I '4 Prince Rupert Daurj YuttoS Tuesday, April 12, 1949 SpoAsM Scored In Rup-Rec Show . ! . ". for three games and Ian Dunbar, whose high single-game score was 307. Alley Cats 4, Moose 0. Brownwoods 4. Ambassadors 0. Burns 4, Maple Leafs 0. Stones 4, Malkins 0. ' Continentals 3, Jaycees 1. Seotians 3, Mallets 1. MALKINS ' . s:.i I f r u ? , " - y--1 " iff if ''' 1 t- 1:1 I " k :- i BURNS RETAIN -5-PIN LEAD Burns hold a two-point lead over Continentals in the Men's Five Pin League with 18 noints. four of which they acquired in I the latest session of the league. I ' Trailincr Pnntmpnf.alc u-Vn hnuo 16 points, are Srotians with 15. High scorers for the session were two Brownwoods players Bobby Woods, who bowled 72Gi 1 &rZa!g& Thu JvitiKnfit n not published Of WiieUytd by A Liquor Control Board or k th Govmmal of British Columbi. DeLuxe Delivery Phone 383 Phone1 a Prompt and Efficient Service ANYTIME ANYWHERE AUCTIONEER PHONE 383 J. II. MAIR . CUTTS TRIUMPHS-World badminton champion Stan Cutts loft -firmly on the birdie in a world-champion test- of-strength against rSJT kw v.um, retameq nis title by vanquishing Orant in two straight sets in ottaw - - SETTING CAPS FOR EACH OTHER Bing Crosby, part owner of the Pittsburgh Pirates baseball team, hastily dons a Pirate hat and arms himself with a baseball bat for a talkfest with Cleveland Indians Lou Boudreau who fell into the spirit of the occasion by donning Indian war bonnet during his Visit with Bing in Hollywood, California. - week-ends here getting in their last fling before the summer weather comes In. It Is planned to operate these snowmobiles from Jasper to the famous Marmot Basin next fall and winter which "will provide some of the finest skiing In th west. eta 168 198 r verTng" 193 160 211 149 203 Burnie 264 173 152 q. Withers .......... 120 208 151 Handicap 45 45 45 Totals 1044 903 960 STONES L. Vanetta 237 223 230 D. Mackay 314 204 155 B. Windle 203 216 175 R. Tubb , 201 269 235 C. Kellett 233 227 149 Handicap 24 24 24 Totals 1212 1163 068 BURNS S. Comadina 196 1 90 2C7 M. Halvorsen 153 209 197 J. Pinniger 263 193 251 F. Comadina 177 223 257 J. Comadina 177 203 199 Handicap 16 16 18 Totals 984 1034 1177 MAPLE LEAFS J. Whittaker 141 121 255 Armstrong 182 172 192 Pasre 123 134 163 Ischabold 120 175 160 J. Mitchell 196 181 223 Handicap 145 145 145 Totals 907 928 1138 E. Musselem 257 210 231 E. Mussalle m 257 210 231 I. Dunbar 193 1K0 307 B. Woods 252 226 248 B. Moxlev 203 170 194 Low score 132 117 159 Totals 1037 883 1139 AMBASSADORS J. Long 183 211 169 M. Chyzyk 158 161 200 S. Dziapka 172 158 TfiS W. Anderson 200 117 159 T. Hopkins 132 145 i8q Handicap 72 72 72 Totals 919 864 n7 I M en! : Why Suffer those painful bladder conditions, arising Irom weak kidneys? Ban those restless nights. The new mag- nesian treatment IMAGNOPILLSl Is boon to sufferers like you. With MAGNOPILLS you will feel rast improvement in your well-being, and will experience quick relief from neurasthenia, prostration, and de-1 Jectlon. Gives you too, a decided I uplift after surgery. I MfionnnllU . f ..1. oil rw ' I Stores - ni" - . . . .r. yes the finest of all fine cuts for greater smoking iatiskction I, ALLEY CATS W. Landon 190 20!) 226 D. McNab 102 157 133 E. BlAin 168 178 191 B. Tough 196 214 216 H. Lindseth 2ti6 20! 