PROVINCIAL LI32ARY, VICTORIA, B. C. ILSLEY QUITS COMMONS SEAT ; mo - PHONE starAcabs down By-Election in Nova Scotia Set CoL Drew Gets Ontario ' ' Constituency OTTAWA m Acting Prime NORTHERN AMD CENTRAL BRTTIBH COLUMBIA'S MXWBPAPSR , AY 29TH Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL- XXXVII, No. 255. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, OCTOBER, 29, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Minuter L. 8. St. Laurent an- ; nounced today that Rt. Hon. 3. L. Ilsley, former minister of finance and justice, had re signed his seat in the House of Commons and a by-electloh , would be held December 13 to i Tram fill the vacancy caused thereby In the Nova Scotia riding of TITLE FIGHT iess Leaders See New Head ADJOURNMENT OF 1 1 .V Digby-Annapolis-Klngs. Mr. St. Laurent also said that , a by-election would be held in the riding of Laval-Two Mount- ains, Quebec, in time for that riding to be represented In the next session of Parliament. ! The Acting' Prime. Minister : further indicated that a by- ' election might be held December 20 in the Ontario riding of. Carleton in which it was an ; ... 5 .. ! ON TONIGHT Of Scouts Control Desirable .ix. Sandy Sadler and Willie Pep Meeting in Madison Square Garden nirvK.R (CP) The position of the Cana- NEW YORK W Sandy Sadd Col. Hamilton Grant Named Commissioner Annual Meeting Hears of Progress Col. A. Hamilton Grant Is to UNITED NATIONS Political Committee Finding Too Much Work Before Christinas ' PARIS 0 Plans are being made to adjourn the United Nations general assembly December 10 and reconvene in New York about the end of February, it Is authoritatively learned. ler's two-year chase of Willie Pep ends tonight when he meets a going over at the annual meeting of Irgot lian Chamber of Commerce here yesterday station of a wide range of arguments. nounced yesterday George Drew, the new Progressive-Conservative leader, would seek admission to Parliament, Russell Boucher having offered to re succeed Col. Keith Dixon as district' commissioner of Boy Scouts in Prince Rupert district. Col. Grant was unanimously also expressed concern over decreases in exports to countries other than the United J.. : Kingdom and the United States. sign in his favor. Mr. St. Laur the featherweight boxing champion for the title in Madison Square Garden. The odds are 3 to 1 against him. Pep Is no w26 years old but shows no sign of slowing up, having won fifteen out of fl-teen bouts this year. nominated at the annual meeting last night of the Prince Ru- C. K. Highmoore of Toronto, The Palestine question and the Italian colonies issue would ent said that, were he asked, he would advise that the Liberals not contest this traditionally Progressive-Conservative seat against Col. Drew. IFUSES - supervisor of the foreign TO REINSTATE MINERS OTTAWA A Canadian Congress - of Labor spokesman said -last night that" the Congress is likely to formally readmit the International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers into the fold next week. The Union had been suspended from the Congress two months ago for printing in a union paper what the C.C.L. termed "false and malicious' information. . BEAU JACK WINS WASHINGTON Beau Jack, former Augusta, Georgia, bootblack, put on a "killer" demonstration Thursday night to stop Eric Boon of London by a technical knock-out in one minute, 21 seconds, of the third round of a scheduled ten-round boxing match. Jack's weight yas pounds and Boon's 144. .' nert District Boy Scouts' Asso Canadian! snelved untu ,ater- For the change department. ciation which received with re Important political committee Bank of Commerce, said there DEMAND gret the resignation of Col. Dixon who is leaving soon for j they would Involve too much work before Christmas. Netherlands and Argentine Snubs Victoria. Under Col. Dixon's Mm Arthur' was a large volume of trade being done in currencies which are not acceptable under present Canadian