2 T ! Ill 1 i Local News Items... CLEAN BURNING Tuesday, April 12, 1949 famus HERMAN STREET RESIDENTS SEEK BETTER ROADS A petition signed by 18 resi uri niim nnni Executive meeting Can-. "Ottawa Highlights" by H. adian Legion Hall Mon. G. Archibald, M.P., Tuesday 6:15 and drainage improved. This, he said, would be helpful in allowing year-round access to the upper portions of the street. A second petition, bearing five signatures, seeking the in- p.m. Regular Month- p.m. C.F.P.R. (86) ltlll1iiiiuiuli.,u,ujti,,iiiiji,luai1illli1.,lui,.li;i,uuiiiiii1u,aMiNm;liu,ii R igh t for Easier 614 8 ly meeting (with initi NATIVE PARLEY ILUFTY (Continued from rage 1) Stellaco Reserve, Stony Creek' and Fort St. James. HazeU Charlie was named vice-president of the district. OFFICERS ELECTED Officers elected lor the coming year are: President, William Scow, Alert Bay (re-elected). Vice-Presidents Naas district, Johnson Russ, Greenville; Skeena district, Edward Bolton, ation of new members) dents of Herman Street and EGG -NUT- STOKER .CMP - ORDER NOW Herman ' Place, seeking a road stallation of a roadway along Borden Street School P.T. A. Tea and Sale of Home Cooking, April 14, 2:30-5:00. (87) Notice to Customers Civic Centre Dining Room will be closed Good Friday open as usual Saturday. (88) Fifth Avenue East from Immanuel Street to Seal Cove Circle also was referred to the board the Wed. April 13 at 8 p.m. (87) Don't forget Bulger's 95c Sale IS for Saturday only many articles to go a iess than half price. (87) outlet via Fjfth Avenue East and Immanuel Street was presented to city council last night and referred to the board of works and City Engineer for report. BERT & McCAFFERY LTD. STETSON WHIPPET of works and city engineer. It received little support from the aldermen on grounds' that PortEssington; Queen Charlotte 2YERYTHING FOR. THE BUILDER" I PHONE 116 islands, Matthew Williams, All members, of the Prince Rupert Local United Fishermen and Allied Workers Union: there will be a special meeting Wednesday April 13 at. 7:30 p.m. ih the Metropole Hall. This is im- Bulger's are having a Big 95c Sale on Saturday. Hundreds of Lovely and TJheful Articles at Low Prices. (87) In the Salvation Army Citi- The petitioners are asking an the area two blocks long has ( alternative entry to their lofty . so few improved properties ly-Ruslibrook Heights properties ing along it that it could not on grounds that Herman Street, bear the cost of a local improve-now Itheir only entry, is so j ment project. Houses on that steep that it is Impossible to section of Fifth Avenue are now maintain delivery services in I served by Fifth Avenue, the bKiaegate; . Northern Interior, Harold Sinclair, Kltwanga; Central district, Caleb Williams, Bella Bella; Alert Bav district ,Porlant. malte P"lr be on rraser oireei, cngauuu , Frizzell returnee w Alfred Dawson, Gilford Island , yesterday afternoon the fall and winter on account closest thoroughfare Dusiiicoo . g briet of the snow and ice. Grade up .r m trie cuuioc AIE PASSENGERS To Vancouver T. Olsen, K. Bosworth, G. Mllburn, W. L. Wood. ' To Sandspit J. E. Fallls. From Vancouver G. C. Mitchell, Miss S. Miller, D. Frizzell, R. Campbell, D. S. Dick. attended the British Hpme League Secretary, will be An unidentified correspondent' visiting our city. Wednesday 8 purporting to be a teacher in one ; p.m. movie films from Kenya, of the junior school grades has Thursday 7:30 p.m. Home written a letter to the editor on League Meeting. Good Friday the subject of married women morning, 10:30, A Song Story East Coast, Vancouver Island, Robert Clifton, Comox; Lower Frascr Valley, Oscar D. Peters, Katz; Northern Coast, Vancouver Island, Moses Smith, Ahou- the short street is about 17 per cent above horizontal. The alternative entry would The Supreme Court of Canada and the Exchequer Court were constituted in 1875. Liberal Association sat; Southwest Coast, Vancou working Thp iptt.pr rannnt. hp Cantata "From the Palms to From -Sandspit-T. E. Hug- ver Uaad, Tom Shewish, Alber- MOVING PICTURES nuhlishprf hPfnusP rif Mip rnmJ. the LllleS." (87) recorded abdlcuor ... i,,:t rt fivl'm wood, Mrs. M. Newbauer, G. rctn was i ' Newbauer. rator, in 