9 Hanmcap iuz iuz Totals 1024 10(15 1029 MOOSE , 1 H. Muncev 151 160 220 !H. McKinnon 185 248 ??? J. Goudv 179 227 lal B. Bellamy 135 145 178 RJ Tweed 246 146 116 Handicap 55 55 Q!? Totals ..: 951 "981 JAYCEES--, A. P. Crawley 190 199 171 O. Odegard 189 97 138 S. G. Furk 156 131 140 M. Stapleton 162.208 103 D. Hay 159 190 mi Handicap 71 71 71 Totals 27 89G 734 CONTINENTALS kt..t R. VukOVich 141 loo 21D H. Price .1 143 156 198 nouse ! " . V ( ' ' f: ' ; vV; v Complete Meal for ALL Dogs Triumphant Climax to Another Successful Season at Civic. Centre Oymnasium Rup-Rec's third annual display last night In the gymnasium of Civic Centre was a triumphant manifestation of accomplishment in the fiel dof physical training for. young and some not quite so young during the past winter season at Prince Rupert's Civic Centre. Games, exercises and gymnastics, replete with skill, grace and precision, reflected the painstnk- ing work of patient and talented leaders and the whole thing was a pleasurable exhibition for a large audience which filled the commodious balconies and galleries of the gym. The show will be repeated tonight. Captivating curtain-raiser of the program was the group games number by the tiny tots under the leadership of Mrs. E. D. Forward with Mrs. George Brown as pianist. So large has been the enrolment in these classes during the season that they had to be divided in half for the display. A second and separate group from that which appeared last night will be seen tonight.. . Rup-Rec teen-age girls and boys and Junior boys. showed surprising agility in their vault-! jng ami springboard number , ,, .. - .... garet Slinn and Louis Van Pyk-' stra. The dancing and singing "umber of Rup-Rec Junior girls in their crepe costumes depict- ine a rid'ne scene was highly . ... actPtabIe. ---tvi. Judge j Prockter led in the slnBlnS and Barbara Teng i -ne Piano acompaniment. Grace, precision and agility w"e.comblned lnthe ana turriDiing hy Rup Rec teen and Junior girls. Four eightsomes of square' dancing by the Rup Rec teen! girls and ladles' keep fit classes! were tunesome and delightful to watch. Miss Margaret Sllnn did the calling. Exacting and advanced physical training exercises were demonstrated with remarkable precision under the skilfully controlled direction of Miss Slinn in a fundamental gymnastics display by Rup-Rec Ladies Keep Fit which was one of the highlights of the program. King Edward School contributed two fine gymnastic displays one of ground and ladder pyramids by Grade Fivers directed by Miss Slinn and John Jenkins and another of spring- ooara tumbling by Grade Six. Borden street Schools contributions were Inclined to be along artistic and colorful lines with the spirited Rhlnelander number in Norse costume and the illuminted rhythm drill bv boys and girls with illuminated Indian clubs and tinselled balls. Wind-up of the program was the grand finale number featuring a parade Illustrating the milk bottles which are to be seen around the city as receptacles for voluntary contributions to Rup-Rec funds. A shower of coin from the balconies and galleries was tangible expression of appreciation for last night's show and the good work that is going on in Rup-Rec. Another feature of the evening was an interlude during which the final for the Civic Centre table tennl3 championship was played between H. Stadnyk and Helge Holkestad with the former emerging the winner in straight sets 20-19 1 and 21-18. There was also a badminton display with Stan Cornwell and George Viereck and William Murray and J. p. Macdonald participating. Proceedings of the evsening were declared open by Civic Centre President Dr. R. G. Large who revealed that 426 perjons were taking part in the display on this occasion as compared with 229 last year while there ' WANTED Empty Beer Bottles CITY TRANSFER WILL COLLECT THEM AT YOUR DOOR CARTONED OR LOOSE Ylt PAT CASH PHONE 950 i A. Matheson 155 216 207 J- Rhodes 153 o6 236 J. Paul 141 o4 i3 HandicaD B Totals 742 1059 1138 MAIXETTS I W. Mallett 152 151 211' V. Bolam 115 166 200 A.' Maiore Z'ZZ. 175 163 171 C. Martin 120 184 261 A Handicap H"S"son - 136 ?i 136 S5 ? 