-General Vaughan, is a highly esteemed old crony of CHIROPRi John F. L. Hurfin 21-23 Besn?' Phsne BUI Apswntmj iHi.-'M in i i ill i t i i i 1 1 ii if ii fnniii m i ri cnin ta t i ui !hf un.iWf to (t-U RBCEPTlOlft n sfwrnw TO DELINQUENTS If your subscription Ik in arrears and" you do not receive your paper, please do not blame the publisher, the news boy or the post office. Just do a little straight talking to yourself. Co-operation of subscribers in this regard would be appreciated. It would save a lot of trouble and everybody would be happier. Subscriptions are payable in a Specialty CHINESE DISHES FOB TAKE-HOME ORDERS PHONE 200 608 WEST THIRD AVENUE mm 1W1IM Proix-rlJ in division availaWi vunuvi ucv MX. ca 1 V 1U1 LllC newspaper columnist, Drew Pearson, who has been trying to see the General fired. , "Any - who thinks I can be made dismiss him has another think coming," the President is rep'orted to have declared at the dinner. . Public reaction to what was a forceful description ranged from shocked silence to murmers of amusement. It went all over the country. Said one erudite publisher with an instanct for brevity: . ' It was an abbreviated vulgarity." Well, it at Ueast leaves something to the imagination. Even, the clergy felt disposed to show ref resh-f . ing candor. One sent this from Colorado: "- "I've said it myself ." "And so it went ...... And another publicity man wrote: "We cannot quarrel with the sentiment, but we do wish he had not sounded so much like a cavalry sergeant." ( hmre vif I'1' hl nrires. N "1 Easter Sunday P more ffhan D'd flrustf raysclff" The bank's the place for my money. I always put part of my pay into my bank account otherwise it burns a hole in my pocket. I guess I trust the bank more than I trust myself! I figure that's one reason why my savings have been building up the way they have. ' Another reason I'm sold on a bank account is that I always know just where I stand. All I have to do is take a look at my pass-book. They're a lot bejtter bookkeepers than I am. What's more, what's in my pass-book is my business, and I can count on the bank people to keep their mouths shut about it. And that suits me just fine ! Place your rest now with ARMSIR WE WILL FEATURE BAKED ; ff( HAM XN ADDITION TO OUR REGULAR MENU AGENC Make Reservations Early and bring the family down to the Civic Centre DAm Room For Reservations and Chicken in The .Rough Phone Red 705 3117 3rd W. J Heal Kslat' - 'j I'lt'"'.?'''!- ', st I.S.! PRINCE i I VANCOl VOODBUILT PRODUCTS WE, DESIGN, BUILD, REMODEL AND and l"tfrri Ormes Drugs FINISH ALL TYPES OF FURNITURE, STORE FIXTURES DRUGS Each Th( at II ' J I For KETC For PRINZE ElAPi AND BUILT-IN CUPBOARDS, ETC. TO YOUR-SPECIFICATIONS - SUGGESTIONS SATISFACTION PHONE BLUE 951 OR 535 341 Second Avenue or First arid McBrjde Reserve Your Seats Early For KENNETH SPENCER The Great American Basso Civic Centre, Thursday, April 14 PHONE 81 Cofl l your imk k m S. fwrinf fa W wHh m ttmit, O R E D B y YOUR S P O N S BANK