79 B.C. ni; Pemberton-Lillooct, William Pascal, Pemberton; Burns Lake, Hazcll Charlie, Fort Babine. Secretary, Frank Calder, run north one block from the1 corner of Emmanuel Strppt and Sixth Avenue, then a block west to join Herman Street at the top of the hill. Highest grade on I the proposed route, according to City Engineer Don Stewart. would be about 7'2 per cent. j The petitioners asked . that the new road be included in the plete anonimity. If the correspondent wishes it published there should at least be a signature to establish bona fide. Thomas Yule, formerly of this city and absent for the past six months, first in Prince George and then in Vancouver, arrived in the city Sunday night on the Treasurer, William Freeman, In the Salvation Army Citadel on Fraser Street Brigadier Annie Fairhurst, who has spent 12 years as a missionary in Kenya, East Africa, the land of lions and witchcraft, will be showing some excellent movie pictures. Don't miss this extra fine treat. The day: Wednesday, April 13 The time: 8 o'clock ((87) - J . 1 .. nr.1 uauu iium local improvement bylaw which . proceeded yesterday to Port L larmed lor street rehabili-i Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Haugen and four children and Mrs. O. Haugen, sr., left on last night's train for Edmonton to take up future residence. Mr. Haugen has disposed of his grocery business on Sixth Avenue East to Kington wnere ne wm i tation in the Rushbrook Heights Litrtlaing 1 payable in advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Klemtu. ( Southern Business Agent, Ed Mahoney, North Vancouver. Northern Business Agent, Vincent Wells, Prince Rupert. Mr. Anfield acted as returning officer. Acting as host to the 100-odd charge of the Brown store. Mrs, area. TOK KENT h OF THANKS ' Alderman T. B. Black raised Yule will be coming north next week. 0 an objection to the local im FyClub wishes to ex- Norman Baker and N. R. Young and will go into the contracting FOR RENT Comfortable Bedroom for lady, with kitchen' nrivileeeif reauired. Close in assisunu , iu provement feature when he pointed out that properties along , the proposed alternative opposite Borden St. School. ' delegates and guests, the people HOTEL ARRIVALS The sleek, trim lines of the Stetson Whippet and the bold sweep of its. bound brim, help to give you that confident, up-and-coming look that says you're "going places." And the Whippet is going places too . . . its the favourite hat for Easter and the spring season. vere maaverwuuy from the program of nmss Concert: McRae WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Developintr, Printing-Enlareing QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies route are all owned by the city business in the Alberta capital. Miss Aileen Cross of the University of British Columbia extension department, after conducting a course in various fapert Peoples Store. and that there would therefore, be no one to charge the f Bclla Coola disPlaved an out" 895 Borden St (tf) ' : standing example of hospitality. FOR RENT Sleeping Room. Bolh tne Brotherhood rouiernooa a and th? tne Apply 801 Borden St. (tf) f - - - Ladles Auxiliary went to great FOR RENT Housekeeping lentrths makp ,.h. v1rU ,pU Mens luiu ou.vis "".. Radio and Electric. To Prince Rupert R. Campbell, Vancouver; C. J assisted in any way-sincere appreciation 1 1 1) types of home-making arts at Johnston, Vancouver; R. Reid, rooms with hot and cold ...... the local Civic Centre during i Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. J. water. 613 Green 780. 3rd Ave. Phone , come and the ladies provided ex- (tf) I cellent banquets throughout the the past two weeks, left on last . White, Masset; Miss J. . White, FOE SALE local .improvement costs against. . "None of the signatories oi that petition would be assessed for the cost of the road," he said. City.