t ' TACOMA PArER QUITS Prince Rupert Dallu mm Tuesday, April 12, 1949 LAST TIMES TODAY , ialuma-rounded 48 years COUNCIL BOOSTS GARBAGE RATES 'KEY LARr.ri' SECOND-HAND DEALER FINED Failure to report the purchase at his second-hand shop of goods bought from a juvenile 1 10: 1A CBC News 1 10:15-Lcs Way j 10:30 Palace Hotel Orch. 1 10:55 Interlude ON THE STAr.r ago, and publishing ever since, the Tacoma Times is planning to suspend, the reason being the steady increasing costs of material and publication. f FDD KadioDial VI I l 1240 Kilocycles ryt-. u. oniv Garbage collection rates In Prince Rupert will taKe a general 50 percent jump on May 1 and failure to Keep p:oper rec (Subject to Change) 11:00 Weather and Sign Off WEDNESDAY A.M. 7:00 Mnsiral Plurk- r.M. PRIZE PRESENTATION TO MR tR NK WINNER IN TE Httfc KOHIN HOOD FLOUR MILLS t0vTr U-MES DOOR PRiZES following city council's failure last night to receive private tenders which would reduce this ) 7:45 Sincinc Sam year's anticipated deficit of $8,000 for the garbage collection ords of his purchases cost Chin Jon, second-hand store operator, $50 in fines at the week-end. Chin Jon pleaded guilty to a charge of failing to record the purchase of two car batteries and a pair of rubber boots from a juvenile and also to failing to keep a proper record of purchases, as required by law. He was fined $25 on each charge, system. ON THE SCREEN The aldermen voted to reject two tenders-from private bidders on grounds that the figures BRIAN A1IERNE MERLE OBERON would create overall costs simi-j 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Comty 9:15 Morning Devotion 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Ellen Harris 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 Musical Varieties TUESDAY P.M. 4:15 Stock Quotations and Int. 4:30 Children's Program 4:45 Easy Listening 5:00 The Looseleaf 5:30 Whatcha Know, Joe. 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 H. Archibald Talk 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 Smoke Rings 7:00 CBC Newj, 7U5 CBC News Roundup 7:30Leicester Square 8:00 Music by Eric Wild 8:30 Record Album 9:00 Points of View 9:15 Recital Time 9:30 Heritage of Music 10:00 CBC News PJA, 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies 1 12: 15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Interlude 1:00 Concert Hour 1:30 Bernie Braden Tells a Story 1 :45 Commentary My Mother 2:00 Feature Concert 2:15 Family Favorites 2:30 Musical Program 2:45 Eastern Meditations 3:00 Ethel ' and Albert. 3:15 What's New 3:30 Divertimento 3:45 BBC News 3:55 U.N. Comty. 'BELOVED ENEMY' - in 'WEDDING NIGHT lar to those already estimated for'the city's own collection setup. By raising rates as of May -1, the aldermen anticipate that they can reduce the $8,000 deficit by two-thirds for the whole year. with an option pf a month in jail on each charge,, sentences to run consecutively. a recommendation submitted on March 28, be approved. Alderman Whalen seconded. Alderman T. B. Black said: "I LAST COMPLETE SHOW 8:25- P.M. U in j 11:15 Songs of Yesterday A tender was received from a group of five men E. Morrow, A. C. dillis, J. De Wagd, F. Ben ii.ou weatner JPorecm 11:31 Messa? ptih 11:33 Recoied Interlude 11:45 Famous Voices see wage increases as the cause of this. "If we must pay those wages, then the service should son and R. Bury for a basic price of $19,500, with allowance IHH pay the cost." City Clerk Thain calculated of $1,400 a year for rental of the city garbage truck which, PROMPT FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING REQUIREMENTS that, on the basis of the lowest tender, it "would cost the cityi ATJENTIOS TO All WOR (Men however, would have to be maintained at the city's expense. John Gurvich submitted a tender for $19,2G7. Alderman W. F. Stone, health committee chairman, told council that, since administration propose to do." ' Alderman Stone described the rate boost as '"just a case of cutting our losses as much as Sec... Illegal Prime, In a bedroom' or any room uilh Cordon Mackay Bales bedspreads and drapes lo match, or used separately PRAIRIE PULCHRITUDE Gorgeous -Gloria Gray, 20-year old Winnipeg brunette, who wears the title of. Miss Winnipeg of 1949, is willing to compete with any west coast beauties in a battle of