(Continued rrom rage 1) New Henri of Scouts Irlnrc Rupert Dallp Hrtos Friday, October 29, 15-43 An lrd?pii'jeEt dt;y mfrspEper dftowd to ct.e uBbuiio'iaB 6f Prince Rupert ll cnmmuiiHtr compr''i northern nd central British Columbl URGES SUPPORT FOR SYMPHONY Prince Rupert Rotarlans wero asked to support both the city's symphony orchestra and the Boy Scouts Association by attending a concert which the orchestra is putting on in behalf of the Boy Scouts in the near future. The appeal was made by F. E. Authorised as Second Class Mali. Poet Office Department, Ottawa) Published eenr nfternoon except BundaV bv Prince Rupert Daily Ne Ltd.. 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert, British Columbia. Q. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director. MEMEER OP CANADTAN PRESS ACDTT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION 4J' V RACIAL HATRFD Editor, Daily News: Regarding your front RATES STTBacPtpTlON Try Carrhr. Pf r Mtc: Per page By Mail, Per Month. 50c; Per Year. 5 00 to ail iiucit-oicJ arid "i" assurance of dividends-' in character and citizenship building accruing from the work of Cuu-bing and Scouting in these dangerous days. Mr. Anfield thanked all those who had ben associated with the Association in above all, the lads of the troops and packs. Paying , tnnute to tne sen- sacrificing " ' service - rendered by retiring ' commissioner, Mi- article dealing with Russian the work ot the past year the cruelty during "the war. It is' executive member the various sad to think of people still dy-'groups and auxiliaries and, ing of war effects. Our military hospitals are full to capacity of wounded and dying caused by the cruelty of the rmans-' .. tv,...x. ,;. i ' ,. .. """uinuv,, " 8 "lecls , i thr and second world I"; "ny sur up raclaI nat- fed ,n 80 311 unsettled World? JACK SCOTT. c. L' ' A Oieamsnip .MOVementl For Vancouver i Anfield declared that Col. Dix- other groups, on, perhaps mor than anyone col. Dixon hoped that it would else, had brought Scouting and i possible to hold a full tea-Cubbing back in Prince Rupert, day camp next year. Mr. AnHeid acknowledged a .The commissioner also stressi-d "Txlul , T,CKETS0! M Sunday ss. Coquitlam, 11 p.m. 'had also been a magnificent do-Tuesday s. Camosun, Initiation by the Canadian Legion rEntihmd Comma Back lj IXDEH THE LEADERSHIP and inspiration of J the'courag-eous Chancellor of fhe Exchequer, Sir Stafford Cripps, champion of austerity "'"and apostle of all-out man production, England is staging a great industrial and economic comeback. The latest to acknowledge the strides that Britain is making: in its economic recovery is Paul Hoffman, United States administrator of Euro-pean aid. Last week we were told about it right here in Prince Rupert by Sir Alexander Clutter- ! ' buck, United Kingdom High Commissioner to Canada. Britain seems to be well on the way to being able . to stand on her own feet when the expiry date of hvlp from the European Recovery Prog-ram comes. In spite of the enfeeblement caused by a disastrous war, she is doing this. She is accomnlishjng it by the toil and sweat of her people. England is coming "-' through and she is winning the surprised admira-, tion of the world. UNIOxNS AND COMMUNISM i I f splendid , donation which had ' been made to the Association funds by the Rotary Club. There In the form of complete sets of colors to all packs and troops. "The tteriMi prebletn faring our Association is that of more and more leaders," aid the presidential report. "The boyj are there n profusion but to find men to lead them Is an errr-preninr worry for executive and commissioner." Mr. Anfield pleaded strongly I for the enlistment of younr men of sterling character as ciuhmastrrs and scouters. Mr Anfield also arknnw. I ONE OR TWO YEARS? Editor, Daily News: Local autonomy being the democratic