-Engineer Stewart told council that some of the steep FOR RENT Apartment 4 rooms session. evening's train for Terrace to , Masset: Mrs. K. Hardy, North 30 ft. Gillnet boat and bath in Rand Block, Ful hold a similar course, after i Pacific; D. S. Dick Vancouver; Villagers of Bella Bella co h II. 86 beam. See at k floats. (87) ton Street. Prince Rupert Realty Co. (87) which she will proceed to Smi- Mrs. M. Newbauer, Queen Char ness of Herman Street could be thers, Fort Fraser and Prince i i0tte City; K. Bosworth, Van E 1947 Fareo 3-ton JOHN H. BULGER DPTOMETR 1ST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue WANTED hieelbase truck com- George. The group of ladies whoCOuver: T. E. Tugwood, Vancou taken out, that the pitch could operated In supplying transportation from their village to Bella Coola while the Bella Bella Branch of the Sisterhood provided a banquet for the delegates passing through. formed Miss Cross' class here ver I be reduced by three per cent :th tialion Hoist ana ..tioir Wood Steel WANTED Oil Burning Kitchen Stove. Phone Blue 254. (90) showed their appreciation at the rDumn Body, 5-speca kission, sib - 40 tireSWANTFn 1 or 1 1 i ton Truck closing session at the week-end by presenting her with a local souvenir, the presentation be good condition. Phone 356. (tf) u condition. Driven 000 miles. Price $3,200. Wasscnd Bros. Phone 16. (87) ing made by Mrs. Joseph Announcements ail advertiaenMiai i mil oolumt, will be charged for a I all montb m. U oenta word WANTED Troller, 3" to 40' in first class condition. Give price and all particulars first letter. Cash. Box 507 Daily News. 86 Sedan, eood condition, cash oflcr. Phone 223. 360. (80) Orange Spring Sale, April 13, METAL HOKK QUIETLY WEDDED AT CATHEDRAL - tE Iron enamel bed-ith "Real Ease" mat- GET YOUR CAR READY FOR SPRING 2 to 5 p.m. Oddfellows Hall. Apr. 14, Borden St. P.T.A. Sale and Tea. PLUMBING Installations and ReDairs. SHEET MET At WORK. Tar and Gravel Roofing. Letoumeau & Sons. 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. tf) ina .'DrinE. in neriect pn, $50.00. Hot air fur- Rood as new, with ac tor comulete mstal- HELP WANTED $200.00 Black 511. 714 K (tf) i ' St . ": -Jjr ri- -m-S "fVW The wedding of Robert Clifford McMullen and Miss Clara G. Siebert of Port Edward was quietly solemnized in St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral Saturday afternoon with Rev. Canon Basil S. Prockter officiating. The ceremony took place in the presence of David Barclay of New-ton, B.C. and Albert Davies Jf New Westminster. New and Used yur- WANTED Bookkeeper-Stenog- rapher, man or woman, for downtown office. Apply in writing, stating qualifications and experience, Box 508. Daily News oifice. . Uf) Hardware and Office silently Used Arti- lestcrfield Bed. Wood Queen Mary I.O.D.E. Tea,. April 18. Presbyterian Spring Sale, April 21. . " , Anglican Spring Sale, Saturday April 23. Legion Auxiliary Spring' Sale, April 27. Rotary Club Daffodil Tea, Civic Centre, April 28. St. Peter's YPA. Musical Show, "Spring Fantasy" Civic Centre, April 29. The United Church Spring il and Oil Ranges, El-:leaters. Cornpr F.nam- To ensure longer, trouble-free performance, let us clean out the transmission and differential. We will "fill them up with new lubricants of the proper type and grade. BOB PARKER'S UPTOWN SERVICE STATION WORK WANTED i Basins, Office Chairs. uiairs. New Articles-wring. Toasters, Cup ucers, Axmtnster Rug 5 than regular nripp Advertise in tne Daily News! HOUSEWORK Wanted by day or hour, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Apply Box 509 paily New's , ' B8 WANTED Voung Man to learn drv-cleanliiK trade. Union wanes. Apply Pioneer Canadian Laundry. (''' I Dinner Sets. Tea Sets! PHONE 731 f ai ine lowest prices Sccund and McBnde or 1 'VA i 1 me n.u f urniture Co P-1942 Chevrolet Se- F "cry good condition. Surprise the Kiddies with EASTER CANDIES AND j ownea. Can be seen ? Motors. (tf) Sale, May 5. Catholic Girl. Guides tea-home cooking sale, 2:30 to 5. Card Party, 8 p.m., Catholic School Hall, May 5. WANTED Experienced or inexperienced Waitress. Apply Broadway Cafe. '86 ) LOCAL ROAD FOREMAN for Provincial Public Works De-nnrt.ment. Prince' Ruoert. B.C. MHLODY"-Npw nnn,r : ,s&Slk i if fTptune- Scnd 35c to CUDDLY PLUSH BUNNIES The lady of the house y ill be pleasantly surprised too if you present ,her with Easter decorations of Gyro Klondyke Night, civic Finston, B.C. oil Centre, May B. , Age not to exceed 45. Must have general knowledge of highway