Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, June 28, 1950 chuk, Patricia Farrell, Jean Fin-layson, Walter Ballinger, Ounnar Dybhavn, Marlon Hardy, Ann Christison, Sonja Berg, Sharon Gustaldine, Steven Johnson, Ger- Carl Husoy, Wayne Holliston, Judith Hitchcock, Sharon Hoike-Btad, Bruce Johnstone, Tommy Kellett, Norma Lowe, Neal Lind-seth, Larry" Lindseth, Brian PROMOTIONS (continued from page 4) Sea Thriller Showing Here A rousing sea thriller loaded with action from start to finish is "Captain China," showing this evening and tomorrow at the Capitol Theatre. It is a swash Edylhc Dodds Terrace Bride Former Prince Rupert Girl Married to George Benoit TERRACE Beautifully decorated for the occasion with roes and other early spring lower-, aid Dominato, Arthur Taylor, j Mathews, Linda Maundrell, Charles Morrow, Robert Murray, sautels, William Anderson, Ger- Lois Antrobus, Si.eron Klazs, Margaret Little, John Green, RUPERT MENS AND BOYS STORE aldine Moorehouse, David Hang- Wayne Nicoll, ' Heather Moore, Helen Moore, Lynne Mclntyre. Jennifer Large, William Havdale, erud , Greta Collison, Dennis "wara ureen, juay fossum, WUkines. Stanley Marshall Leon- ' Wanda Havdale. Raymond Win- Beverley J Maureen MacDonald, David Ny- ! ard Smith, Ernestine Moorehouse ! dle Judv Christensen buckling story of the peacetime Knox United Church made a fit-! Boulter, Faith Cord well, Jerry I stedt, Dennis Nystedt, Marlcne Ivan Adams, F"red Bagshaw. ting setting for Edythe Melvina;m";hantimar n,e boasting a cast Following is a partial list of Jeffery- Beverlcy Erickson, Don-, Phillips, Dianna Pierce, Robert of stars including John Payne, vc iMaorH .cnhi r...r.ii for I aid Morrison, Mary Gomez Stevens, Peter Squires, Donna ' ; 4 the term beginning September 5, Maurice Mason, John Rosedale a 1950- i Ruby Stewart, Glenna Stava, i Robert Schumacker, Bruce Moore, (Pr'marj) ! nk Roald Dan Margaret Ann Sedgwick. Rich- PP' G1?n lpllly Kristmanson, Gary ard Bowman, George Auckland, I Weic1. Wayne Robinson, Donna nnn.irt nm- Mprtri.w MaEnn I wwxu.iun rnotos C. B. Foreman left by plant foi Vancouver today on a business trip. H. F. NoakC3, teacher at Terrace, left for Vancouver today by plane. Call at CIIANDI.tCR'S STlniJ Dodds, daughter of Mr. and Mis B. R. Dodds now of Terrace ane formerly of Prince Rupert, when she became the bride of Georjje Louis Benoit, son of Mrs. J Mathews of Terrace. Rev. P. M Mallett officiated Given in marriage by her lather the bride was lovely in traditional white satin. Her gown, slightly en train, featured a nylon yoke, satin bertha collar and lily pointed sleeves. Her Iloor length veil was held in Ritchie, Tove Selfjord, James Tough, Terry Toftager, Alice Wing, Lawrence Veitch. Chappy Walker, Robert Wide, Celia Wy-att, Robert Gordon. Intermediate Morris Alger, Margaret An-field, Joyce Brentzen, Shirley Byjork, Ronald Brydges, Patricia Cameron, Gerry Erickson, Reggie Ewasuik, Leif Erickson, Robin . - . ' Sutherland Darlene Morgan, i i Dale Gatzke, Shirley Jackson, 216 4th St. Ph. Green i Charles Lowe, Douglas Pippet, Bruce Kerr, Judith Dohl, Mari- Gail Russell, Jeffrey Lynn, Lon Chaney, Edgar Bergen and Michael O'Shea. Payne is a brawling skipper