Prince Rupert Daily News .t:ez.ii cLz-gt rr.iie ty !.'. O'.tvijt. ; .. - ., ... .. . . . V v - ... LETTERBOX ,L;J -t-a . ( DRESS UP For Summ HERE ARE JUST J : D.rrvr a As I . f.tzs irt-. it rxi-t.1 ;iT bite B.: ten. is tiei - ZzJ?.i u-js. zi-i rait 4.-2 tiice q-teasc t- reili .is i.'iritT. Y.;. tr his ij hz&L-i rri c&r -i t2iiti3.ii; -dTjti- t i.- rr.cpi 2x STBS-ErPTtOS EATE3 THA-fZS TC D3 GHIXX Ey Crr?. rtf week, i; Per lt:r.-i. 75c; re? Tear iir fATifr, Ai ibi s-zct O:- ar.2 tx".i.-r Dii -trci-ji-.x -v- -c v.Us ti: Cir..-r C.-.ic of B C. r:r.-i:j: iri:i up v lb wr:o".t4 tvrr.pi'.hy krit; C XC; By V.:: Per V-tti Ke; Per Year tS-C. Eiit-te. Zij Se': It bas bees. ?r-vjbt to r.y at- OF THE GOOD v2 J'm tk ... i l-v ' j It ' 1 wool s r.:r. r. that Dr O.-eere. rr.-'c.rtJ ceaife. f jjeh ro I jAl&fcT blue ?.f $ 3eoo V9W t Mtn's Bron OXFort MThis World War Three? UrJtaj .at at v::h North Korea. THE That L the fa: now that Arrieaa jIar.e and , w&r?hJj are attatkir.jr the Korean corfr.ui.Lt a? the Litter endeavour to laM on the coa.-t cf the Kor- ' lr ELMORE FHiLrOTT WOMAN QUESTION PORTLAND, Orecn: The mvst ii-terestlng fea- g'jwi lit, latest style. Speeial Now fully : :edgJ ty mytelf. Arrd ftsrtb-r, sf r ftirr-f:t Mi my :"r of Jr. 2 J tin t c-.rjt:rrf-i a irr.partir.? i.-iSiffw-to tb i'.ii of Mr. ilcLtin briiib r .M-rr f by thf pfty&i-cia ho iti-n,st-4 him. 1 hutw to m b-rf tjt xt. D)!ererie i- ir.vr.di-d Tbrtlre. I i,h to putUc-y Verj's WlVbBREAKi! bid iu rx-: cc i-tk. I Ut';Z tbe Aa:rjij.ii :--; Brisiih rii i.srls ba4 re:-tiU'y K.A ':jtn triifit orr lti c.'.; ... TbT tip'i-. fe cr tie C-S-T ciriT :bir fct-ac Ttrr birl. sdi th f- fa 00. Sow Tour, Men'! c, PA.VTS ptr;M.. f;t a lure cl last -aeci;? con-on ir.ttrr.alf'. r.I wi the rousd r k Dr Grr for th -rr; 1 '- . : a-r. ."A I tr. trm 4 Mf r.s Ff.'t HATS. . top toth sty:es. StwciaJ from table discus s ion. The " -:s trf t- -r-r sfiwci t:aw tauiii ibi it, he rnik?d ax.d apt:?iie if ax.r v.:-nr. t-r.t In ay "f.-r tould be ' co.n.irj-d u an if-ick on th jhy is who i:Ur.lC lb Jii GEORGE B CASEY. Boys' WINDRKEahiI Mmm 0(1' mi B Jb for lae Ji-. -J tan r-j.u;e zr.i try to ir.tenere itn tr.e evacuation of A.T.e-riean.s ar.d other nationals from Seoul lt Is t be a-j-u.T.ed that, since the British ha already endorsed the American action at Ithat the United Nations security council is on tl. verjre, if it has not already done . of calling uvn other powers to alo rend military aid to the Korean Republic, BritL-h, French and the rert may be expected :on to join in the action. " With the western powers now deciding that the Ilr.e of further Communist aggression is to be drawn iyorea. the question of hether or not it ha be a : r ctce is tbir - -liLb. JTI of i.-. Wt?.v-.iit Tbr -sr Ti-J3g for crwJa or. txirereir e &3 vre sic r-i2 showerproof, aa &im $4 00 Xnv Boys' ar.d Girijs' f( HAT betr quality, ors. SeiU t2 50. Sw Blj &.JVS rAST-.for"dr( th'K)j -ear, gxd j rTr.g. Frm . i"-S ri ibis -rj g-c-up agrt-rd Ibi: tb rr.',.-i! Br3U?hr? r:t "-7 rs?bi thai rtiUTy -arrt A.T.-.i-i- witri APE ; iiC SerenZ tre lb Sail Lake Ferry SCHEDULE t'J tbe is ir Jrire crrrtrs. iZ; .b. tr.:.-p."-i A .'t. t.t war feriot. or yo-.jig rt.'s- 1 KAT't- KEAHO THE ATTI- shooting war instead of cold war seems up to Ru:a . , tn c.-ij which, of course is not, as yet, officially involved. It should mx.ji be known whether this is World War TK2 UVEST WTJt3 US 3fT i-"'-T '-.-an r.t::,;ri bare e.&raLaSt.irFrTO r-are frirjairf ju-i-tf.e atomic v,a- I2,t. Err y i:b life is, tikt JL jfS e?.i3ii Kith iniereK ia . tbe tJyrasii'MU. Sb boi so ex- Uove Cow Boy Floats taily 12 n-xn 2:15 pm. 4 19 p m. 7:00 pm. ' 7.35 p m. Sunday Continuous Service Starting 1 1 o m. Lost Boot Leaves Soft Lakes 1 0 00 Dm Ph-: Grrrn 2?1 Blrk S ZT.n jf--j fj rr.e cr:y bilf -x cii5 .bi tbe ri.ii bsriH- t;: VWERNMENT VINDICATED i i i by M. R Ttr.g.ey' u tne I 'CP Photo' I London Free Press. crisis has robbed the LTHOUGH the Kore Korean A. Schuman plan pian for for thi the poolir.? of western hur- Tl- AsJt for ,er lara to pop cp ri ha b?r 5-af-r or r"7i .e-fb'-.i aay. I: peered f.