construction and maintenance: ability to drive l'LG?f!d, cl'al? Apart- C.C.F. Spring Sale, May 7, Sons of Norway Hall. ""irauy located. Presbvteriun Missionary Tea WAXED ARTIFICIAL LILIES anu DAFFODILS. And you will be surprised by the gay colors our DYES give eggs. LM Rupert, B.C. (88) Church Hall, May 12. , Eastern Star Tea, May 19, Mrs. truck; a pood working Knowledge of machinery used for maintenance and minor, construction work, and ability to keep costs and proper time sheets. Initial wage rate $8.90 per day. Apply in writing m first instance to District Engineer. Court House, Prince Rupert. B.C. before April 15, 1949. 8tfl L. W. Kergin. kick nil on h KanBe burner. Phone fDLJ aPPjy No. 4 Rand VKUmt, and 8. (87) M-6 HP .,,, rT..;T. H.M.C.S. Haida Chapter I.O.D. E. Tea, May 1. EVERYONE NEEDS A VACATION Everyone can have a vacation now, because you can have it on the instalment plan. LIMBERL0ST LODGE invite your enquiries regarding this arrangement. Phone 563 Cathedral W. A. Tea, May 20 l i III Rnmll .i" Mrs. W. S. Kergin. Sonja Ladies Tea May 28. REAL ES1A1E Phone Red 400 ' ' newlv 518 3rd Ave. W. l l ciuuble bedrocJmSi FOR SALE 4 room furnished house close in. For particulars Phone Blue 909. (tfl 11,37 lsl Ave- iPhim. pune n Green 253 un LETi940 2-n Ford cash (88) FOR SALE We have the exclusive, listing of one of the city's fiiVst homes, located on Fourth Avenue West, situate on two lots with magnificent harbor view. For full particulars Phone 57. G. Percy Tinker & Co. Ltd. tf) IM1 Plymouth luteal r "cai , excellent condition, nporis Red P. c U 111 111 n chai chair, Vw.llb- v, Jlb- 3 6 occa- -a SEVEN Room House in choice location on Seventh Avenue West. This is a real bargain for a familv home. Priced at $2750.00 with terms. G. P. ; Tinker & Co. Ltd. Phone 57 1P.M. WQSDILDIBOSS The Lightweight ONE MAN POWER CHAIN SAW LIGHT STIKDV COMPACT For All Types of Operation in the Woods Experience proves the dependability and fine performance of the P. M. CARRIED IN STOCK AT . PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE 712 Second Ave. P.O. Box 772 . THE Skeena Construction & Cabinet Co. Builders and General Contractors FLOOR SANDING AND CABINET WORK CONCRETE WORK AND REMODELLING Houses built under the N.H.A. Plan 29 down payment-balance In easy monthly payments over a period of 15 to 20 years. , Free L'stimatecs FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PHONE BLACK 221 BOX ?676 try, t,"". 2 9vi9 bedroom room suites suilts, lome k .tiaipt mats, beds. hS., chairs, 2 DE LUXE WALL TINT This improved kalsomine with its many attractive colors, is ideal for the walls and ceilings of your home. 75c Package "uiuen St. (88) maci7in(;; LOST AND FOUND iient t i r " in( , "he of . UI W 111 1 lit- Re FOUND Fountain Pen. 217 5th East. y0' LOST Black Prayer Book. Will finder please Phone -Om"i 800. (36) Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. LOST March 23. Fawn Gabardine Overcoat. Finder please j return to Daily News office. (8G FOUNDiunrh of keys with the name W. H. Toby Owner) may have same by calling at the Daily News office and; naying lor this d. ti) j rnsT-Mun's Oolri Wrist Watch! EASTER CARDS WW rjo-owS t't Adams 1 L L.NaUoSl smlth ttinn iro ' Pull in-P Co ttdNat. nal Ma-! wa- Vancouver. pS(lNU - RoodSN"WKS tDaidlnlvamPles L General aialu!ue ln-PR; aA 7, 71 Nuvelty Cn tOnt. Malor St! To?: hav? iiHI 1 intact" ."hollc l 0X 50fi Daily icijj- . m I Blie nf ' Alterations. J 188 WANTED A! PLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS FOR 1919: CAMP MANAGERS BOAT CREWS ONE SKIPPER J. CLAUSEN & SON RUPERT MARINE REALTY Box 548 Prince Rupert, B.C. LlNG lhe TAILOR MOTICE! Clothes remaining in this shop and unclaimed after one year are to be put on sale unless customer advises us to hold longer. Please give number. LING, THE TAILOU 220 Sixth Street P.O. Box 386 Saturday night. Return to Daily News. Reward. Express your'holiday season sentiments with a card. Choo.se from our new group of beautifully colored, poetically Inscribed cards . . . all typical of Easter Day. DIDB PRINTING CO COFFEE'S BEGINNING Coffee is first known to have been cultivated In Arabia about 575 AD. Phone 231 Besner Block