136 Totals 819 965 1162 ' SCOTIANS W. McChesney .... 185 163 230 J- Laurie - 189 216 133 1 !5: Davidson ::::::: 188 is J. Graham 235 174 242 Handicap 81 81 81 Totals 1023 1012 1084 A man weighs about 12 ounces lAcq nt plthpr tVip Nnrth or f!mif 'Pole than he does at the equa- , or- Expression f Inttlligtnt ENERGY Tirelati COAT Silky BODY Sound U HEART loyal By CHICK YOUNG TTTJTT V i . When you feed CAWSS nourish every inch of your dog ! Feed your dog GAINES! -You'll le rewarded. Wanse hell be healthier, happier, more fun for your fnmilr! GAINES ' , 18 tenne.e.Ued-bmluf-i.-ully proved to be nutritionally complete nnurMie etierv inch. More economical, tool GilineS ra, 'e! ' terd ,,,an tt"r lheT '71" of do f00'1-it all f..d. S.me oilier types contain 70 moisture. Why pay lor water? liny nourishment! Buy GAINES! 5 lb- makes 10 to 12 lbs. of ready-to-eat food. It-. " IKSiii-: . VU - - 'J ' 3 JEWELLED THOI Ancient r0Dl , aids sharpened the i red riches and hp der the tongue, ga ot prediction. Advertise in u J Mil . I BrrWi 5 Of TASTY So easy to feed I r CAIM i?v l c'l JVL'"' or ravy). Kr wiety. try Kltl M'.lKlN. whi. l. U GAINES Meal comreS.d JASPER STILL ENJOYS SKIING JASPER Even at this late date the skiiers around here are getting many a thrill from their lavorite sport. Two bombardier snowmobiles have been kept busy taking ski parties from the village to the signal cut-off on the Maligne Canyon road to timberline on Signal Mountain. Beautiful spring skiing greets the visitors. Large parties from Edmonton and other points are spendirt; were 11 groups as compared with eight. Dr. Large expressed particular appreciation to th volunteer helpers and particular .to Miss Margaret Slinn who is shortly leaving Clvi6 Centre work to be married to Emll Blain, another stalwart of the gymnastic floor. R. G. Iwooi-o wj master of ceremonies for the evcnlui uJ Miss Frances Moore was the principal piano accompanist The volunteer helpers were Miss Barbara Teng. Mrs. A. G. Boas, Mrs. George Brown, Mrs. E. D. Forward, Mrs. George Stan-bridge, Mrs. E. C. Wallace and Louis Van Pykstra. NOW AVAILABLE LOOK FOR TOE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli. Pron. PnONE 37 P.O. BOX 1397 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT VANCOU'ER VICTORIA . SEATTLE Tuesday, 1.30 p.m., Catala Sunday, 10 p.m., Coqultlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 pjn. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS sj. Coqultlam, April 22, May 6 May 20. POR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coqultlam, April 15, 29 May 13. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 lino rrtmrliy lute-size pellets. . i in i ' :....ins ' to n' t-m BLONDIE r Jjrnt- ft mwM-l Use Your Initiative, Dear! iU.ii TT ; , I s I m?l"TTTTT 1 1 i . i i ! ! I t II f . in .i.i , i , ., ,. ... WALLACE PHARMAC 3rd Ave. fith Street iVvvvwvavvvvasv,,"','v' rWWW 5 For Construction Altrationi C fL43 nc,?Tv at tme club5 S "N P-l (just tell mim vou cotrTZ 7 10 LOETOSO,CAVE--WA!T-LL I CN SECOND J (YOU DOST ) I LIKE STAG RM?TS Tff5 Dagwood's Not Anti-Social! 1 ' Vf5TS. l-S- 57 X Ts J2) GREER & BRIDDE CONTRACTORS AND BUttDE88 Floor Sandine SpecUlty Red 561 WrWWvWtVWWW 'VC1 .... ..nnPSUE? r I ' ' 1 1 1)1 g W.V III I I ,v'TvT.v f. v " ii yvTi J I I' I 1 lit ti tt .11 I II I i. VA 0 ,-. "N. "Jl L I .J 1 fleebftd Avenue opposite Ffn?i,fl,oue n , ia . . pnnnc - 1 1 ii t 1 1 mi-&v-? -gj