-nb it rf ter :f tr-'- ver r.b eai7 fl'w. Her rpeed a Axen:a 'r.aa is a pct:iy. a.tizlr.2. ew-SiJerEf lbs.. it ?-r-' ri;r.. By! trxnght is rres-rh. tben trans- 8nc ir-2 traLtj-.g --he has eapa- f Znj:sh" -"err. ot. T-T UtetS icw she :f. At tba; sbe fpofc EsfLb .. ciii::-'-? tfm .-h- .' bcmt twl-e as fast xs si t of "-"---ir..Y Jr.rei in ie are ptay. ; w. coaipirtd i-.:b her Another yc -jr taua. a..- ti? thiaf j seteran'i tfe.' was Gerrr..ia fci3:7 VT ? t.i ibare . SSSSSSSSSSVM jTf;'s heavy industries of the headlines in the international new s. the British Parliament has hen able to have its talk about the matter and it was all settlefl yesterday with the Attlee government getting its fexected vote of confidence on the handling of the fitter. The divi-ion notwithstanding. Labor govern- SHINGOLEEN !: "oom. Sbe too ij aa eagir pariiri-par.t Hr ki-4j were o tfilf-rer.t om tbe S-ri riri' tbit tb SCOTCH WHISKY w it, c.i cf the b::. iccX circle or faaiiy rut. The jc thai t;-e get the cba.-.."e to co is ;it not satiifv- ; ir.2 enoatfl fr her to cr i t.fe ihiicrea reach i;ho: tir.i a real tSiSLX and Conservative opposition apparently felt 't of it groapj gt The ideal finish for , Shingles, Fences ond rough lumber. Made in ; o variety of attractive I colors. i Thompion Hardware Co. ItA. A Gtxxl Piace w 244 Mues to TELKWA HOT Telkwa, B.C. Just a Nice Day's D Ihli advenisemcnt Is r.jt pubU-heu r ulispliyed by the Liqtifr Control E.ard or by the government of British Columbia MITH - f i I, ,- T- muc? tne ,ame on the matter. TI.e government ,ra-Jt that it could not go mo the Pari? talks without : txm a ho r?jxi x&ii cwwmitting itself to the support of the pian. Th--? p' jt a way oi txpzta-ff?ositlon proposed that Britain should go into the j tot"J.T'. 'Paris conference without committing itself. The j oxe dcvss:os was on-imrtar.t thing was that both sides were agreeI n race kA ctjVjt vf that there should be no advance commitment and I Europe, and aa ai; the nestent that is the British attitude. ' eontrie are o:d siyle t- i , , , , ' . . imperialisms, goremsr.? jnacv Time-j.. beginning already to show that the muton of Co:uai, ncn--ni.e govemrnenrtooktound grourfrrwhen ItTtlecWed Jtt p"- ue.imporiBne-of -the. the outset that it could not endorse the Schuman co-, plan with ail its implications, the most important of i monism's greatest challenge , which was that it would have lost its sovereignity MUSEUM HOURS ) fifi Plumbing & Heating .orspt ar.d ff.cier.t Serv.c, HOME! 5:M P.M. ! P .M. f MONDAY WEDNESDAY TirOiS-DA FKIDAY 'SUNDAY ll.tft S.M P.M, ' l :H-i:M TM. BasJtetry Dtmenstrition by Mrs. E. Abraham. Port Edward, B.C. erery Monday and Friday OPEN FOR ALL TOURIST BOATS FOR PLANNIN FOR BUILDING The pause FOR REPAIRING over its mo.-t important industries, yielding control to a rather vaguely defined international body. The ' Labor government took exactly the same stand that s artf other party would probably have taken were it j invpower- ! '.7. As rr the United States, why should she have j hren annoyed aj. Britain not transferring its sov- I Z.. TOURISTS! that refreshes a: i i i " Call 363 MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITfD Builders Ic Contrsrl f ...n.. . ....... uv.v J'ntI UtCI U1C."C IIIUURII It 3 It t to an unnamed board? CouM it be conceived that ' continuous quality is quality you trust See Our Selection of Souvenirs and Variety Items Totem Poles Burnt Leather Goods 9 Pennants Pictures BUSttttSS is BAD for Cars In AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE as in anything else, you get exactly what you pay for . . . That's the reason