who loses his command when his ship goes aground. He fights bitterly to regain his command and the respect of the girl he loves. In the role of the girl, Gall Russell gives a convincing performance while Jeffrey Lynn li well cast as the skipper who succeeds Payne. Outstanding sequences of the picture are an exciting typhoon scene and a v'.eldus fist fight between Payne and Cheney. TC""S y appointi, j Ralph Gatzke, Rupert Jeffery, J Neva White, Larry Wale, Evelyn Carpeiiter, Dianne La Sota, Nor- mn MeT,pnh Mnripl Hunn Wilms llyn Anderson, David Allen. Brian Hemsworth, Gailya Oremolfson, Kjellbotn. Marena Postulo TiPAne .man rmnfnr ri51ne!Joy Shirley Dunca.-, Trevor Whiting.! .Foreman, Ennis Macphee. Pat. Gilmour, Isabel Gladish. Gladvs piacc w ith a beaded Elizabethan ricia Batt. Donald MacDonald, . nenana, jynne criKsen, oar-1 Grimolfson, Phyllis Kaardal, coronet and she carried an arm Shirley Morgan, Kenneth Boy-'fa Hlnton. Jnn Morrison. . Karen Kilborn, Marvil Kjelbotn, bouquet of deep red roses and Alice Kristmanson, H a r v e y Heather lilies Macdonald, William of the valley. .i.topuer, cmney oelvlg, joan MacLeod, Judy Mentenho, Enid Patricia Tumilson was brides , McLeod, Sharon Sutherland. Jack Morgani Marle MorUmer Slew. mild aaJ fthe W(Jfe a White, Allen June We-1 Morgan, art Noble Anne 0soni lt,mh gown 0I- yeUow organdyi Miss Jaye Trotter and Miss If He Wonts un, uui uaviis, xvuucil, main Olson Panlinp nienn wniiom ' Eleeveie&s. with ions eIiwpk oi Yvonne Larsen. on the teaching REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED JV Y, I yPederson, Deanna Peterson, Val- lfle same material and .a sma,. staff of Borden Street School Mulhern, Margja.ret 4 Ewasuik, I D1K. ... hat. She carried a rnirmi.i h,v,. The Complete Works," i"" 'wuwiusuii, ' wamtc iayoior, --- i jeit .ior Vancouver today with Leona Ritchie, Bonny Gatzke, Sanrtra Torn ,,' quel of mixed flowers. Fire Chief and Mrs. Earl W. Bee- , Roy Parlette., Judy Hardy, Gordon kp John ,. - sto' j uuie Judy Keroy made R. E. Mortimer Inni'nvi TTirAltm -ln4. n U ' ' ker who are driving south on Jensen, Evelyn Gladu, Robert j dainty fiower girl in a long Lynn Oldham, Walter Oskey, 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) ? Yamadu, Joan Brewerton, Alfred inhi, p.Am, .... iiLc uvti uaic Diuc n'eir annua; vacation, miss Bring Him To His Favorite Store RUPERT MENS AND BOYS STORE Voatran. Caroi Rinrnspn rinrrw! ' vjiauu, lur- nraanriv rnrnnnt t f, . " ing Gil is, Gerry Jensen Alfred . o... '"iirouer wm attend summer t t Leavitt. Lee Ann Hlggins. EA- w,,f , roses nU a basket of posies. . ,., ...... . ... ward Davies. Charles Anderson, I , unu.ger,, uioonuman was Teter Benoit, ' , ncua uimiHrana, juoa MacKay,; Ushers wprc fipmin t, ,t I 11 wl" s'-uay at me u.u.u. summer session. Fred Byjork, Michael Lemon, Marjorie Maclnnis, Ronald James Daniels, James F. Dolphin, Syvie Ann Dohl, Robert Eriksen, Char - Robert Knutsen, Margaret Val-1 David Benoit. derhaug, Louise Anderson, Joey. Lunng the signing of the Arseneau, Ronnie Beckner, Marie register Mrs. Pteke-Vout sang Christensen, James Chrlstiosn. ! 