regulations. "If leadership the Boy Scout move Lnfrrenirs Will U.S. Proposal ment has increased during ths Frobfd we escape another war," High I'll. 1 past two years until today, with BOSTON WINS OVER CHICAGO ETON 0 The United its active membership of 110 reject Russia's de moore said, "I see a progressive though slow relaxation of controls with eventual solution rest boys, it Is one of the most Japan Trade Pact TOKYO W A trade agreement between the Netherlands Including Indonesia, and Japan was completed today subject to final approval by -General Douglas MacArthur and the Netherlands government. It involves exchange of goods valued at $93,000,000 in twelve months. SANTIAGO 0) Chile last night rejected a proposal of the United States for international control of the sub-Arctic which has been under contention between the two countries. an official report on flourishing boys' organizations in the city. . NEW YORK W The Chicago fciiig'.as MacArtnurs ing on fuller and freer trade inferences at Tokyo United States com- Black Hawks led for five minutes In the game against Boston Bruins last night, coming the closest to winning in five Annual reports presented at last night's meeting showed steady and healthy expansion during the past year. Shortage rtment of State made passing through ordinary commercial channels." The three-day annual Chamber meeting ended yesterday. . SHIPMENT IS st night, saying that of leaders was emphasized as !d by MacArthur in starts. They lost by a score of 5 to 1. The win lifts the Bruins to sole tenure of second place, having drawn away from Mont the greatest problem now facing SEAT FOR COL. DREW OTTAWA George Drew will contest the Ontario riding of Carleton for a seat in the House of Commons, it was announced Thursday night. Rus-sel Boucher, sitting member for the constituency, said he will resign to make way for the Progressive-Conservative leader and the former Premier of Ontario. The date of the by-election depends on the government. " STUTTGART RIOT STUTTGART United States military police as top United States the Association, one which was hampering expansion through present inability to take care e "purely routine real Canadlens. ANYTHING PUZZLE YOU ABOUT RAILROADS - ASK MR. MacKENZIE If one wants any vagrant bits of information about the railroads of Canada or the United States, sole concern to thi; Four of last night's goals BEING PROBED. of further groups and boys were made In the third period. which would loin up If they Sixteen thousand fans watch could only be taken care of. ed the game. Investigation Into How High Grade Material Was Sent To Yugoslavia TIME All National League clubs are probably the best man to get in toucn witn is one OfUcers of the Prince Rupert Boy Scouts' Association for lor the the p i- m aftfon'Mo a travollino' mar frmm Vanermvpr idle tonight. The week-end officials OlllCialS said saiCl today toaay that mav agitators a cug engineered i. a coming year resulted as follows: " v.., v.. fe schedule is: NEW YORK, Canadian IONS and American officials are In five-hour riot yesterday fct which five Americans President, f. e. Anfieid. . wno can eitner give it ou-nana or aig it up Bomenow a i.. r- ,ow, Vmrr TVipv said that I vi-president. Vice-President set. l. a. n. Railroads, Railroads, their their tmst. past, present present and and undoubtedly undoubtedly real, Detroit at Toronto. Saturday Boston at Mont-Sunday Montreal at Detroit, vestleatina an alleged illegal and China Propose Potterton. shiDinent of Canadian tlnplate LUt'U 1UIU1C, lig mi. i(hjm;i.