why you're wise to bring your Chrysler Built cor to a man who knows it best" ... Our trained mechanics have the "Know How" to make repairs quickly saving you time and money. They us? only factory engineered and inspected parts and special factory approved equipment Rupert Motors Lid. Phones 566 Service Dept. 866 Parts Dept- I United States would itself evtzr jrive up its private ! ownership and control of its steel and coal indusrit-s to Fuch a roard? Of course not although, it might be ' such a VKjard? Of course not although, it might be ! T-VS. STFAMER .ugges,ted, for sake of argument, that, if it was good : for Britain to do bo, it would be good for the United ' States. ' - Britain, while not taking actual nart in th Pari ! PRINCE RUP9 SAILS FOR WLZUL LLliiili frrifrl talks, will, of course, take a keen interest for from ' them might well arise a closer federation of the 1 j western democracies with which Great Britain and ' the United States and Canada also could and would Vancouv! svral Intermfdiat' i well co-operate. ! 4Lk II 1 L 1 f IsaI I I PHONE 79 PHONE 79 Thursday at 11:15 p m. N W! c c Meantime, the conclusion, of course, is unhesi-' FOR KETCHIK WEDNESDAY MWN For Reserva J Write or i wung: mat, in the existing circumstances, a transfer of po er as proposed is out of the question. The bmader question is not a Party matter. No British Government, of whatever Party, would, or could have done otherwise than did Attlee. : Why then have other Governments been willin? . city on PI lHallarr $Harmanj 01 F PRINCE RL to do what the British Government has declined to ill! Thai hi their affair. Most of them are understood ' ave accepted the French assnranm that tvo ' I Atljorittitbtrway.i.botb I declaration does not in any way commit them that ""nuiTKt mean tot tamt thing. yv. Ttoes not, in fact, mean what it very plainly says. HOURS Weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 12 Noan to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. o 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUC ENGINES 4 EQl'irJ"' rnmiDlnn Owl fcWbW Mllsr d CstCtlt into mUtmI wHk Ctes-CA UL NORTH STAR BOTTLING WORKS Phone 132 Prince Rupert iniMr ! . j uat Litry uuuniuer u to mean we snail presum- 1 ( ably see as the Paris negotiations proceed. But it will ' be very fiurpritiing if we find that any of them (in-1 eluding the French) have in fact agreed to any real j transfer of powers from their own Parliaments to an ouide high authority, or to accept the decrees of that authority as binding on their citizens. If that ! ( proves to be so, the British Government's attitude ! Hrxlhlr fiiH llnm. Tmlllnf Pole (ilk-hrtkl -I.K-m " fJJ;, lltius and Iron "" 1'litnn Hint. Ptp anil Pli rutins IliibbltPd B Iri Nj ; Jaw (IntrliM unrhc Strrl anil Br f '"' BilK Ntits, Stuili ''" 'TRAVELLING?' VANCOUVER VICTORIA Sunday, 9 p.m., Camosun Tuesday, 1:30 p.ra. Coqultlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Coqultlam. 11 p.m. FOR NOItTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS as. Camosun, July 7 and 21 10 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLAND8 ss. Camosun, June 30 10, p.m. rRyn j. skinner Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 588 J be fully justified. i HOW GOOD is YOUR WORD? When a person of Integrity makes a promise to do a certain thing at a definite time he noes Jt! When you purchase anything on credit, you enter Into an agreement to pay for the goods on a certain date! Don't break your word or the S!J PAY YOUR BILLS WHES : ' Crd' Bureau of Prince Rupert si" llallliut Mlrte Bnllff For the very finest in LUGGAGE Kh.1 MIM I Swl "' arin i" ' " - l , , SCRIPTURE PASSAGE FOR TODAY: The Lord shall pmer?e thee from ail evil: he shall preere thy soul. pgaim 121: 7. George' Cook, Jeweller warp ana iimiiwm -o la mrntlnn. TIYTOWN 527 3rd W. Box 1188 Phoue 2M MACHINE WOI