powder puffs for the title of (ED. SAUNDERS) costs of garbage collection were possible. With the increase, we can cut our anticipated $8,000 deficit by two thirds." estimated at $5,700, It would be Secoifd Avenue PHONE 21 p.rj. x no cheaper for the city to let The motion was passed with out tenders than to continue the out dissent. "the fairest in the west." An collection itself. "Actually," he said, "these PERUVIAN PINNACLE The Andes mountains reach insurance company typist, Miss Gray edged out 23 other beauties for the crown. (CP Photo tenders are not as cheap as we are "doing it ourselves because we still would have our admin ' ' - lis-.. A ; 1 IPO it iJ 1 li ; J I Jrn, . istration costs." their highest altitude in Peru. NICARAGUAN REPUBLIC Nicaragua has the largest area of any Central American republic. 'Bulger's- Alderman Stone moved that the tenders be rejected ana that MONKEY NUT IN ENGLAND, The English call the peanut or ground nut a monkey nut. a rate increase, as contained in RQetHHeSHHeeSHIeHMeMHIMBBr Will you mi up a pound o' Diamonds and a dozen string of Pearls?' cosTtxuvimiNm 153.6 hull din q Of course H ls ridiculous No one buys Jewellery by the pound or by the dozen. t jewellery Is 'something that must be cx- amlned, compared and selected according to Individual taste. WITH THE LUXURY TAX OIF EVERYTHING IN BULGERS COSTS LESS Choose what you like, when you like-Quality is always in style at 1 1 Fdoc 20Z.2 1 ... - . J V? v J : 4 -H - - ' ' ihiw j Ceiico Rose The fiegimenf : ft iHlt V. ' 473 Grd0n Mackc,y Ba,es Bedspreads in smart new pat- - 'VUB, i,4" 4f ,emS' ffeSh "eW C'0rS' Sme Wi,h decora,r fringe ' ' ' d' generous,y sized' wrinkle resistant. For all . ' . . - , ' r. .:y ,heir important good looks, Gordon Mackay Batei . , U'"aon',ne sPreads and drapes are amazingly sturdy, will we i V ' 0 and wash for years to come. ' ' An ex,ra sPread is easily made into a beautiful set of matching draperies. I Double bad tii, B ' -.. opprox. 86 x 112 " S'"9' bed tiie, opprox. 74 x 112 I V J" H Yes COST OF LIVING is away up, yM' .i wages no( fL1le so much' but ( a" thp mait '-! W31 neccssilies that go to make living worth. tTJ-r while, few items h.ivp shm ac t-.,ii fll liorhin 181 .9 Vry7)xsi pain p whlch Ls 50 ncce9m I i H 1 sary to the protection of your home ... and Ij I J the pleasure of your home life. Home Furnishing HOLLYWOOD cafe wdderme 167.0 MM Note how low the index is for paint (based on average increase in retail price from 1939 to January, 1919, of Most Up-to-Date Cafe in the City OPEN FROM 11:30 A.M. to 3:30 A.M. ET1. reliable quality paint products) Fuel and Uqhiinq IS 0.0 We Specialize in Chinese Dishes CIIOP SUEY CHOW 3IE1N FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 135 mi y . WASHERS, less than the average rise hi wages for the same period. Yet, not only has the paint industry maintained its quality standards, but through waft time research and advance, many improvements have been made. Retail prices have been held to minimum increases, even in the face of product improvements and higher costs of labor and raw materials. Good paints are one of today's very best buys and a lasting source of satisfaction for the beauty and protection they give to your home. Remember, it is a scientifically proven fact, 1 -J B i i C::nmodore Cafe WORKS BOOTS 9 VANE SUI'KK AG1TAW LIFE TIMK MK(rHAw WITH COMPLETELY RENOVATED "Better Than Ever" Rent THOR GIVES YOU MOKt Point for Point - Dollar for Dollar Here's the BIGGEST Washer Value W. 1939 100 PARIS HEADS DA YTON LECKIE Only $150.75 - I iJ "IT ALWAYS COSTS MORE HOT TO PAINT" Atlvt. spun sot, ,1 by ihv l in I Man ictartmvrs and IHslribnl.n s f MtrUish Vnhtmbia GEORGE HILL & SONS LTD. Best Food and Service In City Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr. Northern B.C. Power U PHONE BLACK b! P.O. BOX 737 PHONE 210 PRINCE ,RUPERT, 13. C. A j:.'.r-'- H I 1 'n Are you one of those people who look ahead now s , Bod time lo vim H.nso,,-, where you have a wide-choice ol distinctive slits of lastlne. quality. II may be a diamond ring or a baby's braceleta dinner set or a cup and saucer or one of the hundreds of other lovely articles displayed in our store whatever it is you can be sure of satisfaction at "YOUIt FRIENDLY JEWELLER 1 Tax b " P.S. Don't forget . . . the Luxury