prerogative qf the people, powers, authority and responsibility vested In their hands constitute the safety valve of civilization. This" principle must be safeguarded if ve wish to remain democratic and progressive. That being I the philosophy of my life, I do not hesitate to quote Co:. Drew or any other public man in riPfPM-P nf o .,.nVmn nr.n- prAo th.it aiiw llhpral shnnlH nf- tept. ! As a citizen of Prince Ruper t who has done his best to retain all authority possible for the people to exercise in the discharge of their responsibility, I claim the provincial government J has infringed on municipal rights in changing the term of the chief magistrate Horn one to two years without consulting the people affected. I In my opinion this is a reactionary move and I propose to try and get a plebiscite before the people at the forthcoming election in December so an expression of opinion may be obtained. We are compelled to have annual elections. Why run the chief only once In two years? I think it would be better if the who'.e council were subject to approval by the people once a year.. Aldermen are not like whisky. Time and age do not necessarily improve them. GEORGE B. CASEY. Union steamer Coquitlam, Capt. Alf Aspinall, returning to the Queen Charlotte Islands run, arrived in port at 1 o-clock this afternoon from Vancouver, Namu and Butedale and will sail at 1 o'clock tonight for Massett Inlet points whence she is due back here Sunday to sail at 11 p.m. on her return south. i r. "ANADIAN LABOR A- Johnson. ledged the splendid gesture ofia" - . V. that truck with Communism is an invitation to PAY A CALL TO . ; . -l THE STORK SHOPPE and see our new line of up-to-date Hand-Crocheted and Knitted BABY SETS We also have a lovely selection of DRESSES in small sizes, as well as Jackets, Booties and Ronnets . These garments and many others you will see in our Shoppe will make . useful and lovely girts. ' 2G3 Third Avenue BLl'E 810 fim. Thursday -ss. Prince Oeorge, 11:15 p.m. Nov. 6 ss Princess Louise p.m. rwm Vancouver Sundcy ss. Camosun, 11 p.m. Wednesday ss Prince Oeorg?. 10 a.m. Friday ss. Coquitlam, 1 p.m. Nov. 1 ss. Princess Louise a.m. -For Alice Arm and Port Simpson Sunday ss. Camosun, 11 p.m. from Alice Arm and Port Simpson Tuesday ss. Camosun, a.m. Fntw Ovean Falls weanesaay ss Prince George 10 ajn- Nov. l ss. Princess Louise ' a m- ; I mr Ocean F;-:. j xnursaay-ss. Prince George, n:ia l .la p p.m. Nov c 6 ss. Princess , Louise , 1 l p.m. trm Alaska . Thursday ss Nov. 6 ss. Princess Louise, p.m. For Alaska Wednesdav- -ss Prince George mirinight Nov. 1-ss. Princess Louise, I a m j . You saw h in tm Daily News! I . , ; ! j Q.C.I, except logging camps, fish and a few personals Peool? often look but they do not see. The campaign concludes and Truman and Dewey call It a day. The excitement subsides. The dust (.it Is ., .. I settiine. Verliv. the country is giolng to be saved ' again, as sure as shoothV. WeU, . the candidates cannot say they have not had a lot of fun. ; REGISTRATION for the Prince Rupert Symphony Orchestra In presenting its forthcoming concert for the benefit of the Boy Scouts and expressed the hope that it wouH an overwhelming success. COMMISSIONER'S REPORT ... uxon report as district , , , , . . commissioner claimed two prin cipal accomplishments In the two years since the Association had been formed one, Scouting in Prince Rupert had been firm- j ly re - established and, two, ' steady and sure , progress was j UC1"S 'aue. ni mis lime lasi there en tnre 8roups with a total of 83 boys 60 Cubs . ,and 23 Scouts. During the past year- another new Kroup had' been organized under the aus pices of the A.O T.8. of First United Church and now there jwtre four Cub packs and two Scont troops for a total of 110 boys 80 Cubs and thirty Scouts, Standard of training had also showed a marked improvement. By