Better Seeds for Beit Crops J1P'I- prince, tluperf 5aHi Herw3 Tuesday, April 12, 1949 manner, the general fund has already beer cep.eiea thiugh I these expenditures and not money is now available for the 1 4 yrfy-ttmwit)w-pwXL. MONEY BYLAW FOR DOWNTOWN SEWERS ASKED f r r your New Home! Cow Bay project." By floaitng a general loan bylaw, Aid. Kudderham .pointed out, the. general fund can be reimbursed lor ttionev alreadv Recommendation that the city ! COTTAGE CUKES K KEN'S New Creamed Fresh Made j RADIO CLINIC I VALENTIN DAjin ' F Satisfactory Service ! Tour Dally ; Call 53- - ALL-WEATHER 8ERVICE : 718 Second Avenuo. ft'est BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL iioai a general loan bylaw to spent on Section One sewer out-eover the cost of a 48-inch sew lets and, as subsequent sections er outfall installed a year agoi of the sewer are connected to near the C.N.R. roundhouse and ithe outfalls, each can be mime ' 1. v OR AN ADDITION WE HAVE THE BUILDING MATERIALS OlT WILL NEED INCLUDING: SIDING All Types FLOORING Fir and Hemlock SASH and Door Stock MM diately charged .to the proper ties affected. The aldermen took no action on the proposal bift, promised to give it their consideration. a proposed new sewer outfall irt the Cow Bay area was made to city council last night by Acting Mayor Oeorge Rudderham. Alderman . Rudderham pointed out that the city already has pent $41,841 on the outfall near the roundhouse and that the money came from general rev-' enue. The proposed Cow Bay HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST BUTTE 5. SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 P.O. Box 1401 IPOTT, EVITT & CO,. LIMITED outfall will cost a similar sum aiiJ, because of past exnendi- Building and repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys OH Burners MEiN'S FIVE-PIN TEAM STANDINGS Burns 18 Continentals 16 Scotians 15 Brownwoods lt Javcees 14 MalletU 13 Moose 11 Stones 11 Maple Leafs 10 Malkins 8 Ambassadors 8 Alley Cats . 5 PHONE 651 tures of this type, no funds will I be available for its construc-I tion. ARROW. CABS 24-Hour Service PHONE 648 Prompt and Courteous Service 5'f..e"Pf0t hunry wor,d' th Un Nation, l?.'"? AHeultr, Organisation (FAO) I. new ending hybrid ?l?lti"' in Enrope and th Near EasL I" "aly. fr UJ 'Jl .. nt ,im P te 50 pereent beUel" than members of FAO's agricultural division pack nybrw Md for other countries suffering from food shortages, m the Dally News! rtise PHONES - Black 687 Red 894 -evenings P.O. Box 167o BRYDGES and McLEAN i, inereiore, recommend that-serious consideration be given to installing these and similar outfalls under a general bylaw and that necessary , monies be raised on the credit of the cltv RADIO CAR FOR POLICE J2 F BALAGNO FLORISTS 322 West Third Avenue PHONE GREEN 787 Box 1193 Prince Rupert, B. C. as a whole." he said. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS' Proposal to Take This Step Towards Modernizing Patrol A Spot of Comment.. Chandler & Cowgill PORTRAIT STUDIO Film Finishing Enlarging Flash Photos Taken at Home Phone Oreen 380 216 4th St. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 4 IT Income Tax Returns ' Compiled by Wallace' j . City police force may acquire ; a two-way radio-equipped po-! lice car in the near f utnrp If IS Besner Block , ,5 ' Room 31 PHONE 600 ! -tt i city council approves a sug-'Telephones or Schools heeded before solutions to the gestlon by Police Committee n i nfe pressing . problems are j Chairman AldermanW. F. 8tone, Prmln?nt engineers have sur- foUnd. , , PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 756 9T2 10th East nbin? or neaim Completion oi the Cow Bay sewer outlet will make possible the construction of a perman ent sewer system which eventually will serve all of Section One and portions of Sections Five and 8ix, he declared. .But, until all properties affected are provided with sewers, it will be impossible to assess the charges against the properties affected under a local improvement plan. "Although the money can eventually be recovered in this illTII & ELKINS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED 174 BOX Z7 who last night advocated such ' ;r7CU u"r ?nHquareo Pncme Viewing these requiremert in a move as the most economical m a Prno"nd Judgment, the nght theJr reiauvc -Im-way of modernizing police ser- careful assur-1 portance it may be good business vice here. "i" thfll had hothm to. to give tr Casey.Love proposal sel1 Came an enthusiastic Out- o.,,in rflo.,ol k thp --timi t.lnn nf morn MATTSON'S: UPHOLSTERING Phone BLUE 818 P.O. Box 52 330 Second Avenue .' Prince Rupert, B.. ' DRY KINDLING WOOD U. . MORTIMER 324 2nd Are. (Near CFPR) mbing Troubles? had held with B.C. Police Com-I11"1,6 ,the meflts f their Wares thorough study. The notion that missioner John Shirras last weekJrrJlrr. 