- zie's hobby and In the past de-. Imposed Upon id Jews throuRh a New York forward i Secretary, Armand Boas. Treasurer, Grant Stewart Toronto at Chicago, Boston at New York. , , Jcade he has dredged up enough ing firm to Yugoslavia. A sec ailU twelve vjeimaiio wvv uuiv. squads of teen-age youths whipped the crowd into fury at the end of a mass demonstration against -the high eoHt -of living 4'idon't know whether they were communists or left-overs from the Nazi regime," Provost-Marshal Capt. Charles G. Ives said. information about them to fill -Great Britain and pnrt, crade tlnplate for ItattJf historical, baout railroads, it is just like a stamp" collector: get- ting a rare stamp," he told the Rotarians at their luncheon meeting. Great was the joy among the said to nave oeen repiacea oy ON LOOK-OUT a book. -And what he doesn't know, Executive--E. R. Gordon, Neville Gerrard, Dr. J. A. Macdonald, Inspector F. B. Woods-Johnson, N. L. Jones, Robert Cameron, high grade shipment to Yugo i Nations security flsider the use of pressure upon Arabs Slavla. some other member of the Lower Mainland Railroad Club can very likely provide. It is understood Canada and Fred Conrad and Staff Sergeant 30-odd members of the Lower the United States are dovetail G. A. Johnson. GO EASY ON to stop the war in and Belgium an- TODAY'S STOCKS Mr. MacKenzie gave an hour- ing export regulations on ship The report of President F. E. FOR FIREBUG Kelowna Continues Vigilance by Night No Incidents Since Tuesday KELOWNA, 0 Fire guards continue to patrol the streets ments of strategic materials to Anfieid described the past year long sample of his information to the Prince Rupert Rotary Club iiey would support a SANCTIONS countries In the Russian sphere Mainland Railroad Club when they "discovered" the Pugei' Sound and Baker Valley Railroad while on a trip to investigate the- City of Seattle Railroad In northern Washington. of Influence. Thursday afternoon, ranging from the Portland Canal Sho.'.t which invokes Article r 7, of the Charter ' actions "not involv as one of "slow but steady progress. A rally held at the Armory had proven, an inspiration (Continued on Page Two) (Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd.) Vancouver Bralorne - , B. R. Con. .... - .03 b. r. x. - : Cariboo Quartz 141 Dentonla 01 Vi Line Railway to the Canada ol this Okanagan fruit centre es of armed force." CRASH IS BEING Southern, tracing a tapestry of If one happens to see a Southern box car and wants by night in a move against a ative sources also little-known facts on a score of fire bug on the loose who has United States would to know where it belongs, ask other railroads besides. France Would Not Mention Them Specifically In Palestine Case PARIS 0) France proposed today that the United Nations Security Council delete direct reference to economic sanctions in the draft resolution on Palestine. The resolution is aimed at already struck 11 times during the last few weeks. The Portland Canal Short Line Railway, any old-timer from INVESTIGATED EDMONTON 0 Canadian and American officials are proceeding with an investigation into the crash of a Northwest Grull Wlhksne 04 GALE HOLDING FLIGHTS TODAY A 40-mile gale sweeping over the strip at Sandspit was hold During the last two nights Hpdlev Mascot -32 Stewart or Hyder knows, used to CURB SOUTH there have been no further incidents although three more Pend Oreille 5 80 Pinneer 2.70 Mr. MacKenzie and he will tell that it has strayed from its home trackage at the south end of Lake Huron. The Canada Southern is a subsidiary of tho New York Central. Some railroad hobbyists go ia for general information but Air Lines Diane 35 miles north arson attempts had been report run from Stewart up the Bear River for 18 miles but it didn't run long or very energetically after its inauguration in 1911. Premier Border .02y2 AN NATIVES of Edmonton Wednesday night. restoring original truce lines on the Negev front of southern ed Tuesday. Waste was then set ing up today's regular flights of Line officials said the ship was Privateer -12 Reeves McDonald 2.75 on rire outside a co-operative store, tar paper on the outside Canadian Pacific Air Lines between Vancouver and prince SIA South Africa's However, it did show more Britain and China Introduced Reno -"Va was was ignited ignuea and ana an an