next summer It was hoped PILES Every day we receive letters Irom former sufferer, who had gtvn up hope. gTatefuJ for the new Pyltone Treatment. many after years o! misery. - ' -" Hve " ' you ' "I ciri erer tlKHight tow modern science has advanced pJrltone ""t of hat an vaucement. pyltone Plla Treatment e dtreet m ... ,r.wi. lnrnait- The taste of mi liquid . . rvio tr hn HIbhii l i v.v. . You it 7Z '' the first bottle of Pvitone or r At a" mod" aTml'St"6 Muncipal Voters Lis trade union suicide. The position of organized labor under a statism such as exists in Russia would be entirely different from the position it occupies in Canada today. Its bargaining power in n?go-tiations with the state would deteriorate to the vanishing point and, as a creature of the state, the rights it has fought for and won over a period of marry years would be nullified. ' Labor unions in Canada are generally accepted Tii? the protectors 'of the legitimate rights of the Hlorking people. Their power and their currently ""Responsible positions have been achieved because they acted within bounds and a free society recognized them. If labor tolerated the reds, it would --imperil its own future. If it does not use the knife -..H1:!lar.my to 8'0u?e out tne cancer of Communism, its own existence as a free movement in a -"free society will be destroyed. COLDS UNNECESSARY MANY PEOPLE consider- that winter and coId. go together like ham and eggs. But a few ounces of preventative will help avoid winter colds. When the temperature drops, dress for the weather avoid chills, eat nourishing food and get ... plenty of sleep. And stay away "from people who 'have colds. Just because the mercury is shivering around freezing in the thermometer is no reason why we should seal ourselves into airtight chambers' these early -winter nights. It is better to use an extra blanket- or two and leave the window open -nhan to risk wlls by sleeping in dry, stuffy rooms. ; Feel a cold coming on? Might as well face iTJ. to m Jt You are in for an unpleasant few days. But you ean help yourself a lot by taking it easy go to bed - for a dav or so if possible. Eat lightly of nourishing foods and stay away from other people as much as you can. Remember, colds can be dangerous..,' Reminiscences By w.j. ant Reflections to have suiue 111st cU.v, Scouts qualified to attend the first Canadian Scout Jamboree to be held near Ottawa. Col. Dixon cited as outstanding events of the past year the good turn-out and fine display at a joint Scout-Guide rally, tho excellent showing made by th Second i Conrad t group with their entries In the May 24 par- arie of the Ki.ismen's Club and the formation of a Ladies' Aux- tnary to the Conrad- group something that he felt might oe emulated in connection with the indent newl for the enllst- of further leaders so thai the work might be carried out more adequately. The meeting, by formal resolution, expressed its' appreciation of the enthusiastic and efficient work of Col. Dixon during his two years as district commissioner. Col. Orant, In accepting the nomination as "commissioner, aid he looked forward with pleasant anticipation to th? jwork. Present at the meeting were F. E. Anfield, Col. Dixon, Col. Grant, Neville Gfrrard, E. T. Applewhaite, Robert Cameron, Inspector F. B. Woods-Johnso.i, "-vnraa- mmam- ,r"u buii, umiii oirwari, ucnnis Garon, Dr. J. A. MacDonald. " ?. . IIBBII FOOTWUI Tin nut kwt lw ttw (( (ak. ' Sav npfart lar Hiv ciiMc . . , (rC tfMf. witk pried loikilMf . . . aara( Biresjt tarrad rM hfrt-tutiM . . . aen-itit trttf i. Try kiir it rur ttrlw ' vv' TTn?7MT',TrTfr7TtT9 Moving, Paekinir, Crating Shlppinf and Oeneral ' Carlaee and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and CH Commodore Cafe IF COMPLETELY ilENOVATEO "Better Than Ever"' Best Food and Service in City Phone 17 for Send-out