'Because" with Mrs t .ihB. IT'S MUSIC FOR Picnickers RCA VICTOR BP-5C v lotte Fawcett, William Arthur SHIPSand- Forward, Gary Geddes, Jerry vdro1 J-"CKens, leaay Dickens, sione playing the bridal music. Gilmour, Francis Edna Gomez,! hih.iuu,u venie uaizKe,! U,1UVV1"S me ceremony, a IRita Gillis, Kathleen Gladish, ; reception was held at the home I A A Tt 0 LTD fl MT Melvin Gustafson. Edith Haueen. lof ''the bride"s parents where t.h-l TTAILIXI lUMI -, , , -L'v Haugen, Kenneth Hodgkin-, gucsts were leceived by thej H JIIIBn nn varu'yn Jeiiery, ijioya K.nst- ",u""'' tnarm- CUSli-iLiy j manson. Barry Mark, Teddy Mar-j in ln r0SL" crt'P-' with turquoise With the majority of passengers miners from Stewart and Alice Arm, Union steamer Co- uns, Micnaei Macdonald. Ravi ",u a J-uraage oi carnations. THE Mclntyre, Arnold Petterson, Rod- I THE BEST . in Plumbing Service PHONE 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING nUD SCHUMAN (Old Post Office Bldg.) The groom's mother, Mrs. J Mathews, wore grey crepe with ney Pierce, Sharon Skinner, Pat Wide, Lorna Mason, Arthur quitlam, Capt. John Boden, ar-j rived in port at 11:30 a.m. yes- j terday from the north and sailed for Vancouver and waypolnts at ; 1:30 p.m. Passengers disembark-i ing for Prince Rupert Included ! Dunn, Dorothy Mason. Dorothy a Weick, Beverley Gatzke, Carol q,- 1. It's Fast! 'f&ffiyWiii 'ni' out how a',, an ''""trie tClJ)i range really is anl voti'll bo The toast to the bride was proposed by D. C. Stevenson of alllPr.ritLMtl Inut fl... ..r il.. Prince Rupert and replied to 'William Hoadley, L. Brain, PI by the groom. j Richards, M. Budnich, N. Mc- j Gordon Little proposed a toast Gowan, Pete Chonuette, O. A. i Really, you should know a how delicious food tastes when flavoured with Col man's mustard from England. Prepare it in your own kitchen easily; limply follow the directions on the label. Write to Reckitt & Col man tm " aam. ,1 1FI switch ami your couking i umlerway. to the bride's mother. Harding, T. Netherby. J. Haweick, C. Hyslop, T. Campbell, R. J Thompson, William Klrko, L. Bcrrie and L. E. Taggert. i i Elkins, Donald Macintosh, Beverley Calderonl, Kenneth Taylor, Derek Allen, Allan Brett, Camilla Lindseth, John Lambe, Alvln Nystedt, Jessica Nelson, Jeanette Maundrell, Shirra Hallday, Buddy Nauman, Rolf Pederson, Ronald Strand, Gail Redpatji, Arlene Webster, Sonja Hanson, John Howell, James Hunter, Ed-, ward Pilfold, William Birtch, Gordon Lugrim, Judith Lloyd, Donald MacLeod, James Baldwin, Jewell Gamblin, Donald Husvik, Richard Forward, Nina Mostad, Ronald Petersen, Gwen Speer, Mary Storrle, George Braman, Jack MacLean, Tayte Th perfect companion oa my outing, thil powerful, lihtei(iht, t tube bemuty "pulll in" thutt distant ttationa operating on itf own long-life batterie or "plufsged-in" on AC or DC current. Wonderful "Golden Throat" (O Rft tonal quality. Onl 'O-.3" (Leu baiitrutl COME IN TODAV (Canada) Ltd, Station T, Montreal for free free recipe recipe book book "Culinary "Culinary Art" Art" and Mis. D. Stevenson, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Skinner, Mr. and Mrs. H. W., Robb all of Prince Rupert. J 2. It's Cool! Villi an elerlrie range, the licat gM itilo 1 1 it fnnl wlirre it ehoulil lie. There' no rxreiw licat est-apinr; from tlie