attempt RuDert. The flight from Van bound for Anchorage, Alaska with cargo 'for Tokyo and had cleared the Edmonton control That was the last con vitality than Its' parent company, the Canadian Northeast-1 of a church under construction , ine resolution reiUluu"" yesterday ori' with aDDroval of Canada. ! government may be to remove native rep's from the SofJth couver left there this morning the to set a warehouse on made others concentrate on the historical side. All will go to great' lengths to obtain Information or Interesting objects ' about railroading. . One railroad hobbyist who em Railway which was projected by Mackenzie and' Mann but came no further than Port Hardy and was still there this 'late as well as from Alexandre Parodl of France said he saw no reason why fire. tact with the ship. Residents of the area said they had seen ii rrash and burst into flames. afternoon awaiting an abate of Assembly, cabinet indicate. Even if they to run from Stewart to the Peace River country. 'Unfor Article 41, calling for sanctions, Salmon Gold 10 Shep Creek l-38 Taylor Bridge -33 Taku River - -32 Vananda -39 Congress -03 Pacific Eastern -07 Spud Valley .. -06 Central Zeballos 01 Sllbak Premier -30 ment of the gale at Sandspit, MORE NAZIS should be specifically included M to remain in the RpsniR crews were sent to the died recently left a collection before continuing north. This srpni. and extricated two bodies of items on which he placed a those of pilot and flight mech ARE HANGED minimum value of $5,000. It was THE WEATHER anic, and three burned men. the product of 40 years' collect afternoon's flight from here was being held at the local airport until the wind died down at Sandspit to make it possible to land there. There will be no flight .in from Sandspit today. ing. Mr. MacKenzie has been at tunately, blueprints do not carry freight and passengers. The Involvements, geographical and financial, of other Canadian railways are an open book to Mr. MacKenzie and, like most hobbyists, he enjoys telling about them. "Railroading" as a hobby Is comparable to stamp collect ate, they will not e on confidence votei, inlster J. O. Strydqm fty meeting. y Eovemment spokes-mentioned abolishing Presentation only In ' of Assembly. Synopsis An active storm was about Oils it for only 10 years but he 300 miles west of the wueeu figures his collection Is worth CANADA TO rhnrinttps this morning ana about $500. Executions of War Criminals Proceed In Spite of Church Protests MUNICH H Nine more Germans, convicted of war atrocities, were hanged today as the United States Army went ahead was moving rapidly eastwards. A. P. Con Calmont 52 C. & E I 6 00 Foothills i 4 00 Home 10 65 Toronto ENTER PACT- The local Canso returned at 10 o'clock this morning from Sandspit, completing the connection with yesterday's plane from Vancouver which had The storm Is expected to move across the province ,by Saturday MUSTS AND Mis most cherished item is a railway pass issued to his grandfather, a former Member of Parliament from . Nanalmo, to go from his home to Donald, B.C., in 1894. ing or other such pastimes, he feels. "In my case, it's information. Any time I can get unusual or night. Gale force winds are expected to accompany the pas with the executions in spite of been delayed in coming north due to making of mechanical church protests. This brings the PS CLASH , little-known facts, current or sage of this storm across mc coastal sections of the province. total of executions since Octo repairs. ber 15 to twenty-nine. rGART, a, United OTTAWA 0i Canada is ready to start negotiating a "regional treaty for collective security," External Affairs Minister L. B. Pearson announced yesterday prior to his departure today for Paris to take over leadership of the Canadian legation at the United Nations. Mr. Pearson's announcement mpRns . t.hat the Dominion is Quesnel Plywood :f)0DS anri r;,,.., i . "Wd OllVmint.a iicn tnnr Plant Commencing IS CRITICAL Athona 12 Aumaque 06 Beattle .". - . -58 Bevcourt -24 Bobjo -10 Buffalo Canadian 0SlA Consol. Smelters 122 25 Conwest - 110 Donalda -62 Eldona 102 East Sullivan 3.20 r Giant Yellowknlfe ..... 