'r1 cannot be a prophet ir 50c Sack Delivered Chain Saw and Operator Available for Hire PHONE B & W TRANSFER Green 186 Alderman Stone said that tte'"1:.--. mi- i i his own country may uncon- . A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS commissioner had commented on' S ZL "TL "Vt." sCl0Usly itiHwnee us to lean too CALL BLUE 846 the likelihood of increased crime!;" 7io" mUCh toWBrd indepei'" in in the the cltv city as as it it develops develons i m- in- . f ,ult , t advice. Many feel that just natUral that they should con- tlirnln rqsPV and ivp off iik turning Casey and Love on inc. dustr al v and on the feasab lltv .. ti. ... .. 475 Howe St., Vancouver, B C 7 prouwm on wnicn faucetfi te not rnn.fahlV leaky an adequate of,, nnnthe of employing ploying another constable, ihi miiK k mmhi . SAANICH ...... B... i answer to tneir proposals. On the other hand the team . "has Th nlebisclte lia wearing the CaseLote colors1 JBCt p.leblsc7 . , , . . .. assessed public , opinion in the BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS Agents for SIMPLEX GAS and CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES Sales, Service and Parts Boat Owners and users ot In MARGARET McLEOD Imbing & Heating early stages should not Jeny the voter the opportunity of cxnress- ' OPTOMETRIST j t'i things of equally vital impor tnrinA In Mkairl a liAHafntlu At on the city foree. "To hire another policeman' would cast at least another $2,500 a year. It was told that we also could Increase the efficiency of the present police force by installing radio equipment in the police wagon at far less cost," he said. Cost of installing radio equip- ROOM 10, STONE pUtLDIHG ince Rupert Florists !-dAve. 3ox516 Tel. 777 dustrlal Engines are invited to . . itig a change of mind If In for- heir elbows while preparing J 8ubsequentiy made av- f' PlCtUV "able augmenu the urisinaily other things a wel Khumbed kn circumstance8. , nnt-vM nf (Via nltif'n Knl rt 9rtt BHOAr our showroom to view our vari jkwm lor All Occasions ous engines and talk over equip ment problems. The measurable limit of our bor- A n,?e modern 'phofte 8y3U'm PIIONE ' jj BLUE 593: '- P.O. Box ltd I. i ment in the police car would be I rowing power as a civic body was could be fine civic adornment but there Will still be the s:hoo)3, . MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. ROCK and CONCRETE nhvlmislv In thplr minds. "somewhere about $1,000," of! which the city would pay naif, he said. Maintenance cost of the equipment would be borne R-ffierf VJQRk CLOTHES inc 8Cwer8' w,e roauB lu P'e Anxiety .is evident too. The for- u te wel1 to make sufi that urgent need for schools and ex- e don,t etld UP whlT tended educational facilities as weannJS outlined in the excellent and tie and talls lthw tV; Pai-; Ifs a thought-thats fo-sur! comprehensive- annual report of, WORK FOR YOUR .CALL BLUE 938 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Eqnipment All Work Guaranteed GEORGE L. 1T0RIE, public AccrjTJmant,Audltot, etcT Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 j by the provincial police. ' Value of such radio equipment, I he saldi would be greatest ot ! STOrR OF BEDROOM TES IS COMPLETE. iricntal Walnut Butt Walnut Avudire Bleached Colonial Maple lSirdsev Maple the school board, probably worried them. The menace of sewers night when there are only two frit! from S150 to $28 Skinny men,ivomen ! gain 5, 10, 15 lbs. Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor fhone 775 We Deliver needing replacement and the need for a program of permanent street and road work was there to bother them. The present high equipment prices would 327 3rd Ave. HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP ' Permanent Waving ; Beauty Culture in ' all Its branches COMFORTABLE, LOW PRICED CLOTHES THAT ARE RIGHT FOR INDOORS AND OUT. If "you're looking for the kind of work clothes that give plenty of comfort as well as long wear . . . make us your headquarters. We have a complete supply of long-wearing work clothes of every description. For rainy weather working we have everything to keep you dry from Soueasters to Seaboots. ACfiSHe clothing store ANCIENT NAVAL BASE Alexandria, Egypt, became a naval base more than 2,000 years ago, when Alexander the Oreat founded it to aid in his campaign against Persia. uh!,iiil.i,liili ;i;iliiiulilliiHiiiiililiiliitl!illllUlUulilill policemen on duty. Constables on patrol could be in constant contact with headquarters to re ceive complaints. "The way things are now, someone could 'phone in a com plaint to headquarters and the police car would only be a block away from the crime and the constable on patrol know noth ing about it," he said. "The police receive most of their com 204 4th Street Phone 655 create a mental ...wv.. Query. MUi.w. mtm thriiii Bon? iimt mi out; wtr hoiinw u-. 0 knw rrwnj: body mim bll- Possibly, too, they see the first J,:tBtf,S twinges of the inevitable civic ?!SSrtaS2MS glowing pains mat win oe un- son, mmii . ikinun, inpn bw. impr avoidably severe during the next!nt;puttieNoiibariib..i.e.. - . - , . M Jwnilear fettlDK Iw ft. Slop wtien rmi've naliied few years of development. A mn . w it 2 iw hi ir nmii , . l'oi lltllf. NWsrl uqiulnml' ' onlv . little spare cash or reserve of Try imui iht rit Tauiew tr vnor borrowing power may be tadlv Well Cartage Ltd. Complete Moving Service QUALITY REPAIRS ' For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second At. iCrating Packing Cartage ! BLUB 780 RED 516 j plaints at night." The aldermen agreed that the plan sounded like a good one, Darticularly since it opened a Congratulations way to increasing police service without boosting the cost of the $25,000 police contract by hiring another man. Alderman Stone said that he would have definite cost figures PICKET FENCE TO -M) ou a board ALK TO FIX? f'r Repair or Ituilding Supplies PHONE 363 . MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Automobile Owners . . . on the installation of radio equipment for the April 25 meeting of council. guilders and Contractors ANCIENT CALENDAR Egyptian astronomers had ad PHONE 3C3 vanced so far they were able to devise a calendar of 365 days 500 years ago. FREEZE-UP DANGERS ARE OVER. IT IS TlME TO DRAIN OFF ANTIFREEZE AND POWER FLUSH THE COOLING SYSTEM. A CAN OF CIIRYCO RUST RESISTOR WILL THEN KEEP THE COOLING SYSTEM IN TIP TOP SHAPE FOR WARMER WEATHER DRIVING CONDITIONS. THIS SERVICE IS INEXPENSIVE AND MAY SAVE YOU A LOT . OF TROUBLE LATER ON. ;4; LINDSAY MOTORS LTD PHONE 8G6 mmm To MR. FRANK RAINBOW, 1152 Seventh Avenue East, Prince Rupert, B.C. Winner In The OOCIfJ HOOD FLOUR MILLS CONTEST Weekly Prizes - - - 1ST $1 ,000 - 2ND $500 - 3RD $250 4 To Enter, Send Your Name and Address to: Robin Hood Contest, Box 310, Toronto YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR SEEDS AND FERTILIZERS GARDEN NEEDS and EQUIPMENT Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage Fof Complete, Reliable, and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 HEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away Prom Home 60 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 291 P.O. Box 1M Enclose Box Top from ROBIN HOOD Oats or Easy Mix and DOUBLE YOUR PRIZE MONEY IMPORTANT 1 T WE DELIVER PACIFIC Boat Owciets PRESENTATION TO MR. FRANK RAINBOW ON STAGE OF CAPITOL THEATRE, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 8:35 P.M. DON'T MISS THIS SPECIAL EVENT. DOOR PRIZES AND FREE ROBIN HOOD RECIPE BOOKS. CFPR WILL REBHOADCAST THIS PRESENTATION THURSDAY, APRIL 14, AT. 10:45 A.M. Stevedoring & Contracting COMPANY LIMITED v, IF VOIIR BOAT NEEDS iWtacks v ' Ethaust Pipes n.ators .Mufflers Halibut Shutes General Stevedores and Contractors "Slevedores for Canadian National Railways CABLE ADDRESS HEAD OFFICE "PACIFICO" PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. W2AREPnm PIIONE BLACK $84 UAl 1 TU DO ALL TYPES OF MEilfl- vvwn. hum SHEET METAL LIMITED Z.V.I Virtt Am F J