oven to m.ike your kitchen lint and unilruaiit. JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue The living room was beautifully decoiated with pink and white streamers and vases of flowers. On a iaoie covered witii a putwork cloth stood a three-tiered wedding cake made and decorated by Mrs. W. Bailey. Refreshments were served by Flora Melvin and Peggy Laird with Mrs. Osterland rn charge. Photos were taken by Brock Norberg. A lovely arr,ay of gifts was on display in another room. The happy couple left later for Lakelse Lake where they will spend a week's honeymoon before taking up residence on Park Avenue in the former Gjr- Its McRae Bros. Ltd. emm SO CMS? tt GOES 3. It's Clean! Electrically proiliirnl hrat il clean. No snot . . . itmoke ... or - fumed. Polg ami ina nlay uliiii-ing bright. You'll enjoy a nick 'n' iau frrah-air kitilicn. Il'i wonderful in the Brimmer. h$KAP:aACKLE' fOPH McNiece, Lorraine Quast, Gerry Taylor, Sonja Selvig, Jacqua Johnson, Ken McKinnon, Patricia Pierce, Douglas Ferguson, Clyde Trudeau, Norma Johnson, Gerald Desauteis, Lois Good, Arlene Mosley, Mary Moracs, Arthur Melin, Alan , Hcmmons, Alfield Hardin, Glenys Owen.s. ,V N IM MlLKf ney, cottage. Out-of-town guests were, Mr. J tONvtHifMT Sstjm Donna Becker, Adrienne Petit, Gerald Chrlstoff, Robert Jensen. 4. It's Safe! Your electric range in wfe a an tlertric light.' Willi children in the lioiine you'll Appreciate tlii) even more. Ralph Welck, Clifford Rudland. Edith Olson, Louise Hetlands, Lynne Gordon, Myrna Knutsen, Teddy Lcask, Billy Hunter, Ken McLean, Tuck Vernon, Frank Barton, Melicent Jeffery, Jamrj Currie, Lucille Desauteis, William Anderson, Gdraldine Moorehouse, David Hangcrud, Greta Collison, Dennis Wilkins, Stanley Marshall, Leonard Smith, Ernestine Moorehouse, Ivan I - p7" Avail abli at Hard w art. Paint Stores and Lumbic Dialers ICrS'i 1 5. It's Economical! With electricity, there' no waste lieat it' accurately meamired and conlmlled. F.lectric rimkery il low-coat cooking only a few cenla per duy. ' Adams, Fred Bagshaw. Its v ; :r 11 Cook the modern way electrically and en joy the difference. Drop in and see the modern, automatic electric ranges. Jams and jellies made this Short-Boil Vaare DELICIOUS... SPARKLING! Gmv DISH... WiTtf AMD PrlOTEIrJS.TOO! 7 i ft. I Canada' ffsMMmrX Finest Whisky ...Kipe-Frwt Color rZPtff -t This advertisement is not published oi displayed by the Liquor Control Board oi ar the vjovernmentrv DnMsh Columbia :s Its R. W. COLLINS Authorized Dealer for' ELECTROLUX FURS-T 1 1 CHiLOREfJ WE ASKED SAFETY Give Moths A Cool Reception PRtfUt rr io to i OVER, AMy OTWER I Will be residing permanently ;9w?L L rtr " " orieiiy'"""1' st "your .sm I PJCE CEREAL! in Prince Rupert Contact the above for all Service required and for Paris .and Supplies mm - YZ - VI I in Bill Scuby'i PHONE 451 " . AfcSJSU ill I ao FRUIT PECTIN SCIENTIFIC FUR rnin STiiNAr.K VAl'lT 1 i ' ' hi I. . (aJB l . al I i j Phone today for a Free Dem (Scrotal 3 5H l A Fre-durf of Gnaral Foods .CN l)t WIHTER SUITS AND CLOTH COATS ALSO STOKED PHONE 974 FOR FREE PICK-UP SERVICE ' 302 - 3rd Ave. PRINCE RUPERT . Box 1362 lonstration of the 1950 Model : . .-- Tii I Oil f P A 1 '('1