5.05 God's Lake -2 Hardrock v 25 Harrlcana ' -07 " to 4,000 demon marched down Kt.nt.r. OUESNEL A start is to be Forecast Queen Charlottes and North Coast Southern Section Cloudy, becoming overcast this afternoon and cloudy by Saturday afternoon, clearing Saturday evening. Light rain beginning late this afternoon, becoming showery Saturday af-tprnnon. Winds light, increas OF BALKANS "lain Strppt. ThnroHou made on excavating and filling here for the $250,000 plywood r wop windows. prepared to enter into a mili Paris oi Minister of Trans Lionel Chevrler today tary alliance with the unueu States and five nations of Eur processing plant to be bunt Dy the Western Plywood Co. Ltd. Work Is to begin Immediately. charced Yugoslavia, Bulgaria Sns JVOIT and Albania with an "uneasy ope's western union to form a lona-awaited North Atlantic HASCtiETiALL CITY LEAGUES 1948-49 OPENING SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6 6:30 Junior North Star v. High School 7:30 Intermediate - ' Merchants vs. Fashion 8:45 Senior-BO-ME-HI vs. CO-OP 1 0:00 Women Peoples vs. Doms SHRINE CLUB BAND TICKETS: RESERVED 35d RUSH 25c STUDENTS 15c NOW ON SALE ing to southeast (25 mph) this afternoon and to southeast (40 concerning Greece The Misses Mary and Jean Heva - . lOVi ..ui. muirinir "strnnff ana nmh tmifirVir.. Shifting tO defensive union. McCUntock arrived on last Hosco ,-20 al.U Wili. I ' D a 111 1 1 ' determined efforts" to main- j southwest (15 mph) Saturday night's train from Toronto to Jacknlfe .04 Peru, 0.The mnrnlnii. Little change m tain a tense international situ govern- ioln the nursing staff ot tne swrriav ,,i,,j i i tpmnerature. Lows tonight and Prince Rupert,' General Hospital. BY-ELECTION IS CALLED OFF W Its flt.f- ...... ... highs Saturday At Port Hardy -n-uiru micr an f nSon revoltod at Are. ' as the second major ation there. v Mr. Chevrler was speaking in support of a resolution by the United Kingdom, United States, France and China to extend the life of the United Nations special commission on Greece. TORONTO ft The Ontario povprnment yesterday fixed LOCAL TIDES Saturday, October' 30, 1948 a month in Peru k'ent Jose l.uiii rihi.q. December 6 as the date for a hv-eipction In Parry Sound Hive; 42 and 50. Northern Section Overcast with rain today, becoming cloudy with showers Saturday morning and clearing Saturday afternoon and evening. Winds southeast, (50 mph) exposed ureas shlftine to southwest (30 High 11:46 22.1 leet Low 5:36 - 4.5 feet rs government an- , Phone 107 for Season Reservations or Season; ,C1 that Rrirfl. , Jollct Quebec 50 Lake Rowan .... 061 Lapaska , -05 Little Long Lac .12 .Lynx. : .08 Madsen Red Lake 2 40 McKenzie Red Lake .... .35 McLeod Cockshutt .... 83 Moneta 33 Negus 2.16 . Noranda 53.50 ' Louvicourt 54 Regcourt ' 06 Pickle Crow 2.00 San Antonio 3.70 18:10 3.1 feet constituency and then called it nff whpn it was learned that cnuitl 1V1UI1UUI "WlmanHn,, - it... , Tickets, $7.5(f (Approx. 40 City League uames; Reservations Not Held After 8:45 on Game Nights r" and i ....... . ' munlciDal elections would be nwh) late this afternoon. Little had Punched the NOTICE SATURDAY NIGHT will be recogniied officially for the observance of Hallowe'en. NORA E. ARNOLD, (256) Mayor' change In temperature. Lows tnnitrht and highs Saturday Senator Rouyn 52 Sherrlt Gordon 2.27 Steep Rock 1-65 Silver Miller -36 Sturgeon River 15 Holders of Season Reservations Given First Chance on Same Seats for All Exhibition Games and B.C. Finals. Snld H time held in that area in the same day. Date for the voting for the replacement of Charles Cragg, Progressive - Conservative member, who died, will be reconsidered. , At Massett and Prince Rupert necessary measures to ine subversive move- 36 and 48.