Orders Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr CLEAN HEAT'. . . ' Saves Your Fuel ... Saves Your Mtney . . , It means a cleaner house and decrea.sed fire hazards. Call us for prompt FIRNACE SERVICE Thorn Sheet Metal Limited FAWCETT DEALER 253 East 1st Ave. Black 831 CLOSES OCTOBER 30, 1948, at ! For the convenience of Hou.seholders and Licpi the City Clerk's Office will be open the folluwin? ; hoars for registration purposes: Thursday 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. Friday 7 p m. to 9 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 5 (258) H. D. THAIS, City C troduced as , e.siUent D c IF OuMUat the", Sessions 0f 1 &nH til of J at i ;:ute sol Jll b da ,lCt an ace !0U . ni L .Ml -d R '.he u ;m as! lie hii I COW B BOAT WC A P. CRAWLEY Designing r Fine Workmanship Agfnts for Kerm Er.giw FOR YC JIOCK and f won CAIX BL M. J. sau: New. M'Xlcrn E All Work Gua MARGATIET OPTOMETE In New 0 ROOM 10. ST0N5 New Phn: BLUE P.O. Box 1 HELEN REAUTY Permanent Beauty Cu!t all Us bra"1 204 4th Stn'Pt HANDYJ! HOME SE Building and repairs Roofs, Chimneys Bed' Black 687 ' . JZT tfl for Downing fir vu:ir n Bos 774 Month. 75c: Per Year. 8 00. I!3 4 leaden admit themselves III .., , fXmmX ROIL YOUR OWN WITH Tobacco BRIGHT VIRGINIA BUSINESS AND PROFESSION A small plainly dressed man walked into a Vancouver bank ' and asked to have a check t laiineu. i ne cierK inquired hi. name and the stranger said he called himself Lord Beaverbrook. Whereupon the accountant became suspicious and hesiated. The manager appeared just then and explanations were prompt. But who could blame 1 the bank clerk? Pulling his leg is something that's rarely or .lever done. Parking bylaws in Prince Rupert are to be enforced. The eendarmes will "crack down." The city is growing. Everyone Is car conscious. Times have changed since the less complex days when Jack Beatty's transportation system consisted of a strong wheelbarrow. He had parking space to spare. Ocean Falls, In 1947, experienced a generous rainfall. It went beyond 150 inches. There are various parts of the world where such a total might b. considered a shade niggardly. Fast Is. the more one learns abou other lands, the less reason is there to bracket Canada's Pacific Coast with the ancient wheeze "the place where it rains all the time." Eastern Canadian readers have had a diverting glimpse of the Queen Charlotte Islands in September, the writer being Guy Jasmin of Montreal, whose two column story appears In the Windsor star. It s refreshing to see something in print about th? d wv en GEORGE L. RORIR j Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Tnenme Tax P.plnm f'nmniliHl Besner Block Phone 337 PAPER HANGING AND WOOD FINISHING Latest Shades, Styles and Colors .1. P. MOLLER Phone BLUE 155 DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5. SMITH BLOCK Phone 75 P.O. Box 1401 ! PIANO TECHNICIAN ( Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 756 972 10th East MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERERS AND FURNITURE REPAIRS Plastic Materials Rubber Mattresses Drapes Curtains Bed Spreads Cushions, etc Second-Hand Furniture Phone Blue 818 P.O. Box 52(1 330 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT, D C. K)HN F. L. HUGHES Chiropractor 21-22 BESNER BLOCK .P O Box 894 Phone Blue 442 PRINCE RUPERT P.OTTLE COLLECTOR PHONE RED 751 Servlni the Fbherlei Industr Well. (P.R.) Ltd. Cartace, labelling, Welching BLLT 7W BLt'E m TAKE IT AWAY. MR. BRACKEN-Retiring leader of the Progressive Conservative Party, John Bracken, was presented with a new car by the convention. Looking very pleased is Mr Bracken as her husband tried out the front seat for size ill mmnm ggx ' IT PA YS TO Cigarette MILD, SWEET, This advertisement Is not puoiisneii or Sisplayed by the Liquor unuui ooara, or Dy me oovernment oi British Columbia -I